35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Anna, the concert sounds like fun! It has been too hot here to even think about going outside. The weather people said we've literally already had a month's worth of 90+ days. Boooo! I hate the heat.

Steph, Katelyn is just beautiful! And almost 5 lbs already! Grow Katelyn Grow!

CJ, I hope you get some sleep tonight! I know how it feels to lose sleep and it makes all the difference. I swear I think it is almost worse when you start to catch up again and then lose more!

Sunshine, let me know if you have other registry questions. I researched everything and drove myself nuts, so ask away LOL!

Lava, can't wait to hear the outcome! :hugs:

Lynn, Sveta, Austin, Rebekah - :hi:! I'm so sorry if I missed anyone! It's been a long day and I've got baby brain for sure!

Has anyone heard from Viv yet?
Ok, y'all. I just got back from the fertility clinic and am still a little numb, and more than a little worried. They saw TWO gestational sacs with a yolk sac in each. One was a 15 mm gestational sac with a 4 mm yolk sac; the other 13 mm with a yolk sac of 3 mm. No fetal pole or heartbeat was detected. I am 5 weeks 6 days. We will go back next Thursday to see if there has been any development. The doctor did not seem overly concerned about the lack of fetal pole or heartbeat based on my gestational age and said that this was an early scan, but he was cautious. They did not check my HCG or progesterone as my previous numbers looked good and he said that right now, there was no point to stick another needle in me. So, I've search the internet and seen that at 5 1/2 to 6 weeks, it is not uncommon to see no fetal pole. I had prepared myself to not see the heartbeat, but was really expecting to see a baby. DH & I are in shock (omg, possibly twins!) and scared and now can only wait.
Anna, which hybrid? Have you looked it up on Diaperpin.com? Check the feedback on the specific diaper your thinking about to make sure people actually like it and that there are no blowouts, that the diaper and gussets are made well. :winkwink:

I'm strictly flats with snappies and diaper covers until I figure out what her body type will be and which hybrids will work for her.

I've been waiting PATIENTLY for my diaper covers. Should come tomorrow. :happydance:

Went for a ride today. Was lovely to spite the fact that last night a migraine started and I was up until 5am with awful pain that tylenol just wouldn't get rid of. Had it slightly throughout the day today too. Now I'm wondering if I have a sinus infection causing some of it. I have a bloody nose (which is normal during pregnancy) but my nose is burning. Which makes me wonder if it's an actual sinus infection. I'm thinking I can't take a thing for it though so will have to suffer through it aside from trying a neti pot rinse.

Otherwise had a lovely day outside. Actually going on the porch with Doug and the dogs while he plants flowers in the planters.

Talk later ladies! :hug:
Ok, y'all. I just got back from the fertility clinic and am still a little numb, and more than a little worried. They saw TWO gestational sacs with a yolk sac in each. One was a 15 mm gestational sac with a 4 mm yolk sac; the other 13 mm with a yolk sac of 3 mm. No fetal pole or heartbeat was detected. I am 5 weeks 6 days. We will go back next Thursday to see if there has been any development. The doctor did not seem overly concerned about the lack of fetal pole or heartbeat based on my gestational age and said that this was an early scan, but he was cautious. They did not check my HCG or progesterone as my previous numbers looked good and he said that right now, there was no point to stick another needle in me. So, I've search the internet and seen that at 5 1/2 to 6 weeks, it is not uncommon to see no fetal pole. I had prepared myself to not see the heartbeat, but was really expecting to see a baby. DH & I are in shock and scared and now can only wait.
Lava, First, CONGRATS!! Looks like TWINS!:happydance::flower::cloud9:

Second, I wouldn't worry about the fetal pole. As I've told others, you can't usually hear a fetal heartbeat until closer to mid 6-8 wks and sometimes some women have gone even later.

Your seeing two sacs and this early THAT is excellent. Give it some time. One baby may be younger than the other in gestation.:winkwink: So I'd just go about my day, enjoy your beautiful outcome and wait for the next appointment dear friend!:happydance: \o/
Laura! :hugs:

I agree with Rebekah! :happydance: If the doctor wasn't concerned, don't stress at this point. The news sounds very GOOD and I know it is hard to wait, but try to relax and enjoy for the time being! And yes, OMG! TWINS? :happydance::happydance:

I looked back at my 6w2d scan from ACRM. The fetal pole length on that gestational day for me was only a little more than 1/3 cm. I would never have seen it if they hadn't marked it on the printout so it is ENTIRELY possible that yours just can't be seen yet. Don't stress!!

Hugs honey! I know this news must have thrown you both into a tailspin in both good and bad ways, but try to relax and enjoy and put your feet up (at least mentally) for the next week! We will all be here waiting with you! :hugs:
Yay Lava, so exciting! It's fine to not see heartbeats so early on! In one week you may still not, but there is a good chance you will.

Just went for my run with the class, we've now progressed to 5 sets of 3 min run, 1 min walk. We did about 3.4km, which isn't too bad! I started Lindsay Brin's 60 minute Slim-Down on Monday (she provides a realistic diet on top of a specific exercise program using 4 of her DVDs plus running outside, perfect for me who gets bored doing the same thing day in day out) and I've dropped 2 lbs already. Only 6 more to go to get to pre-pregnancy weight!!! I've been yo-yo'ing with these last 10 lbs since January, hopefully this will get rid of the weight once and for all.

Didn't get to nurse Zoëlle to sleep tonight since I had to leave before bed time. Will try tomorrow.

Rebekah I hope you had a relaxing evening!!!
Hi girls!! The wounds are still fresh from last nights game so I can't talk about it yet :haha: Just please don't judge such a wonderful, beautiful city on a handful of drunk ass hooligans antics. Real fans don't loot and torch cars. Same crap happened here in Mtl. a couple years ago and it wasn't even the Stanley Cup finals :dohh:

Lavalux: TWINS!!!! :baby: :baby: Oh my goodness! Exciting news! Please don't worry yet about lack of HB or fetal pole. As the other girls said it is still VERY early for a scan. :hugs:

Tonight DH and I went to buy our crib!! I had one vision in mind all these months and we ended up with something TOTALLY different and ultra modern! :happydance: Let me see if I can post a pic..... It's def. not for everyone's tastes but we really liked it and it was high quality furniture marked down to liquidation prices. :thumbup: I love a deal! We also bought the mattress and a baby cage (playpen) :rofl: All this was a gift from my parents so we are very very lucky. My mother in law is buying our stroller (travel system) and I have already picked that out, just have to swing by babys'r'us to buy it. All the money needed to set up your first child is so daunting, so it's really nice to have help. We are VERY thankful and will hopefully be able to pay it forward to our children some day.

This is the collection. The furniture is white. For some reason in the pic it looks creamy. Anyway, we bought the crib and the 6 drawer (3 high) dresser without the hutch. We will get a changing pad for on top, so it will function as our change table. Like I said it's not for everyone, but we thought it was really funky:


This is the bedding I am going to buy:


We are going to do two walls off-white and two walls a fun apple/lime green to match the bedding. White drapes... carpet... I can't wait!!! This weekend I'll be locked up studying for my exam Wednesday, but then its all about getting ready for the baby! :happydance: I really hope they didn't get the gender wrong!!!! :|
Hi Everyone! CJ, yes, had a lovely night. I've still been dealing with migraines but just pushing through it. What will tomorrows injections bring next week?! :haha: We actually went for a ride with the dogs, went for ice cream and came back home to watch "The Way Back" we rented from netflix. I actually liked it. Not usually my type of movie, but I did enjoy it.

Someone from the church brought sloppie joes and potato salad. It was kind of like a cook out with friends only in the bedroom with my husband and dogs. haha

Chris, I like it. It is modern. Totally wouldn't look right over here as the woodwork is as ancient as the house, but I actually like some of the more modern cribs. Had a hard time not buying one I liked but it just didn't go with the decor of our home which is pretty much on the Americana side or old country farmhouse type furniture. I can like it through you. Can't WAIT to see the pictures when your done with it. It's going to look just beautiful! :happydance: Another thing I like about the more modern is that they are more squared off. There's just something clean about that look. ((sigh)) if only we'd sell our furniture and start over again. :haha: NO WAY Doug would buy that excuse from me. Haha

Well, I'm off. I'm trying to relax lately. I DO notice I'm a bit more moody lately. Not a fan of the wanting to cry bit all the time for no reason. I whine a lot lately too and it just makes me want to hit my head. :duh: :haha: SO not a fan of my behavior lately. :wacko:
Thank you for your kindness & encouragement. To be honest, I am sick with worry & spent most of the night crying as I feel that next week's appt will bring the dreaded bad news. My DH has been very sweet to me, but he is sad & worried too. He spent an hour on the internet trying to find reassuring information or stories, but we just wound up with lots of conflicting info. I was alarmed at how many doctors told their patients at 5.5 & 6 weeks with no fetal pole & heartbeat that they should schedule their D&C. In any event, we aren't doing anything like that until we know for sure, but I am preparing my mind for the loss. I am going to go back to lurking for a bit, but will you please pray for my miracle babies to grow.
Thank you for your kindness & encouragement. To be honest, I am sick with worry & spent most of the night crying as I feel that next week's appt will bring the dreaded bad news. My DH has been very sweet to me, but he is sad & worried too. He spent an hour on the internet trying to find reassuring information or stories, but we just wound up with lots of conflicting info. I was alarmed at how many doctors told their patients at 5.5 & 6 weeks with no fetal pole & heartbeat that they should schedule their D&C. In any event, we aren't doing anything like that until we know for sure, but I am preparing my mind for the loss. I am going to go back to lurking for a bit, but will you please pray for my miracle babies to grow.

Definitely praying! :hugs::hugs: I know the waiting is so hard and now you feel extra worried, but I truly believe next Thursday you will get good news. Try to rest up in the meantime and STOP googling. You will make yourselves nuts trying to sort fact from fiction on the Internet. I know because I did too lol. Sending you massive hugs and prayers! :hugs:
Svet the nursery items are beautiful and I love your color scheme!
Lava - Hang in there! I was EXACTLY where you are right now with my early scans (but only 1 sac, not 2). And my doc said the same stuff... too early to tell, come back in a week, yada yada yada... I won't bother telling you not to worry, because that's just plain silly. Of COURSE you're going to worry. That week of waiting is absolute hell. But please try to concentrate on the fact that every single gestational sac starts out exactly like yours are now, and most go on to grow into babies. There's absolutely no reason to believe yours won't, either. You, your hubby - and your TWO babies! - are in my thoughts/prayers.

And stay off the internet!!! (Except THIS site, of course!) It'll only make you crazy. :)

Chris #1 - LOVE the furniture!

Anna - how was the concert? Hope you had a fun time! I could stand a girls night out, too - too bad my "girls" don't live around here. :( A "girls night out" with the hubby just isn't the same. :haha:

Angela - thanks for letting me pick your brain on all this registry type stuff. I'm sure I'll be doing just that in the near future! :thumbup:

To everyone else - good morning and Happy Friday! :kiss:
Ha! Ha! I'm trying to be good and not google anymore.

I love the baby furniture. So modern & very sweet. :)
Thank you for your kindness & encouragement. To be honest, I am sick with worry & spent most of the night crying as I feel that next week's appt will bring the dreaded bad news. My DH has been very sweet to me, but he is sad & worried too. He spent an hour on the internet trying to find reassuring information or stories, but we just wound up with lots of conflicting info. I was alarmed at how many doctors told their patients at 5.5 & 6 weeks with no fetal pole & heartbeat that they should schedule their D&C. In any event, we aren't doing anything like that until we know for sure, but I am preparing my mind for the loss. I am going to go back to lurking for a bit, but will you please pray for my miracle babies to grow.

Little tough love...KNOCK OFF the googling! :lol: Of course it's going to give you the worse case scenario! Quite a few of the women in here and on the main boards have gone through this EXACT same thing! In fact, many Dr.'s REFUSE to test until your half way through the 6th week and that ONLY depends on how high your numbers are pertaining to how many your carrying. Trust me when I say if your 5wks you almost never see a fetal pole! also MANY women who were found not to have the fetal poles after the 8th week were told to have an HSG procedure. Quite a few of them waited another couple weeks just in case and ended up with quite the surprise. Now that's not to say that the fetal pole WILL show up for everyone, but it sure is normal that at this early in the game you'll rarely see the fetal pole or hear the heart beating. Those that do are quite lucky that the sonographer was able to pick it up so early.

Worrying is only going to make things harder for you in this pregnancy. Take it from someone who worried through most of her 1st trimester until 22wks. It's NOT fun. Having your outcome of a baby let alone TWINS is a blessing! Take it for what it is and find joy in it. Go to your next appointment and see what happens then but you deserve to enjoy the gift you have before you. Don't waste it away worrying as I did this time. This experience is such a gift and the fact that your achieving that is a blessing. I for one am holding faith that you'll hear the fetal heartbeat in Gods timing. It SO much better! :winkwink: \o/

I'm confident that you'll see a fetal pole soon. Just DON'T google! :winkwink::hugs::flower:
Thanks everyone, especially Sunshine, Angela, and MA. I wasn't expecting to HEAR a heartbeat, but was expecting to SEE the fetal pole instead of an empty sac. I won't lie. I am scared. I know I come across as such a negative person that just worries all the time. Trust me, I hate that I am feeling this way, especially since I am usually a very positive person.

I have taken your advice and am not going to read anymore about it on the internet. I'm trying to read and spend time with my husband today and count my blessings. I know that this is all in God's hands and He will see me through regardless of the outcome. I REALLY appreciate your post and I am trying to keep myself calm. Until Thursday, I am hoping for the best and trying to not expect the very worst. So, thank you again for hanging in there with me.
You don't come across as negative OR a worrier, Lava - you come across as human! :hugs:
Quick pop in for Friday...
First of all, Lava... I KNOW what it is like to get that news... and if your doc was like ours, they are not optimistic at all... I believe they try to prepare you for the worst... Leaving my appt where we had the first scan & saw three, there is NO WAY in the world I ever thought I would get this far... Just take a deep breath... and have faith.

Also - I did not see a heartbeat until almost 8 weeks... that waiting in between is awful... just like everyone says, try to not google, etc... but I know it is soo hard... Just take it easy... and rest. Prayers for you!!! Getting used to even the IDEA of multiples is craaaaazyy!!!! I am here is you have questions, not that I might know the answers, but please feel free, if you have the inclination... :hugs:

Chris #1 - Precious nursery!!! Can't wait to see finished product... But keep your nose to the grindstone, girl!!! THEN, imagine how much fun you will have getting ready... fingers crossed for exam day!!

Anna - TWO of my faves in concert... Lyle is awesome... Just love him!! Sure you had a good time... Tho' a concert just ain't the same without a cocktail, is it?? All I know is I did a whole lot less "woo-hoo-ing"... lol... Glad you got a night out!

Everyone else - Have an awesome day!!

AFm - Trying to get in some "work" time... My folks are here with my niece & nephew (ages 8 & 3)... OMG - I am desperate to go back to an office! (joking!) Taking care of a toddler & attn to the 8 yr old is exhausting.... and my mom is here to help! Jeez.... AM I READY FOR THIS????? I don't think so.... :dohh: Having a nice visit, though... their home life w/ my ex-sister in law (who is truly awful) leaves a lot to be desired and it just breaks my heart to see how much these children respond to individual love & attention... and all I did was bake some cookies with them today to give to grandpa for father's day... truly breaks my heart & just kills my mom to send them back to their awful mother....

25 weeks and counting.... love to all,
Oh... had the Fetal Fibronectin test (sp?) yesterday and got a NEGATIVE!!! YAY!!!
Here is a quick summary of what I learned from my ob visit:
- As I think I may have said, it is a test that is used to "predict" if you are a candidate for preterm labor in the next 2 weeks (starting at around 24-25 weeks)...
- It is more effective indicator for singletons than multiples...
- A negative result is more reliable than a positive... ie: just because you get a positive does not mean you WILL go into preterm labor, just something to pay more attention to
- It was done with a cervical swab... and wow, I was quite a bit more sensitive in that area than the last time anyone was "down there"...
-Got the results in abt 2 hours
- Is only an indicator until about 28 weeks, not very reliable after that (at least that is what they told me)

Hope this helps if anyone is interested!
Oh... had the Fetal Fibronectin test (sp?) yesterday and got a NEGATIVE!!! YAY!!!
Here is a quick summary of what I learned from my ob visit:
- As I think I may have said, it is a test that is used to "predict" if you are a candidate for preterm labor in the next 2 weeks (starting at around 24-25 weeks)...
- It is more effective indicator for singletons than multiples...
- A negative result is more reliable than a positive... ie: just because you get a positive does not mean you WILL go into preterm labor, just something to pay more attention to
- It was done with a cervical swab... and wow, I was quite a bit more sensitive in that area than the last time anyone was "down there"...
-Got the results in abt 2 hours
- Is only an indicator until about 28 weeks, not very reliable after that (at least that is what they told me)

Hope this helps if anyone is interested!

Yay!! This is an EXCELLENT sign Charmaine!! Your already at 25wks which is AWESOME. Obviously we want you to get MUCH more further along so the test sounds like that will be a good sign as well. Your doing SO WELL!:happydance:

Did they say whether this testing was done on anyone with a cerclage or 17P injections? Obviously with my last pregnancy we KNOW I "could" go into preterm labor, but I'm wondering with the extra preventatives if they STILL do this or not. Also...when doing the swab did they have to use a speculum to open the vaginal walls?

Reason I'm asking is the use of a speculum for me since my cervical length has dwindled and I'm already showing signs of funneling would be risky. So that could be another reason they haven't mentioned it either.

Just wondering.:shrug::haha:

I also think your doing WONDERFUL with the reality of multiples. I can imagine you'll be great parents. It's exciting to listen to your journey! Though I STILL can't believe we have a mom of triplets among us and NOW a mom of twins. :happydance: So much fun hearing this news. It's a gift with our singletons but so exciting to hear the process of multiples! Twice or in your case THREE times the fun. :haha: :winkwink: :flower:

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