35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Happy Monday!!

Skye, I can not tell you how happy I am for you, ginning from ear to ear! That is such wonderful news!!! How are you feeling? So excited! Your numbers sound great!! welcome.

MA, l so hope you just look at those premie outfits and admire how cute they are, then never use them because at week 40 you will deliver one big healthy beautiful girl! I am also impressed you have a name. We were so sure it was a boy when we found out we had a girl, we had NO names even picked out!

Junebug,it was me asking about jogging strollers. Good to know. Is the shaking baby in a jogger also true if even running on pavement? I was debating on getting one right away as my due date is pretty close to when it will start to snow. So maybe we'll wait until next spring when is will be much older. And hold off on jogging with baby until a year.

Angela, was the bjorn really jostly? I have a girl friend who hiked with her new born using a sling. Do you think that would work beter?

Sunshine, hope you are well this am.
Svet, how were the exams?
vivienne, hope you are well!!!
codegirl, how are things going?
anyone I missed, a big hello.

AFM, sunburn is getting better. It was 85 degrees in the desert over the weekend. I pretended I was in mexico and the beach was just a little bit away. Anyway needed the vitamine D and feel much better today. Baby is kicking away and I am so close to the six month mark I can taste it. DH surprised me by saying he wanted to be part of the birth. Not the catcher, but there and involved, so i'm happy. Have to find a birthing class for us now! He's also embracing the idea of dady day care if I get this promotion and he's slow with work,so that's a surprise too. He just suprises me all the time.

have a good monday!! Anna
Charmaine, I can answer that since we had a preterm birth two weeks before viability. Viability (the week NICU will actually start to intervene) is week 24. You still want to get to a point MUCH later. 37wks is a good week. I've heard 36weeks is considered early and Nicu will intervene then as well. Having triplets or twins is much different. I would suspect you know a bit more but I've been told by a mommy on this board with twins that twins are expected to come earlier than singletons.

Thanks ladies. We've been trying for ten years. So the names come easy for us because we have had them for that long though Jackson's name came up last minute by Doug and I loved it so we went with it.:thumbup:

Angela, Friends told us chicco was excellent for them. It's on the top consumers report list so though I hate the wheels, we decided to put it on our registry list. I'm still "iffy" with it so if anyone has better ideas for a stroller system I'd be interested! I've decided I DO want the infant carseat because it will be easier lugging it out of the car in the snow instead of waking the baby up to put her in the Ergo baby carrier.

Anna, I have friends with the sling and they ALL love it! Keeps baby closer and holds him or her in REALLY tight! I'm not a fan, don't know why but I liked my ergo better with the infant insert. I'm told it's a hit or miss with an infant, so we'll see! :winkwink:
Thanks, Rebekah... that was my question.

Yes, I know all about the "end game" timeline for trips, but wasn't sure about the viability.... Peri has said, "28 wks is critical"... "Normal" for triplets is around 32-33... If you can get to 35-36, you're a ROCK STAR! So, as my "due date" is 9/29... we are hoping/expecting for an August delivery... if we get to Sept, that would be awesome!

We definitely expect a stay in the NICU, but are hoping that it is just for "feed & grow", as my peri likes to say... sounds like a garden, huh? :)
Thanks, Rebekah... that was my question.

Yes, I know all about the "end game" timeline for trips, but wasn't sure about the viability.... Peri has said, "28 wks is critical"... "Normal" for triplets is around 32-33... If you can get to 35-36, you're a ROCK STAR! So, as my "due date" is 9/29... we are hoping/expecting for an August delivery... if we get to Sept, that would be awesome!

We definitely expect a stay in the NICU, but are hoping that it is just for "feed & grow", as my peri likes to say... sounds like a garden, huh? :)

:haha: your a hoot Charmaine!:hugs:

I will be SO excited when we get past 22wks. :happydance::cry: 24 I've decided I'll have a cake made :thumbup: 28wks I'll start buying her cutsie clothes and I'm REALLY focused on making it to October.

This is day 2 on total bedrest. My hips hurt already. I try to switch side but mainly stay on the left side. It's going to be an interesting ride this bedrest journey!:haha:

Doug went grocery shopping alone and is coming back soon. The guy is AMAZING! He's doing the dishes, the laundry, cleaning , shopping, running to pay the bills.:cry: I feel just awful putting all this on him, I'm so blessed and am grateful for him. He's been doing some gardening too. He LOVES to garden so I let him have free reign so he can have something fun to kinda release tension and find gratification. I love him SO MUCH that man of mine!:cloud9:
Hey ladies!

Austin, when I was in 2nd tri a lot of people were discussing what truly constitutes viability day. The conclusion we reached (based on google :dohh:) was that after week 27, there is a 90% chance of survival if born then. Now, I am sure it is probably different for multiples but I would think your peri can give you a more exact date. I know how it feels to celebrate that milestone though; so exciting and such a relief! :hugs:

Rebekah, I am so sorry I am behind on what's been going on. Why are you on total bedrest? Is that for the duration? I am so sorry as I know that must be much harder than it sounds. And your hubby sounds like a rock star. Awesome guy! :thumbup:

Anna, we love the bjorn and EThan likes it too, but I just noticed when we were actually walking (at an exercise pace) on pavement he seemed to be bouncing around a lot. I think it was mostly because he could not yet really support his head well. I think it will improve when he can. And I have a Moby, which I think can support their heads a lot better (when wrapped correctly) but I could not really get it wrapped right the first try. I will work on it LOL but just haven't had a chance. For now we've been going for walks in the regular (full size) Chicco stroller, with him strapped into his carseat (which I have to hope provides the support needed to keep him safe, but now with CJ's notes I am worried that it's more a question of delicate blood vessels etc., which might be damaged smply by vibration. And we've been using the vibration feature on his bouncy seat since he was born. Yikes!! I try to keep the stroller on the pavement instaed of the sidewalk (which is more bumpy) but still... I will be anxious to hear what CJ thinks is a good stroller system for the little guys becuase I defintiely want to be able to walk with him.

Anyway littel guy is waking up, more later! :hugs:
Hi Angela,

Last weeks ultrasound had my cervical length going down again to 3.2cm's. While anything above 3.0 is still good, I'm showing signs of incompetent cervix. My length went from 39 to 37 to 32. VERY close to 30 and last weeks scan showed funneling which ISN'T good. I'm only at 19wks 1 day right now. So I'm going in for weekly scans.

I'm already on weekly 17P injections which are quiet painful but they are supposed to keep preterm labor at bay. HOWEVER, Dr.'s aren't willing to perform preventative cerclage stitches until they see a length of 2.5. I'm playing a very SCAREY waiting game. They've said there's no real study showing bedrest will prevent lessening of cervical length nor stop the funneling but I've heard from MANY women who have gone through or going through the same thing that have said it helped a great deal and they've seen thing change because of bedrest. So I put myself on it since the Dr.'s here seem to not care about ANY possibility other than things are great until their not kind of attitude. I figure I'll do my part and I'll know I at least did everything I can.

I'm trying to stay focused and praying what they saw on last weeks scan was either a contraction from emptying my bladder OR that the funneling has gone altogether. I HAVE noticed I'm having quite a few contractions the past two days and while I know contractions are normal throughout pregnancy, I get scared wondering if these are precursor to something else. Freaks me the heck out! :wacko: I'm at 19wks. I HAVE to get past viability! :cry:
Hey ladies! Didn't mean to cause too much concern about the jogging strollers! Angela, the vibration settings on infant seats/bassinettes/etc... is perfectly fine!

The regular walking at a leisurely pace on paved roads should not cause a problem. We used our UppaBaby (rubber wheels, full suspension) with her infant car seat and infant head stabilizer until she had full head control, at which point you no longer need the head stabilizer. I didn't use the bassinette that came with the stroller while we were on the go, I felt it was joslting too much... Instead, it was her actual bed in our room. Even running on paved roads before 12 months can cause issues... DH is really excited for her first birthday as we have a bike trailer for her! He bought her bike helmet and we're doing our first family bike outting on her birthday :) As far as carriers go, we opted to not go with the Baby Bjorn because of the lack of good head support and also the fact that any outward carry is not good for their developing hips. I found the Ergo with infant insert to be great for head control, and also the sling as it craddles the head quite well. Unfortunately she HATED having her head inside the sling so I was always stuck carrying her head with one arm, but hey, one free hand is better than none, right? ;-)

I hope this helps!

Oh, and on the issue of viability, Angela is right. However, for multiples, it is different as they are usually smaller to start off with than singletons. Sky so excited for you for your upcoming scan!!!
I'm not sure about the viability issue you both speak of. If asking about viability mortality rate then yes, around 28wks is a higher mortality rate, however, most hospitals in the U.S. see viability date as the 24th week. Which means anything BEFORE 24 wks nicu will not intervene to save the baby. Nicu WILL however intervene to save the baby at 24wks and after because the 24th wk is the official viability date. There ARE children who make it with intervention at 24 wks, at times some are dealing with more medical issues, but that is the official dating for viability unless what you speak of is mortality rate for viability..the farther you get past the 24wk viability date, the better for baby. That's just with my experience. :winkwink:
MA - Definitely 24 weeks is the earliest an NICU will try to intervene so yes that is used as true viability for singletons (once again, it is later for multiples). But when talking best chance of normal outcomes, 27 weeks is the earliest. Most babies born less than 27 weeks will have some sequelae, although some get by without! When I was a kid I used to babysit for a couple who had adopted 2 kids because they had been trying to 10 years. Well they had a surprise pregnancy 15 years after they got married and she was born at 25 weeks. She had a rocky first couple of months but not a single problem due to prematurity!
I wish we could change the subject here as I'm facing this again and it's a VERY sensitive subject with me. I don't like being forced to face the reality of this!! I may have a baby that may just make it to 24 weeks if that and the last thing I want is those who haven't been through it to guess whether my baby will make it or be normal. :cry: This is my reality right now.
:hugs: wish I could share my "cervix of steel" with you. (quote from my husband).

:hi: everyone!!! Sorry I haven't been around much. Trying to keep up reading but have very little time to post. Today is one of those rare days when both kids are napping at the same time and I'm refusing to run around cleaning. I'll run around later :haha:

I now have Big E home 3 days a week on my own. Learning to balance both kids is a challenge. I'm so thankful that I still have E in daycare 2 days a week cause it really gives me some good Eric time. Also I can do housework when Edward isn't home so I'm a bit more "fun" :haha:

I've lost 33 pounds since Eric was born. Since I only gained 12 lbs during that pregnancy my "skinny" pants are falling off. Gotta love the bfing weight loss program. Just started WW last week as well as weight loss was slowing down. Having GD was really a reality check about my health.

Sounds like someone might be waking so I better run.

:hugs: to everyone!!!
We can definitely change the subject! I am so sorry if that discussion upset you, Rebekah. I certainly understand that every single day is a waiting game for you right now and I hope you know we are all here praying for you and supporting you!

I was just trying to respond to the questions I think Austin had asked, and as CJ pointed out there's really only guidelines; every pregnancy and every baby is different. The 27 week number is just one piece of the picture; it represents a "most will have normal outcomes from this point" bar, but is not a hard and fast rule. For myself, I know that I was born at 27 weeks (and given less than a 20% chance of survival at all) and survived with no real prematurity-related issues that we know of (and I was able to conceive and carry Ethan, which put to rest what had been a big question mark in that arena). God saw me through all that just fine. I did have a lot of intervention at birth, but that was 1975 and there was only so much they could do. Today, they can do so much more, and can support even earlier preemies as you pointed out. Please try not to worry yourself about a specific viability date. I know you are already worried about getting past Jackson's 22 week milestone and you WILL. I know it is so scary to feel like the doctors just want to wait until something bad happens before they do anything. I was put on progesterone and then had nightmares about discontinuing it, even though the drs said after a certain point it was fine. I had the hardest time convincing myself to stop those supplements, but it was fine when I did.

Please try not to stress and just take it one day at a time! We love you sweet friend! :hugs:
Yay Terri it is great to see you back! That weight loss sounds AWESOME! I've been kicking my workouts into high gear the last two days becuase I am suddenly gaining, and can't believe it! :dohh: :grr: Since that is the last thing I want I will have to work out it seems just to get rid of this last 15 pounds. I did discontinue BF'ing and since then I think I've picked up 2 or 3 pounds in just a week or so. Double GRRRR! Ah well. I have sort of been allowing myself to eat anything I want, though I eat pretty healthfully. I guess the Sleep Deprivation Diet isn't working as well as it might seem to LOL!
oh quick vent

So while I was at a baby shower on Saturday I was joking about my age (I'm 10 years older than the mom-to-be but I like to pretend we are the same age). I mentioned that (in response to a question) if I had a 3rd child I would be 40 at the time. One lady responds with "take 40 and add 20 and you'll be SIXTY when they leave home".
UMM.. No shit sherlock. Do you really say something like that to a complete stranger who is obviously holding her NEW BABY at 38 years old????

:grr: just needed to vent. Most of the time I totally forget the math cause I'm just having fun with my babies.
Rebekah - Sorry I asked a question that upset you... I truly didn't mean to do that. Thanks to everyone for your answers.

Codegirl - Ha! People are pretty ballsy, aren't they?? I swear, when we have told friends over drinks/dinner that we are expecting trips, I have had STRANGERS from another table lean over to ask if we were doing infertility treatments! WTF? How in the heck is that anyone's beeswax?? With friends/family, I have been frankly honest, but strangers...???

As the song goes, "God is great, Beer is Good... and People are Crazy." LOL!
Charmaine, nothing to appoligize for, you just asked about viability. I think what was hard to take in is the more in depth information pertaining to 27wks and on. I'm trying to get by day by day and that 24wk viability is a sense of sanity for me. Listening to everyone say 27wks and beyond is the average mortality rate kinda puts me more on edge since I'm already funneling at 19wks. 24 wks for me is 6wks a way. In my head I NEED to feel that's "safe" that if things do go awry, she'll live.

This is my reality right now. Something I'm a bit more sensitive to. Oh I have goals to bypass 22wks and 24wks and 28wks and 36wks. But I'm also realistic to the possibility that I may not make it like everyone else in this room. I've already lost a son and I can't function of the thought that even if I make it to 24, she may not live. :shrug: It's just a sensitivity issue with me.

I understand Angela what your saying. I know you two didn't mean it, viability was the question...just maybe getting too involved with mortality issue when someone in the room is already funneling at 19wks and only has that 24th week milestone to hold onto at the moment. Like I said, I'm trying to be hopeful, but my body is a piece of crap and I feel as though moment to moment I'm letting her down as I did with jackson. It's a hard thing to swallow! :cry:
Hi Ladies,
Just reading through all the news. Sorry it's been a while but we went over our broadband cap and were reduced to a basic dial up speed. We don't get unlimited broadband here, you pay by the month and if you go over they slow you down so you cannot get on any website with graphics (everything in other words).

Titi darling so sorry:cry:

Maria, she's too cute!

Rebekah, love the name. Two of my friends have just had girls and called them Amelia.

Anna, what are you going to do when you cannot run, bike change tyres???? you are such a bundle of energy!! It takes all the energy I have to get through 9 hours of work now, but I am allowed to have a stool now which is good as standing for all that time was getting to my back.

LO kicks all night now from about 6pm to 6am. I can only sleep during the day, which isn't a good look at work!!! I must be averaging about 2 hours a night, sleep, so I should be pretty ready when he arrives!

Love to all and I going to read through properly after dinner.
Wow! I'm out for a few days and miss about five pages!

First of all - CONGRATULATIONS SKYE!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I can't even begin to tell you how happy I was to read your post! I agree with everyone else - your numbers sound great! I'm so thrilled for you - here's to a happy, healthy nine months! :flower:

MA - Awww, Amelia - I love that name! So beautiful :flow: Congrats! And as far as the other stuff... have faith in God, my friend. You both will make it through just fine. :hugs:

Angela - adorable pictures of Ethan!! The bunny ears are just too cute :cloud9:

Unbelievable, Codegirl, what that woman said. Yes, we may be a little older, but at least we know how to exhibit a little class. Something that woman obviously hasn't learned. :nope:

Interesting information you provided about the strollers, Junebug - thank you. I've been avoiding shopping for that stuff because it just seems so overwhelming.

Glad you were able to get some sun, Anna! I don't know about you, but I always look forward to my first sunburn of the season - it means that warmth is on the way!

Lucy - Matilda's a beauty! :flower:

Austin, Chris #1, Viv - good morning!

AFM - same ol' same ol'. But I guess no news is good news. Have a good day, everyone!
Rebekah, first of all I want to apologize for upsetting you, that really was not my intent! You WILL make it to over and beyond 27 weeks, and like I pointed out there are many babes born before 27 weeks who do great!!!

RE: weight. Holy crap Terri that's awesome! Go girl! I still can't believe you only gained 12 lbs and are already down 33! I'm struggling to lose the last 5 lbs... Darn 30 day Shred, Jillian is killing me. Day 8 today... Sigh. No pain no gain I suppose...

Angela I know what you mean. I continued eating like I was pregnant for 3 months after Zoë was born and was shocked that I had started regaining weight :dohh: I just didn't have the energy to exercise until she was over 6 months and I started working again. Being able to sleep through the night helps a LOT I've discovered...

Ack, back to work. Oh and :grr: to idiots making comments about our age and having babies. Makes me SO mad!!!
keep in mind that I was overweight when I got preg. I'm sure once I'm 5 or 10 lbs away from a "healthy" weight this is going to get a LOT harder. I'm just not sure what to do about clothes at this point. Can't really afford to buy new ones but my mat clothes sure don't fit and my pre-preg clothes either are too big or are for work.

hmmm... might be time to try consiment. :thumbup:

I miss being preg though. Never thought I would say that, I SUCK at being pregnant :haha:

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