35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh... had the Fetal Fibronectin test (sp?) yesterday and got a NEGATIVE!!! YAY!!!
Here is a quick summary of what I learned from my ob visit:
- As I think I may have said, it is a test that is used to "predict" if you are a candidate for preterm labor in the next 2 weeks (starting at around 24-25 weeks)...
- It is more effective indicator for singletons than multiples...
- A negative result is more reliable than a positive... ie: just because you get a positive does not mean you WILL go into preterm labor, just something to pay more attention to
- It was done with a cervical swab... and wow, I was quite a bit more sensitive in that area than the last time anyone was "down there"...
-Got the results in abt 2 hours
- Is only an indicator until about 28 weeks, not very reliable after that (at least that is what they told me)

Hope this helps if anyone is interested!

Yay!! This is an EXCELLENT sign Charmaine!! Your already at 25wks which is AWESOME. Obviously we want you to get MUCH more further along so the test sounds like that will be a good sign as well. Your doing SO WELL!:happydance:

Did they say whether this testing was done on anyone with a cerclage or 17P injections? Obviously with my last pregnancy we KNOW I "could" go into preterm labor, but I'm wondering with the extra preventatives if they STILL do this or not. Also...when doing the swab did they have to use a speculum to open the vaginal walls?

Reason I'm asking is the use of a speculum for me since my cervical length has dwindled and I'm already showing signs of funneling would be risky. So that could be another reason they haven't mentioned it either.

Just wondering.:shrug::haha:

I also think your doing WONDERFUL with the reality of multiples. I can imagine you'll be great parents. It's exciting to listen to your journey! Though I STILL can't believe we have a mom of triplets among us and NOW a mom of twins. :happydance: So much fun hearing this news. It's a gift with our singletons but so exciting to hear the process of multiples! Twice or in your case THREE times the fun. :haha: :winkwink: :flower:

Awwwhhh, thanks, Rebekah... no, I don't have any knowledge about how a cerclage or the injex would figure into the FFBN test... and yes, they DID use a speculum and for me, it was quite uncomfortable, so I would venture to say not a good risk for you... but alas, I am not an MD... a question or two to your doc or peri couldn't hurt, for sure...

We also picked up our cribs this weekend... I am sure that will be BIG OL' DOSE OF REALITY to see them all set up... :)

Thank you again, for your sweet words, my friend :kiss:
Oh... had the Fetal Fibronectin test (sp?) yesterday and got a NEGATIVE!!! YAY!!!
Here is a quick summary of what I learned from my ob visit:
- As I think I may have said, it is a test that is used to "predict" if you are a candidate for preterm labor in the next 2 weeks (starting at around 24-25 weeks)...
- It is more effective indicator for singletons than multiples...
- A negative result is more reliable than a positive... ie: just because you get a positive does not mean you WILL go into preterm labor, just something to pay more attention to
- It was done with a cervical swab... and wow, I was quite a bit more sensitive in that area than the last time anyone was "down there"...
-Got the results in abt 2 hours
- Is only an indicator until about 28 weeks, not very reliable after that (at least that is what they told me)

Hope this helps if anyone is interested!

Yay!! This is an EXCELLENT sign Charmaine!! Your already at 25wks which is AWESOME. Obviously we want you to get MUCH more further along so the test sounds like that will be a good sign as well. Your doing SO WELL!:happydance:

Did they say whether this testing was done on anyone with a cerclage or 17P injections? Obviously with my last pregnancy we KNOW I "could" go into preterm labor, but I'm wondering with the extra preventatives if they STILL do this or not. Also...when doing the swab did they have to use a speculum to open the vaginal walls?

Reason I'm asking is the use of a speculum for me since my cervical length has dwindled and I'm already showing signs of funneling would be risky. So that could be another reason they haven't mentioned it either.

Just wondering.:shrug::haha:

I also think your doing WONDERFUL with the reality of multiples. I can imagine you'll be great parents. It's exciting to listen to your journey! Though I STILL can't believe we have a mom of triplets among us and NOW a mom of twins. :happydance: So much fun hearing this news. It's a gift with our singletons but so exciting to hear the process of multiples! Twice or in your case THREE times the fun. :haha: :winkwink: :flower:

Awwwhhh, thanks, Rebekah... no, I don't have any knowledge about how a cerclage or the injex would figure into the FFBN test... and yes, they DID use a speculum and for me, it was quite uncomfortable, so I would venture to say not a good risk for you... but alas, I am not an MD... a question or two to your doc or peri couldn't hurt, for sure...

We also picked up our cribs this weekend... I am sure that will be BIG OL' DOSE OF REALITY to see them all set up... :)

Thank you again, for your sweet words, my friend :kiss:

Oh yay! You HAVE to take pics of the finished room! I can't even FATHOM how it will look afterwards. :rofl: I'm working on Amelia's SLOWLY of course and we'll get our furniture off layways the end of July when I've hit 28wks.:happydance: It's been interesting trying to visualize her room coming together. It's a fun process!

I'll ask about the test, but I'm betting your right. There's no way I'd risk the speculum with the issues I have and honestly I think we put in as much as we could to help prevent so it's all in Gods timing.

I meet with the Doulas at the end of this month. We're going to go over a "birth plan". Kinda funny but after ALL the planning I'm done with it!:shrug::haha: Nothing EVER happens the way I plan it and honestly as long as she comes safely to term, the rest doesn't really matter. I'd LOVE to have natural again, but the contractions are different this time around. No longer the back labor that I handled well. A whole new ball-game this time and I'm not really saying no to anything. Though I STILL don't like the idea of numbing sensation. :rofl:

The only thing I will ask though is that if or when she gets carted off to NICU that Doug go with her. The Doulas will stay with me. I just want to make sure she is alright and one of us is with her. Hopefully they'll allow that.

Other than that, the "birth plan" is out the door for me. I'm not really sure it would be good to plan again only to have it shot out the window. :haha: Though I'm not the most flexible person in the world, I'm learning what "go with the flow" means now. :rofl: It's a bit more peaceful of a road than I've been on that's for sure! :winkwink::thumbup:

Happy Weekend Ladies! :hug:

Again, Viv, please let me know your alright when you can. I haven't stopped thinking about you!

Chris#1 Too funny about what's taken place. Americans would do that even if we won. :dohh::haha:


You trying to post a pic?? Are you using photobucket? Photobucket has a specific https for linking. copy the link version and click the icon with the mountain on it. Paste and add it.

The link you have right now with 033 jpg isn't the correct link.:winkwink:[/IMG
MA, I'm not on photo bucket but may have to join just so I can do this. I swear I'm not a stupid person, but this has me boggled.
https://<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="https://static.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=https%3A%2F%2Ffeed1080.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fj327%2Fannajones3274%2Fbaby%2520and%2520bump%2520photos%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="https://photobucket.com/redirect/album?showShareLB=1" target="_blank"><img src="https://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="https://s1080.photobucket.com/albums/j327/annajones3274/baby%20and%20bump%20photos/" target="_blank"><img src="https://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="https://static.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=https%3A%2F%2Ffeed1080.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fj327%2Fannajones3274%2Fbaby%2520and%2520bump%2520photos%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="https://photobucket.com/redirect/album?showShareLB=1" target="_blank"><img src="https://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="https://s1080.photobucket.com/albums/j327/annajones3274/baby%20and%20bump%20photos/" target="_blank"><img src="https://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

maybe again??
<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="https://static.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=https%3A%2F%2Ffeed1080.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fj327%2Fannajones3274%2Fbaby%2520and%2520bump%2520photos%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="https://photobucket.com/redirect/album?showShareLB=1" target="_blank"><img src="https://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="https://s1080.photobucket.com/albums/j327/annajones3274/baby%20and%20bump%20photos/" target="_blank"><img src="https://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Your using the wrong code. Your adding an IMG code with a DIV code. You need just the URL code which will link with the IMG when you add it to the icon. This looks like photobucket. If you got to the main folder where you have the photo, put the curser over the pic, it will give you several types of codes on the bottom. You want the one with the URL code. click it and it will copy THEN click the icon with the mountains and paste the link and it will add the photo.

Is this an actual photo or are you trying to add an actual movie?
Here's the code you should be looking for. It says the following:


At the end, you need an actual IMG number and then .jpg
hi everyone, thanks for the nice comments on katelyns photos

chris #1 love the furniture and the bedding. we have all our furniture, but Katelyn is in the room with us, so we havent really done anything with it

anna - i had the same problem the first time it tried to post a photo. there is a testing place in the q&a area. also, there is a size limit on the images, so if it is too big, it wont post.

lava - i know everyone has said it previously, but stay off the internet. my ob/gyn would always yell at me for getting too much info and a lot of it was wrong.normally you wont hear or see anything until about 8weeks. I will keep you and your twins (awesome!!!!) in my prayers.

Rebekah - when katelyn was born via c-section, they did take her immediately to the NICU, but my hubby couldnt go bacj right away. i think he had to wait like an hour. i wasnt able to go there until the next day which sucked.

AFM - katelyn is now 5lbs and some change!Yay!!!!! we went to see a gastro specialized about her refluxand for her adjusted age she is the right weight and length. so she is doing well. he did put her on a different medication for the reflux. he did say that technically babies should not spit up at all. however most reflux corrects itself by age 1 or so.

i am breastfeeding ger about 3 times a day and she is doing a great job latching on. i still have to pump, but am glad she is also doing a good job with the nursing.

on another note, my hubby was worried that when my mom was here she was holding the baby too much. I asked a few drs about that and at this age you cant spoil them by holding them. this is a critical time when they are building trust so if baby cries (not just regular fussing) by all means pick them up...so nowe dont have to feel guilty about holding our babies hee hee.

to everyone else i hope you ar doing well and have a great weekend! Almost time to feed baby girl again.

HI Steph! Good to see you! Thanks for sharing your information about NICU. I'm "hoping" since Doug is an actual nurse at the hospital that they along with the Dr. will allow him up there. My Perinatologist is actually the attending as well as a professor she seems to have good repor with Doug as do the nurses that work there (some have worked on his floor in cardiac and my peri has actually been to his floor). She was open to him coming into the surgical room with me but the anesthesiologist refused. I think she ran the room. :lol: SO, hopefully he'll be allowed to follow Amelia but I'm also cautious they may not allow him to as well. (maybe too many in one room while they're trying to work on her will be too much) I'm open to both but hoping they'll make an acception since it's important to me to make sure one of us is actually with her because of my last experience with Jackson there at that hospital. We'll see though. :winkwink: I'm not going to fret over it. Whatever happens, happens, as long as she's safe! :winkwink:
Obviously, I am having trouble sleeping or I wouldn't be on here at 5 am. ;)
Since I banned further internet research, but felt that I needed more answers, I emailed my nurse directly Friday afternoon and she called me back within the hour. She is a very sweet, compassionate person who was straightforward with me. She agreed I should stop googling. She told me that at 5.6 weeks there should have been two fetal poles even if there was no hb detected yet. She said that occasionally, they will have one that surprises them at the following week's ultrasound and the fetal pole & hb will be there at nearly 7 weeks, but that is not typical nor is it likely and she did not want to get my hopes up. She told me that on Thursday, I would probably have my answer as to whether the pregnancy was viable and our doctor would give us further instructions.

I hear and appreciate all of your encouragement and know that a couple of you experienced what I'm going through during the early scans and want to give me hope that there will be happy news on Thursday. I know that you want to ease my pain and give me peace of mind.

Of course, I hope y'all are right, but my instincts tell me that there are no babies in there and there will not be. I have to start preparing myself mentally. I apologize that this is such a downer post and thank you for letting me share my feelings. I'm going to take a break from the board as I'm clearly in a darker place right now. I wish you much success and send you much love with your pregnancies and sweet little ones. L
Lava, I hope for your sake that you instincts are totally wrong :hugs:

I understand that you need to do what you need to do to get through this week, remember you're not alone and I am going to keep thinking positive thoughts for you, hubby and two beans :hugs:

Steph, so glad Katelyn has gained weight and is now on better meds for reflux! Which one is she on? Zoë was on prevacid until she was 11 months old. Then it seems to go away so one day we stopped the meds and thankfully the puking didn't come back! She's doing a great job with the nursing your little one, what a star!

AFM, I think I O'ed much later than originally thought so I think we're "safe" for now. I won't even be testing as I'm 95% sure our "oops" was way too early in the cycle. Kind of a relief, but hoping to get it right in August!

Lava :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Hoping your instinct is wrong too!
So I have good news and bad news. . .

Good news is that I finally figured out how to post photos!! MA thank you so much for all your help!!!!

Bad news I had just posted all the photos and gotten all caught up, really about a paragraph from ending my post when my computer decided to take that particular opportunity to restart to finish putting in the newest up grades, no warning of course. So I lost the entire post. If I weren't trying to save up money for this baby I would chuck this lap top across the room right now!!!

So let's start again, but I will be brief. . .

MA, thanks again!! had to change a setting on Photobucket to get the URL option, but I'm good now. I will get the name of the hybrid diaper I'm thinking of using. My girlfriend that was just in town uses them so I got a first hand look at how they work. She did try another brand but the legs were too tight on her baby.

Lava, I too am hoping your instincts are wrong. Always feel free to post any feeling you have. We have all had dark days, only human as sunshine said.

CJ, glad the running club is going so well. I guess good news on the OVing. Hope for the sake of having a new born and toddler all to yourself that you are right.

Svet, yep, as MA said, we Americans seem to loot and riot over any little thing, so no worries. Love the nursery!! We have very similar color palettes. Check out the picts below.

Austin, the concert was awesome. It was acoustic, two guys and two guitars. It was also very cold, about 40 degrees on the lawn where we were sitting. I too am a woo- hoo- er. LOL. I did miss my glass of red wine. Also congrads on the test! Let's keep those babies in there
for as long as possible!!

Steph, Katelyn looks great! So glad the breast feeding is going so well. And as for holding, it's total non sense about holding a baby too much ( my opinion). Trust your instincts, you can hold her as much as you or her need you to.

AFM, besides about ready to pull my hair out, I'm doing well. Question: Has anyone had any soreness in their pelvic area. I think it's my hips and pelvis spreading, but it feels weird!!! So here are the picts of the nursery. Lighting is not great as I took them in the afternoon, but you get the general idea.









have a good day all!! Anna
Lava, take the time that you need. I'm sure you'll be back though. :winkwink: 5wks is too early darlin! :hugs: :flower:

Aww CJ, sorry about the late O'ing. Hopefully it'll start to get regular and you'll find your pregnant again. :happydance:

Anna, Ya did it! :lol: WTG! :happydance:

Love, love, love the crib! We had to do a darker wood to kinda match everything else we have. I can't imagine putting a nice white crib in her room because the landlord stained the floor an odd oak type color. Though it looks more cherry to me. At any rate, the beautiful white furniture wouldn't mesh well and I've ALWAYS thought white was so beautiful! Would have loved to do a coastal theme of some sort.

Wherever did you get the bedding?! It's beautiful! I'd love something similar but in primary colors. Having the toughest time finding a floral primary color for babies. The one I DID find is made by someone who wants 400.00. :wacko:

LOVE the baby bump too. :flower:

Need to see more nurseries as they come along. I LOVE seeing everyones beautiful way of decorating their baby's room. Just warms my heart completely!

By the way...Viability Week starts tomorrow! :happydance: \o/ :happydance:
Just a quick pop in on Saturday afternoon... hate being inside, but waaaaay too hot to be out... bummer!

Lava - Hugs, hon... best of luck getting to Thursday.... waiting is so hard... sorry you are feeling sad, and please take all the time you need.

Anna - Absolutely beautiful! You and the nursery! Lucky little girl! The crib is gorgeous.... bedding, too! The tree on the wall is very cool!
As for soreness - I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning due to soreness... after walking for a few minutes, gets better, but for those first few steps I remind myself of ET (from the movie?) when he gets drunk, waddling around... lol... as my body is bigger (37 weeks, I think is what dr said)... I have gotten more used to the discomfort... but its not any fun... boo!

Steph - Awesome!!! 5 lbs, woohoo!! I am keeping up with Katelyn's reflux progresss.. poor little one! I know it is a common issue for preemies, right? Must be so hard... is the medication oral? what kind is working? I must confess, did not even know there was such a thing as a gastro spec for babies... amazed.... congrats on the bfing!!!

AFM - family went home yesterday & DH and I went out for a nice, ADULT dinner... very nice... I want to do that once a week as long as I am able til the babies come... (fingers crossed!) Am returning stuff to BRUS today and ordering the million dollar peg perego triple stroller... jeez... luckily, we received a very generous amount of gift cards, so will take some of the sting out of it...

Question, esp for those with LO's on the small side... Did you buy or use an insert for the carseat? like those little padded things that support their heads... Not sure what we might need for 4-5 lbers... Any input appreciated!!!

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