35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi everyone...

First and foremost, Titi - my heart goes out to you... I am sure that no one can imagine your heartache and I am so, so sorry... may you heal in your own time & have peace. :cry:
Rebekah - Happy Belated Birthday! Hope all is well & you enjoyed your weekend!

Chris #1 - Good luck & kick some boo-tay on those exams, girl!!!! You can do it! You have a great little motivator in there with ya! It WILL be over soon... :thumbup:

Chris #2 - Girl! Did you SEE my big ol butt in that picture?? (lol, like you could miss it!) Bet you look fab!!! So get DH to take that pic!

Anna, June, Steph, Code, and anyone else I can't remember at the moment!
morning ladies!

wow lots of chatter.

Happy Auntie good to see you,how are you? All the newbies how are you doing this am?

Lynnb,i see that your first scan is coming up soon. So exciting!

ma, gad your fur baby isn't hurt too badly. Also Happy Birthday!! I wish we had known yesterday. Good news for your friend, I hope there is no rejection. I am sorry you feel crappy. I know what you mean about meat. I think I could have been a vegetarian this whole pregnancy. Just remember to get protein in some way,it's crucial for baby development. How about protein shakes??? I hope you had an awesome birthday!!

Sunshine, i'll post a bump picture if you will. Actually i've been trying.

to anyone out there with more compuuter knowledge . . . . Picture I took off my phone dosen't have a URL address, but that's what babyandbump requests. Any ideas. I'm using windows on my home computer and the photos aren't given a URL. Help!!!

Austin, how are you?

Junebug, sounds like the cutting back in BFing should help with ov. I'm currently reading the baby book by dr. Sears and his wife. It's quite interesting. Lots of info re: BFing and effects on OV. If anyone has BF questions I highly recommend it. However, it is VERY pro BF so be warned.

Svet / chris #1, good luck on those exams you sound so stressed!!! My fingers are crossed that you guessed right on the first exam and the second will b a breeze. Good luck girl! You are a very smart woman, you can do this!!

AFM, nothing new to tell. Little girl is kicking up a storm espically between 9pm and midnight. Quick question. I ran out of folic acid supplements the other day and haven't replaced them. Still taking pre-natal (which has folic acid), DHA, and B complex, but does anyone know if I need to continue the high dosage of folic acid at this stage of the pregnancy?

I'm out making snowballs, yep you guessed it,snowing again!! UGH!!! Anna
Anna - I took the pic w/ my phone & then emailed it to myself... saved the pic on my desktop computer and then followed MA's instructions to Steph, below. Worked like a charm. :) Next time I will re-size & try to make pic smaller.. lol...

Hi Ladies,

I have been trying to post an image of katelyn, however I don't know how to do it :-(...any help would be much appreciated.


Go to photobucket.com and sign up for a free account if you don't already have one. Upload the photos from your computer. You can edit to resize the photo for proper sizing to post here. Then you add the "direct link" by putting your curser on "direct link" and it will automatically copy.

Come here to a post....click on the icon that looks like a picture with mountains on it. It will ask for the URL. Paste the URL and submit reply. You should see the picture. :winkwink::thumbup::flower:

Can't WAIT to see the baby.:cloud9::happydance::hugs::kiss:

And thanks for asking, I am good! So far, so good.... that's our motto for the forseeable future. :)

Also - my 2 cents on the folic acid - My perinatologist had me triple up on an extra FA supp, in addition to the prenatals, but only til Week 14... He said I could discontinue after that as spinal cord was formed. Based on his advice, I would say you are good....

SNOWING!!!! Are you KIDDING??? jeez... we hit close to 100 here this past weekend... I am NOT looking forward to summertime...

AFM - I am breaking down and getting the disability/handicap parking card my ob prescribed... I really hate to do it.. seems not right.... BUT, in the heat, the hardest part of coming to work is the walk into the building, soo....

Also, all of my fabric is purchased for nursery bedding... THIS weekend, I will begin cutting and sewing. I had a devil of a time finding what I wanted, but think it will all work out... Wish me luck! I will need it!
How am I doing? Meh, at best. Started anti-depressants today - thank God for pharmaceuticals, right?! :haha: In the last two years, we've lost two babies, our 14yo cat, my favorite aunt, found out it's some sort of miracle we ever got pregnant without help once (let alone twice - then some sort of cruel joke that we lost those two), we've moved cross-country 1200 miles away from all our family, and now DH is having a major crisis of faith and I feel like I've lost my anchor completely. I've been in pretty intense counseling for two or three months now and it's helped a lot but not enough. So we added the drugs. We'll see how it goes....

As for ttc, we're still on a break because I had to have another test done at the start of this cycle due to some irregular bleeding I was having (turned out to be probably just a side-effect of the injectables). We may start back after my next AF, or we may wait another month - haven't decided yet. I am SO enjoying the break - no OPKs, no POAS, no calendar, no progesterone (no mess!!) - it's been very refreshing. My parents are visiting in two weeks, so that's why we may take another month off - I really don't want to have to be at the dr getting bloods and ultrasounds done every other day while they're here - I'd rather have my time free to do fun sightseeing stuff with them. So again, we'll see how it goes... story of my life, apparently!

Thanks for asking. I'll go back to lurking now.... :coffee: But I'm always here following everyone's progress! :flower:
Charmain, I don't know about your badunkadunk as your all little tiny things in here, but I DO want your booby size! (though mine aren't too bad right now) :rofl: :haha:

Anna, yes, I'm trying to get my protein in. I've been eating veggies with hummus, trying to have apples with peanut butter and I'm working on the protein shakes.

Junebug, I too bet that cutting back on the bf'ing will help. We miss you loads here. :hugs:

HA, sorry about all the hoops you've had to go through but am praying once you start again that you'll achieve that pregnancy and keep to term. I'm sure this has been such a hard journey and I'd like to see you get your Victory MUCH sooner. :hugs:

AFM: I've been completely miserable the past two days. I think this week I'm noticing the hormones causing some ups n downs as I'm hard to live with this week. Add the painful swelling from the injection and I'm having a tough time sitting and even finding a position to lay in for a long period of time. I haven't had sleep in two days so I'm MOODY! :wacko: I'd take it as far as to say it's a worse mood than the injectables ttc.

Hopefully after a nap I'll have a better attitude as I have many blessings to count! :thumbup:

Good day ladies! :hug:
Anna, you're good now just with the multi-vits, no need to take extra folic acid. Zoë too was a night owl :)

I love the Dr. Sears Baby Book. We did the co-sleeping, baby-wearing, BF'ing, cloth diapers, organic foods etc... so it was right up my alley :) I also have his Fussy Baby Book as Zoëlle was NOT an easy newborn and only started sleeping on surfaces other than me after 5 months of age :dohh:
Good morning ladies :flower:

Chris #1 - how'd your 2nd exam go? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get good news tomorrow! :hugs:

Dear Lord, Anna - STILL snowing?? You poor thing! If I were you, I'd think about high-tailing it down to Charmaine's neck of the woods. (100 degrees - girl, I am SO jealous!)

Hiya, Happy Auntie! So good to hear from you! I'm really sorry about all you've been going through (totally with ya on the "thank God for pharmaceuticals" thing... I'm a big believer myself!) I'm sure you've heard this many times, but there are just so many stories out there about women conceiving while they were on a break from it all. You're in my prayers to join the sucess stories! :hug:

MA - sorry you've hit a rough patch. And the lack of sleep certainly doesn't help matters any. My own sleep patterns have been regressing back to my first trimester, and I haven't really been sleeping much either - so I feel for you, my friend. Wishing you lots of :sleep: in the next few days.

Angela, Charmaine, Junebug, Terri, and Viv - Hi gals!

Not much going on with me. I got into the office at 5:30 this morning so I could get out early - it's supposed to hit 80 degress today, so the DH and I are going for a little motorcycle ride. While I still fit on it... :dohh: Hopefully that'll improve my mood a little. Ever since I took a good look at myself in the mirror the other day, I've been in a funk. Stupid, I know, but that's just the way it is. :nope: Ahh, well... hopefully the fresh air and sunshine will help improve things a bit. Of course, fresh air, sunshine, and a beer would improve things a LOT, but I guess two outta three ain't bad... :haha:

Still bummed, too, about not feeling any baby movement yet. I'm 21 weeks along - I would've thought I'd have at least felt SOMETHING by now. :shrug: But so far - nada. Not even a little flutter. :nope: Once I thought I might have felt something, and wondered if it was her or if it was gas. Turned out it was gas... :dohh: :blush:

At least I was by myself and didn't make a big deal about it when I felt it - how mortifying would THAT have been?? :haha:

Hope everyone has a great day! :kiss:
Hi all! HAPPY THURSDAY TO YA! Big news around here -- IT's RAINING!!! Thank you, Mother Nature! We have been in a pretty severe drought and the heat sure doesn't help things... Man, I sure feel for those folks on the Delta, tho with the flooding...

Sunshine - Enjoy your ride!! If you feel a hankering for a brew, I bought some O'Douls last week and it wasn't too bad... the carbonation gave me gas, but it felt better to sip something besides water out by the pool when everyone else was.. lol...
Also, I still have felt no movement that I recognize either... it will come... we just have to wait a bit longer, I guess...

Rebakah - Sorry you have been feeling icky! The sleep issue just plain ol' sucks... I feel good if I get 5 hours right now.... Tip on the protein shakes (I've been stocking up): The "costco" brand are not too awful tasting and they have 30g each! Case costs about $25... I am *trying* to have 2-3 a day... I am big carnivore, so luckily no issues there for me... don't know how you girls do it with a horrid meat aversion... that must be very hard! And fyi - told DH last night that I ready to slice off my BOOBS... they are so flippin' heavy.... I truly dread after the babies come & milk comes in...

You have asked about bfing for me... Honestly, I will likely end up pumping, as babies will most likely be in NICU (like Steph has been doing)... I will definitely try to bf/pump combo, alternating which baby gets the bottle... but if it is an issue, I have no problems supplementing with formula... Growth is my main concern and if they need more calories, then that is what we'll do. I also am concerned about others helping us out & if they are bottle-fed, it will be much easier... At least, those are my thoughts for now....

Getting excited... received 2 of our shower invites in the mail yesterday! Yay!

Sat in my car on the way to office this morning and realized, wow, 20 weeks... I am now "officially 5 months prego"... Honestly, I feared this would never happen... Had our 20 wk anatomy scan yesterday and all 3 girls look great! My peri very pleased with the way things are going and just said, "keep on doing, whatever you're doing." :) I am a bit concerned that my cervix is at 3.7 (US tech said it was 5 two wks ago), but I keep being assured that is well within normal range...

a great day to all of you!
Chris I had an anterior placenta and started feeling Zoë regularly starting at around 23 weeks. It shouldn't be long now!!!
happy Thursday all!!

austin, snowing again today, but i'm over whining about it, it's common for us. Although our snow pack is 147% of normal, so we've had our share this year. Glad you have some relief from the drought. Also congrads on the anatomy scan!! So happy all the girls are doing well. As for the handi cap parking sticker . . . I saw a woman get out of her car yesterday after she parked in a handi cap space and all she had was a knee brace. No limp,no nothin. So I think triplets way trumps that in the parking cosmos. Good luck with the sewing projects! I am impressed.

HA, I am glad you are lurking, but very sad that you are having such a tough time of late. I hope the meds help. As for DH, that's a tough one. My thoughts are with you and all the hugs I can muster through the post.

ma, how's the mood today? It's the wort to know you're being difficult but have no control over it. I have been a handful lately, so much so my acupuncturist says she has some herbs that are totally safe but would help calm me down. I am glad you have been getting in the protein. Hope today is better for you!!

Junebug, thanks for the folic acid info. From what I googled that's what I thougt too, but never hurts to ask. I just hated poping all those pills. As for the sears baby book. I do find it very informative. I'm on board with most of what they say but also differ in some ways. I can't believe Zoe would only sleep on you for so long, but it's sweet and she's such a happy child. I am planning on making own baby food and going organic. My concern about the book is that they make it sound as if you don't breast feed your on the way to hell and the most terrible parent ever. For some people BFing just dosen't work out and I felt that the health of the baby wasn't stressed enough. Anyway, sorry for the rant. I am now onto weaning chapters.

Sunshine, I know it's hard when your body changes. You are an avid exerciser like I am and I think it's a double whammy when that goes too. I haven't felt that motivated to get out like I used to to hike and exercise. So on top of feeling big, i'm not exercising like I used to which makes me feel huge!! I keep telling myself that as long as I eat healthful then all is good and the weight gain won't be too fearce. I forgot to ask at last appt how much i've gained, but i'm pretty sure i'vve been packing on the lbs lately. Just stay healthy. Wow I am on a rant today. As for the moto ride, sounds awesome! I hope it was fun and just what you girls needed.

Chris #1, how were the exams? Is today exam #2? Best of luck!!

AFM, is anyone else suffering from headaches lately? Today is day two. Could be the weather but I hate it! Good news, headed out of town this weekend again to get some warm weather. Forgive my preacy attitude this am. Soap box central. Have a good thursday!!

xxx anna
Hi Anna, I agree RE: breast feeding in that book! I know women who desperately tried and it didn't work out for various reasons and they're made to feel guilty, which is really not fair...

RE: weight gain: I gained 38 lbs and am tiny (5'1") so that was excessive... I'm still struggling to lose the last 5 lbs and Z is going to be a year old! The next time around I will be more careful, although with the severe nausea it was really hard... I still haven't resumed my normal physical activity, more because I've been working full time with a baby at home so I'm having a hard time fitting everything into my schedule. I've started Jillian's 30 Day Shred 3 days ago (tonight will be night #3) which I hope is doable as it's only 26 minutes total per day... I'm also joining a running club to recondition myself, that starts on May 26th! Excited!!!
Hi, well baby arrived yesterday at 11.50 am, 8 pounds 4, called Matilda. Very tired so just going to post a pic, and hope to catch up on the news soon.

Maria :thumbup:
photo (4).jpg
Hi ladies :hi:

I got sleep. Yup, I am well rested! Last night I decided I was in way too much pain and needed tylenol. It cut the pain in half and I fell asleep and woke up an angel. :haha:

So I'm feeling much better thank you all! :hugs:

Charmaine, thanks for the info on the protein shakes. I'm actually going to have to buy more this weekend as I'm running out. I was wondering which type would taste good as I'm not thrilled with this kind. I also had doug grab me a couple protein bars at the store today.

I'm almost positive this protein issue is why my sugars are higher, though second trimester ALWAYS goes outa synch with baby. Tomorrow is my gender scan and cervical length scan :happydance: then I have an appointment with the Dr. I'm sure she's going to mess with the carb sensitivity ratio on my insulin pump but I'm going to let her know about the food aversion issue with protein. Who knows, maybe she'll end up prescribing something for us to better meet those standards.

Doug bought lunch today and I had a burrito bowl (low carb) and decided I HAD to eat meat so ordered meat with it. I've been absolutely ill ever since! I think I'm going to have to start supplementing MORE with the protein shakes and bars if they are safe. The fact that I'm not getting enough protein to keep my sugars down is concerning for me. It's nothing that can't be changed, but seeing the numbers this week have me in a slight panic because I want to keep them under as much control as I can.

So today has been a lovely day and my attitude has changed all because I slept without PAIN.

Tomorrow is my next injection on the right side again. My prayer is that the left side heals before the pain starts on the right side again. :wacko: :haha:

Charmaine, I laughed at your booby comment. Haha I feel big, I can't imagine how yours are with three little ones. It's so unique how God made our bodies to know when to produce milk and how much milk to produce.

Okay, now I'm going to get a bit weird here. I hope nobody thinks I'm disgusting but has anyone ever tried the breastmilk before? :rofl: It sounds SO SILLY to ask but hey! :shrug: Our kids are eating the stuff. I was joking around with Doug and told him it was manditory for him to try and he gave me a disgusted look on his face. I'm thinking, "if it's good enough for our kids"! I also had him going saying it would be cheaper to have my milk than buy it for 3.00 a gallon at the store. He can have MY milk with his cookies.(expressed milk of course :winkwink: ) :rofl: :haha: So in my head, I'm wondering how many have actually tried their own breastmilk. I hope I'm not sounding like an odd sort. :haha:
Hi everyone! :hi:

Lucy - congratulations!! Matilda's a doll! LOVE the chubby little cheeks! :cloud9: Rest up and please tell us how you're all doing when you feel up to it. :)

Austin, don't feel bad about the handicapped permit - as Anna noted, there are lots of people that use them for lesser reasons. And you really shouldn't be exerting yourself in that kind of heat. Take advantage of it while you have it!

And I'm surprised you haven't felt any movement yet, either - especially with three in there! They're probably all kicking at each other. :haha: I can hear it now... "Mommm! She's got her hand on my placenta! Make her stop!" :)

I haven't tried the O'Doules yet - I'll have to look at the calories on it first. At least the diet coke won't add to the daily intake. But it does have caffeine, so I have to be careful in that regard. Maybe switch them up so I don't get too much of either.

Junebug - 23 weeks, huh? Okay. I'll try to be patient... (not one of my strong suits, obviously) :blush:

MA, I'm glad you're feeling better. Good luck at your scan today! Can't wait to hear which team you're on! And as far as trying breast milk, I don't think I could do it. Yes, I know our kids drink it and it's healthy and all that, but there's too much of an ick factor for me. I can't even stand regular milk - I think the human variety would just put me over the edge. :sick:

Anna, at least you're getting some exercise in - that's awesome! I haven't broken a sweat in almost three weeks! :dohh: I can usually muster up the energy about once a week, but at that point why bother... :nope:

AFM - we went for a ride yesterday and had to cut it short after about an hour. Even though the stupid weather people said no rain until today, it started spitting on us about 1/2 hour after we set out. Stupid weather people. :growlmad: I think I chose the wrong career path - I want a job that I can continually screw up week after week and still collect a nice paycheck! Austin, you're a lawyer - you think I can sue my old high school guidance counselor? I dunno, sounds like it might be worth a shot... :winkwink:

Happy Friday the 13th! :flower:
OMG Lucy what a cutie!!! Congrats, hope you're all doing great!!!

MA yes I did try my breast milk and no I don't think it's gross. It's really very sweet compared to cow's milk. DH tried it too. It explains why Zoë was grossed out by veggies and anything that wasn't sweet when we started weaning. She would only eat fruit for about 1 month! So glad you got some sleep! Definitely don't eat what your body tells you not to eat... Can you eat hummus, fish, beans and nuts? Those are excellent sources of protein too. I had a red meat aversion my entire pregnancy and have still not resumed eating it much!

LOL Chris on suing your high school guidance counsellor! Weather predictions are very often wrong here too...

AFM: the subway had a major power outage this morning on my way in to work, I ended up walking 30 minutes. Didn't realize it was so warm, I was stripping layers while walking :wacko: I think it's actually over 15'C, which is sooooo nice (did a Google search for you US ladies, that's 59'F :thumbup:). I'm wearing nylons, wool pants, a T-shirt and a wool sweater. Was sweating by the time I got to rounds 25 minutes late :dohh: Will definitely check weather forcast from now on just in case it turns out right :thumbup:

Hope everyone is feeling great! Oh, my boobs are back down to D's now from my fulltime nursing G's, can fit in some of my pre-pregnancy bras! It's like rediscovering old friends :winkwink:
happy friday the 13th! I was born on a 13 so I think their lucky!

Lucy / maria, congads!! How cute is she,all that dark hair! LOVE the name. So glad you are both healthy and happy.

Junebug, glad you agree with me and the book on BFing. I too know some moms that were really devastated when BFing didn't work. There seems a stigma that it means they didn't try hard enough. Not true. As far as exercise, i'm just terrified of getting huge. I'm 5'8" so 35 lbs would be ok, but i'm hoping to keep in around the 30 mark. Your running club sounds awesome!! I hope to get back into running after baby. I have been a runner in the past done one marathon, a few halfs and I enjoy triathalons ( or at least training for them, I hate race day). I bought my car seat and now am having trouble finding an affordable good jogger to use with it. I have found three that would work but they are all around $500 bucks!! Good luck with jilian michaels workout, the 26 minuets sounds great. I did p90x, and it was so hard because by the time you did the ab workout it was an hour and a half commitment! Too hard.

MA, how was the scan today?? Today is day three of headaches and I too have been taking tylenol, I am not good at suffering in silence. As for breast milk LOL!! I have actually had this conversation! One of my employees who is a sweet as pie 20 year old guy said he would want to try his wife's breast milk. I looked at him with a look of total disgust! Then told DH the story that night and he didn't seem that disgusted. I was watching Pregnant in Heels the other night and this woman on there said it tasted like Hagan Daz (sp). So yes from what I've heard and read it is much sweeter than regular old milk. Plus there is this stuff called hind milk. Apparently there are different types of milk you produse. When baby starts feeding it's much more liquid and thinner then at end of feeding this hind milk kind of finishes off the meal and it's much thicker and full of more fats and calories. More than you could ever want to know is in the Baby Book by Dr. Sears. So I think it's an individual thing. For me it grosses me out, but for many others,no big deal, we will not judge.

Sunshine, I have tried all the non alcoholic beers out there! For me camping and beer just go hand in hand. For my taste the best are becks, coors and St.Paulie Girl. I have not seen a light non alcoholic ber, maybe ther's a need. I wish they made a non alcoholic vodka. I miss vodka tonics!!! Such a summer treat!! Sorry your ride got cut short!! Bumber. You should move to colorado, the weather changes every 5 minuets, so you'd never be wrong!! Forecast rain, yep it will probably rain someplace, snow? Yep that too, up high, sunshine,almost always a given at some point in the day!! You'd be set!!

AFM, it' sunny and i'm so happy!! Headed out west for more camping this weekend,hope to get some hikes in too! Baby needs some exercise, makes her happy, and mom too. Have a good weekend!! Anna ps. Anyone watching idol? I can't believe James got voted off!!!
Hi Ladies!

Came back from our scan and Dr. appointment. Good news is baby is doing well! The head measurements were good, and all the other organs and such were on target. We're scheduled for an echocardiogram for the baby which is a common thing to do with babies of Diabetic mommies but as far as she could tell the baby's heart was doing fine. They just couldn't see all of it because of the way the baby was positioned.

My cervical length went down YET again to 32 with slight funneling this time which ISN'T a good sign. :wacko: I almost landed in the hospital today to keep an eye on it, but the Dr. said "A normal closed cervical length is a good indicator of a normal positive outcome." Meaning it's at 32 right now and it won't be ABNORMAL until it gets to 25 before they'll actually follow through with a cerclage stitch.

So I'm going in WEEKLY now for internal scans of the cervical length to watch but I'm NOT HAPPY! In fact, if I lose this baby because of them, I'm out for blood! I already lost one under their practice and the Dr. I actually like is under her peers who are the ones that dictate the time of cerclaging and they refuse to do preventative unless they see an actual problem.

I DID find out the gender though. This is all so bitter-sweet for me. I want to shout it to the world what we're having and yet...I'm afriad of losing this one now too.:cry: It's just a waiting game and while I have more intervention than I had with our son Jackson jeffrey, The Dr.'s in this state take a conservative approach to stitching the cervix because they're aren't sure what causes what...if Incompetant cervix causes Preterm Labor or vise versa. :wacko: They'd rather take the more conservative and less invasive approach.

So on with the gender:

I hope the pic isn't too big as I'm still having issues with photobucket re-sizing.


It's a :pink: :happydance: Her name will be Amelia Carolynn. Will you all keep us in your thoughts and prayers that Amelia will be born healthy at her due date either the last week of Sept. or 1st week of October?! We can use all the prayer we can get.:thumbup::cry:
MA, I'm sorry it wasn't all good news but I'm so happy for the health of your little one. Beautiful name too.

I'll be keeping you in my thoughts :flower:


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