35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

PS: I'm hoping to be all done with 3 babies by the time I'm 40... Which would mean I have 2 years exactly... Guess I might be 41, unless we have twins the next time around!
AFM, thanks for all the inqueries. Turns out yes, I had contractions last week and should have gotten my butt to the ER. However, she checked my cervix and all is well. She also tested me for BV and lo and behold, positive. Don't know for sure if one caused the other, but i'm on meds for the BV and she said if the cramps happened again to get thy self to the emergency room so they can monitor me. She said always to error on the side of caution. So point taken. I've been working long hours, so may try and chill a little. Take more breaks. Problem is there's just so much to do. Good news is that I have someone coming in today to help for a few hours. You should have seen DH's face last night when I told him I had contractions last week. I think he thought we were going to have the baby right away. He asked if we were going to have a premie. I said I hope not but we still have three more months to go. . . Who can say. Planning on taking the girl all the way to 40 weeks.

that's all I got to say. Have a good hump day! Anna

Hi ladies. I'm here. Just kinda quiet this week and waiting for the scan on friday which I'm hopeful will turn out just fine. Amelia is pretty active the past several days and she LOVES to kick me in the bladder. Last night I kinda freaked out because she kicked SO hard in the bladder I started worrying the stitch wasn't working and wondered if she'd just drop out as I was pee'ing. Obviously it didn't happen and I'm told the stitch holds her in. Just the feeling has me on edge as with Jackson he was low as well and felt as though he was kicking through my vagina.

As for BV....I can answer that one. BV causes contractions and "can" cause preterm labor if your cervix were to open. It's a good thing when you have contractions to ALWAYS get checked because BV isn't anything to mess with. Luckily all is well and your cervix is closed. BV and UTI's have been known to start preterm labor so the sooner you get them treated the better. Glad you got the bv taken care of. are you on flagyl?

Other than that, I haven't got too much to say. Just trying to stay low this week and pray through the anxiety. Seems like everything is going well. Fridays scan is by the Dr.'s sonographer and they're going to try to see how close they can get to the heart to see if in fact there is a Ventricular Septal Defect for sure or not. Would be nice if we could get some closer and mark that off the list. They'll also do an invasive measurement to check for Downs but honestly the only way to tell is with amniocentesis and I'm not going to risk it when we'll keep her anyways.:winkwink:

That's all from me. Praying your all having a good week! :hug:
MA, I can't imagine how difficult this week must be for you :hugs: Almost 23 weeks :happydance: Thinking of you!!!
Anyone know when baby's are supposed to move upward? Miss Amelia has me on edge kicking so low. I'm plus size so I know she may not move upward for awhile, but I can't wait until she moves up some.
CJ - I would like to start trying next September, one month after my 40th birthday :thumbup: Now to talk DH into it, he's a bit hesitant after the horrible pregnancy I had with Eric.
Glad to hear from you Rebekah.

Oh Anna sorry about the contractions and BV-boo.

Thankfully Junebug the Ranitidine seems to be doing some good. I don't have to prop myself up as much. Sounds like you really have a plan re:babies. I'm just gonna see how this one goes and maybe just maybe there might be ONE more!

AFM, two of my girlfriends have just told me they are throwing me a shower and I don't have to do much just be there. I am overwhelmed by this as I really don't have many female friends, mostly male friends, I felt like crying, the first time in this pregnancy.

Love to all :flower:

Off to watch Bones
Just popping in to say good morning to everyone! :hi:

MA - babies move up? Shows ya what I know. Good luck with your scan tomorrow!

Anna, if they have you on flagyl (or the generic one), a word of caution - they did NOT sit well with me. Normally meds don't bother me, but this one did a little. And the doc recommended I take a higher dose of pro-biotics than I usually do while on them, too. To ward off a yeast infection, I would assume.

Who knew pregnancy could be such fun? I've turned into a big, fat petri dish... :haha: :dohh:

I hope everyone has a good day :kiss:
Arrrggh! Just typed a long post & LOST IT... grrrrr...

IN short, I hope you all have a great day!

Re: The tightening/BH contractions - My peri told me yesterday that they can be caused by a multitude of things: empy bladder, full bladder, lots of movement by babies, dehydration and on and on.... His recommendations for when to worry are when they literally stop you in your tracks and say, "wow"... THEN you absolutely need to call. It is so difficult to know what to do & scary!
Anna - what did yours feel like?

AFM - Taking a quick moment to celebrate this milestone... WEEK 24!!! Yay! Doc says with the way things look we should be pretty good for the next 4 weeks... and then all bets are off. Yikes!! I am not ready for these babies to come in a month and neither will they be ready!! No, no, no! So I have just decided that isn't going to happen.

BIG HUGS & Happy Thursday!!
Just popping in to say good morning to everyone! :hi:

MA - babies move up? Shows ya what I know. Good luck with your scan tomorrow!

Anna, if they have you on flagyl (or the generic one), a word of caution - they did NOT sit well with me. Normally meds don't bother me, but this one did a little. And the doc recommended I take a higher dose of pro-biotics than I usually do while on them, too. To ward off a yeast infection, I would assume.

Who knew pregnancy could be such fun? I've turned into a big, fat petri dish... :haha: :dohh:

I hope everyone has a good day :kiss:

Sunshine - I'm with you.... I thought everyone is always talking about babies "dropping".... Location & space are at a premium in my tummy, so nobody is really going anywhere, I guess... Poor little cramped buggers!!! :)
MA when I first started feeling Zoë, it was always "downwards" and very uncomfortable too! Then I think as they get bigger they can turn and I started feeling her more upwards since she turned with head down. Started getting consistantly kicked in the ribs instead of the bladder, which is also uncomfortable!

Viv so glad the ranitidine is helping! And yay for baby showers!!!

Terri, so September 2012? Hmmmm might be on track for baby #3 shortly after you then, I don't want to wait as long as we did this time because of DHs schooling...

Charmaine, YAY on 24 weeks, that is huge!!! You're doing great!!!

Chris, :rofl: big, fat petri dish :rofl:
Morning all!!

Vivienne, so happy for the baby shower, that's so nice!!! Also, I love the show Bones! It's the science geek in me, I have always loved forensics. Hope you are well and enjoy the shower!

Sunshine, big fat petri dish is right, and I also didn't know babies moved up. I thought they always moved down? As for BV, they have me taking Clindamycin. Don't know if that's a generic or it's own separate thing. So far no side effects, feel pretty normal.

CJ, love the baby time line! Would you want twins? Thanks for the pep talk re:work. Yes the sears book, chapter on working moms is AWFUL! Pretty much says unless you're a single mother with no other options, you should stay home. What about those of us with bills to pay!!?? Anyway, I am excited to see DH in action I think he will be great.

Codegirl, you go girl! Good luck convincing DH. That would be a hard sell in our house as well.

Austin, my cramps were pretty bad and I have a high pain tolerance. They woke me up out of a deep sleep and I was breathing through them. I was on the verge of going to the hospital which says a lot for me as I NEVER go to the hospital. They also went down my legs like period cramps can do, but they were only one one side. Anyway now I know and next time (hopefully there won't be a next time) I will go to the ER. Yeh!!! for week 24!! I agree, let's keep those babies in there for as long as possible. You're doing so well so far. Are you still working? I know originally you said you hoped to work until about now.

MA, glad all is well. Good luck on the scan tomorrow. I hope all is well with little Amelia. 23 weeks is great!! Enjoy that you are doing so well. My girl feels like she is sitting low also, on this morning's hike I was holding my belly off my bladder for a while! Hope you're not too uncomfortable.

AFM, feeling good. Got to go for a long hike with girlfriends this AM and hounds. Four women 5 dogs. It was a pack but so much fun and the trials are finally drying out from all the snow. I feel really good when I can get out and get some fresh air in the morning. I do feel a little more tired during the day and by 6 I'm beat, but it's worth it!

Have a great Thursday! It was going to snow today, but looks like we may be in the clear. Seriously??!! It's mid June! Austin, I have a lot of folks coming into the store from Texas as it is so hot in your neck of the woods.

Peace out! Anna
And today is all about toddler poop so do I really want to do this again???? :haha:

Seriously, I love my kids and most days dream of staying home with them but on days like this with exploding messes I dream about going to work where I can dress up and I don't wipe any bums :rofl:
:rofl: Terri! I hope your day improves! Is E sick? Poor little guy :hugs: We'll have a lot of training to do with my little sister, she's never cared for toddlers before, just really young babies. Hope she doesn't get scared off! She'll be moving here at the end of July and overlapping with Nathan a good 3 weeks before she, Zoë and I leave for Switzerland...

No I don't think babies move up, I think it's all because of the changing positions within the uterus as they grow. They start off lying sideways with occasional downward kicks and punches, then eventually move to head down with bums up and legs to the side. I still remember those rib kicks like it was yesterday!
Oh Oh Oh I forgot to post about this! Really excited!!! It seems my CM is becoming more of a reliable tool for me to predict ovulation! Sorry if TMI but I never had the CM changes associated with ovulation prior to having a baby. Well now, I'm having those changes and I should be ovulating in 1-2 days, so it may be easier to TTC than I thought!!! We'll be officially starting in August, which seems still so far away :cry: I want to be pregnant NOW!!!
CJ, yeh for CM!!!! Never thougt i'd say that before our TTC journey. Why are you waiting until augest again? Travel? Happy for you!
Codegirl, sorry for the poopy day! Tomorrow things will be better. Good luck!
Yay for week 24, Austin!!! :happydance: And the doctor said you should be set for the next four as well - that has GOT to be a relief! It sounds like you're in the perfect mindset for it all, too. :thumbup:

Junebug - woo-HOO for CM! Like Anna, I never thought I'd say THAT... Where in Switzerland are you going? I was in Zurich & Lucerne many, many moons ago (LOVED Lucerne). I'm envious!

Terri - exploding Toddler poop?? You poor dear! (Even if it IS pretty funny...) :rofl: Until it happens to ME, of course. :haha:

Hang in there, everyone - we're almost to Friday! :happydance:
LOL I know, I always thought the whole CM monitoring kinda gross, until now when I've figured it out and that it works!

Trying to time next baby's arrival with DH being done teacher's college, which is April 2012... He will be 4 hours away for those 8 months, and even if my sister is with me, I don't want to be a single parent to a toddler and newborn. If we have a surprise before then, we'll deal with it. Part of me is sooooo tempted to say screw it and start NOW!!!
Chris, we'll just be in Geneva for my conference. My friends are currently living in Basel and will come to Geneva to hang out with us for the 4 days before the start of the conference. Travelling with a 15 month old internationally may be very interesting...

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