35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies. Welcome back Skye! :hugs:

As for milk production. I'm glad to see the no early leak girls having good production. People keep discouraging me because "some" women with PCOS don't produce any milk at all. When I asked for a script from the Peri center for a pump they said they don't normally do it until the baby is born because they're unsure they'll be able to produce milk. She told me with my PCOS not to get discouraged and that I may not produce any and it would be okay.

Well thanks for telling me NOT to get discouraged while letting me down in the SAME sentence without actually knowing.

Another thing is if Amelia is taken away, won't I NEED that pump?? Steph how did you do it? I know you had your little girl early. Did you use the hospitals and THEN go out and get your own pump?? OR did you buy your pump early??

It IS encouraging though to hear that you all are producing milk. I'm not counting it out to spite the doubt with nurses.
CJ my doc said at least nine months just to give my body a break; I ended up with moderate pre eclampsia in late pg so I think that is where she is coming from. I am pretty small in build as well, so I also want to lose the extra 15 pounds first to get back to my pre baby weight, hopefully to help keep PE at bay for most of the next pg as well, because i think If I got pg atpgain at this weight, would have a lot more joint and back issues (and had a hard enough time last rime around with those). So I see her point but with amh number at .3, i don't have a lot of time to wait around lol!

Sorry for typos am on iPod

Hugs all and Skye great to see you back!
hi Rebekah,

As soon as the moved me to the post partum room they gave me a pump to use while in the hospital. Let's see - I had her on a Thursday and they moved me Friday. It actually may have been Saturday when they gave me the pump - they told me to pump for 15 minutes every 3 hours. I didn't get anything for the first 2 days. then it was like a drop the size of my thumbnail. They kept telling me that it was fine and to keep pumping! They then checked my insurance to see if I was eligible to for a hospital pump to take home. I was. I am currently still using the "rented" one from the hospital. I do believe that my "prescription" for that one is up this coming week. I will see if I can get another perscription, however I do plan on purchasing a medela pump for when I go back to work (or sooner if I can't get another prescription for the hospital one. The one I used while in the hospital is the Medela Symphony (it has a preemie setting). The one I am renting is the Medela Lactina

Hope that was helpful.

hi Rebekah,

As soon as the moved me to the post partum room they gave me a pump to use while in the hospital. Let's see - I had her on a Thursday and they moved me Friday. It actually may have been Saturday when they gave me the pump - they told me to pump for 15 minutes every 3 hours. I didn't get anything for the first 2 days. then it was like a drop the size of my thumbnail. They kept telling me that it was fine and to keep pumping! They then checked my insurance to see if I was eligible to for a hospital pump to take home. I was. I am currently still using the "rented" one from the hospital. I do believe that my "prescription" for that one is up this coming week. I will see if I can get another perscription, however I do plan on purchasing a medela pump for when I go back to work (or sooner if I can't get another prescription for the hospital one. The one I used while in the hospital is the Medela Symphony (it has a preemie setting). The one I am renting is the Medela Lactina

Hope that was helpful.

VERY helpful! I'm sure our insurance will cover a hospital rental. I'll have to ask. I was concerned if I didn't get anything for the few days that it wouldn't come in. Looks like there's possibilities!:winkwink::thumbup: I LIKE to hear good news!:happydance::haha:

Thank you!:flower:
Pretty much over life at the moment. Two more huge earthquakes today and we are back to intermittant power, no water or sewerage and more buildings down. What a F*%k of a time to be pregnant.:cry:

Sorry just feeling so low :cry:
Hi everyone, at last I have 2 mins to read through 10 pages and write stuff, Tilly is in her bed....hopefully for long enough to do this post. Last week she had bad wind and big throwing up due to wind, so was very unsettled, so no time for me to do anything....poor little baby...had her on infacol for 5 days now, and things are alot better, and no more sick.....it was causing weight gain to slow down, so hopefully at weigh in Wednesday, she will be big and fat!

I made notes so I could say stuff to most of you :blush:

First sorry Viv..what an extra stress you don't need! Hopefully no more quakes now, and things will be up and running again soon as poss! :wacko:

Hi Sveta, yes nearly 5 weeks now...time is flying..Tilly is changing already....I will put up a pic as soon as poss, she is looking less newborn by the day! :baby:

MA - yay for 23 weeks, how fantastic..and yay to starting on the nursery! Sorry about the hackers, it is such a pain when that happens!!! :growlmad: Glad little Amelia's heart looks ok, hopefuly it will continue to look great and she will have a healthy heart and no probs. :hugs: Glad the stitch has a bit of help to hold her in too....the weeks will fly now....hope you make it all the way! :kiss:

Steph, glad your LO is putting on the weight, nearly 5lbs...great news! :happydance: I know how you feel about strangers looking after baby....I think I have picked my nursery now, no waiting list....and will take Tilly in lots to get her and myself used to it before I go back to work...it's hard to think of leaving her though...just have to enjoy the next 6 months!

Pablo....I tried to shave myself down there using a mirror and managed to cut myself...so then I had OH do it...he was quite happy to do this, and lucky he did as I had alot of stitches which was easier being fairly smooth down there! :blush: As for reflux.....I was just downing gaviscon towards the end....they say bad reflux and heartburn due to baby having lots of hair which mine did....but it is not nice when your dinner comes back up! I am enjoying food far too much now, and starving cos breatfeeding..also suddenly craving choc, and found this morning I have put on a pound....horrors! :growlmad: Now I have to start to be careful....I still want to lose another 20 lbs!

Welcome lavalux.....hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy! :hugs:

Junebug and Rottpaw...I am soooo not where you guys are lol.....right now I am not even thinking about another baby until Tilly is at least 2! I don't get sleep now and am suffering.....if I also had a 2 year old I have no idea what I would do! :wacko: But good luck to you both, hope all goes well for the next one. :kiss:

Hi Skye! Glad you are still here....:happydance:

Hi to Sunshine, lynneb, Codegirl and anyone I missed.

Tilly still asleep! :happydance: Have to book post natal doc visit for me....Tilly has her 6 weeks check up next week, and 2 weeks later we are already starting immunisations! She won't like that...absolutely screamed at the heel prick test! :wacko:

Still so sore down below, wanted to ask girls with babies when you were able to have sx again? The way I feel now, not for another few months!!! Poor OH must be so frustrated! Right post much too long, am off to phone doc and try and find Tilly pics...hope everyone has a good day!

Vivienne sorry to hear you are having more earthquakes. It's really scary. I hope everyone in your family is ok and your buildings are safe. Where are you based. Is it actually in the city? A friend of ours has parents living there but he said they were based a little outside so their building was on a safe rocky ground. I hope yours too. Sending you loads of huggs and good wishes.

Woow Lucy Tilly looks gorgeous. She is such a cutie :) Her eyes are like black olives so pretty :)

Rotpaw photo of Ethan makes me crack up everytime I see it :rofl:

Junebug thank you for the welcome back :)

Hi Steph, hope you would update Katelyn's picts too :)

MA if everything drs predicted came true you wouldn't be pregnant now :))) I wouldn't be surprised if you would have a great flow of bm in the end. :))) xx

AFM I just had a scan and stared in aww at my little bubblegum looking minibaby. I'm a little more confidant with this pregnancy now. So I think I will be following and posting here more steadily. xxx
Vivienne - :hugs:

I also never leaked during pregancy. Had trouble with milk production while nursing Edward (but we had trouble getting started and he never had a good latch) but NO problems with Eric :thumbup:

Pre milk production is not an indicator of what will happen post birth.

Am I the only one on the thread that currently has 2?? I would like to represent and say that having a 2 year old and a newborn isn't that bad. It's good to have some help for the first little while, but it didn't take long for Eric to develop a routine that goes with Edward's. The second one just sort of "fits in". Edward is so in love with his "teeny tiny little brother" I do have to watch for the too tight hugs but it's so sweet at the same time.

Eric's already napping one super long nap in the afternoon that goes with Edward's so I can always have a rest during the overlap in the afternoon which makes a big difference if we have a bad night. Although Eric is a much better sleeper than Edward ever was in the first year (he now sleeps amazing).

Hope that encourages any of you that are thinking of two but are worried. don't get me wrong, it's not all rainbows and lollypops but the good definatly outways the difficult parts.
Hi girls!!!!
Quick post & lots to catch up on....
Viv - So sorry, hon!! Man, yall are having a rough time & my heart goes out to you!! Definitely a hard time for you, for sure!!! You sound so strong & your little guy will be, too!!! Thinking of you...
MA - Congrats on the milestone & the great dr visit!!! Awesome news!!
Lucy - Such a beautiful little doll!!
Steph - Yay for the weight gain!! Thank you for the insight on the pumps, etc... I have been told the same from our preemie/ob folks... pump asap and keep trying... Good job, girl!
Skye - HI!! Good news from you & great to see you here again!!
Lava - CONGRATS!!! And welcome... prayers for good numbers for you & excited to hear how you are doing!!

Whew... Sunshine, Pablo, Codegirl, Junebug, LynneB, Rottpaw and everyone else..... HI LADIES!

AFM - Another great weekend... man, we are soooo blessed with our friends & family... I really am overwhelmed... our shower from my girlfriends was this weekend... and it was awesome!!!:cloud9: We still have A LOT to get, but the help we are getting is truly astonishing... AND, great news... our local MOM (moms of multiples) board had a post from another trip mom who is finishing up with her night nurse/nanny after one year and just posting her recommendation... I contacted the nurse and we are set to meet up this week for coffee and to visit.... I am told that with trips it is NOT a luxury to have in-home help, and have finally convinced DH of that.... it is just soooo $$$$$$! We are going to try and swing for 2 months with the nurse...

That's all going on now... Just taking it easy & staying inside in the AC... Today will be our 8th day in a row over 100.... geesh....

These little girls are SOOOO active right now... the movement sometimes makes me queasy!!!

Happy Monday! :kiss::kiss::hugs::hugs:
Hey ladies real quick - viv honey I am SO Sorry! Bless your heart, more trauma. Try to take it as easy as possible and remember you are in the home stretch! Cant wait to see thesse babies start arriving! Not long now!

More later I promise! Off to work out since little guy is finally sleeping till almost 7 in the morning. YAYYYYYYYYYYY! Lucy I PROMISE it gets better! I have been where you are and it does get better!

Charmaine SO exciting about the showers! Arent they fun??

Hugs all!
Viv, so sorry hunny. :hugs: I haven't turned on the tv. at all so I have no idea whats going on over there. I have to check in with my friend Rachel and make sure her and her kids are okay. Her husband lost his job because the area you speak of is pretty unfit. Turns out he and his coworkers are lucky to be alive because the elevator lift from the building next store was damaged and while it didn't actually fall, if it would have, it would have fallen on his building. I just keep praising God it didn't. They were just allowed to hurry up and get their files and such last week. Can't believe there were two more. Are they actually earthquakes or are they big tremors from the major one? It's so awful this is happening and the towns/cities/etc, can't catch a break. :cry: :hugs: Is there anything I can do hunny?

Code, thanks for sharing the info on bf'ing and also on raising two small ones at the same time. I'd LOVE to have a second but need to get through this pregnancy and the first year with Amelia before we try again.

SKye, you are SO right. I need to put the Dr.'s assumptions aside. They've been wrong a lot in my diagnosis and had I not had Jackson, I would have believe them 10 years ago when they said it would never happen. I'm on my second pregnancy now. We'll see what happens with bf'ing when the time comes! :thumbup:

Charmaine. I agree...having a nurse or a nanny with multiples isn't a luxury but a piece of sanity for the first few months. It's overwhelming with just one...with THREE and not enough arms I'd imagine it could be hard. Too bad you couldn't register for money to keep up with payments for the nurse.

We finally decided on 3 registries: Target for most
Cloth Diaper Site for the diapers
And a photographer for money for the photo shoot afterwards.

The past couple of days I haven't been feeling my best. I'm not really sure if it's the injection or just the constant change this trimester with high bloodsugars. :wacko: My sugars have NEVER been this high and I'm trying to keep up with them. I have to admit I've felt beaten up and depressed because I'm testing more and more each day and manually adding MORE insulin to cover food. I'm SO sensitive to any kind of carb and aside from no processed junk, I have to cut potatoes (white and red) out altogether. I've also contemplated cutting out whole grains too but the baby needs some for growth and nutrician. So even though they're bringing my stupid levels up too high which can be unsafe for her, she STILL actually needs some. :wacko: I keep thinking I'm killing her. :cry: Obviously I'm over-reacting here. But it's been intense and I'm trying to find balance in my food...doesn't help that I have to test more so I'm more obsessive about this than usual. Just a frustrating process because it's not just the second trimester that's causing the high's but the progesterone injections as well. I keep blaming myself for highs when it's other things causing it.

Hi and love to everyone! :hug:
Hi girls!

Wow - lots of posts since Friday. Okay - here we go:

Junebug - Glad your mom's here to visit (what a long time to go w/out seeing her!) and yay for Zoe standing!!
MA - Woo-HOO for the good news from the doctors! :happydance: So sorry about all the sugar frustration you must be going through now. :hugs: to you.
Viv - I heard about the huge aftershocks on the news this morning and thought of you. I'm so sorry you're going through this all over again, but so happy that you're okay. :flow:
Steph - Yay for Katelyn's weight gain! Sounds like she'll fill out in no time at all!
Lava - Hi there! Looking forward to when you're a permanent member!
Welcome back, Skye! I'll be glad when you're over here more often, too!
Lucy - Tilly's a sweetheart!
Austin - Wow - another great shower! You are indeed blessed :flower: I don't blame you for getting a nurse, either. I don't know how you could do it all at first without one!
Angela, Anna, Chris #1, Terri (and anyone I may have missed) - hi there!

AFM - Had a pretty good weekend. I painted the nursery yesterday but it could really use a second coat, so DH will do that today after he orders the flooring. My parents came out on Saturday and gave us $1000 to put towards baby stuff - they said they'd rather have us pick things out and get exactly what we want, instead of them getting stuff and hoping it's what we want. I couldn't believe it - it was quite the shock! And then my hubby came back with a gift from a woman we know through his auction business - she gave us a few absolutely adorable little outfits! It was our first non-family baby gift, and was such a sweet gesture.

Just like Austin - I, too, am starting to really feel blessed. :)

Even though I (obviously) know I'm pregnant, every once in a while it hits me like a ton of bricks... "D@mn! I'm REALLY going to have a baby!" I've even mentioned it to DH a few times... He just looks at me like "Yeah, and where have YOU been for the past six months??" :haha: I guess it's just something I've wanted for so long (and thought would never happen), so it's hard to let myself believe that it's a reality.

Of course, knowing me, once we're home from the hospital and she's in her nursery, I'll look at my DH and say "Holy cr@p - there's a baby in there!" :dohh:
Pretty much over life at the moment. Two more huge earthquakes today and we are back to intermittant power, no water or sewerage and more buildings down. What a F*%k of a time to be pregnant.:cry:

Sorry just feeling so low :cry:

Viv, thanks so much for letting us know you're ok - I thought of you first thing when I turned on the tv this morning. :hugs::hugs: Yes it's a horrible time to be pregnant, but frankly right now your LO is safer inside you than out. My Granna's best friend was living in Holland during WWII and was pregnant in the winter of 1945 - it was the harshest winter in 100 years, the war was going really badly for the Nazis and they really took it out on the Dutch (largely in retaliation because the Dutch underground had provided so help during the Allies' failed Operation Market Garden) - there was so little food that winter that she survived, pregnant, by eating one tulip bulb a day, and her daughter was born perfectly healthy and had absolutely no long-term repercussions. Just wanted to offer a little reassurance that your LO will be just fine, I'm sure. Sending you :hugs: and prayers for your continued safety. Please let us know if there's anything we can send or do for you.

<back to lurking>
Even though I (obviously) know I'm pregnant, every once in a while it hits me like a ton of bricks... "D@mn! I'm REALLY going to have a baby!" I've even mentioned it to DH a few times... He just looks at me like "Yeah, and where have YOU been for the past six months??" :haha: I guess it's just something I've wanted for so long (and thought would never happen), so it's hard to let myself believe that it's a reality.

Of course, knowing me, once we're home from the hospital and she's in her nursery, I'll look at my DH and say "Holy cr@p - there's a baby in there!" :dohh:

Ha! I love it... I feel EXACTLY the same way, girl..... Sooo not real to me yet... Had a similar moment this weekend when my girls were in town for the shower... They were all talking about their next big "girls trip" in Cabo to celebrate a couple of 40th bdays... in September... and I was thinking, "Why can't I go?" (INSERT ABSURD LITTLE POUTY FACE HERE)

OH yeah... because (fingers crossed!!!) we will have THREE TINY BABIES then! Its almost like, because we wanted it and waited for so long, its hard to imagine what it will be like... :hugs:

(P.S. - WHOOP! WHOOP! for the gift from your folks!!! That is awesome!!!
Even though I (obviously) know I'm pregnant, every once in a while it hits me like a ton of bricks... "D@mn! I'm REALLY going to have a baby!" I've even mentioned it to DH a few times... He just looks at me like "Yeah, and where have YOU been for the past six months??" :haha: I guess it's just something I've wanted for so long (and thought would never happen), so it's hard to let myself believe that it's a reality.

Of course, knowing me, once we're home from the hospital and she's in her nursery, I'll look at my DH and say "Holy cr@p - there's a baby in there!" :dohh:

Ha! I love it... I feel EXACTLY the same way, girl..... Sooo not real to me yet... Had a similar moment this weekend when my girls were in town for the shower... They were all talking about their next big "girls trip" in Cabo to celebrate a couple of 40th bdays... in September... and I was thinking, "Why can't I go?" (INSERT ABSURD LITTLE POUTY FACE HERE)

OH yeah... because (fingers crossed!!!) we will have THREE TINY BABIES then! Its almost like, because we wanted it and waited for so long, its hard to imagine what it will be like... :hugs:

(P.S. - WHOOP! WHOOP! for the gift from your folks!!! That is awesome!!!

sometimes I look at my boys and still wonder to myself when their parents are going to pick them up :rofl:
Even though I (obviously) know I'm pregnant, every once in a while it hits me like a ton of bricks... "D@mn! I'm REALLY going to have a baby!" I've even mentioned it to DH a few times... He just looks at me like "Yeah, and where have YOU been for the past six months??" :haha: I guess it's just something I've wanted for so long (and thought would never happen), so it's hard to let myself believe that it's a reality.

Of course, knowing me, once we're home from the hospital and she's in her nursery, I'll look at my DH and say "Holy cr@p - there's a baby in there!" :dohh:

Ha! I love it... I feel EXACTLY the same way, girl..... Sooo not real to me yet... Had a similar moment this weekend when my girls were in town for the shower... They were all talking about their next big "girls trip" in Cabo to celebrate a couple of 40th bdays... in September... and I was thinking, "Why can't I go?" (INSERT ABSURD LITTLE POUTY FACE HERE)

OH yeah... because (fingers crossed!!!) we will have THREE TINY BABIES then! Its almost like, because we wanted it and waited for so long, its hard to imagine what it will be like... :hugs:

(P.S. - WHOOP! WHOOP! for the gift from your folks!!! That is awesome!!!

sometimes I look at my boys and still wonder to myself when their parents are going to pick them up :rofl:

Hi Girls!!! I am not going to be able to remember everything but I read everything! First things Viv, I am sooo sorry you guys are going through this again. :hugs:

Your banter back and forth this weekend has been highly entertaining! Happy Auntie, I love it when you post! no need to only lurk. xo

Miss Muffet, I had no idea you had such severe pre-eclampsia. Thankfully everything worked out in the end. I was really really worried about 'pe' on Friday because of my last doctor's appt. and my swelling had been really bad last week. Friday night I had marks in my legs for hours after leaning them against a chair leg! I googled if you press on your skin and it doesn't bounce back that that is a bad sign... anyway, it is also a sign of edema which I read later and tried to worry less about. We have had a couple days of cold weather and lo and behold!!! My swelling is nearly all gone (have a hard time with my wedding rings) and :happydance: I lost a kilo!!!! :happydance: I know you're not supposed to lose weight when you are pregnant, but it just made me feel better because it just showed the doctor that my weight gain at my last appt. was not because of anything other than the heat, traveling and sever water retention. I feel back on track now at 28lbs total. :thumbup:

Pablo- I think you asked a few pages back if there was a list or something of what baby needs. I have no idea. My 'list' was my friend who has a three month old. She was soooo helpful with everything telling me what you don't need and do need and what products she found better than others. Essentially I registered for stuff like pacifiers, breast pump, baby monitor, bottles, bouncy chair, kangaroo sling, towels, cloths, receiving blankets, lotions and potions, diaper genie etc.... If you want I can send you the link to my registry for some ideas.

K, going to go order dinner now! Game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals and MY team is winning 3 games to 2!! If they win tonight they will win the Stanley Cup, first time EVER in the teams history! :yipee: Fingers crossed! I am SUCH a hockey fan and have been since I was knee high to a grasshopper.

Oh, and the fact that I am actually going to be a mommy in a couple months isn't real to me yet either! But i am getting more and more excited. :cloud9:
Hi all, quick check in and will write more later from th lap top,too much going on to comment on phone. See you in a few hours! Anna

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