35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Lava I had a good feeling about you and the twins, SOOOO glad it was confirmed!!! :hugs: my dear, relax now and enjoy :cloud9:

Charmaine, great news! Seems like a very well organized team, that is absolutely perfect! You're in the double digits too!!!! :happydance:

Sorry, I just read this page. I'm up North for my clinic, helping out in the under-serviced areas. Having some tough prenatal cases active these last couple of weeks that remind me how fortunate I am to have a healthy baby girl :cry:

I am now 11DPO, and during the last pregnancy I had my first BFP at 9DPO. So I did an internet strip this morning. It was negative. Then a wave of nausea hit me and I vomited. :saywhat: So DH bought some ClearBlue Digital HPT for me, while walking around the mall with Zoëlle while I did my clinic. Worked 7:45-6:00, just got to the hotel, had a swim with little one, and finally got around to testing... :bfn: I'm crampy, AF is due on Saturday and I've given up. Guess we'll try again in August :cry:
Lava I had a good feeling about you and the twins, SOOOO glad it was confirmed!!! :hugs: my dear, relax now and enjoy :cloud9:

Charmaine, great news! Seems like a very well organized team, that is absolutely perfect! You're in the double digits too!!!! :happydance:

Sorry, I just read this page. I'm up North for my clinic, helping out in the under-serviced areas. Having some tough prenatal cases active these last couple of weeks that remind me how fortunate I am to have a healthy baby girl :cry:

I am now 11DPO, and during the last pregnancy I had my first BFP at 9DPO. So I did an internet strip this morning. It was negative. Then a wave of nausea hit me and I vomited. :saywhat: So DH bought some ClearBlue Digital HPT for me, while walking around the mall with Zoëlle while I did my clinic. Worked 7:45-6:00, just got to the hotel, had a swim with little one, and finally got around to testing... :bfn: I'm crampy, AF is due on Saturday and I've given up. Guess we'll try again in August :cry:
Aww, so sorry for both the cases that you've seen and also the bfn as well as the sickness. Maybe just a case of the nerves from all of the above. :hugs: I have no doubt you'll reach another pregnancy. It's a matter of when.:winkwink::thumbup::flower:
Charmain, great news that the bbs are doing really well and you are healthy. Touch wood, hopefully it should carry on this way. :) Hope the birth would be smooth as well. Can't wait to see nursery photos once it's ready :)) I bet it will look a bit like the 7 dwarfs house in Snow white :) hahahahaha 3 little things of everything. :rofl:

Junebug, sorry about BFN. Don't worry hon, you've just started and your body might still be adjusting hormones after birth even. You still have many sunny days ahead to try for a spring bb :))))

MA did you have a chance to see your p shots side effects?
Lava I am so pleased for you, what great news! :happydance: Now you can start planning for two babies! :hugs:
Yay! It's good news Friday!! :happydance:

Lava, I'm so thrilled for you!!!!! I thought about you all day yesterday, and I'm so happy it turned out okay! Now it's time to relax a little and enjoy! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Austin - wonderful news! That boost of confidence from the doc about making it to 32 weeks has really got to be a relief. You're almost there, girl! :happydance:

Junebug, I'm sorry you're going through this. :( Have faith - you WILL get your BFP. :flower:

Angela, Anna, Chris #1, Lucy, MA, Skye, Steph, Terri, Viv... hi ladies! :hi:

Happy Friday, everyone :kiss:
Charmain, great news that the bbs are doing really well and you are healthy. Touch wood, hopefully it should carry on this way. :) Hope the birth would be smooth as well. Can't wait to see nursery photos once it's ready :)) I bet it will look a bit like the 7 dwarfs house in Snow white :) hahahahaha 3 little things of everything. :rofl:

Junebug, sorry about BFN. Don't worry hon, you've just started and your body might still be adjusting hormones after birth even. You still have many sunny days ahead to try for a spring bb :))))

MA did you have a chance to see your p shots side effects?

I was trying to find the sheet the drug was sent with and I couldn't find it yesterday. Tried googling WebMD and because the darn drug is compounded in a compound pharmacy the side effects aren't found. I'm going to see if Doug can get on the hospital site later today and see if the side effects are listed. I'm betting your right though. A few of the side effects are nausea which I have sporadically, migraines, pain at the site, itching at the site...which I've honestly had as well. But I'm not sure what else it says, I have to see.

It makes sense though.:thumbup: I'll let you know. Worse case, I have to wait until my next order is shipped next week and get the side effect slip from that.
Oh Skye, the NHS sounds horrible, :cry: it sounds like you are having issues like MA is where they just don't listen and it's all about the numbers.

I have good news! Praise God! We saw two little beans in there and their heartbeats! I went from being absolutely positive that we were going in for terrible news to the excitement and joy of seeing those babies ... I am so incredibly relieved. I had a very tough stressful week. I wish that we had not gone in for that early scan. I really appreciate everyone's support and encouraging posts over the last few days!

I am going to take a nap before my husband gets home because I have not been sleeping well these last few days and have been exhausted and emotional (and as a friend pointed out ... hormonal!) :) I just wanted to post first and thank you all for being there for me.

I have still been lurking this week. I will try to catch up though this weekend and post a proper message soon.

Love to y'all. I look forward to learning more from y'all and sharing in your pregnancies and your motherhood! L

WAHOO!!! Praise the Lord indeed!!! Congratulations :hugs::happydance:
HI Ladies :flower:

So great you got to meet the 'team' Charmaine and such good news that you could make it to 32 weeks :happydance:

So sorry June wasn't your month Junebug. Fingers crossed that July is your month. It is an awesome month!! :flower:

Anna it was about the time I reached 30 weeks that suddenly I had to slow down, which was hard for me. I'm not as active as you!!! but for my lifestyle it still meant reigning in the amount of time I spent on my feet at work.

AFM, we gave the nursery it's first coat of paint today after I washed the walls down yesterday. Looks good so far.

Had another ante natal class, we had to hold water bombs which had been filled with water and frozen, in our hands for a minute to simulate the uncomfortableness of a contraction. The men had to hold it to more sensitive parts of the body........ the neck or wrist, no not their manhood! Next week we discuss pain management and watch some birth videos.

Had a practice run with a baby yesterday, my niece. I had to take her to my midwife appt as my brother had a funeral to go to and they couldn't get a baby sitter. Well I have now learn't how hard it is to get a 9 month old out of her restraint when she won't budge, while simultaneously holding my handbag, midwife notes and the door open as well as looking for her dropped favourite toy and her dummy. Knees and feet become crucial tools at this point!!!!! :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:

Oh and thank-you for your kind words regarding my wee home. She's still standing and doing so well. I am very proud of her as she is over 90, made of wood and plaster and on piles. The houses that have fared worst are those built in the last 30 years or so on concrete slab and made of brick on unstable land, drained swamp basically.

Happy weekend Sunshine, Lava, Angela, Lucy, MA, Skye, Chris #1, Steph, Terri, sorry if I've missed anyone :flower:
Viv :hugs: :haha: Too funny about the fun with the niece. :rofl: I'm laughing here, but I'm sure I'll get a piece of my own.

Glad the house is still standing, that you got your room painted.

The frozen balloon was pretty interesting. I'll have to try that as my contractions where lower back and my son was small when I delivered. NOW I'm getting contractions in the front and I just KNOW they're going to hurt. :lol:
Happy Saturday All!

I was lurking yesterday but crazy busy with work, so lurking was my only option.

Lava, I had to go on the other thread to see the news I was so impatient. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you. Can't wait to share this journey with you.

Austin, the meeting with the "team" at the hospital sounds great and it sounds really positive. You are doing awesome, and I think you make a good point that while for some of us exercise is doable, for others it is not. Folks should always listen to their bodies and doctors first. Hang in there sister, you are truly awesome!! Good luck with the fur baby adjustment. We are having similar issues. I found an old doll at my parents house we are going to start putting in the car seat and the boppy and try teaching the hound that he can not jump on them. We'll see how it works. I did buy a pregnancy pillow to help with sleep and the fur adopted it as his own . . .


Sunshine, hope you have a great weekend!!

Skye, how are things? I meant to comment earlier on the food thing you were asking about. I think most of us here have basically listened to our bodies in regards to food. For the most part you just can't help it. I know I should be eating more vegetables, but at the end of the day salad is about the only thing I can handle. I try and make healthy substitutions if I can like a veggie burger instead of a cheese burger, but it doesn't always work. There has been much discussion on here regarding food cravings and at the end of it, it seems your body will tell you what it wants and babies are very resilient. Just keep on the vitamins and you should be ok. That's my two cents anyway.

MA, hope you are feeling better and hope this next week goes by without any drama. I truly don't know how you handle the stress. BTW,the name of the diapers I am looking at are called g diapers. You can check them out at gdiapers.com. They are really cute and offer a hybrid system that I think will work for us. Start up cost is a little expensive, but in the end worth it. I don't think we'll use them for the first 6 weeks or so as they are not as absorbent as a disposable, but they should make a nice compliment to the disposables further on.

Vivienne, glad to hear the house is still standing. Sounds like the nursery is going well. I want pictures!! I do understand about standing at work at 30 weeks. Last week was the first week I truly felt as if I couldn't work like I used to. I am trying to work 40 hours a week for as long as possible, but 40 hours on my feet is going to be a challenge. I have a chair, but use it rarely as we are getting really busy. I will drop down to 32 hours if it becomes too much.

AFM, I started off my morning with a dog hike with a girlfriend and just got back from the dreaded weekly grocery store run. Forgot to mention the other day that at my doc appt I asked her about the pain I've been having in my pelvic floor. She said it was only going to get worse espically given my activity level and the fact that I'm on my feet all day. Good news is that she wrote me a referral for physical therapy to strengthen my muscles. So excited as I think this will help me survive the rest of this pregnancy. . . hopefully pain free.

Have a great weekend and big hugs to those I missed. Woohoo 30 weeks today. Anna
I love that picture of your body pillow taken over by your pup. I don't know where all of my pillows will eventually go since we have a queen bed, my DH hogs the covers, and both cats sleep at my feet (actually where my feet should go). It's a tight squeeze. Ha! Ha! I hope that the physical therapist will help and cutting back at work if you can do it will be a big relief I am sure. It sounds like you are really active with your morning hikes. That will certainly help with your delivery. That is awesome you are 30 weeks! Just 10 or less to go! woo hoo

My nausea has kicked in big time this week. I have vomited a couple times but for the most part have kept the little bit that I can manage to eat down. I know with twins I'm supposed to be taking in additional calories at some point, but I am not doing well with eating most foods. Nothing sounds appetizing to me and if I see another saltine cracker I might lose it! It sounds like you have an appetite now though so that is good. I'm sure you aren't overdoing it! Enjoy! You will certainly get the weight off after the baby comes.

So happy to hear that your house survived any damage! Definitely post pictures of the nursery when you get everything ready! I can't wait to see them.

How is your infection? Clearing up? How is the bed rest going? How far along are you now? You've reached some amazing milestones. I'm so pleased for you.

So glad that your team meeting went well and they expect you to go until 34 weeks. That is great for triplets apparently. I have two co-workers who have twins and both were born at 33 weeks when the lungs weren't fully developed, but they came home from the NICU a few weeks later. One friend was given drugs to prevent labor for several days while they gave her steroids to develop the babies' lungs. Thank you for the good advice on expecting multiples. I know that it will be different than other pregnancies. Right now, I am worried about not being able to eat nutritiously or enough. I have a question for you. Do we still take the regular dose of prenatal vitamins? I have been able to keep those down so that's good.

Sorry this month wasn't the one, but hopefully July will bring you a BFP! I know it will happen for you. I hope soon!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend! How are you doing?

I'm just exhausted and very nauseous. I am worried about getting through work meetings, etc. I am feeling so ill, but I don't want to complain since I'm just thrilled that we have some babies in there! Any tips (other than eat saltines all day) on how to combat the nausea would be much appreciated. I selected an OB and have my first appt. on Friday.

Hi to anyone that I've missed! Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!
Not sure if the infection is clearing up. I think it takes a week. Bed rest is okay, but we went out for a ride today...maybe I'll get him to take me for another ride...though that's really pushing it. I'm 25wks tomorrow (sunday).

As for nausea....Zofran worked for me slightly. It works well for a lot of women. You can also have ginger. Ginger ale, the crystalized ginger candy....there are prego pops that are like lollipops that you can suck on. You can find them at Motherhood stores or online. Peppermint or mint tea is good too. Lemon is good as well.

I have a question. I have pee spots alot. Granted I think it's from Amelia kicking, but tonight I was just sitting up and had it. It IS natural urine as they tested last week. It just scares me because it's constant and makes me wonder about amniotic fluid. When they test, they test with a strip for PH and it came back fine though. Just wondering how normal this is??
Quick pop-in...
Hope everyone is having a nice, relaxing weekend!

Lava - Prenatal vitamins remain the same... I just take one a day. Early on, the only change was to TRIPLE the amount of Folic Acid... I took three additional little pills each day until week 14, which is when the spinal cord is formed. So sorry about the nausea! I was so lucky I did not have any... Was just ravenously hungry all the time during the beginning... From what I read & was told, as much weight gain in the beginning as you can will help towards then end (that's what I am hoping, anyway...) and just eat what you can... If you can get down some high protein shakes a couple times a day, then go for it! You will do great!!!

I have a similar sleep situation with a golden retriever, lab, cat and my DH in the bed at night!!! Hard to get room these days.... :)

Anna - What a beautiful pup!!!! Love him!!! I am sure he'll let you share the pillow... :)
Hi all, just checking in briefly: my FIL passed away last night after an acute deterioration from his multiple myeloma. We were fortunate to already be in Northern Ontario for my outreach clinic. We're now with the entire family.

AF starting today based on my temp dip. Hugs to all!
Hi All :flower:

CJ, I am so sorry for your loss! :hugs::hugs: Hugs to you and your DH and hope he will find peace in the fact that FIL is no longer in pain or sick. Such a hard thing to loose a parent.

Lava, try eating cold things. Sounds bizarre but temperature can play a big roll. I was also keen on humus and veggies (cold from the fridge). Like Austin said whatever you can keep down. I think babies R us also carry the prego pops.

MA, hope the infections clear up soon. As for pee spots, just when I sneeze in a certain way. Are you doing keegles? Exercises that help strengthen the pelvic floor. Just wondering if you can, they might help.

Skye, yep our bed is crowded too. DH takes up half the bed!! And it's a king!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I just put a strawberry blueberry pie in the oven. I love summer fruit. One of the perks being pregnant in the summer is the abundance of good fruit. YUM!!

Aw, CJ, I know you were talking about your fil a few posts back. So sad to hear that it happened so quickly. Please accept my deepest sympathy and if there's anything you need, let me know! :hugs:

Anna, thank you. Can't do kegels with the stitch in sadly. I think I have pelvic wall issues. They (muscles) just suck down there! :haha: I'll talk to the nurses again this week. It's slightly annoying but I want to be sure it's nothing to worry about.

Hoping everyone else is doing well ladies! :hug:
Junebug, I'm so sorry for your loss - you and DH are in my prayers. :flow:

Lava, I wish I had some anti-nausea tips for you. Like Austin, I was lucky enough to avoid that particular side effect. I did have a few weeks where I got queasy, though, and ginger seemed to help.

Forgive me for not addressing everyone individually - I'm sitting here w/almost no sleep after a weekend from hell. For starters, I hit the big 4-0 on Saturday, which bummed me out so bad I was in tears. Then - to add insult to injury - my tooth started aching late that afternoon. I have a filling in a back molar that's been giving me a little trouble every once in a great while, so I had planned on waiting until the baby was born, then going to one of those sedation dentistry places to have it fixed (at this point I'll mention that I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of dentists. To the point of nausea if I think about it too long). Well, that ache didn't go away - it just got stronger and radiated into my lower jaw. I didn't even go to bed last night. Just sat up on the couch all night and caught a few hrs sleep this morning. I left a message for the OB on call to see what I could take for the pain, as Tylenol is useless. He advised I could take one of my DH's oxy tablets tonight if the pain got bad again. It did, so I did, and it hasn't done a thing. May as well be a sugar pill for all the good it's done me. :growlmad:

So here I sit. At least I was able to sleep for almost two hours before it woke me up. I've found two fairly local dental places that put you out for this kind of thing - they open at 7am, so I plan on calling to try to get an emergency appt. with one of them. Which means I have to call in to work tomorrow. Again. (I called in on Wednesday because I was so exhausted I was sick to my stomach and literally slept ALL DAY LONG). Anyhow, the OB on call this morning said that it'd be safe for me to be put under, but good luck in finding a place that would do it to a pregnany lady.

I hope he's wrong - I don't know how I'll handle it otherwise.

Oh - and it gets better. After a weekend of no sleep, we have an auction business and I have to clerk an auction tomorrow night. That means 3 hrs of listening/paying close attention to rapid-fire speech and writing it all down. And I hate doing it on a GOOD day... Kill me now. :nope:

Okay ladies - sorry for all the whining. :blush: I'll just chalk it up to pain & sleep deprivation.

I hope everyone has a decent Monday - I promise I won't post again until I'm less bi+chy!
Aww Chris, :hugs: Sounds like your having a tough time right now. Praying you get that tooth done soon. If it's any consolation I always have a tooth done while I'm awake with local. Last time I had it done I was in my twenties I think...It didn't hurt all that bad while awake with local. So "if" they won't, hopefully it will be the same with out, will fix it and then you'll be back to good health without a whole lot of pain. Sometimes the pain of the tooth issue is much worse than actually having it out or fixed. I'm hoping for the best outcome and quickest recovery for you.

totally wish you could take the night off form the other job too. wish there was someone to take your place just for the night as it sounds like you REALLY need the rest darlin! :flower:

I wouldn't worry about the call offs. Their for good reason. Your health and the baby's are worth much more right now. While I'm sure it's not ideal for you, it's quite needed. Your of no use feeling this much in pain and sickness. Get well soon dear friend! :hugs:
Hi all, just checking in briefly: my FIL passed away last night after an acute deterioration from his multiple myeloma. We were fortunate to already be in Northern Ontario for my outreach clinic. We're now with the entire family.

AF starting today based on my temp dip. Hugs to all!

Oh Junebug, so sorry. That was quick. I hope he wasn't in too much pain.


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