35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey ladies, i have been mia for about a week or so. Alot has gone on here on the thread and for me.

I went to the NICU last friday to visit katelyn and after about 2 hours of beomg there they toldme she would be going home in 2 days. Katelyn has been home for 5 days! I have been exhausted.

Congrats lucy on your baby! Adorable photo!

Rebekah - i am sorry to hear about what is goimg on. Please keep your faith. I do understand some of the emotions you are going through and about takimg it one day at a time. I will be praying for you, amelia, and doug.

I hope everyone else is well. I havemt had a chance to read all the pages yet so i do apologize for not addressing everyone personally.

Angela/codegirl you should have said how exhausted i would be.

Be well everyone,
Best Steph
Lol steph didn't want to scare you! I honestly was just thinking yesterday that if I had know how bad the sleep deprivation would be, I would have been very worried, but God provides you with the rest you need (just not all that you might want). and at the end of the day, it is only temporary. Ethan is now ( at 11 weeks) sleeping thru the night, my problem now is I just cant get my body out of that two am wakeup mode. I woke at one thirtynlast night and never got back to sleep! Grrrrrr! But oh well. This too shall pass.

Congrats one katelyn coming home! You will love being a mommy! Hardest job ever but so worth it! :hugs:
Good morning ladies :flower:

Steph, I'm so happy for you!!! :happydance: What a blessing to finally have her home! :cloud9:

MA - hoping you're well and taking it easy. Keep us posted when you can. :flow:

Have a good day, everyone! :kiss:
Oh Steph what great news!!!! So happy to hear you have your little girl home with you :flower: I have to say I did find it really hard for the first 3-4 months, the sleep deprivation is really something... Mind you as Angela has pointed out it IS temporary and DOES get better really fast. I now miss those middle of the night nursing sessions cuddled with my newborn in the darkness. They grow up SO fast!

MA, my thoughts last night were with you, Doug and Amelia. And still this morning. I will be checking regularly to read you, I continue to pray that everything went well and that you will all be home safely soon :hugs:

AFM: turns out I haven't been using the OPKs properly! Was supposed to read them at 5 minutes, but have been reading them at 3 minutes, oops! Also, Zoë is starting to self-wean from AM feeds, which will help with the hormones and hopefully I'll start ovulating soon to seriously TTC in September!

I'm going shopping in Buffalo tomorrow. Our dollar is doing so well right now that we can get things much cheaper in the US. I remember that situation being reversed for so long! My mommy friend and I are going together, leaving our babies with their daddies for the day. Haven't done this since I was pregnant! We have a few stores on our list, very excited!!!

HUGS to everyone, hope you all are having a great start to the weekend!
Just out of curiosity, where are you going shopping, Junebug? The Galleria Mall? (I work just around the corner from there). Hope you have fun! Everyone needs a "girls day out" every once and a while. :thumbup: Oh - and if that's where you are going, there's a new kid's store that just opened up called 77kids. I haven't been in it yet, but it's supposed to be pretty cool. If you go, let me know what you think of it. :)

I remember when it paid for us US people to cross the border to do our shopping in Canada. (How I miss those Toronto trips!) Guess it's your turn now - have fun!
Hi there ladies! :flower:

Thank you for the kind prayers dear friend. :hug:

Not sure if I mentioned it but my roomate the first moment I got there just had her cerclage surgery. After an hour, they tried to get the heartbeat and her baby had died. She started to cry and I then I started to cry in my own area without making her feel worse. The nurses, having known I lost my son and now will be going in for the same surgery she went for, ran for my stuff and transferred me to a private room. Doug came back to find I was missing and started to panic. He got to the new room where I was bawling. I felt so terrible for my roomate and became terrified to have the surgery so I didn't get any sleep that night.

Went in for the cerclage around 1. I was doing well until the anesthesiologist mentioned there was a woman whose sac was buldging the following days surgery. The Dr. Hollard at her to STOP. Knowing that had been my roomate and that with Jackson my own sac was found buldging. After that, I hadn't heard any of them and started to worry as they were working behind the scenes. That moment I felt I was going to be sick and they gave me anti nausea meds through the IV and I tried to keep myself calm. The Dr. shortly said she was almost done and that everything looked just fine and went as planned. She said cervix was STILL closed and I believe she mentioned the closed length was 2cm's.

They mentioned modified bedrest for home. We all know I'll be on bedrest. :winkwink:

I was surprised to find that I was barely bleeding at all, had "slight" cramping but nothing too bad and the worst was a headache and slight stinging when I pee. Other than that, I seem to be doing well and have a more positive attitude about our future. Amelia seems to be doing fine with a heart rate in the 150's. She did almost give me a heart attack when we couldn't find her heartbeat. After what happened with my roomate, I was on the verge of tears when they finally found her beautiful beating heart.:cry:

So all is well. My heart still aches for my roomate though. I know so well what it's like to lose a child and it just breaks my heart to think about her.

I made plenty of new friends with the nursing staff. They were all AWESOME! One whom I found out has had 4 miscarriages in the first trimester. I asked if she was tested for MTHFR and she has a form of it. She spend quite awhile talking with me and I saw the pain on her face. Can you imagine working with pregnant women and women who just delivered their babies only to have lost 4 of your own with fertility issues? She left early this morning and we cried, I gave her a hug and told her that eventually through all this heartache, she will get past those milestones with the new therapy shes' going through and when she finally holds that baby in her arms as I will come fall, it will be the most precious day of her life.

The Aide even asked I stay the year here. :haha: The recovery nurse asked Doug to email her when we finally have Amelia and all the nursing staff on the 7th floor have known me since Jackson so they are all so sweet and kind. I'm going to have to bring a HUGE cake when Amelia is delivered. We're going to have so many people waiting to see this little girl whom we've waited 10 years for.

I'll be back on next week to chat with you all as I have another scan to make sure everything looks good and Dr. appointment. My favorite Perinatologist did the surgery and she was happy that all went well and it looks excellent for Amelia to come "hopefully" on target.

Saw the perinatologist I argued with for an hour to get the cerclage at 14wks and he looked like "oh no, not this one again" and I had a look like "told ya so" I kept hearing the old time western showdown theme in my head and giggled after he left.:haha:

My first time with an epidural type anesthesia. I told the med staff in surgery it felt like I was walking naked in the snow and had them all laughing.:haha:

So, that's it for today! All is well! Now I'm looking forward to making it and holding my little Amelia come October.

Keep you posted as things progress! :hugs:
Such great news on this board today!

MA - So glad things are going well!! Sounds like you finally have found some folks who will be supportive of you and youf care!!

Steph - YAY!!! Home!!! That is so awesome!! Congrats on the HUGE milestone!!! Please keep us updated when you can!!

Happy Friday, girls!
MA, I am Sooooo Happy! I was worried reading and getting caught up when there were no posts from you. So happy things are looking up for you and amelia. I am planning on her making it until october 13 so we can celebrate our birthdays together. As for the medical staff . . . Man oh man would I be pissed. Why do they always poo poo our instincts? I know not all physicians are the same, but still. Anyway, good for bedrest and take care of yourself and amelia. I am so sorry for your roommate,,what a terrible loss.

Skye, yeh for the good numbers! As far as hair dye goes, there are some all natural products out there if your interested. We did have this discussion earlier and I think the advice to check with your OB is the best. As for weight loss and nutrition while pregnant I can only say just try and eat as healthy as possible. That's if you can. I am ushually a really healthy eater, but man oh man first trimester,it was pizza, burgers and chinese food. I struggled with any veggies. Second trimester has been MUCH better and I was able to get back to a healthier diet. It sounds silly, but seriously listen to your body and go with it. If you can make healthy substitutions ( like veggie burgers instead of cheese burgers) then go for it ,but sometimes only the real grease will do!

Junebug, I am sorry you miss being pregnant, I miss my waist line right now. I PROMISE to figure out how to post a bump picture. These last two weeks I feel like i've exploded!! I feel huge!! Can't believe there's still three more months!! I knew there was a reason I only wore mascara, can't stand much other stuff. When I was a flight attendant they made you wear makeup during training!! It was aweful for me. I remember coming home and DH was like, " you don't even look like you!" I was thinking, " it's not my fault,they made me!" so hope you OV soon. Fingers crossed for a BFP soon!

-Sunshine, LOL itchy boobs!!! I've been there too!

Stteph, woooohoooo katelyn is home!!! Doing the happy dance. Closing my ears to all the talk about exhaustion, i'm too close and it scares me too much!!

Rottpaw, so sorry you are still waking up!!! That bites. I hate waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep.

svet, vivienne, the newbies, and anyone I forgot, hope all is well.

AFM, well accoring to some sourcs tomorrow will be the start of my third trimester. I myself am waiting one more week. June, July, and Aug, will be my last three months as I am due sept. 3rd. Itls friday and i'm staying home this weekend. It's still snowing, but maybe i'll put together the crib. Someone just told me Aspen is reopening this weekend!! Xxx to all!!

Fantastic News Rebekah!!
Please can you say some prayers for Skye she's got an emergency early scan tomorrow as her numbers aren't rising like they should be.
Just out of curiosity, where are you going shopping, Junebug? The Galleria Mall? (I work just around the corner from there). Hope you have fun! Everyone needs a "girls day out" every once and a while. :thumbup: Oh - and if that's where you are going, there's a new kid's store that just opened up called 77kids. I haven't been in it yet, but it's supposed to be pretty cool. If you go, let me know what you think of it. :)

I remember when it paid for us US people to cross the border to do our shopping in Canada. (How I miss those Toronto trips!) Guess it's your turn now - have fun!

Is that the same as the Walden Galleria? If so, yes that's where we're going! Thanks for the details RE: new kid's store!!! We're also going to the Babies R'Us and an outlet mall :happydance:

MA!!!!!!! :flower: So happy to hear from you and that everything looks good!!!! So sad about your room mate though :cry: I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you to witness, but bless those nurses who switched you over to a private room...

Skye thinking of you hun and hoping that everything is OK :hugs:
YAY Rebekah! So glad all is well!

Twinkle thanks for the update on Skye, we will definitely pray!
Fantastic News Rebekah!!
Please can you say some prayers for Skye she's got an emergency early scan tomorrow as her numbers aren't rising like they should be.

Oh no, praying that all continues to go well for her and the numbers continue to rise with a beautiful baby implanting and growing, asking that God as our Great Physician would put His hand on her womb and overcome obstacles as He gives wisdom to and guides the hands of the medical staff and give peace to our dear friend Skye. In Jesus mighty name I pray...AMEN!

Doug and I will still pray about this in our nightly devotionals.
20 weeks tomorrow MA!!!

I know,:happydance: and I finally feel as though I can breathe and enjoy the rest of this. Like I'll be able to smoothly move past those milestones.:happydance: I'm told by the women in the IC thread that I'll still feel a bit uneasy as the baby gets bigger because I'll have regular contractions and stretching that feel like baby is coming, however it's normal. I'm also wondering if the fact that I'm on 17P until week 36, if that drug may stop it altogether. I'm also on Indomethacin since the surgery until tomorrow night which stops contractions as well. I'm very well protected from contractions and PTL right now. God is good!

Halfway to Labor Day tomorrow!:happydance: Looking forward to wk 28 to get Amelia's nursery together. I have a beautiful theme for her I hope will come together. I even think I'm switching the stroller I wanted to a more girly theme. We'll see.

Thank you for sharing in my joy!:hugs::kiss:::flower:

The church is getting together some weekly meals to help lighten Dougs burden and has asked if they can come clean. We're taking the meals but Doug feels he can accomplish the rest for now. He says it helps to have the house maintained by the landlord. While we wanted a place of our own, it certainly helps to have someone else doing the lawn and other maintenance for awhile.:thumbup:
Just checking in before leaving for our girlie day shopping in Buffalo!

YAYYYYY so nice to read that you're getting a bit of help. Every little bit helps! Doug is amazing and so are your landlord and church group!

Half way to Labour Day! LOVE it!!! My first thoughts this morning were 1) Is Zoë awake so that I can play with her before I leave? 2) OH it's Rebekah's 20 week milestone!!! and 3) Boy do I ever have to pee! :hugs: What is the nursery theme? I love nursery themes, ours is Noah's Ark, all based on a huge Precious Moments cross stitch I made :)
Just checking in before leaving for our girlie day shopping in Buffalo!

YAYYYYY so nice to read that you're getting a bit of help. Every little bit helps! Doug is amazing and so are your landlord and church group!

Half way to Labour Day! LOVE it!!! My first thoughts this morning were 1) Is Zoë awake so that I can play with her before I leave? 2) OH it's Rebekah's 20 week milestone!!! and 3) Boy do I ever have to pee! :hugs: What is the nursery theme? I love nursery themes, ours is Noah's Ark, all based on a huge Precious Moments cross stitch I made :)

Well, I DID want beauty and the beast, but I'm having a terrible time finding wall decals, bedding, etc. I want primary colors instead of all pinks I keep seeing around here. So since I bought this cute little tea cup lamp in primary colors, I decided to keep moving forward with a theme. I had hoped to find something with Mrs. Pots and chip from Beauty and the Beast. It just became to hard.

SO, the new theme is Tea in the Garden. I have the teacup lamp....I found a BEAUTIFUL crib bedding with reds and pinks and greens floral which is like the garden. Since the walls we can't paint because we're renting, I'm going to get some framing decals and will take a pic of her at birth, 12 months and a year and will put the pics in HUGE frames to put up on the wall around. Above her crib I'll put another framing decal and will paint some wood lettering for Amelia. I'm looking for a cute little table and chair set and we'll buy a few large teddybears and a little tea set. Of course in the corner where the lamp and pictures will be will have the glider.

We also have to find a rug because it's a wood floor. I'd like something she can play on.:winkwink::thumbup:

Once we have it together, I'll share pics. I thought this way she'd be able to grow into this.
I love it rebekah! Cant wait to see the theme develop as you find items!
Love it!!! Looking forward to seeing pics. You're making me excited to start working on Z's big girl room ;-)
Had a great time with my friend in Buffalo, and the traffic wasn't even that bad!!!
Wish I could have met ya there! Maybe the next time your up here when Amelia is born we can meetup!

You'll have to take pic of zoe's new bedroom.

Full bedrest today and I'mSO bored:haha:

Had music on and reading an old blog of a gal who had a cerclage. I laugh because her thoughts are similar and it's funny to hear it from her perspective. I really have to start blogging again regularly my own journey!

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