35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh and some great news. Just got a letter from my GD doc giving me the all clear on my post preg blood sugars. Got a warning to watch my weight (which I am currently doing) and getting excercise (I'm going to start on that) but :dance: as of yet, I am NOT type II :dance:
Yay Terri!

I walked again today, 2.5 miles, for a total of 7 miles in the last three days (plus a Jillian Michaels workout Sunday). I am officially back on the getting in shape bandwagon, since I stopped losing pregnancy pounds and started regaining pounds that I can't blame on the baby! :dohh:
CJ that is too funny, the 30 day shred is exactly what I'm doing and I'm STILL horribly sore two days later LOL! And I don't even try to do it every day; there's no way. I did walk that day and have walked the two days since. Once I get back in shape with it I can do it every other day, but I don't get how she says you can do it every day. To me, a body needs recovery time after (any) weight training. I have done that program before and it definitely works, so I'm hoping for the best because I can't believe I started to regain! :dohh:

And Terri, I know what you mean about missing pregnancy. I did not enjoy the first tri, and the last one was rough because of family issues and illnesses in our family, but I sure loved 2nd tri and loved celebrating the milestones. And feeling baby kick, etc. I even think I was a lot nicer to be around (no "once a month bitchiness" LOLOL!) and hubby agrees. He was even saying "we just need to keep you pregnant all the time!" :rofl: :rofl:
That is fantastic, Terri! Congrats on the loss & test results! Honestly, I have been very lucky enough not to worry too much about weight & really just started working out regularly in last 3-4 years... Surprisingly, I MISS IT! Getting to boot camp, gym, etc., was always a struggle for me and now, I really am looking forward to when I can get back!! I am not doing anything now.... tried to walk the dogs the other day and almost had to sit down on the curb and have hubs go get the car to come back and get me! How sad is that?? Oh well, not too much longer & just not worth the risk with this crew I've got on board... lol...

IS it nearly the weekend yet?? Work is killing me right now.... *sigh*
Vent over. Have a great evening everyone!!
Hi all!! Wow miss one day and so much chater!! I took notes so I hope I don't forget anyone.

Codegirl/ teri, great news on blood sugar numbers and weightloss!! Good for you!! I don't know how you're juggeling two right now,but sounds like you've got a handel on things. As for the moron comment at baby shower . . . It never ceases to amaze me how just plain stupid and ignorant people can be. I will be a month from my 40th birthday when my girl is born. People are idiots.

Snshine, it's funny how our generation differs from the next. When I was growing up it was all about the ban du sole tropical tan. People laid in the sun for hours baking in baby oil. I know what you mean about the first sunburn. I try and be careful, i'm pretty fair,but I LOVE the sun. I ushually wear a minimum of SPF 30, but sometimes it's just not enough. I am and will always be a sun worshiper, just have to slather on the suncreen!

Austin, like the analogy of your belly as a garden. If your due date is Aug 29th we may go at the same time! I'm due sept 3rd. Just a few days early and i'm with you!! Of course knowing my luck i'll go mid sept. My mom was two weeks late with me. Can you imagine going 42 weeks!! Of course, later is better for you. Just keep those babies happy in the garden as long as possible. BTW love the song god is great, beer is good, people are crazy. Never were truer words spoken.

Vivienne, always so good to hear from you! Yes I am an active person, always hope to be. Know what's scarry, out of all my girlfriends, i'm the couch potato!! They run rings around me. Have the theory healthy active mom, healthy active baby. I don't know how MA is doing bed rest. I'd be ok for a few days but then go CRAZY!! Of course baby health is paramount, but it would be so hard. So glad to hear you've got a good kicker! My girl is kicking, but i'm such a sound sleeper, it dosenlt wake me up, at least not yet. Glad to hear you are well!!

Junebug, when is Zoe's birthday?? What a fun family bike ride!! They make this "thing" that's a sled in the winter so you can take baby cross country skiing and it converts to a bike trailer in the summer. I WANT one!! I would use it year round!! My girl friends use theirs all the time. Just have to find one ued, they're way too expensive new.

Rottpaw, I was wondering just this morning if I would miss being pregnant. Unlike you, I think i'm meaner pregnant, don't seem to have as much control over the hormones. So you stopped BFing, I could see how that would make losing weight more difficult. Sounds like you're on the right track, and every bit of exercise helps. Keep it up you're doing great!!

MA, I am sorry you are struggeling so much. Hope the next scan is better news. Just don't count your chickens before they hatch. Look on the bright side, so far you're still in the 'good' category for cervical length. This is a different pregnancy than the last one. I know it's so hard for you with the loss of jackson, but give this girl some credit, she may surprise you. And you are NOT letting her down. You are doing everything possible to keep her safe and that's all you can do. None of us knows what's around the next corner. Look at steph who was great, and then whamo baby at 30 weeks. But to live in fear is a hard way to pass the time. You are a pretty positive person with lots of strength and faith. I know you and baby will make it! watch you end up being the one who is two weeks late!

AFM, one word . . . .snow. 6"-12" by tomorrow night. Other than that I feel pretty good. Went pretty hard yesterday at work so taking it easy today. I am going to ask for a chair soon. I have a place where I can perch and a display item i'm using as a bench,but a regular chair with a back would be good. Have a good hump day! Xxx anna
Hey girls, thank you for all the welcome :) My numbers are looking up but I'm still a little sceptical to move in with you guys yet. In case anything would go wrong. My first scan is in 1,5 weeks time, perhaps I will feel more confidant once the dr confirms heartbeat. I'm intrigued by all the weight loss talk. I already put on a lot of weight and seem to be hungry all the time. I have to find a way to limit my appetite or start exercising soon otherwise 9 months will turn me obese :)

It's so encouraging to see that there is quite a few of you Codegirl, Junebug, Rotpaw and Lucy, who already had your babies. Pablo and Vivienne seems almost there. And I'm absolutely amazed Austen that you will have 3 little girls.
Sunshine and Ma hopefully it looks like I will keep you company for longer :)

MA I believe you and Amelia will be a great mum&daughter. Both my cousin and a friend of mine had to have a total bed rest after 3 months. They just lied all 6 months and said it was fine. As long as you have friends visiting+ TV magazines etc... I wish you were in London, I'd come to keep company for u :) Doug's a lovely guy and he is taking great care of you. After all he wants to cuddle his daughter too and you both will :)

Girls I have another question in mind. I have almost white hair which I hide perfectly with a hairdye every 3 weeks (family genes :shrug:) Does any of you dye your hair? I can't decide what to do but walking around with white roots for 4-5 weeks is just too embarasing. Also did you change your deodorants, face creams etc? What to do about all that?

Ordered 2 pregnancy books from the internet and I'm looking fwd to reading about it a little. If I can stop falling asleep all the time that is xxx
Hey all. Scan showed I went from 3.2cm's down to 2.0. 2.5 was what she was looking for in order to do the cerclage. I still have funneling and am an 8th of a cm dialated. With that being said, went into the perinatologists office and she said they NOW have confirmation that I DO have IC :)duh: I've only been telling them that since week 13 when cerclaging was less than 1% risk. Needless to say I'm heading for the hospital tonight and getting an emergency cerclage tomorrow sometime. They are giving me indomethicin to stop contractions. The Dr. IS hopeful that we could possibly carry to term but she won't guarantee it.

I'm out for now.
AWWWW MA, I'm so sorry it came down to 2.0. I will pray for you. I really hope the cerciage would keep the labour at bay and you can carry Amelia to term. Are they going to keep you there? Does cerciage have a risk now? Pls update whenever you can babe.
[-o<[-o<[-o< i pray that we would all meet Amelia when she is strong and ready to face the world. :hugs:
AWWWW MA, I'm so sorry it came down to 2.0. I will pray for you. I really hope the cerciage would keep the labour at bay and you can carry Amelia to term. Are they going to keep you there? Does cerciage have a risk now? Pls update whenever you can babe.
[-o<[-o<[-o< i pray that we would all meet Amelia when she is strong and ready to face the world. :hugs:

Thank you!

Yes, there's more risk when the cervix has started funneling than had the cerclage been performed at 13 or 14 wks. The good news on her part is that it is minimal. UNLESS of course I've started to dialate more which means I'm more prone to infection and preterm labor again. It's frustrating when I know my body and there was nothing I could do but wait until THEY were ready.:nope:

At any rate, we're moving forward and at least I'm getting the cerclage, I pray it holds and theres no infection.
MA I'm glad they are finally intervening. I will carry on praying for you too. It will be all right in the end MA. We all send you good vibes and Amelia will know all that. Let's hope your little girl is a fighter like most women are xxxx
MA, just wanted to stop by and say I'm thinking of you, Doug and Amelia :hugs:

Please try and stay positive. Sending you a truckload of strength and thoughts :hugs:

A xXx
Ma I've been stalking the thread all day to find out what's going on with u. I'm sending you lot's of positive, strength vibes xx
Rebekah honey we are praying!!! Please update when you can.
Rebekah, soo soo soo sorry you're down to 2.0. Must be so frustrating for you that it had to get to this point for them to "believe" you when you had such a strong gut feeling. Please update us at to how it went. Thinking of you and praying the procedure was smooth and uneventful. I also hope they'll keep you in for some monitoring right after instead of sending you home!!! :hugs: my friend
Anna, Zoë will be 1 on June 2nd. I can't believe how fast it's gone. SNOW?? I thought our incessant rain here was bad, but I'd take that over snow in mid-May!!!

Terri, yay so glad the diabetes has cleared! You're doing wonderful for the weight loss, it's probably helped you a lot RE: diabetes issue. Definitely go consignment shopping to hold you over for your wardrobe!

Skye, I remember feeling anxious and disbelieving until my 8 week scan, :hugs: Mind you when I started puking 5 times per day at 6 weeks, I did feel a bit more pregnant :dohh:.

I really really REALLY miss being pregnant. Every time I see a baby I get broody. Zoë's more of a toddler-like baby now, I miss her all cuddly and sleepy and tiny :-(
Rebekah, my thoughts and prayers are with you! :hugs: Please let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it.

Terri - woo-HOO for being cleared of Type II! :happydance: Between that and the weight loss, you must be feeling awesome! Way to go, my friend :thumbup:

Skye, how reassuring to know that your numbers are looking good! And I'm very happy you'll be around to keep us company. :flower: As far as hair dye goes - I color my hair. My OB said it's not an issue, but I'd still check with yours beforehand - just to be safe. And I didn't change any of my skin creams or my deodorant, but I did stop using OTC zit stuff. My dermotologist gave me a script for a topical erythromycin to use instead. The jury's still out as to whether I like it or not. I still think a dab of regular old white tooth paste works just as well as anything else on the market - it just looks stupid. :haha:

Chris #1 - when will you find out about your exams? Keeping my fingers crossed that you won't have to take either one of them over, and that you can devote your energies to the fun stuff!

Anna, I remember the ban de soleil days well! Supplemented, of course, by trips to the tanning booth... I remember my junior prom dress had a low-cut neckline, so you could sort of see a white tan line going between the boobs. Which gave me the bright idea of tanning topless for my senior prom. Baaaad idea... :dohh: Dear Lord in Heaven, did they ITCH! Difficult to scratch, too - at least in public. Amazing how creative a girl can get when she has to. :haha:

Angela, Austin, Junebug & Viv - hi ladies!

Nothing going on with me - just trying to plod through the week. Have a good day, all!
Oh yeah Skye I forgot to answer your question: I continued dying my hair, I have a lot of grey as well... No problems according to my OB/GP. As for other beauty products: even before I got pregnant I had started switching to all natural stuff. For facial cleansers/creams I use Éminence (but have a book with make-it-yourself recipes which are awesome too - I just don't have time!). For make-up I use Afterglow Cosmetics. Unfortunately for deodorant I still use Dove as all the natural alternatives aren't powerful enough for me :blush: And for bath products, I either make my own shampoos/body washes or buy from a local all natural company called the Spa Sisters. Zoë has never had non-natural stuff touch her skin. Actually I'm reading a great book now called "There's Lead in Your Lipstick", which discusses all the toxic stuff we use on a daily basis as women. Scary really....

LOL Chris, tanning topless! Ouch...
Hoping for an update from rebekah, still praying!
Still no word from MA, I'm guessing they are keeping her in the hospital otherwise she would have updated. I will have more preayers for today for her.

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