35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi Charmaine. I guessed you would know about the book as I was wondering if you were in a multiples forum. Yes, she said she thought the diet was hard too. She was Tiny and said it was the first time she got to eat so much like that but she felt like she would burst.

It's one of those things where I wish I knew if Amelia was coming early or on time. If I knew without a doubt she was coming early, I would do the diet just to get her weight up and KNOW they would do the shots to mature her lungs. HOWEVER, it's too risky for me to do because number one I have diabetes and if she goes to term, she could be HUGE if I eat that much. Also, I'm already plus size, that food wouldn't come off me like it would with a multiple mom because those calories go straight to the babies. I'm not planning on gaining. lol I haven't even gained that much now. I was also told I can start eating low carb now. Guess who's sugars started going down over the past two days since I started?? YUP! Mine. :haha:

With all the issues raising my sugars, I can't exercise like I normally do and I was told I couldn't low carb. NOW I CAN! Woohoo! :happydance: Fruits and veggies low on the GI only for my carbs and meats,fish and legumes along with poultry which I'm happy to say I can now eat after having the food aversions!

I don't remember, did I tell you all I had to go in AGAIN yesterday. Doug JUST got to work and had to turn around. I was having pains in my lower back and abdomen pretty regularly. I didn't think it was contractions or anything bad, but thank goodness they're on the ball to monitor anyways. I was strapped into a machine for awhile to track and make sure I wasn't contracting and the stitches weren't opening.

My take on it, is that my belly is getting bigger and I'm starting to move upward finally. I think it's round ligament pain but was glad they wanted to monitor me. Though I AM becoming quite the "frequent flyer" :wacko:

All is well and I seem to be a bit happier these upcoming weeks. It feels good to feel confident for a change that I may make it to term. I'm 2 wks further than I have been so that's a good sign.

Charmaine, too funny about your husband. Very cute. Hopefully he'll start helping out a bit. Doug has been doing great. I can't complain there. He's taken on so much I feel just awful. I know it's a good reason. He also has said I'm here to keep Amelia safe, but I just feel odd putting so much on his plate along with his work. Homemaking IS my career and when he or the maid comes in to help. I'm blessed, but I feel like asking them both to sit while I work. :haha: Enjoy it while I can I suppose because baby will be here and the chores will be too...only more of them and quite frequently. :haha:
Rebakah - yay for the new diet! Since eating is about the only thing we get to "enjoy", I hope that makes a big difference for you... You sound great and things are going so well for you! Glad you are feeling more upbeat!! Thanks for the words about my DH, he does help out and I really shouldn't complain, I am just a bit of perfectionist and like to keep the house looking "perfect"... which these days simply isn't possible... oh well, I am trying to adjust!

I had some crazy movement issues going on yesterday... Oddest feeling - one baby up top felt like she did a complete somersault while I was on a conference call... BIZARRE!! Then they all got in on the action... I had to lay down! Trying to get them to calm down... Holy smokes! Movement has been limited to one at a time pretty much... :)

Today is the day we have the hospital/NICU "team" meeting... Kinda excited... not sure what to expect... Should be interesting!

Hope everyone is feeling healthy and well today!

Lava, hon.... especially thinking of you today.
Good morning everyone,

I just wanted to quickly pop in to say hello. Hello! :hi:

Lava - I'm sending up a few prayers for you today. :hugs: I'm thinking of you and hope all goes well. :flow:

Austin - good luck at your meeting! Let us know how it goes.

Hope everyone has a good day! :kiss:
Lava, definitely praying honey! Please let us know when you can!

Austin I can't imagine three rolling around in there lol! Just one was crazy enough!

Bek so glad you are feeling more positive and able to control your sugar better! I know how much that ligament pain can hurt!

Hugs to all and happy almost Friday!
Morning all!

Today is the first day since my first tri mester that I am completely exhausted. Think it has something to do with numerous car alarms going off last night in our neighborhood. Think someone was breaking into cars because three different cars went off. Police finally showed up but by then it was 3:30 and I was up watching the tv. Sooooo tired today. If I didn't have a new employee working I would take the morning off and take a nap. I'm at the doc office now for glucose test. Appt is going well. I lost some weight last month, but still in normal range so all is good.

Skye,thanks for the royals up date!!! So fun! I am just excited they got some good looking people in that gene pool. As for stressing, we all did otj so many of us struggled so hard for these babies that it seems ridiculous not to do everything we can to protect the pregnancies. It is very normal.
MA, glad you can eat what you want. Sorry for the scare yesterday.

Austin, how sweet is your DH! Love him. I know what you mean by the baby flipping. It fels so weird just to have one that active, can't imagine three! Good luck with NICU meeting.

sunshine and rottpaw hi!

Nothing else to report. Lava thinking of you and crossing fingers all is well. Lots of hugs your way.

have a good one! Anna
Stopping in to see if Lava's posted anything - fingers crossed for you, my friend!
Hi ladies!

Well, first of all, forgot whether I mentioned I was diagnosed with BV AGAIN on the 20th, I have the meds and thought nothing of it until they called AGAIN today...apparently my urine culture came back with some indigenous bacteria. :wacko: So not only am I taking flagyl for BV but now I'm being prescribed macrobid for whatever the heck the new bacteria is.

My only concern about this is I had C-diff a few month ago when I was in the hospital and hooked to leads because of the trotts and barfing my brains out. Then I wasn't even on meds at the time. My concern is being on so many antibiotics that I "could" potentially end up with C-diff again. :wacko: Dr. said he thinks I'll be alright and it's a matter of importance because both bacterias could cause me to go into labor. SO here I am a body full of bad bacteria overgrowth. :haha: I'm honestly not sure WHAT'S causing this. It could be the diabetes. I'm eating greek yogurt so I'm TRYING!

Overall though, I'm still in a good mood. I figure I'm doing all that I can. :shrug:

Charmaine. TOTALLY made me laugh about the babies. They are going to keep you moving from here on out. Wow! Who would think they have that kind of room to use your belly as a gym! :haha: Already showing their cute playful personalities. Can't WAIT to see pics of the three little ones.

Waiting patiently for news from Lava. HOPING it's all good.
Charmaine, sounds crazy what's going on inside you. After all there are 6 sets of feet and arms for kick boxing just inside your belly. Wooow!! Did they calm down when you lied down?

Anna congrats on final trimester :)) Most is gone now :) How are you feeling? Has it started to feel a little too heavy now? Do you get tired so quickly?

Also while you girls are at the diet issue do you force yourselves to eat certain groups of food or just go along with whatever you fancy? I think I put on about 2-3 kilos up to now. Which is a lot. Not sure how much of it is weight gain, bump or still the water retention (had hyperstimms on IVF) My belly seems bigger and more swollen towards the evening.
I am definitely eating bigger portions. And munch a lot. I don't eat much junk since I seem to crave lot's of veggies and fruits. But I don't feel like eating any meat or milk either (just cheese, some yogurt). Than I kind of force myself so I lost control of the amount of food I eat daily. What do u girls do to have a healthy weight gain?

MA maybe your pregnancy hormones and diabetes combined completely threw off your PH balance down there. It's great that the drs are monitoring you so closely. At least you get an immediate attention because of all your complications so hopefully they will remain on top of it all till the end of your pregnancy. Apart from yogurt I wonder if probiotic drinks would help (Yakult, Actimel, etc) This is a random guess. I know they are good for the intestine flora.
:hi: all xxx
Oooh MA u know what i thought of just now? I wonder if all this impbalance to do with your progestrone shots or any other long term meds. Cause meds long term use do change stomach and intestine flora. MB it does this to you. Will u check their side effects just out of interest xx
I have good news! Praise God! We saw two little beans in there and their heartbeats! I went from being absolutely positive that we were going in for terrible news to the excitement and joy of seeing those babies ... I am so incredibly relieved. I had a very tough stressful week. I wish that we had not gone in for that early scan. I really appreciate everyone's support and encouraging posts over the last few days!

I am going to take a nap before my husband gets home because I have not been sleeping well these last few days and have been exhausted and emotional (and as a friend pointed out ... hormonal!) :) I just wanted to post first and thank you all for being there for me.

I have still been lurking this week. I will try to catch up though this weekend and post a proper message soon.

Love to y'all. I look forward to learning more from y'all and sharing in your pregnancies and your motherhood! L
I have good news! Praise God! We saw two little beans in there and their heartbeats! I went from being absolutely positive that we were going in for terrible news to the excitement and joy of seeing those babies ... I am so incredibly relieved. I had a very tough stressful week. I wish that we had not gone in for that early scan. I really appreciate everyone's support and encouraging posts over the last few days!

I am going to take a nap before my husband gets home because I have not been sleeping well these last few days and have been exhausted and emotional (and as a friend pointed out ... hormonal!) :) I just wanted to post first and thank you all for being there for me.

I have still been lurking this week. I will try to catch up though this weekend and post a proper message soon.

Love to y'all. I look forward to learning more from y'all and sharing in your pregnancies and your motherhood! L

:cloud9::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::cloud9: I don't have to tell you that you scared the poop out of me because I shared it on the other thread! :rofl: I'm just happy to hear the good news!:happydance::happydance:

Wk 20, will it be :pink: :pink: or :blue: :blue: Or :blue: :pink: ? Gotta get you through the next 8wks and then we'll get to the scans. Woohoo! Praising God for such great news! \o/ :happydance::flower:
omg I'm so sorry I scared you!!! I was scared too. I kept reading all the reassuring posts on here and the other thread hoping we would have a good outcome!
omg I'm so sorry I scared you!!! I was scared too. I kept reading all the reassuring posts on here and the other thread hoping we would have a good outcome!

I'm alright darlin! :rofl: Wasn't about me anyways, but I was waiting for you and kept waiting. It was a hormonal morning for me!:haha: So glad it turned out well. I didn't want to eat my words. I'm human, but most of these early tests cause MANY women to panic before they should. Goodness I can't imagine the wait!:dohh::hugs::kiss::flower:
I have good news! Praise God! We saw two little beans in there and their heartbeats! I went from being absolutely positive that we were going in for terrible news to the excitement and joy of seeing those babies ... I am so incredibly relieved. I had a very tough stressful week. I wish that we had not gone in for that early scan. I really appreciate everyone's support and encouraging posts over the last few days!

I am going to take a nap before my husband gets home because I have not been sleeping well these last few days and have been exhausted and emotional (and as a friend pointed out ... hormonal!) :) I just wanted to post first and thank you all for being there for me.

I have still been lurking this week. I will try to catch up though this weekend and post a proper message soon.

Love to y'all. I look forward to learning more from y'all and sharing in your pregnancies and your motherhood! L

AWESOME NEWS, SWEETIE!!!!! You and hubby take tonight and just try to relax and celebrate this awesome milestone!!!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss:

I hope that you have any easy journey... I have had it pretty good, with one incident of early bleeding that my peri told me quite common in the first tri with multiples... Prayers for none of that for you, no morning sickness and wonderful doctors!!!

The book Rebekah recommended is a good source of info, I have just chosen to predominantly rely on the advice of my doctors (book is not written by an MD). But there is not a whole lot of material out there for multiples, so gave me a better perspective than "What to Expect" did.

I am totally here to share my experience with you, if you have any questions! My main advice would be this: YOUR pregnancy is different and not like a singleton one, so TAKE IT EASY and listen to your docs and your body. It was really hard for me to do that because there is so much out there telling you to exercise.... Trust me, I miss it and don't know if my lack of activity had a darn thing to do with getting to 26 weeks (fingers crossed!), but I figured, what the heck... so I get a bit more chubby and lose some muscle tone... That can be fixed later. :)

Anyway... off of my soapbox! Mainly......

I tried to think of this a week-by-week process, each one's passing a cause for celebration! SO CELEBRATE TONIGHT, MY DEAR!!!!:cloud9::cloud9:
I have good news! Praise God! We saw two little beans in there and their heartbeats! I went from being absolutely positive that we were going in for terrible news to the excitement and joy of seeing those babies ... I am so incredibly relieved. I had a very tough stressful week. I wish that we had not gone in for that early scan. I really appreciate everyone's support and encouraging posts over the last few days!

I am going to take a nap before my husband gets home because I have not been sleeping well these last few days and have been exhausted and emotional (and as a friend pointed out ... hormonal!) :) I just wanted to post first and thank you all for being there for me.

I have still been lurking this week. I will try to catch up though this weekend and post a proper message soon.

Love to y'all. I look forward to learning more from y'all and sharing in your pregnancies and your motherhood! L

AWESOME NEWS, SWEETIE!!!!! You and hubby take tonight and just try to relax and celebrate this awesome milestone!!!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss:

I hope that you have any easy journey... I have had it pretty good, with one incident of early bleeding that my peri told me quite common in the first tri with multiples... Prayers for none of that for you, no morning sickness and wonderful doctors!!!

The book Rebekah recommended is a good source of info, I have just chosen to predominantly rely on the advice of my doctors (book is not written by an MD). But there is not a whole lot of material out there for multiples, so gave me a better perspective than "What to Expect" did.

I am totally here to share my experience with you, if you have any questions! My main advice would be this: YOUR pregnancy is different and not like a singleton one, so TAKE IT EASY and listen to your docs and your body. It was really hard for me to do that because there is so much out there telling you to exercise.... Trust me, I miss it and don't know if my lack of activity had a darn thing to do with getting to 26 weeks (fingers crossed!), but I figured, what the heck... so I get a bit more chubby and lose some muscle tone... That can be fixed later. :)

Anyway... off of my soapbox! Mainly......

I tried to think of this a week-by-week process, each one's passing a cause for celebration! SO CELEBRATE TONIGHT, MY DEAR!!!!:cloud9::cloud9:
Oh my goodness! I had a hard time with some of the books for singletons. Along with all the good things, they talk about what "could" happen. DROVE ME NUTS! :wacko:

I'm with a singleton and as you said, everyone is different. I couldn't exercise at all either. Mine of course was because of IC issues. If you have Excellent health care professionals THEY will be a great resource. Just our immediate area here they seem to be crappy. If you go to New York City or Albany...you get better healthcare. It's odd around here. I miss Ohio healthcare. We had excellent competent medical care there. :thumbup:

I LOVE hearing about you multiple gals. It's going to be fun! :happydance:
Goodness... So excited by Lava's news that I didn't mention our hosp visit and team meeting today.... meeting went well, with ALL 12 of us there today! We got to meet the head neonatalogist and his staff, see the L&D floor, C-section OR and the NICU. Wow.... pretty mind boggling stuff. All these people working to keep all these tiny babies healthy!

Docs were all very positive about where we are... My peri (bless his heart!) said he "expects" me to go 32 weeks... that all these babies are growing well and are fat & healthy actually for singletons, much less trips!!! YAY! My BP at the dr visit was 110/70 and looking really good... evidently that is the #1 thing to watch for multiples and PTL. All in all a good visit!

Only bummer... I will have a spinal block (chest down) and will likely not get to see the babies until 12 hours or so after delivery, with the exception of the "peek" over the curtain just after they are delivered... but Daddy will get to follow them up to NICU and get to come back and show me pics, etc... I am good with that, I just want them to get the best care possible...

So many thoughts and possibilities running through our heads at the moment......

Hope it was a great Thursday for everyone!!!!
Goodness... So excited by Lava's news that I didn't mention our hosp visit and team meeting today.... meeting went well, with ALL 12 of us there today! We got to meet the head neonatalogist and his staff, see the L&D floor, C-section OR and the NICU. Wow.... pretty mind boggling stuff. All these people working to keep all these tiny babies healthy!

Docs were all very positive about where we are... My peri (bless his heart!) said he "expects" me to go 32 weeks... that all these babies are growing well and are fat & healthy actually for singletons, much less trips!!! YAY! My BP at the dr visit was 110/70 and looking really good... evidently that is the #1 thing to watch for multiples and PTL. All in all a good visit!

Only bummer... I will have a spinal block (chest down) and will likely not get to see the babies until 12 hours or so after delivery, with the exception of the "peek" over the curtain just after they are delivered... but Daddy will get to follow them up to NICU and get to come back and show me pics, etc... I am good with that, I just want them to get the best care possible...

So many thoughts and possibilities running through our heads at the moment......

Hope it was a great Thursday for everyone!!!!
Aww, that darn spinal! :lol: Well, I think in your case since your having an actual C-section you'll like it. You honestly can't feel a thing. I just had an issue with the inability to get up and walk away. I felt closed in. :haha: I think yours will go by quicker because the actual c-section takes time and you have 3 in there.

Sounds like your team is AWESOME. At first I thought...well why is she seeing the team already?! Then I remembered triplets could go early. Duh! :dohh: 32 weeks isn't all that bad for triplets. I'm going to be interested in seeing how far you actually get. I LOVE hearing your stories. It's so neat! blood pressure looks EXCELLENT!:happydance::hugs: So glad all is well with your appointment. Such a RARE journey your taking. I'm glad we can be along for the ride!:winkwink::flower:

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