35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Arrrrgggghhhh I wrote a whole huge post and then the wireless crapped out!!!!
Here's an abridged version!!

Hi lovelies :flower:

Sorry I have been MIA and such a drama queen. I think I finally found some pregnancy hormones under a rib! :blush:

I cannot thank you enough for all kind words and sympathy sent my way, it's making me cry ( I'm not a crier by trade) :hugs:

We are well, kick, punch, roll, flip ( I know how you feel Svet)

Have power, water (must be boiled) and limited sewerage, but I at least do not have to share a hole in the garden with the cats anymore :blush: Many are far worse off than that with no power water etc at all in winter.

Saddest news for me this week is the fact that our beloved cathedral in the central city cannot be saved after last earthquake and must be demolished along with the catholic cathedral and it's beautiful dome. :cry: It's like, as long as the cathedral stood so did our city but now....

Have been looking after my mother a bit as her iron facade has cracked this time around and she seems to be slipping into a bit of depression. I have been visiting daily and generally bugging her to take her mind off it!

Pity party over

Have only had a quick read sorry as internet a bit stuffed and may kick me off again any minute

Rebekah-yay for V days
Anna-love the photos and yes I have lower pelvic pain, as Svet said it is the relaxin kicking in
Svet-it's great to see and feel LO move but does remind me of Alien the movie!
Austin-you are wonder woman

Love to all, I will be back :hugs:
Ethan, Tilly, katelyn are all so adorable

Oh Viv :hugs::kiss::flower: You have NO IDEA how blessed I am to be up at this hour and see your post. I'm SO glad your okay but am sad about the area. I'm just grateful your okay! :hugs:

Sorry to hear about mum I'm sure this is hard on everyone, especially those who've lived there for a long period of time and can't seem to bounce back from the quakes. My love to all of you there! :hug: Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you darlin!:thumbup:
Good morning everyone!

Lava, you're in my prayers. :hug:

Austin - woo-HOO for the negative test! Thank you for posting the more detailed info, too.

Steph - very happy that Katelyn is continuing to do well and is taking to breast feeding. :flower: I actually like the idea of using the B&B method (bottle & boob) :) That's how I hope to do it with our little one. That way hubby can get in on the fun of the 3am feedings. I'm all about sharing the joy. :winkwink:

Anna - the nursery looks great! It has such a light, cheery feeling to it. I'm so excited for ours to be done...

Chris #1 - how exciting to be feeling your little girl so much! I can only imagine how wonderful that must be :cloud9:

Angela - Ethan is so adorable, I just want to reach thru the computer and give him a big squeeze! That pout cracks me up (I'm STILL grinning!) Beautiful job on the nursery, BTW :thumbup:

Junebug - cool BBQ! We just have a regular old propane grill, but it does the trick. DH isn't big into grilling (unfortunately for me!) but I must say he can cook up a mean steak. I just don't buy 'em too much anymore - not the same w/out a nice glass (or two) of cabernet sauvignon to wash it down with. :nope:

Viv - I'm so sorry to hear about the cathedrals. It truly breaks my heart to know that such beauty & history has to be destroyed. :cry: And I'm sorry that your mom is having such a tough time with it - what a wonderful daughter you are to be with her while you're certainly going through a rough time yourself. My heart goes out to you all! :hugs:

MA - big week this week! :happydance: Congrats!

Terri, Skye, Lucy - hi ladies! :hi:

AFM - nada. We had a beautiful weekend so went out on the bike Saturday AND Sunday :happydance: I even made a Father's Day breakfast for the DH yesterday (Belgium waffles & turkey bacon - if you can call that breakfast). It really needed a few mimosas, but what can ya do. :shrug:

Have a good day, all :flower:
Morning all, what month is it???


This is what I woke up to this morning. It is June right??? So this picture is for Austine, and Rottpaw and any others in the grips of summer heat. Could not believe it when DH said there was three inches of snow on the ground this AM!!

Ok, so how was everyone's weekend? We went camping again, the weather was nice and cool, and the fur baby and I got in a good hike.

Also thanks to all for all your kind words on the nursery. It's nothing fancy and we have to find room for a glider still, but I think it will work.

Vivienne, I am sooooo glad to hear from you!! I am sorry about the churches, it must be heart breaking. I am not religious per se, but LOVE the architecture of cathedrals and old churches. I hope your mom feels better and it must be so hard. You can only be kicked so many times before it gets tough to get back up again. So many hugs your way!!

Rottpaw, LOVE the pictures of Ethan. How adorable!!! He is just the most handsome little boy. The nursery looks great too, like someone said out of a catalog.

MA, yeh for week 24!!!! And we lucked out on the bedding. I wanted to go green and yellow, and was at a garage sale that was being put on by a couple of friends, and one friend was selling her Pottery Barn crib linen. It just happened to be in the color pallet I wanted and it was all of $25 bucks! I totally scored. The ones I was looking at at BBRU, was like $250 for the set. I hope you are feeling well and good luck on finding something in primary colors.

Sunshine, sounds like a great weekend! Two bike rides, what fun! I'm with you on the steak, besides not being a huge fan of meet this pregnancy, a steak is not the same without a glass of wine in my book.

CJ, nice fathers day present! I got DH a piece of cake. Glad you have a grill master in the house.

AFM, nothing new to report. I think y'all are right and the pelvic pain is due to exercise and the fact that I work on my feet all day combined with getting ready for baby. Ok, I'm off to scrape the snow off my windows and go to the grocery store before I have to go to work. Have a good day all!! Anna
Oh my God, Anna - look at that snow! You poor thing!!! I give you credit for even going OUT in it! If it were me, I'd probably curl up in a corner in the fetal position and wait for it to melt... :wacko:
Holy moly, Anna!! That is craaaazy!!!! Hard to imagine as we watch spontaneous ignition on people's lawns.... jk! But seriously, I haven't even gone outside during the days... I at least hope that you get some SUNSHINE up that way soon, girl!!

Viv - Thinking of you!!! and wishing you luck with your mom... I hope that things continue to improve and you no longer have any more quakes!!! Bless you... glad that you are getting lots of good kicks! lol...

Angela - What great pics!! Nursery looks fab and what a cute little guy!

Sunshine - Yay for waffles & bike rides!!

Everyone else, :hi: !!!

AFM - Had a pretty rough day yesterday... just feeling sooo uncomfortable... Can't lay down, sitting too much hurts my back, and standing is so heavy and makes my feet hurt!!! WAAAAAAHHH!! Okay, enought whining... is anyone else having days like that? I know "mentally" that I am destined to be bigger than normal, but just gets so hard... And my attitude reflected it... DH got into a row early in the day and spent the rest of the day miserable... And although I KNOW it's a bit hormonally related, when he said it OUT LOUD, I blew a gasket!!!

Anyhoo... determined to feel better today... Hope you all have a lovely Monday!!!! Hugs!!
Austin, these men always seem to know exactly what NOT to say lol. Then they say it anyway lolololol! My husband always makes that same mistake, no matter how many times I tell him not to point out that I am hormonal lol!

Thanks ladies for the compliments on the photos! I cant believe Ethan will be four months in just ten days!

Viv SO glad to hear you are okay!

Anna WOW on the snow! Can't believe it even at altitude, in June!?

And Chris the breakfast sounds lovely!
Hi Girls :)) I haven't been around for a few days and the thread is full of loveley picture updates. So nice to see all the cute babies and the baby rooms.

Charmain, you would be able to organise essential supplies for 3 princesses and eat drink shower etc and even hopefully grab a nap while the nurse is looking after them. It really doesn't sound like a luxury except the paying bit. I love doing domestic stuff with kids too. Baking is just so much fun. You will be a great mum in the end :) And probobly lot's of baking cause you'll be 4 girls in the house all of a sudden :))) Excelent news on your FFBN test. It might be an idea to get lot's of pillow support in bed and lie down in a half sitting position. Bit like a hospital bed. Im'not surprised you are whining when you have three in there. Show a few melons in your DH's shirt and talk to him after a day. See what he says. Lol!!! Are they identical by the way?

Codegirl, I looked at the cloth nappies on the internet they definitely look really cute. I think I might buy a few just to try at the beginning. How do you keep them from smelling before you wash them. Do you just show them in the washing machine straight away? Also do you soak them before the wash or just wipe out the number two or sthg?

Junebug, I'd be surprised if you said "I'm a housewife after that medical advice you gave :))) Zoe looks sooo cute. Is she walking-toddling already? Does she chatter a lot? Good luck with TTCing this cycel than :)?

Steph, Katelyn looks like a little doll. So cuuute and girly. I love the bow bandana :)

LynnB how u doing hon? Did you have your scan yet?

Angela I adore Ethan's pics. He looks so keen, and happy, Hehehe! :))) He has grown so much. He has a cute dimple bless him :)) My DH has a dimple too but on his chin :)) It makes him look cute :) Her sister has it on her cheek. Wonder if our baby would have a dimple :) Was that a photo of you just before the birth? Hard to imagine myself getting there yet. Lovely nursery as well.

It's so loveley to see what you girls have done with the nursery. Unfortunately I will just have to fit a crib in the corner of my bedroom untill we move to a new house. Which is ok cause when it's small it needs to stay in the same bedroom as me anyway right. When does the babies move to their own room at night?

Sunshine what is a glucose tolerance test for? Was it all good in the end?

Woow Sweta, your furniture looks fab :) Can't wait to see your final nursery. Very fresh. i love the bedding too. I want sthg similar too with a fresh spring theme :)) What exams are you doing right now? Is it for a over graduate degree? Is this your final year? Good luck with exams :)

MA Most of your pregnancy time is gone :))) Yeeeaah. Perhaps they haven't tested FFBN on you cause you already have all the preventive measures? It's so luck that you are going to have the birth where Doug works? I'm sure you would have all the attention you need. Are you having it with a doula or a obgyn? Post your room when ready I'm curious :)

Lava you are in my prayers hon. I feel and really hope that it will be all right in the end. This week is the tough one, wish it would go quick and there's some wonderful news on Thursday. :hugs:

Anna, your nursery looks so pretty. Is the bed sort of a dusky pink or white? So cute. Love the tree :) And your bump doesn't look that big at all so no worries on the muffins and syrup :) Can't believe you have snow at this time of the year. :) Is there still skiing going on?

Viv :hugs::hugs: many hugs to you poor thing. When sthg as big as this happens not just to you but to the whole town you are in, it really is devastating. My cousin's wife was in the big Izmit Earthquake and her family lost the flat they were living in. The whole apartment just collapsed. I didn't know her than but she said it was a traumatic but also a bonding experience for the community. I'm really sorry for your cathedral. It's so sad that you would lose the place where it keeps everyone together. I know it would never be the same but do you think the government would try to replicate it? I'm sending you loads of hugs for both you and your mum.

AFM I have a hungry DH asking after food so I better go feed him. But I managed to catch up on all the pages :) I had a scan today and I saw that the baby now looked like a little person. It has little arms and legs a big head with eyes. It was an old scanner but I still saw it was wiggling it's arms. Completely chuffed
:kiss::kiss::kiss: xxxx
Hi Skye,

The glucose test I took is a standard test that all pregnant women in the US get around weeks 24-28. It lets the doctor know if I'm at risk for Gestational Diabetes. If the results come back saying I'm at risk then I'll have to do another test to know for sure. The lab told me on Thursday that the results usually take a day or two to come back, so they're probably back by now. I was going to call my doctor for them, but I hate to bug them unnecessarily. I already have an appointment next week. I figure if the results come back showing something to worry about, I'll hear from them. If not, I'll find out at next Monday's appointment.

And YAY on your scan!! Isn't it awesome to see a little person in there? :cloud9: I still remember the first scan where mine looked like a baby and not a blob. I was like "Holy crap - there's a BABY in there!" The doctor AND the nurse just looked at me like "And you were expecting something else?" :haha:
Forgive me if this is a bust.... Bump pic taken by photog at my girls' shower last weekend.... IF it works!

Charmaine, that is a handsome bump :) Never sew a triplet bump before :)) When are you expecting to have the babies? I know the twins come a little early but dunno when the triplets come?
Rebekah I meant to add, with respect to the glider question - I love our Dutalier, but we did not buy the entry level one. I tried several at the store and found there is a definite difference in the quality of the lines they sell at BrU type stores and at a specialty store, even just within the Dutalier brand. so you may want to keep that in mind as you shop. The place we bought from is a locally owned mom and pop type store that carries chairs and home seating exclusively. If you decide you like the Dutalier line I can look up for you exactly which one we got. It's very comfy and the motion is seamless, perfect for rocking a little one and very soothing! They also do custom fabrics, and you can't see it in the photo but we got one with little bumblebees on it. I love it! :cloud9: You can recline it and the prop your feet on the ottoman, which also glides, so it's very comfy to sleep in if needed as well.
Awesome bump pic Austin!! So exciting!

Skye, yes, my "bump" pic was taken just before I delivered, at about 35 weeks. So that was about 3 weeks before EThan was born. You'll be there before you know it!

And we started out with Ethan in our room in his pack n' play until he was about 4-6 weeks old. I can't remember exactly what day we began putting him in his crib at night. I just know my hubby was about to lose his mind trying to sleep through all the little sighs, gurgles and squeals babies make while *they* (as opposed to anyone else in the room!) sleep :) We asked the doctor at his 1 month appointment when it would be safe to move him to his own room, and she laughed and said "oh, about four weeks ago!" LOL
Sunshine I almost kissed the dr today :) Except I never saw him before as he was a new dr in the clinic. So I started twittering and chirping away instead and ended up getting this very serious bloke smiling :)))

Really Angela? I'm surprised. I thought you were suppose to have them in your room for up to a year. Which is a real downer for DH since he's a light sleeper. I guess I have to turn our guest room into a nursery than. Must discuss this with DH :)) hahahaaa. I think he was planning to dump me and sleep in the other room himself. But can you hear him if he cries in the other room. And also what if the baby would choke or puke etc? Do you go check him often to make sure he is ok?
Charmaine, that is a handsome bump :) Never sew a triplet bump before :)) When are you expecting to have the babies? I know the twins come a little early but dunno when the triplets come?
Thanks, Skye!!! This picture is 24 weeks...
I am really hoping to get to 32 weeks... from what I hear (around here at least) that is considered "full term" for trips. My peri says that anything after 28 is good... longer the better... We have our "hospital team" meeting scheduled for this Thursday... My understanding is that we will pick a "date" that the C/S will be, should I not need to deliver before then... Plan will be in place and we'll be set to go...

Sorry the pic is so big girls.... I can't seem to resize pics correctly!
Sunshine I almost kissed the dr today :) Except I never saw him before as he was a new dr in the clinic. So I started twittering and chirping away instead and ended up getting this very serious bloke smiling :)))

Really Angela? I'm surprised. I thought you were suppose to have them in your room for up to a year. Which is a real downer for DH since he's a light sleeper. I guess I have to turn our guest room into a nursery than. Must discuss this with DH :)) hahahaaa. I think he was planning to dump me and sleep in the other room himself. But can you hear him if he cries in the other room. And also what if the baby would choke or puke etc? Do you go check him often to make sure he is ok?

Hey Skye,

I think you can have them in your room as long as you like, but we and most friends we have chatted with have basically moved them in to their own rooms after a month or so. The noise is just too much to sleep thru as you will wake at every little gurgle and chirp, and we have the video monitoring system made by Summer Infant that lets you see them as well as hear them. So we sleep in our room and he in his, but we can see what he is doing at the click of a button and he is where we can still hear him (just across the hall) even if thhe monitor failed for some reason. I felt the same way about choking etc. Especially as Ethan has reflux pretty badly, but what I had to learn is that ultimately, no matter how careful we are we cannot watch him24/7 and I just have to be as careful as I can and leave the rest up to God, after all mommies and daddies need sleep too and you simply will not rest well if you are like me and wake at every little sound they make. He seems to sleep great in his crib and like I said we can hear him constantly and see him whenever we need to check on him. The monitor can be set to whatever volume you like so we don't hear evey single sound but we do hear any cries or coughing etc. Hope that helps! :hugs:
Austin, AWEOME bump picture!! I am so excited you are already 25 weeks. As for being cranky, we all are. I nearly bit off DHls head yesterday after he ate the last 2 pickels. I was pissy all day after that all over a pickel! You are amazing!

Skye,so glad the scan went so well! I was the same as sunhine and totally amazed at the "real" human in there.

Lava, thinking of you this week!
Charmaine, BEAUTIFUL picture! I'd have that blown up and matted for your wall it's so pretty!

AFM: Had a horrifying scare at 230am this morning when I noticed one of my white stitches in the toilet. I even dove in my urine to try to get it, but didn't catch it in time. ((ICK!)) :haha:

I sometimes feel like I'm dealing with a bunch of medical idiots around here. Last night the Dr. on call said it wasn't likely it was the stitch as it was colored. Called this morning and they kept telling me it was mucus (which I KNEW it wasn't) When I finally got into the office, they were STILL skeptical about the white tape like substance. They did the speculum test which I have to say wasn't so rough today. Knowing my stance on speculums and concern about messing with the pelvic floor or anything else for that matter they were gentle and tried not to catch the walls and open too wide. I was grateful for that.

Turns out I wasn't leaking fluid thank God! \o/ No infection with the stitch..AND she said "OOoooooh, I see what your talking about. There's a white thread and a blue one in there". She took samples for BV as well.

She left the room for a half hour to talk with the other nurses about this "white thread and blue thread issue" They were stunned. Went to the Dr. (not mine that did the actual stitch because she wasn't there today) and found out JUST AS the IC Board HAD TOLD ME (dissolving stitch). \o/ They start off with it and then the rest is the blue fishing thread. The white comes out. NOW, why the heck aren't patients told about this little surprise?! Not only that, but how is it the whole medical office doesn't know about the white dissolving stitch with exception to the actual Dr.'s that perform the darn cerclage surgery? Don't they communicate at all?!

End result though is that no amniotic fluid wasn't leaking, the stitch doesn't have infection, I did lose the one dissolving stitch that's okay to lose and I have a stinking BV infection AGAIN!

I swear I have only bacteria in my body! I'm on flagyl again and they're putting me on it for a bit longer to try and get rid of it for the rest of the trimester. I'm at least glad we got that. Better to be safe than sorry. That darn BV wreaked havoc when I lost my mucus plug with Jackson and I ended up with a sac bulging and delivering because of everything combined. Won't let it happen this time.

Just goes to show we need to trust our instincts and advocate for ourselves! Pretty odd though that many of the gals in the IC Thread know more about IC and issues pertaining to it than Dr.'s with PHD's who are supposed to be practicing medicine. Very frustrating in my opinion to have to fight to be listened to all the time. It honestly gets tiring!:dohh:
Crap Rebekah it seems you truly are dealing with a bunch of idiots!!! I can't believe they didn't warn you that you may see the dissolvable stitch!!! :grrr: for you!!!

Charmaine, LOVE the bump pic!

OH and MA yes it's the Dutellier brand that I have too, and like Angela it's not the entry level model that we have. I can spend hours in there...

Skye, she's crawling like lightening and chatting up a storm but not walking yet thankfully! We're in trouble when she does take off :haha: Zoë stayed in our room for 4 months, then we moved her to her own bedroom because I wasn't sleeping. I had the monitor right next to me. The best one out there right now, is the Angel Care with movement pad, 2 way audio and video. BEST investment ever!

VIV so happy to read you and know that you're hanging in there. So sweet of you to be with your mom. I'm so sad about your beautiful cathedrals and everything that's happened in your city :cry:

Anna, SNOW? I would have rolled over in bed and called in sick. Seriously? Hope your weather improves!!!

Lava, thinking of you!

Many in double digits, MA only 11 days left until you get in the doubles!!! :happydance:

Hi Chris, Svet, Steph, Terri and Angela!
Rebekah glad that everything worked out. Sheesh, i am sorry that you are such issues with medical staff. Hope the bv totally goes away and doesnt come back the rest of ur pregnancy. Glad you went in and made them check!

Skye i agree with angela about baby sleeping in own crib. I had originally planned on having katelyn sleep in her crib from day one. However since she was preemie my plans changed. And angela is correct, i wake up at every coo ooh and grunt. As soon as she is a bit bigger she will be in her own room.

Austin great bump photo and i agree with rebekah you should enlarge it and have it framed.

Afm nothing new going on. Think i am going to join weight watchers to get rid of the rest of the baby fat.

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