35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Rebekah - First of all, CONGRATS!!! We are definitely having a run on little girls here, aren't we?? :)

You are so much more knowledgable than I on this topic, but in hopes to reassure you, my perinatologist said the same thing. "Not a worry til you get under 2.5".... I have also been told that the peri that any reading before 18 weeks (is that where you are?) isn't wholly accurate... 3.2 is still good, friend!!

As far as change at this point (and I think you are a week or two behind me, right?), my last measurement was 5 cm and when I went in this week (20 weeks) I had changed to 3.7 ... and my peri said that was great.

I am very glad you are getting the reassurance of weekly scans now, too. Big hugs to you!!! And I agree, Amelia is a beautiful name!!!
Rebekah - First of all, CONGRATS!!! We are definitely having a run on little girls here, aren't we?? :)

You are so much more knowledgable than I on this topic, but in hopes to reassure you, my perinatologist said the same thing. "Not a worry til you get under 2.5".... I have also been told that the peri that any reading before 18 weeks (is that where you are?) isn't wholly accurate... 3.2 is still good, friend!!

As far as change at this point (and I think you are a week or two behind me, right?), my last measurement was 5 cm and when I went in this week (20 weeks) I had changed to 3.7 ... and my peri said that was great.

I am very glad you are getting the reassurance of weekly scans now, too. Big hugs to you!!! And I agree, Amelia is a beautiful name!!!

Thanks Charmaine:hugs::kiss::flower: I haven't heard that any reading 18wks or before is inaccurate. It will bring a breathe of fresh air if its better next week. I think the issue that scares me more is the funneling right now. :wacko: I'm hoping that too is inaccurate and it was just a contraction that happened because I just emptied my bladder for the test. Next Wed. will tell. I'm 19wks on Sunday. I just need to get past viability and I'd LOVE to get to full term. The further along the better it is for baby.

I think my parents added to my over-emotional state. They just called. Instead of asking how I'm doing or if we knew the gender they told me the landscape guy never showed to do their lawn that we paid for in order that Doug and I wouldnt have to do their lawn while I'm pregnant since we live over an hour away. At any rate, they demanded I call the guy and find out or threatened that mom would do the lawn. Which won't hurt her if she's that in a hurry to do it. In my opinion we did a kind gesture for my dad seeing as though we paid 400.00 for the season (I'll talk to the guy but he has two more days even though it'll be kinda rainy). My dad is SO selfish and only thinks of himself and mom mom...well, I accept them both for who they are but support has never been something they've been good at. In fact, it's why I hired a doula. For the motherly support I don't get.

Anyways, I've decided we're going shopping for a couple little girl outfits tomorrow. I need to get past this fear and find some joy. Amelia is THRIVING and doing well, we're getting more help than we did with Jackson and God-willing, she'll be here safely come fall!:happydance:

Love to you!:hugs::flower:
Good morning ladies!

I hope everyone is doing well!! I am so sorry I've been offline for so long. I'm lurking and reading when I can (and I saw Titi's terrible news, which just breaks my heart) :-(( but haven't been able to post much. We're getting into a good routine with Ethan, but he's keeping me super busy LOL!

I will post a better update shortly, and I really want to catch up on everyone's news, but in the meantime wanted to share his Easter photos. the bunny ears were made by one of my best friends and she made me promise a photo with them LOL! Hope you enjoy and hope everyone and every baby is feeling well!!

Hugs and love from me and from Ethan!


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Good morning ladies!

I hope everyone is doing well!! I am so sorry I've been offline for so long. I'm lurking and reading when I can (and I saw Titi's terrible news, which just breaks my heart) :-(( but haven't been able to post much. We're getting into a good routine with Ethan, but he's keeping me super busy LOL!

I will post a better update shortly, and I really want to catch up on everyone's news, but in the meantime wanted to share his Easter photos. the bunny ears were made by one of my best friends and she made me promise a photo with them LOL! Hope you enjoy and hope everyone and every baby is feeling well!!

Hugs and love from me and from Ethan!

Okay, this may sound REALLY icky but " I could just eat him up he's SO darn cute"! Oh my goodness how I could SQUEEZE these little babies that just keep coming on our board!! Ugh! My cup runneth over with JOY:happydance::cloud9:
Lol not at all Rebekah! I too think he is edible cute lol! His little legs are getting so chunky and adorable. He is also starting to smile and laugh and that I could juat sit and watch forever! Hugs to you guys! And I see you are having a little girl! YAY!!!
ma, congrads on team pink!! I know how worried you are, but I agree with your attitude, she is thriving! I love the name!! She's also doing so well, take it day by day and don't stress yourself out if you can help it. Sounds hard given the parent situation, i'm sorry. I've already decided to call my parents after the baby is born. They stress me out so much their the last thing I want around while in labor.

rottpaw!!! How cute is he! Love the ears. We know your busy, but so glad to hear from you.

AFM, cmaping now,sunny and beautiful. Got sunburned this morning so sitting in the shade after a 3 hr nap!! So indulgent, but it's so quiet. DH is cleaning the camper, I think he's nesting. LOL

happy saturday! Anna
Anna, I'm with you on that. The only one's I want around are Doug and the Doula. I chose the doula for many reasons. One was so that she advocates for my wishes when I can't. They want to intervene so much with things I don't want and the things I DO they could care less about. :wacko: She'll also help with pressure massages and the main thing is that I can't have my mother with me during labor. She's all in it to laugh and make me pay so to speak. I need a mother figure willing to actually support me with compassion. So we plan to call afterwards as well! :thumbup:

Today we went to pay on the nursery layaway at babies r us and I decided to buy a couple outfits. I wanted to be prepared with all this stuff going on so I decided to buy a couple preemie outfits and will look tonight for a micropreemie outfit just in case. In all likelihood I may never need them, but I don't want to be unprepared. When Jackson was born they had nothing to put him in so they shoved him in a large size hankerchief. I was PISSED! As a mother, you don't prepare for these things to happen so I was caught unprepared and I felt like the worst mommy every not have the very basics for him. Luckily our friend ran out to buy a preemie outfit, though it didn't fit him. I'm not planning for Amelia to pass away. I believe God has His hands in this, but I DO want to be prepared. If we don't need them, then I can give them to someone who DOES, but I won't allow my child to be shoved in a hankerchief. His legs were WAY to long and the kid was still alive for crying out loud!

I'll start buying some cutesie infant clothes closer to the 28wk mark. But I just had to buy "something" to be prepared just in case. :thumbup:

Edited to say that I just bought the cutest little micropreemie outfit I hope to never use! :lol: Like I said, I don't want to be unprepared like last time so I could care less if I have something "extra" on hand to give away. At any rate, I felt it was the cutest and most realistic item to buy for our sweet Amelia IF she even needs it. Angel Wrap Sleeper Set
Hey Girls,
I'm a little scared to move over here yet but I just found out that I'm pregnant after an IVF treatment . :) I want to to lurk between here and the 35+ TTC No1 thread for a few weeks if you girls don't mind. I just think I need to feel a little more pregnant before I move. (Dunno how that happens Lol!)

It's great to see many familiar faces.

It was especially nice to see Ethan looking so yummy like an Easter Bunny. Angela I was going to ask you for a picture update actually so it's good that I dropped by today :)))

Austen Girl congratulations on the triplets. That's incredible. I'm glad that it's going all fine for u.

Anna congratulations on the little girl. You are already 6 months :)

Ma hopefully you will never need those micropremie outfits. xxx

I wanted to ask you girls a question. My official test date was Wednesday and my HCG level was 390. Today after 4 days it's 1551. The nurse only said it was at a good level but didn't explain how much it's suppose to rise daily. I have the highest levels of all the girls I know and kind of wonder if it could be twins. Does any of you have an idea about these results?
Hi Skye! Great to see you over here! Hcg should double every two to three days so your numbers look perfect to me! Congrats!! I am so excited for you!
:)) Great thank you Angela. Dh will b happy to hear it's normal. He almost had a heart attack when I said 'maybe it's twins' :)
Skye, Angela is right! You may be able to tell with beta numbers in the next few wks if you have twins in there. It IS possible but they're supposed to triple so it looks good. :thumbup:
My numbers were also high compared to so e others and I still had a singleton, but regardless of how many babies, they loom at the doubling rate and your numbers look perfect to me!
Hi ladies, just a quick pop-in!

MA soooo happy for you, Amelia is a beautiful name! So glad to hear you're doing well. I think you have the right attitude, take it 1 day at a time :hugs:

Angela what a cutie! Nice to see you posting again and lurk all you want, I remember how hectic it was for me to have a newborn!

Anna, hope the sunburn is better!!!

Sky, congrats!!! I had really really high HCG (suggesting multiples) but only had a singleton so you can't rely on those numbers to predict. What matters is that the number keeps increasing!

Just a note of caution RE: jogging strollers, don't remember who was mentioning them but it's quite dangerous for babies to be put in them if they are less than 12 months of age. All the jostling around can actually cause the equivalent to shaken baby syndrome due to the rupture of the very fragile blood vessels that are between the skull and the brain: some strollers say 6 months, but that is still too young. I've seen some cases of brain damage in babies placed in them and brought for a run that were between the ages of 6-12 months :-(

We just came back from visiting the 3 kids for whom we are legal guardians. Man oh man every time I leave from there I'm convinced I don't want more than one! ;-) They are 5, 3 and 1. Soooo busy!!! Zoë was so good, she slept in a playpen in our room and actually woke up at 7:45, unheard of at our house. So relieved as we had gone to bed quite late, playing Mario Party 8 until 1AM.

OK, off to bed I go now... Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
Congrats Skye! Numbers look great, imagine if it is twins!!!!:hugs:

I am in recovery, had to have ALOT of stitches, so very uncomfortable, and haven't moved bowels yet eeekkk, :wacko: any advice welcome, have taken gentle laxative and nothing, also living on about 4 hours sleep a day.......but so happy and blessed to have such a cute gorgeous little girl...:cloud9: .can't wait to see everyone else get closer to due date! :happydance:

MA, so exciting it's a girl, and lovely name! Not long to go now until V day, and then I pray time will speed up for you and you will find yourself at 39 weeks! :flower:
Lucy just looked back a few pages and your baby looks gorgeous. So pretty :) Congratulations. Did you name her yet? I hope you recover very soon. How is breast feeding going?

Hello Junebug, nice to meet you. :) Thank you for the info.

Angela and MA thank you girls. DH is more happy about that than me. Hahahahaa I don't mind the twins but it's DH that pops his eyes every time I mention it. Hahahahahahahaaha!!!! There's 2 weeks scan to know so I'll be patient. Anyway as long as I have a healthy baby I don't mind 1 or two.

Angela give a little kiss from me to Ethan's yummy cheeks. xxx
Hi Skye, we called her Matilda. :flower: Breastfeeding was very hard at first and I got sore, but now I am getting the hang of it, and there are lots of smelly nappies so she is getting lots of food. :happydance:

Here is my favourite cutest pic of her ever....
photo (6).jpg
Awesome job Lucy! She is a beauty! Hang in there; the stitches will get better soon. Did you have a section or regular delivery? I had some tears and had to have stitches, but they were the self-disoolving kind and they stopped bothering me after about 3 weeks. By six weeks they are pretty much gone. You'll feel better soon!

The no-sleep thing is tough, but it does get better. You'll find a routine that works for you guys and you'll get more than 4, if not 8 LOL.

CJ, thank you so much for the note on the strollers. That is scary, as we were just considering buying one. I was thinking it might be a smoother ride than his regular Chicco stroller. But the Chicco, while having plastic wheels, actually has a suspension system that is supposed to absorb some of the shock. However, I've wondered while walkign with that one if it's actually safe, becaues of the jostling you mention. It just seems like anytime we hit a crack in teh sidewalk or a bump on the pavement, it does bump him around some (though he's still in his padded infant carseat/carrier at this point while strolling...do you think that helps?) If not the joggers, do you know what type of stroller is recommended for just walking with the infant on the pavement? We also tried hubby carrying Ethan in the baby Bjorn while walking but that seemed a bit too jostly as well. Any advice is appreciated!

And thanks ladies for all the welcome backs! I have missed htis group so much and I hope to be back to participating more as I go along.

Hugs and love!
Hi all!!

Skye -!!! AWESOME NEWS!!! Congrats on the BFP! I am soo excited for you! On the multiples front, re: possible twins - I went back and looked at my numbers early on... At 2wks post IUI, my HCG=206... 4 days after that, my HCG=889, and one week after that, HCG=9,339.... BUT in NO way, did we consider multiples at that point! Turns out, my levels were on the low side for triplets, lol.... You are doing great!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Lucy - Little Matilda is just precious!!! Hope you are getting enough rest & sounds like bf'ing is going awesome!!!

Rottpaw - LOVE the picture!!! Adorable little guy!!

AFM - Just rockin' along! Did a lot of sewing on nursery things this weekend... Taking a bit longer than I had thought, so am glad I started early! Also - I think I felt movement this morning, but was still kind of asleep, so still not sure... :shrug:

Happy Monday!
Charmaine I am so glad you and the triplets are all well! YAY!

Anna, can't BELIEVE you are 6 months already. MAN, time is flying by!! I guess that is right though because Ethan is almost three months! Crazy! How are you feeling now that you are heading into 3rd tri?

MA, I love the name Amelia! That is awesome that you have already settled on a name. Hubby and I did not settle on Ethan's name till the day we left the hospital LOL! Poor little guy was nameless for two days! :blush:
Quick question, ladies - What week IS the viability week? I have heard 24, 25, 27.... ????

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