35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

ACK I just noticed Zoë's ticker calls her a "toddler"!!! Where did my baby go :cry:
Quick pop-in & question...

The test my peri mentioned me having with my ob/gyn tomorrow is a Fetal Fibronectin test... Supposed to give an indication of whether you are at risk for preterm labor...

Anyone had this test?? Would love to hear any insight... Thanks!


<stepping out of the shadows>

I actually know something about this one! My sister went into preterm labor with her first at 26 weeks with no warning after a completely normal pregnancy (up until that point). She was hospitalized and on complete bed rest from then on, and they were able to hold off delivery until 32 weeks. (And my niece only had to stay in NICU for a week and then they sent her home, and she's been completely fine ever since.) Fast forward to 2006 and she was pregnant with #2... because of her prior ptl, they started running the fetal fibronectin test on her every two weeks at about 24 weeks. When it went positive a few weeks later, she was put on full bedrest (at home this time) until about 35 weeks when they determined via some other test that my nephews lungs were developed enough that he'd be ok. They released her from bedrest, she went into labor a few days later, and presto baby.

That's what I know about the fetal fibronectin test. Not too much, really! :haha: But I can absolutely find out more from her if you want me to. :flower:

<heading back to lurkdom once more>
Quick pop-in & question...

The test my peri mentioned me having with my ob/gyn tomorrow is a Fetal Fibronectin test... Supposed to give an indication of whether you are at risk for preterm labor...

Anyone had this test?? Would love to hear any insight... Thanks!


<stepping out of the shadows>

I actually know something about this one! My sister went into preterm labor with her first at 26 weeks with no warning after a completely normal pregnancy (up until that point). She was hospitalized and on complete bed rest from then on, and they were able to hold off delivery until 32 weeks. (And my niece only had to stay in NICU for a week and then they sent her home, and she's been completely fine ever since.) Fast forward to 2006 and she was pregnant with #2... because of her prior ptl, they started running the fetal fibronectin test on her every two weeks at about 24 weeks. When it went positive a few weeks later, she was put on full bedrest (at home this time) until about 35 weeks when they determined via some other test that my nephews lungs were developed enough that he'd be ok. They released her from bedrest, she went into labor a few days later, and presto baby.

That's what I know about the fetal fibronectin test. Not too much, really! :haha: But I can absolutely find out more from her if you want me to. :flower:

<heading back to lurkdom once more>

Very interesting! I wondered why it wasn't performed on me. I think it's a scan isn't it?? Seems as though they many not perform it because I've already got the stitch, p17 injections and already on bed rest. :shrug: I'll have to ask. Was your sister given a cerclage and injections for her second or were they just monitoring her? Am curious to find out what she had as preventatives and if this test was in conjunction.

Maybe I'll ask them next week about it. I was told though that no other scans would be performed until the anomaly scan in 5 wks. I was thinking the other day though that the nurse in the hospital said I'd most likely start injections to mature Amelia's lungs. Nobody has mentioned that either. Hmm, you have me wondering. :haha:

Thanks for chiming in!:hugs::flower:

Lava, Wowee you've been busy reading. Haha

CJ, thanks for chiming in about the soap. It made my choice easier with you two!
Quick pop-in & question...

The test my peri mentioned me having with my ob/gyn tomorrow is a Fetal Fibronectin test... Supposed to give an indication of whether you are at risk for preterm labor...

Anyone had this test?? Would love to hear any insight... Thanks!


<stepping out of the shadows>

I actually know something about this one! My sister went into preterm labor with her first at 26 weeks with no warning after a completely normal pregnancy (up until that point). She was hospitalized and on complete bed rest from then on, and they were able to hold off delivery until 32 weeks. (And my niece only had to stay in NICU for a week and then they sent her home, and she's been completely fine ever since.) Fast forward to 2006 and she was pregnant with #2... because of her prior ptl, they started running the fetal fibronectin test on her every two weeks at about 24 weeks. When it went positive a few weeks later, she was put on full bedrest (at home this time) until about 35 weeks when they determined via some other test that my nephews lungs were developed enough that he'd be ok. They released her from bedrest, she went into labor a few days later, and presto baby.

That's what I know about the fetal fibronectin test. Not too much, really! :haha: But I can absolutely find out more from her if you want me to. :flower:

<heading back to lurkdom once more>

Very interesting! I wondered why it wasn't performed on me. I think it's a scan isn't it?? Seems as though they many not perform it because I've already got the stitch, p17 injections and already on bed rest. :shrug: I'll have to ask. Was your sister given a cerclage and injections for her second or were they just monitoring her? Am curious to find out what she had as preventatives and if this test was in conjunction.

Maybe I'll ask them next week about it. I was told though that no other scans would be performed until the anomaly scan in 5 wks. I was thinking the other day though that the nurse in the hospital said I'd most likely start injections to mature Amelia's lungs. Nobody has mentioned that either. Hmm, you have me wondering. :haha:

Thanks for chiming in!:hugs::flower:

Lava, Wowee you've been busy reading. Haha

CJ, thanks for chiming in about the soap. It made my choice easier with you two!

Nope, no cerclage or injections with the 2nd, just the monitoring, ffn and at-home bedrest (after the positive ffn).

With her first, she did get the shot to speed up lung development because they knew my niece was coming early - it reached the point where they couldn't hold her off any longer. After going into ptl at 26 weeks, her waters broke just before 31 weeks. I think that's when she got the lung shot. They were able to ward off infection for just over a week and then had to let her deliver at 32 weeks because then my niece's lungs were ok (thanks to the shot) and the risk of infection became too great. My niece was born at 5 lb 10 oz - pretty big for 32 weeks. She looked enormous compared to the other preemies in the NICU.

So yeah, with the 2nd she started getting the ffn every two weeks around week 24. Her OB said apparently she just cooks 'em faster than normal. :winkwink:

And I believe the ffn test is a vaginal swab, not a scan.
Thanks. Hm, maybe they haven't mentioned it because I've got the injection to stop PTL and an actual cerclage. Maybe because they couldn't do anymore other than what they've already done. I'll ask just in case ESPECIALLY about the injection for the lungs though as I know I'm getting that but nobody mentioned when. It's good to know those are swab tests. Now I'll know what to look for if they decide on it.
Hi Rebekah - the lung shot is giving if they think you are about to deliver preterm. They gave it to me when I went in. It is usually givin 24-48 hours prior to delivery. I dont think they give it after 36 weeks though.
Oh here are some recent photos if katelyn. she is 1ounce away from being 5lbs!!



aww, she's very cute! Look at her hold herself up on the bed!!

As for the shot. Glad to know the timing. So thank goodness I don't need that sucker right now! :haha: I'm not planning on going into labor anytime soon. Wonder why the nurse said I'd get one at 24wks? I'll still ask about it because the nurse brought it up, but I think the reason the office never brought it up is because of what you said. They won't give it until they know your a few days away. THAT, I'm not planning on doing. My hope now is between the stitch and the Progesterone Injections, I'll be able to have as normal a pregnancy now as I can.

It would give me hope for a peaceful future pregnancy knowing after the stitch and injections I "could" get to term. So here's to keeping Amelia in there safe and sound AT LEAST until 28 wks the earliest...but I would rather have her in October. :thumbup:

How's bf'ing and bonding going now that she's home Steph??
Steph she is absolutely gorgeous, so cute!!! Glad she is doing so well, and getting nice and chubby! :happydance:

Lava, hope your scan is perfect and you will be telling us the good news soon, and maybe showing a pic? :hugs:

Hi to everyone! :hi:
Girls I really want to have a ticker but I'm a bit reluctant to sign up with one of these websites that flood my account with lot's of newsletters and junk mail. Any suggestions?
Girls I really want to have a ticker but I'm a bit reluctant to sign up with one of these websites that flood my account with lot's of newsletters and junk mail. Any suggestions?

I've used Lilypie & never had to sign in so I don't get any e-mails from them

Lava - Good luck with your scan
I also use lilypie and they are about the ONLY ones who never send me junk mail LOL!

Lava, let us know what time the scan is if you pop back in this morning! Will be praying for you!
Angela ... it's at 4:15 this afternoon. Will they check my HCG & progesterone again? I know since I've not yet reached 6 weeks, I will not see a heartbeat yet. If we had our scan in a few more days, maybe, but it has been so hard waiting for today to get here, I'm not sure I could have made it much longer. ;) I know I am spoiled to be monitored so early, but it also makes me nervous. Trying to keep a good thought.
Good morning, ladies - happy Friday Eve!

Steph - Katelyn is so sweet! And growing so quickly, too - yay for the almost 5 pounds!

Skye - sorry about the insomnia. I had that a lot the 1st trimester, too. And then, of course, I was absolutely exhausted during the day when I COULDN'T take a nap... The good news is it should fade a little after the 1st trimester. How far along are you? Good luck with the ticker!

Charmaine - I joined Amazon Mom last month. I think it originally comes with 3 months of free Amazon Prime (i.e. free 2 day shipping on most items), but with every $25 you spend for baby stuff, it adds an additional month of Prime for up to a total of 12 months. We bought our crib through that, so I've got the full 12 months of free shipping now. LOVE it. I plan on making all my major purchases through there. :thumbup:

Sorry about your heat-wave. Send a little up north, will ya? :winkwink:

Chris #1 - so sorry about your team! At least they made it to the finals - Sabres were out in the 1st round... :dohh:

Lava - good luck with your scan today!!

Angela - thanks for the pail input. Reading web reviews is helpful, but it's always nicer to get the two cents from someone you trust. :thumbup:

Junebug - don't be sad, Zoe's still a baby! She's just a little bit bigger, that's all :hugs:

HA - thanks for weighing in on the fft. I'd never heard of it either, but I'm definitely asking about it at my next appointment at the end of the month.

Viv - hope you're hanging in there okay. Please post when you have a minute to let us know how you're doing. :hug:

Anna, Lucy, Rebekah, Terri... Hi girls! (sorry if I missed anyone!)

Not much going on with me - I had my glucose tolerance test this morning. It went a LOT smoother than I expected. The lab I go to is NEVER on time - why they even bother scheduling appointments, I have no idea - but today for a change they took me on time. And the stuff I had to drink wasn't as awful as I thought it was going to be, either. I fully expected to finally leave that place ready to take someone's head off (like I usually am when I deal with them), but I wasn't even remotely pissed! Who'da thunk it possible??

Have a great day, ladies! :kiss:
Lava - we must have started posting at the same time... Actually at six weeks there's a chance you might see a heartbeat, as they can sometimes see them as early as five weeks. But that's not a definite, so panic if you don't. Good luck!
Steph, forgot to say, Katelyn is suuuuuch a cutie pie!!!

Lava good luck with your apt today, keep us posted!

Zoë decided she wanted to nurse a bit last night. And even though it had been 3 days since she had last nursed, there was still milk there. I think I'll just continue to give her the option and see how it goes. She wanted to nurse while we were in the bath and then after story time :cloud9:

I didn't sleep well. I don't know what's up. I hope I can rest better tonight after my run...

Hope everyone is having a good morning!
Hey girls!

Lava, I *think* they will recheck your betas while you're there; seems like they did when I went. I can't wait to hear how everything goes! :hugs:
Hey all!

I can not believe how many pages the are afte only 24 hrs!!

Sunshine, I have my glucose test next week. Good to know it isn't as bad as all that. Congrads on the double digit count down!

CJ, zoe will always be your baby!

Skye, my mom made a comment on what I was eating a few weeks ago, commenting on how much syrup I was putting on my waffle ( she has weight hang ups she has kinndly passed them to me) so now I refer to her as the syrup nazi. Good luck with the ticker. Can't remember where I got mine.

Austin, sorry about the heat! I am already registered with amazon due to kindle,so hopefully signing up for amazon mom will be a breeze.

Svet, sorry for the loss! I am ashamed to say I was cheering for Boston. I used to play co-ed hockey and it's funny watching game with DH as I know more about it than he does!

Lava, good luck with scan today! I am impressed you read the whole thread. Welcome!!

Codegirl, thanks to you an MA for all the diaper info. I am looking into a hybrid.

Rottpaw, HI!

HA, so good to see you lurking,and such good info. Thanks for being here.

Steph, such sweet pictures of your girl! She is just precious!

Vivienne, hope you are well and safe!

AFM, nothing to tell. Seeing Lyle Lovette and John Hiatt tonight at our local ampitheater with two girl friends. Very excited for a girls night out!

have a good one! Anna

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