35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Afternoon ladies,

Rebekah - please keep us posted on how tomorrow's scan goes. I will be praying, but I am sure everything will be fine :)

Junebug - i always wanted two kids. At the moment, my hubby (who was in agreement) is now saying lets wait and see - I think because he is tired as well hee hee. I would like to get pregnant again at 39 and have my 2nd child by 40. We will see if it works out that way though. In the recent years, I have learned that I can plan all I want to, but life has a way of happening and my planning goes out the door.

Austin - Congrats on week 24! I am sure that your little ones will stay put for a while. However if they are preemie please don't hesitate to ask me a bunch of questions :).

Vivienne - that is wonderful news about your baby shower. I am glad that your friends are able to do that for you. If you have more male friends - make it a coed shower.

Anna - sorry about your contractions and the BV.

Chris 1, Chris 2, Angela, Code, Lynn, Lucy - HI and HUGE HUGS!!!! If I left anyone out sorry about that!

AFM - Nothing really new to report. Katelyn had another eye exam, but her retinas are still to immature so we have to go back in anouther 3 weeks. Tomorrow she has a follow-up Dr. appointment. Fingers crossed that she has put on a good amount of weight. I am FINALLY going to sit down and do the "Thank You" cards for my showers.

Thanks, I'll let you know how all goes tomorrow. Hoping for a good report! :happydance:
Rebekah, what time is your apt? Will be thinking of you!

Steph I know what you mean, planning is not always a good thing :hugs: And when you're tired, you're MUCH less likely to want a #2! Things have a way of working out, as DH always says! Part of me just wants to go for it in the next 2 days and see what happens, but the part of me that likes things neatly planned out is informing that spontaneous part of my brain that March would NOT be a good time to have a baby with DH in school until April. Sigh. I hate being practical sometimes...
Anna, I forgot to answer. Part of me would LOVE twins, but another part of me would feel cheated out of a third pregnancy. For all the nausea, reflux, swelling, weight gain and discomfort, I LOVED being pregnant and feeling my baby so close to me... I can't wait to experience that again, I miss is so much!
Hey there!

Sono is at 930 and then we drive to the Peri center which is "supposed" to be 1030 but lately seems to be 3 or 4 hours later. :wacko: We'll see. :haha:

She's still kicking away, Sunday is wk 23 so I'm farther than I was with Jackson. NOW to make it LONG past those other goals. I will be really happy at wk 28 and will cheer wk after wk thereafter! :happydance: Lets so how the sono goes tomorrow. :winkwink:
I did again! I missed a week and like 10+ pages!!! :| lol I took notes and made comments with notepad as I read along... How dedicated is that??? So a lot of my comments might seem totally outdated... Here goes:

Junebug- I am so sorry about your FIL. :hugs: thx for your comment on the swelling! I don't feel so abnormal now, lol It's flip flops to work for me too. I just can't wear regular shoes anymore... Even my flip flops dig in. Happy Belated Birthday Zoe!!! I can't believe someone stole money from your house. :growlmad: YAY for the CM!!! :haha: It really is a good indication. And Happy Belated Birthday to you too my dear!

Steph- HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Hope the baby blues are going away. xo Was your pre-eclampsia the reason for your early delivery? I am sorry, i don't remember....

Pablo- I have had some bad cramps here and there. They are pretty scary but go away. I guess it's all part of the growing process. My belly has doubled in size since 24 weeks. I am starting to get paranoid at how large my bump is... YAY for having baby buddies!!! Oh wait..... sorry to hear your cramps were contractions caused by BV. Good thing you went to the hospital. My cramps have not been severe like that. YAY for summer finally coming! Where in Colorado are you?

Austingurrl- since I got back to Mtl it has been pretty hot and humid on and off. I have pretty bad swollen feet too. I do my best to put them up after work but it's hard. All I can suggest is to drink lot's of water and eat watermelon! Google the benefits of watermelon when you're pregnant. It's a miracle food. I swear I see a huge difference in water retention the days I eat watermelon. Congrats on 24 weeks!!! Cool test, hope it's negative!! oh... I see you are already eating watermelon, lol

rottpaw- I love the idea of doing an online shower for the girls who aren't getting one!!!

MA- sounds like everything is going good. Can you believe it??? You have surpassed your last pregnancy. I am sure it's bittersweet... but I hope it gives you more breathing room. :hugs: Enjoy the kicking it's so much fun! My baby is so big now she feels like a big worm or flailing fish wriggling around inside. I get the odd jab but not like before. It changed withing a matter of a week. Last Thursday she gave my doctor a good kick too when she was pressing the doppler down on my belly. :rofl: Good luck on your scan tomorrow! My baby has definitely moved upward, or rather is now filling my entire mid section, but I still get jabs in the bladder, cervix and bowel. :wacko:

Lucy- Tilly is alerady 4 weeks old!!! WOW how fast time flies. We need more pics!!! Good news about getting a nursery lined up. Just try not to think about it too much. You still have lot's of time at home with Tilly. My baby girl will have to go to daycare too. No rich hubby for me either but we do ok and I love him tons. lol I am already on lists, but have to make more calls. The waiting lists here are 1-2 yrs long. You have to pretty much put your name down the minute you get your BFP.

Chris #2- I am HUGE, so join the bummed out club, LOL I don't feel I have gotten so much as fat as I have this massive belly as I mentioned above..... I'll post mine if you post yours! :haha: Sorry about the infection but glad to hear you got medication for it! :thumbup:

Viv- sorry about the reflux. I get it too but not as severe. I totally understand about you wanting to still work a little bit here in there. Adult time is VERY important! YAY for the baby shower!!!

Codegirl- exploding messes :rofl: :haha: I'm sure we'll all be able to relate soon enough! lol

Big hellos to anyone I missed!!! xoxo

As for me..... just puttering along. My replacement has already started at work. He'll be shadowing me for the next 7 weeks. *How annoying. He seems nice and we get along but I need my personal space you know? I figure in a couple weeks I'll have him take over and I'll shadow him. :thumbup: Last official day of work is not until August 1st.
Leaving my BC was so hard for me. I went into a little funk when I came back. Just seems like bizarro world sometimes. BC is home and feels normal to be there, then coming here is also home and feels normal to be here. Always takes me about a week to adjust. I am doing good now. :thumbup: Miss my mom and dad but at least i know I'll see them in four months. That's not so bad.
We've had some crazy ass hot days here so my swelling sux.
Went tonight with a friend who has a three month old to Baby's'R'Us to create a registry for my local baby shower. Man, who knew how much stuff you needed beyond clothes? :haha: I tried to keep my list modest and affordable. Very overwhelming but super exciting!!!

Writing exam #2 again on June 22nd. MUST start studying this weekend. Just remembered our prenatal classes start on the 21st... I'll have to make sure I am well prepared for this exam a couple days before...........

k, it's really late! I meant to go to bed early and then decided to catch up on this thread. :dohh:

hugs & kisses to all!!! :flower:
Oh Oh Oh I forgot to post about this! Really excited!!! It seems my CM is becoming more of a reliable tool for me to predict ovulation! Sorry if TMI but I never had the CM changes associated with ovulation prior to having a baby. Well now, I'm having those changes and I should be ovulating in 1-2 days, so it may be easier to TTC than I thought!!! We'll be officially starting in August, which seems still so far away :cry: I want to be pregnant NOW!!!

YAY for CM :haha:
Hey there!

Sono is at 930 and then we drive to the Peri center which is "supposed" to be 1030 but lately seems to be 3 or 4 hours later. :wacko: We'll see. :haha:

She's still kicking away, Sunday is wk 23 so I'm farther than I was with Jackson. NOW to make it LONG past those other goals. I will be really happy at wk 28 and will cheer wk after wk thereafter! :happydance: Lets so how the sono goes tomorrow. :winkwink:

Prayers for all three of you :hugs:
Afternoon ladies,

Rebekah - please keep us posted on how tomorrow's scan goes. I will be praying, but I am sure everything will be fine :)

Junebug - i always wanted two kids. At the moment, my hubby (who was in agreement) is now saying lets wait and see - I think because he is tired as well hee hee. I would like to get pregnant again at 39 and have my 2nd child by 40. We will see if it works out that way though. In the recent years, I have learned that I can plan all I want to, but life has a way of happening and my planning goes out the door.

Austin - Congrats on week 24! I am sure that your little ones will stay put for a while. However if they are preemie please don't hesitate to ask me a bunch of questions :).

Vivienne - that is wonderful news about your baby shower. I am glad that your friends are able to do that for you. If you have more male friends - make it a coed shower.

Anna - sorry about your contractions and the BV.

Chris 1, Chris 2, Angela, Code, Lynn, Lucy - HI and HUGE HUGS!!!! If I left anyone out sorry about that!

AFM - Nothing really new to report. Katelyn had another eye exam, but her retinas are still to immature so we have to go back in anouther 3 weeks. Tomorrow she has a follow-up Dr. appointment. Fingers crossed that she has put on a good amount of weight. I am FINALLY going to sit down and do the "Thank You" cards for my showers.


Fingers x'ed for a chunky monkey!
Good morning & Happy Friday! :flower:

Junebug, I totally agree - practicallity's no fun. It's just so darn... practical. :wacko:

MA - good luck with everything today! I'll be thinking of you!

Chris #1 - I know what you mean about all the stuff baby needs! The DH & I were in Babies R Us a few weeks ago and I left with my head spinning! And welcome to the Bummed Out Club - we're always accepting new members! Just be glad that you're more belly and less fat. I'm sure you look like a normal pregnant woman. I'd kill for that. I, on the other hand, have ballooned in the a$$/thigh area, and look like a pregnant woman that's let herself go. Even though I'm careful with my diet. Truly disgusting... :sick: So no bump pictures for me. I've already warned people that if they come near me with a camera, it's going to have a fatal accident. :haha: I just feel bad for my poor hubby - he has to look at it! Poor guy... :nope: At least it's temporary.

Repeat after me - "It will all be worth it when it's over. It will all be worth it when it's over. It will all be worth it when it's over..."

And it WILL be - I know that. It's just making it through that's becoming more difficult as time goes on.

BUT - on a happier note, the DH is starting on the nursery today!! :happydance: He's going to move out the remaining furniture & my clothes from the closet, and rip out all the trim. Depending on how tired I am tonight, I hope to wash the walls so we can paint tomorrow. :thumbup: Getting excited... :p

Steph - I second Viv's wish for a chunky monkey! Let us know how it went.

Angela, Anna, Charmaine, Lucy, Skye, Terri, Viv - hi ladies! (Sorry if I missed anyone!)

Okay - I'm off for a little :coffee:...
Yeh It's Friday!!

Hi all, hope everyone slept well. Another hiking morning for me, just two women and two dogs this AM. Good side effect is that it's 8am here and I don't have to be at work for another two hours so I get to write on my lap top instead of my phone and this is much easier. Believe it or not all those long posts are mostly composed on my phone at work

Svet, great long post and your note taking was excellent! For the record I live in Breckenridge Colorado, it's a ski town located at 9600 Ft above sea level so our winters are long. I know what you mean by the big bump. I feel like my girl must have had a growth spurt last week because I am feeling huge and worried how big I might get. Still 2 1/2 months to go! Sorry for the long wait lists in day care. I thought it was bad here with a six month wait. Good luck on the exam coming up, I know you'll pass this time! As for the registry, how do you know what you need? Are there lists some place? Some place where I can find out exactly what we need? So fearful I will get home from the hospital and I have nothing I really need.

Sunshine, I doubt you are as big as you say you are. I am absolutely positive you look beautiful! And yes, for the record it will all be worth it, it will all be worth it!!

CJ, I'm a planner too, and yes a new born with toddler and alone would be hard. Perhaps the wait is worth it.

MA, good luck this AM with the doc and hope the wait isn't horrific like last time!

Big hugs to all I've missed :hugs::hugs::hugs:

So I have a general question goings out to all . . . this may be a bit TMI, but I can't see "down there" anymore and it's summer, and I'm a hairy girl and well . . . what to do? I'm not a fan of waxing, too many in growns but other than free wheeling a razor down there where I can't see what I'm doing or if I might cut something doesn't seem like a good idea either. Any advice???

Other than that just looking forward to the weekend. I have girl friend who is coming into town with her baby and I plan on picking her brain. She is also bringing clothes and a baby swing!!!! Have a good weekend. I will check back in later today. xxx Anna
So I have a general question goings out to all . . . this may be a bit TMI, but I can't see "down there" anymore and it's summer, and I'm a hairy girl and well . . . what to do? I'm not a fan of waxing, too many in growns but other than free wheeling a razor down there where I can't see what I'm doing or if I might cut something doesn't seem like a good idea either. Any advice???

I couldn't imagine free wheeling a razor down there so I plan on asking dh to do the honors when the time comes. I'm sure he'll like that, I'll just have to make sure he doesn't get too enthusiastic :blush:
So I have a general question goings out to all . . . this may be a bit TMI, but I can't see "down there" anymore and it's summer, and I'm a hairy girl and well . . . what to do? I'm not a fan of waxing, too many in growns but other than free wheeling a razor down there where I can't see what I'm doing or if I might cut something doesn't seem like a good idea either. Any advice???

I couldn't imagine free wheeling a razor down there so I plan on asking dh to do the honors when the time comes. I'm sure he'll like that, I'll just have to make sure he doesn't get too enthusiastic :blush:

LOL!! I'm afaraid i'd end up bald! But that's the best solution I could come up with too.

had another "5irst" this am. While brushing my teeth,I hit my gag reflux, no big deal,happens all the time,except this time, burp and up came part of my pancakes! WTF! Where did that come from??? Just one more joy of being pregnant. Not that i'd trade it, but really?!
Oh God - I hadn't even THOUGHT of that!!! :oops: I'll just have to hope that the "safety" part of the razor does it's job...

Anna - you poor thing! Lucky for me, I haven't had that pleasure yet. Although I've never really had much of a gag reflex, so maybe I'll be spared. (Please, God, let me be spared...)

Half an hour until I can go home and start my weekend! :happydance: Can't wait to see the mess the hubby's made while tearing the nursery-to-be apart :thumbup: Seriously! I'm excited to get the room done and looking forward to the process. :)

Have a great weekend, ladies! :kiss:
anybody heard from MA yet??? Not-so-patiently stalking over here, waiting for an update from her....

And LOL on the personal hygiene!! As a "fluffy" girl, I already have difficulty seeing what I'm doing down there (I can see, it just takes some contortion to do it!), so I use a bikini trimmer with a length guard on it so there's no possibility of cutting myself. They run about $10-$15 at Target. Good luck! :winkwink:

Alright, butting out now and heading back to lurkdom.... :hi:
Checking for an update from MA, hopefully she and Doug are not languishing in a waiting room somewhere!!! Please update us my dear when you're back!

LOL on the personal hygiene! I'm a waxer, it hurt like *&$# while pregnant but now, strangely enough, doesn't hurt as much as before pregnancy! I've cut myself even when I COULD see with razors so keep those far away now :haha: I would say, ask DH to help out! I did ask mine but he was terrified so I just kept up with the waxing...

Crazy day here. My mom is arriving at the train station downtown at 5:15 so I'll be working late waiting for her. So excited for her visit, she hasn't been here since Christmas!

OH and Zoë pulled herself up to standing today :happydance:
Hi everyone!

Sorry it's been awhile but besides the appointment today. My gmail account was hacked by someone in China. Found out from the Huffington Post that political advisors and military advisors accounts were hacked as well as other gov't agencies. I'm not sure if I'm just a freak accident or if with my political stance and backing of military men and women if I was targeted for that reason. I received MANY calls while at my appointment from people wondering what the heck was going on. I couldn't see because I was OBVIOUSLY at my appointment so when I got home, came home to a MESS. Had to change ALL my passwords, deal with facebook which had a post from this idiot, throw out a mass mail to tell everyone DON'T open, Don't Click, and DELETE, while also going through with a fine tooth comb to "lock" certain aspects of documentation and test outgoing mail and such to be sure it's safe to email friends and family again. :wacko: I wondered how it happened because I don't click on ANYTHING that's unknown and all my sites are known and protected so this idiot accessed my account by hacking through googles problem areas.

At any rate, NOW I can update you all...

Had my appointment today and it went well. Bed rest has helped my length to go from 2.0cm's to 2.4cm's. Still funneled but with 1.3cm's ABOVE the stitch which is excellent and 1cm BELOW the stitch. She's not down to just the stitch holding her and according to a reliable source in the IC thread, we're actually doing GREAT! :happydance:

They were able to see her heart completely and the sonographer said SHE didn't see any sign of Ventricular Septal Defect. There was a black spot that "could" be, but she said it was SO tiny that she was confident it'd fix itself "IF" it was. We're still going to have to see the Pede. Cardiologist to get their final stance on things, but the fact that her final report told the Perinatal Center she didn't see ANY heart problems, it made for a joyful day! \o/

Still on bed rest for as long as it takes to keep the baby and stitch working to term but they are SO confident there are no more internal sonograms to check the stitch and length. This is to keep from risking length to dwindle with overdoing internal sonograms as well as once the baby gets to 26 and 28wks the risk of preterm labor gets less riskier for me.

We're almost there! Only 15-17 more weeks to keep her safe and healthy.:happydance:

We have another anomaly scan in 5wks for the Peri Center and OBVIOUSLY have to go back to the cardiologist in July for HIS opinion with his OWN sonographer. Praying all is clear and he see's NOTHING! :winkwink:
You all have me laughing about the hygiene issue. :haha: I've been taking the raiser and just going by touch. I can't see a DARN thing down there. lol

Another thing that grosses me out is they put a TON of lube on during sonograms and I tend to have TONS on the inside of both my legs. When I come home to pee It's just DISGUSTING! Can't just take a shower because that stuff is sticky and thick.

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