35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Morning all, what month is it???


This is what I woke up to this morning. It is June right??? So this picture is for Austine, and Rottpaw and any others in the grips of summer heat. Could not believe it when DH said there was three inches of snow on the ground this AM!!

Ok, so how was everyone's weekend? We went camping again, the weather was nice and cool, and the fur baby and I got in a good hike.

Also thanks to all for all your kind words on the nursery. It's nothing fancy and we have to find room for a glider still, but I think it will work.

Vivienne, I am sooooo glad to hear from you!! I am sorry about the churches, it must be heart breaking. I am not religious per se, but LOVE the architecture of cathedrals and old churches. I hope your mom feels better and it must be so hard. You can only be kicked so many times before it gets tough to get back up again. So many hugs your way!!

Rottpaw, LOVE the pictures of Ethan. How adorable!!! He is just the most handsome little boy. The nursery looks great too, like someone said out of a catalog.

MA, yeh for week 24!!!! And we lucked out on the bedding. I wanted to go green and yellow, and was at a garage sale that was being put on by a couple of friends, and one friend was selling her Pottery Barn crib linen. It just happened to be in the color pallet I wanted and it was all of $25 bucks! I totally scored. The ones I was looking at at BBRU, was like $250 for the set. I hope you are feeling well and good luck on finding something in primary colors.

Sunshine, sounds like a great weekend! Two bike rides, what fun! I'm with you on the steak, besides not being a huge fan of meet this pregnancy, a steak is not the same without a glass of wine in my book.

CJ, nice fathers day present! I got DH a piece of cake. Glad you have a grill master in the house.

AFM, nothing new to report. I think y'all are right and the pelvic pain is due to exercise and the fact that I work on my feet all day combined with getting ready for baby. Ok, I'm off to scrape the snow off my windows and go to the grocery store before I have to go to work. Have a good day all!! Anna

Hmmm that looks more like our sort of weather. Is it really summer?????
Forgive me if this is a bust.... Bump pic taken by photog at my girls' shower last weekend.... IF it works!


Charmaine I'll say it again. You are amazing! And if the word hormonal passed my DH's lips, I'd sew them shut. :growlmad:

At my ante natal class the other night, they filled a bucket with 13 kilos (about 30 pounds) of rice and made all the men carry it around to try and demonstrate what the last month or so feels like. They were like, ohhh it is heavy isn't it. Well DUH!!! :dohh: I cannot imagine how heavy you must feel!
Charmaine, BEAUTIFUL picture! I'd have that blown up and matted for your wall it's so pretty!

AFM: Had a horrifying scare at 230am this morning when I noticed one of my white stitches in the toilet. I even dove in my urine to try to get it, but didn't catch it in time. ((ICK!)) :haha:

I sometimes feel like I'm dealing with a bunch of medical idiots around here. Last night the Dr. on call said it wasn't likely it was the stitch as it was colored. Called this morning and they kept telling me it was mucus (which I KNEW it wasn't) When I finally got into the office, they were STILL skeptical about the white tape like substance. They did the speculum test which I have to say wasn't so rough today. Knowing my stance on speculums and concern about messing with the pelvic floor or anything else for that matter they were gentle and tried not to catch the walls and open too wide. I was grateful for that.

Turns out I wasn't leaking fluid thank God! \o/ No infection with the stitch..AND she said "OOoooooh, I see what your talking about. There's a white thread and a blue one in there". She took samples for BV as well.

She left the room for a half hour to talk with the other nurses about this "white thread and blue thread issue" They were stunned. Went to the Dr. (not mine that did the actual stitch because she wasn't there today) and found out JUST AS the IC Board HAD TOLD ME (dissolving stitch). \o/ They start off with it and then the rest is the blue fishing thread. The white comes out. NOW, why the heck aren't patients told about this little surprise?! Not only that, but how is it the whole medical office doesn't know about the white dissolving stitch with exception to the actual Dr.'s that perform the darn cerclage surgery? Don't they communicate at all?!

End result though is that no amniotic fluid wasn't leaking, the stitch doesn't have infection, I did lose the one dissolving stitch that's okay to lose and I have a stinking BV infection AGAIN!

I swear I have only bacteria in my body! I'm on flagyl again and they're putting me on it for a bit longer to try and get rid of it for the rest of the trimester. I'm at least glad we got that. Better to be safe than sorry. That darn BV wreaked havoc when I lost my mucus plug with Jackson and I ended up with a sac bulging and delivering because of everything combined. Won't let it happen this time.

Just goes to show we need to trust our instincts and advocate for ourselves! Pretty odd though that many of the gals in the IC Thread know more about IC and issues pertaining to it than Dr.'s with PHD's who are supposed to be practicing medicine. Very frustrating in my opinion to have to fight to be listened to all the time. It honestly gets tiring!:dohh:

Oh Rebekah dear god, who are these people!!! And how are they allowed to practice medicine???? I am so glad that they really listen to you down here and no question is a stupid question. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ok - so here is my bump photo. It was taken about 2 weeks before Katelyn was born. I was trying to find one from my one shower where I was still pregnant (and looked a bit better! :dohh:

At this point, I am about 25-26 weeks and HUGE. I can only imagine what I would have looked like if I had gone full term! :wacko:

Have a great night!
Steph, BEAUTIFUL!!! I love all the bump pics ladies, getting sooooo broody!!!
Viv, that's an amazing idea! I'll do that to DH :haha:
Steph, I LOVE the pic. It's beautiful. Just love bump pics. I'm still not ready. I'm plus size so I'm told mine won't move up for awhile. I'm carrying MUCH lower which scares the heck outa me. :haha:

I'm told though that you "look" bigger with girls than with boys because of the way you carry. Is that right ladies? Or is that an old wives tale? We'll soon find out once things start to move around for me. I'm guessing by the end of next month I'll have a picture. I'm sure all of a sudden one day I'll just shoot upward and look HUGE. haha

I'm up pretty early this morning. I"ll probably go back to bed, but had a terrible nightmare.

The day looks like it's going to be a beautiful one though. Hopefully not too hot, but then I have to count my blessings as the weather will soon be back to winter weather here come fall. Anna, are you sick of the snow or do you like it that way in CO?
Gorgeous photo steph!

Rebekah, I really REALLY wish we could move you somewhere with better medical care, if only temporarily! :dohh: I am so sorry you just can't seem to get a break in the action with this pregnancy!
Rebekah - So sorry you keep having such scary moments!!! You are being so vigilant and informed about what is going on... that has to have made all the difference!!! Sorry about the scary dream, too... I had them a lot early on, and then none til last week... mine are not pg-related, though... Hope you got back to bed & got some rest!!!
PS- Thank you for your sweet comments on the picture... the photog did a great job at the shower!

Viv - I have my needle & thread ready to go if he dares utter a word! I told him yesterday that I feel pitiful and he should just accept that for now... Boo! You situation makes me feel like a spoiled child, tho... You are so strong going through this already trying time with what is going on around you... So glad you have support of family there!!!

Steph - Gorgeous pic!!

Hope everyone is having a good one... we are about to be placed on water rations around here... cannot believe how dry it is... and HOT. Staying inside, but hate to watch the news and see all the drought, fires, etc... We may have a chance for some rain today and are praying for it!!!

On baby front - one of the three cribs was damaged, so back to the store for another... grrrr... I still need to finish the bumpers for the layettes!!! Am panicked that everything will not be "done" in time... :)

Funny story - Last night, DH and I were upstairs in nursery and our lab & golden retriever were literally running around in circles excitedly! We were laughing til we noticed a little pink stuffed doll (shower gift) in lab's mouth... luckily no damage.. I told DH he really needs to work on getting our fur babies adjusted... why would they not think a stuffed toy is theirs? all the rest are.... anyway, was pretty cute... Love my pups and hope we still have time to show them the love they deserve AFTER the EVENT...
Hi everyone! :hi:

Bummer about the crib, Austin. :growlmad: Ours is still in the box, but I'm fully expecting to see some damage on it once we get it all set up. That's just the way it seems to go with me...

MA - Dear God! How frustrating! Just more proof that we ALWAYS need to advocate for ourselves. That seems to be the way it goes with healthcare nowadays. :nope: Unfortunately, I have a feeling things are only going to get worse. BUT - at least they caught the BV early.

Oh - and that whole boy vs. girl carrying thing? Total wives tale, same as high vs. low fetal heart rate. I think the only reason those myths persist is because there's always a 50/50 shot of it being correct.

Steph - love the picture!

To everyone else - good morning!

Have a great day, all! :kiss:
sorry I can't catch up but I did spot a question about cloth.

I put the cloth in a diaper pail (without water) and mostly they don't stink. You can add some baking soda if they get a bit smelly. We wash every other day. For BF'd poops they wash out like pee so I don't do anything and for toddler poops we put in flushable liners so we can remove the poop, flush and then wash the diaper.

Tried the "swish" in the toliet method but I found it too messy. uck
HI all :flower::hi:

Good Grief Mother Nature must really be on her period!! :brat:

We had another beauty last night, 5.3. It's like a free roller coaster ride!!!

Tomorrow the govt announces which suburbs in the city have to go, there's about 6. So the houses have to be demolished and the land vacated totally. It's gonna be one huge park which will be sort of nice but odd :wacko:

Hope everyone is feeling comfy and happy hump day!
Charmain I woke up this morning thinking of your lovely bump and how you could sleep with it :))) hahahha. I already feel uncomfortable lying down on one side for too long. Has any of you girls used a pregnancy pillow that looks like a long sausage? I wonder if it's worth buying one, to support the bump? Anyway I think your picture is really lovely and deserves a frame in the nursery :) Hope the little girls keep tight until 32 weeks :) Have you started picking names, or will you wait untill you meet them to see their personalities? How many dogs do you have? Golden's are great with babies no? Dunno how my little yappy chichis will react yet. But they are so sweet I'm sure they will adjust. Although I became a bit scatty recently and I really need to be more careful. The day before I bought Strepsils cough tablets but don't remember unpacking them. Yesterday I came hm to find my dogs chewing on a packet. I called the vet and he said it's ok. I have no idea when or how they fished it out cause I would never leave it where they can reach them. Maybe when I came in with the bags and she hid it in her bed untill I left the house.

Angela I think it makes sense that the baby would probably get used to sleep in it's own environment earlier on and it's better for parents vital sleep. But we are planning to move soon after the baby is born hopefully. This move has been on the table for a long time now but I wanted to wait for my tx and birth cause I don't wanna change hospitals before. So it makes more sense if the baby would stay in our room than we can make a nursery after the move. I think it would be too much work to change the guest room into a nursery.
On the other hand DH is very sensitive about his sleep. I dunno how he will cope with it. But I guess he will just have to use the guest room if he gets too tired and needs to catch up. In fact I'm a little scared that he might just avoid helping me completely cause he works long hrs. I don't have any family here and mum is not fit enough for help. Perhaps we should decide on an exchange before the birth and move soon after. We'll see how this will work out :)))

Steph I love your bump photo. Katelyn looks like you. Did everyone think so? She has the same face, smile and eyes. So cute :)) I'm going to get one of those bows if I have a little girl :) Hahahaha. I love her clothes as well. I really like girly girl babies. In fact I would love to have a little daughter. Wouldn't mind if this baby is a girl or a boy as long as it's healthy but I definitely want a little daughter at some point. So I can paint her nails and dress her in little flowery skirts :))hahahaha

Viv OMG hon. That sounds so scary. :hugs::hugs: So much going on while you are pregnant. Is it likely that you might need to move as well? I hope not. I hope your house is safe. Good luck.

MA sorry about the nightmare. :hugs:

Hi Junebug, Anna, Chris and Codegirl. :flower:

AFM I'm trying to figure out what to do with the pregnancy and birth with NHS. Yesterday I called the hospital and required after my 12 week scan. The stupid admin people didn't process the application for me and didn't book the appt. I was there+ I called both GP and them before. All said we'll contact you. Of course they never did. If they won't book me an appt for the next 2 weeks I dunno what to do. Having a fit to these really sleepy sounding admin people doesn't help. Mb beginning of next week I should just drop by and talk to them in person. My IVF clinic needs the report to review my drugs and probably discharge me.

Than it's more scary cause NHS has far less control over pregnancies. In fact right now there is a lot of bad press in UK about the fertility and maternity units of NHS. We have the highest statistics of mc and babies dying while in the womb or birth in Europe cause the funding is really tight and clinics just don't follow the pregnancy enough to save lives. They're trying to put a quota on ceaserians. So say if a woman is in a situation where she needs an urgent cesarian and the on call dr is a young specialist who needs an authorisation. Her and bbs life would be at risk while the dr is figuring out if the quota allows it.

Also if you end up with a bad nurse you are in serious trouble. 2 weeks ago a woman lost her baby in my local hospital (Universtity hospital which is 5 mins away from me and we use it for everything else) She was in a lot of pain but the nurse insulted her for making too much fuss and being a bad mother cause she couldn't put up with the birth. She and husband begged to see the on call dr but nurse refused. The baby was tangled with the cord and was breached. I had heard of bad things about that hospital before so I deliberately chose one which is further from me. I can't go private after all the expense of IVF. I dunno if a doula would be worth it, what do they do and how expensive they are.

Maybe I'm fussing too much. Perhaps I should wait untill I see the midwife first.

Anyway take care girls xx
Hi Skye, as a girl who had a baby in UK under NHS, I totally sympathise with how you are feeling. I too heard all those bad stats about having a baby in the UK. Sounds totally scary about that woman losing her baby because of a bad midwife.....poor woman.....:cry:

I think all you can do unless you can afford private which I couldn't, is to know that those terrible things we hear are very very rare, and most babies are born with little or no complications. Also most midwives would not behave like that. :flower:

I had two different midwives during my labour, as one finished her shift as I got to 10cm! They were very young, and not hugely experienced girls, but they were very nice, and kept me going with encouragement all the way. There were a few things I would have changed about the labour, but now I am just thanking god for my healthy baby, and I know if there is a next time, I will be more prepared and know more how I want things to go. :dohh:

The admin people do sound very rubbish, just keep hassling them! Hope you can get a scan soon. :hugs:
I'm not from the UK, but like Lucy, i've heard that midwives are better there by MANY of the women on the boards here. That would be "One" option.

A doula here in the states, can only assist in the birth in some areas. If you are considered high risk at all, they will not even touch you by themselves. I'm one of those cases, however we DID hire a doula who will be present at my birth in the hospital and whom will advocate for my baby, my husband and myself.

I "think" over there, Doulas can do HOME BIRTHS. That may also be an option for you if your not high risk. Why don't you check the forum here at bnb for natural home birthing. There are TONS of women from the UK who may be able to help you figure out a plan. It may even be cheaper than going private if your qualify as a candidate for it. To me, what better place to have your baby than in the confines of your own peaceful and quiet home. But sadly it can't happen for me that way and I'm at peace with it because in the case there is an emergency I know Amelia will be taken care of because of any issues I may have as a high risk patient.
morning all!!

ma, sorry about the stich scare! I agree,we need to find you better medical care cause they suck! As to our question, yes I am sick of snow. You have to like it to live in the mountains, but it's rare to get that much snow, if any, in June. Luckily, the weather is improving and it should be near 80 by the weekend. Was your scary dream about the baby? I had one the other night where I was watching my niece and nephew, but they were babies and I left them in the car and forgot about them! It was horrible!

Steph, I do not think you need weight watchers, in your bump picture you look beautiful! And I agree with Skye, Katelyn looks like you, just beautiful!

Vivienne, another quake??!! Roller coaster it is, just not the good kind. I am going to give my DH a bucket of 30 lbs tonight!

Sunshine, CJ, and codegirl, Hi!

Skye, how frustrating about the scan! I hope you get it scheduled soon, and yes,go in person if you can, much harder to brush you off in person than over the phone. As for the move, good luck. I think one of the best pieces of advice I got when I first got pregnant was to make my life as simple as possible for the next year. So keep that in mind. Good luck with NHS, those stories sound horrible.

Lucy, thanks for the good story of NHS, means there is hope. Ok, we have baby watch on TV here about william and kate. Is it the same at home? Are people obsessed with them having a baby? As so many of us know the stress of getting pregnant, I could not imagine trying to do it in the public eye. I wish people would just leave them alone! When you see them will you tell them I said so. LOL

AFM, not much going on, busy at work, gearing up for summer season and training new people. Also went for a hike with the girls this am and they said they were going to throw me a shower! Very nice as I wasn't expecting it. Maybe we can get some gift cards to buy the big ticket items we're still missing. Anyhow, have a good hump day! Anna
Sorry girls after I wrote that post it sounded bit too paranoid to my ears too. And thank you Lucy you are right that these stories are rare. I think I'm freaked out a bit after trying so long and having all unlucky stuff happening to us while TTC. I still can't believe that it actually happened so I keep thinking sthg will go wrong. Perhaps I need more confidence and assume that everything will be ok. I can't go private. It really is expensive in the UK and we already spend a lot on IVF. I will probably meet my midwife in a couple of weeks time and relax after that. Anyway if I rant on again like that pls sone gimme a slap :))hahahahaha

MA thanx for the good advice I think I should read some pregnancy and birth threads. The more I know the less I would panick no?

Anna how nice you will have your bbshower soon. Hope you have a lot of sweet gifts for your baby.
Kate and Will is totally the center of attention right now. We just had Ascot and soon Wimbledon coming up. They also had a few state receptions, one with Obama's and Kate didn't have her foot wrong. She is so graceful, warm and beautiful. Her outfit choices have improved since she became the Duchess and yet still she uses high street designers quite a lot. Everyone is in love with her. I think all the royals had improved popularity in fact. Dare I say even Camilla.

As for the baby I think they probobly got married so they can have children pretty quickly cause they have been living together already for a long time before. (first for the royals) and had a fair share of partying and holidaying together. She's been stalked by papparazzi I would imagine regardless of a bump or not but yes everyone is expecting them to have a baby soon.

Apart from Kate her little sister Pippa and her brother James is the next big hot topic. Pippa is a lot more outgoing and fun than Kate. So there's a string of papparazzi following and speculating over her too.

Personally i just love them. I want her to have a baby, a son so if I have a girl I can marry her off to the prince :) I want Pippa to date all the eligible man in the UK and bag Prince Harry. I want public to vote Kate and Will into throne once our good old Queen passes away. Although I really like her too so I hope she is here for much longer with her flowery dresses and neon colored coats :))) James could benefit from being a bit naughty too. Why not Alexa Chung or some model?
Hahahahaha u can see it was heavily raining today and I had some time in my hands :)))
Anna, thanks. All is well right now so I'm much better. As for the dream...I can't even remember it but I do know it wasn't about the baby thankfully!

Skye, well, not sure about the more you know the less you'll panick. Haha Sometimes it's a bit like google, you have to take things for what they are with a grain of salt. I DO think you may get some insight on the natural homebirthers forum here on Bnb. They may be able to give you an alternative means to birthing that will benefit you and the baby without cost and with more monitoring. It doesn't hurt to ask. :thumbup:
Hey Charmaine!! I just finished chatting with a friend of mine who has twins. We got into a conversation about PTL as she had the girls at 27wks because she was measuring 40wks already. :wacko: Anyways...She mentioned a book she used with a special diet of very high protein and lots of calories. She said that her OB'S wife had a due date 2 wks behind her and actually went to term. Her Ob said that my friends twins were actually at a healthier weight at 27wks than his wife had having birthed them at 36 wks. Turns out the diet helped beef up the girls so they'd be ready if they came early.

I thought I'd post the book she told me about in case you wanted it to beef up the triplets. I know you were concerned they'd come early so thought I'd give you something that may help at least a little bit with their weights "if" they do come like your Dr. said. Though my hope is they'll go much further.

When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy, 3rd Edition

Who knows, maybe it will be something that could help. :shrug:
Thanks, Rebekah... Actually, I bought that book when we first found out... and have talked to lots of trip moms that followed the diet, too... I have really tried to do it and the babies are a really good size... The nutritional guidelines she suggests are CRAZY!!! Like 5,000 calories a day!!! Holy Lord! My butt certainly looks like I am eating that much... lol! I try to do good, but am really just eating what I want, when I want and trying to get in LOTS of protein and calcium... Seems to be working (knock on wood!) as they are each slightly bigger than the norm for a singleton right now...
It is a really interesting book... Thank you so much for thinking of me!!

Skye - The NHS sounds like quite the pain! I really hope you can find someone that you like and trust to help you. To answer your questions: (1) Yes, we have chosen the names -- ALL 6, first & middle. We are keeping the names a secret, though... much to the frustration of our families!! We did tell them the initials, as my MIL & SIL are crazy for monogramming (as am I.. ) They are G, I and A... :)
(2) My gorgeous fur babies are a golden retriever, Lucy, and yellow lab, Lilly. LOVE my pups!!! They are both very sweet and we are not really worried at all about them with the babies.. other than the theft and destruction of toys! My golden is 7 yo and lab is almost 3yo... Much like your pups, they are prone to get into just about anything if left out.... Our solution: We already had several baby gates to keep them in/out of certain areas... :)

Anna/Rebekah - Dreams are the worst!!! I can't remember them half the time, either! One common factor in mine lately have been weather related issues... most likely from seeing so much on TV... last one was a flood in my little hometown and I was desperately looking for my pups!!! Woke up in tears... :(

Viv - Honey... my heart goes out to you all... I second whomever said they hoped your home is not one of those affected... I sure hope things can settle down and you can have a few months peace!! Thoughts and Hugs, sweetie!!!!

AFM - Nothing new.... feeling more upbeat today. DH was very sweet last night and said he loved me and our little girls and knew what a hard time I was having... awwwwhhhhh.... later as we got into bed, I told him thank you for his sweet words... that it meant a lot to me, but that if he didn't clean the bathroom by the end of this weekend I would shave off one of his eyebrows while he slept... look on his face was priceless... :)

Hope you all had a good day! Hugs!!
Sorry girls after I wrote that post it sounded bit too paranoid to my ears too. And thank you Lucy you are right that these stories are rare. I think I'm freaked out a bit after trying so long and having all unlucky stuff happening to us while TTC. I still can't believe that it actually happened so I keep thinking sthg will go wrong. Perhaps I need more confidence and assume that everything will be ok. I can't go private. It really is expensive in the UK and we already spend a lot on IVF. I will probably meet my midwife in a couple of weeks time and relax after that. Anyway if I rant on again like that pls sone gimme a slap :))hahahahaha

MA thanx for the good advice I think I should read some pregnancy and birth threads. The more I know the less I would panick no?

Anna how nice you will have your bbshower soon. Hope you have a lot of sweet gifts for your baby.
Kate and Will is totally the center of attention right now. We just had Ascot and soon Wimbledon coming up. They also had a few state receptions, one with Obama's and Kate didn't have her foot wrong. She is so graceful, warm and beautiful. Her outfit choices have improved since she became the Duchess and yet still she uses high street designers quite a lot. Everyone is in love with her. I think all the royals had improved popularity in fact. Dare I say even Camilla.

As for the baby I think they probobly got married so they can have children pretty quickly cause they have been living together already for a long time before. (first for the royals) and had a fair share of partying and holidaying together. She's been stalked by papparazzi I would imagine regardless of a bump or not but yes everyone is expecting them to have a baby soon.

Apart from Kate her little sister Pippa and her brother James is the next big hot topic. Pippa is a lot more outgoing and fun than Kate. So there's a string of papparazzi following and speculating over her too.

Personally i just love them. I want her to have a baby, a son so if I have a girl I can marry her off to the prince :) I want Pippa to date all the eligible man in the UK and bag Prince Harry. I want public to vote Kate and Will into throne once our good old Queen passes away. Although I really like her too so I hope she is here for much longer with her flowery dresses and neon colored coats :))) James could benefit from being a bit naughty too. Why not Alexa Chung or some model?
Hahahahaha u can see it was heavily raining today and I had some time in my hands :)))

:thumbup: I loved this post!!! You are so cute! xoxo

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