35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi all

Lava I was a mess with morning sickness, :sick: I tried it all, lying down was about the best I could do to alleviate it. I eventually was prescribed Haloperidol which lessened it significantly to the point where I could get up and do the odd load of washing and even leave the house. If you can stomach it chocolate milk was good as were apples, frozen grapes, water, ice cubes, lollipops, weak soup. I hope it does go soon for you. :hugs:

Chris you poor thing. I cannot imagine the pain you must be in. :cry: I hope you can get an emergency appt and just put your foot down if they umm and ahh about it. :hugs:

Anna I have been practicing my kegels like mad, because that would be one less thing to worry about after birth, peeing and leaking, especially since we will be leaking from other places too!! :blush:

AFM, have had some pictures taken of bump by a friend who is a pro photographer, will try and post some, those which aren't too big!
Sleep is becoming less as the hips are moaning. I hate sleeping on my side, love sleeping on my back, but that's bad for SPD and abdominal arteries. Oh well only about 7 weeks to go.
I promise I will post nursery photos. It isn't a flash set up, I just want it done before baby shower next month, so then I can clean the house, garden, drive, street etc

Happy Monday all :flower:
Good Monday morning all!

or at least I hope it is . . . . Sunshine, you sound like you're at the end of your rope. My heart goes out to you! I hope you get in to see the dentist and get that tooth taken care of. And by all means try and find someone to cover the auction. I'm with MA on the calling in thing. You have to think of yourself first. Exhaustion is nothing to take lightly. You need sleep!! I took a three hour nap on saturday and then slept until 10:45 yesterday morning, body had to catch up. You NEED sleep, it is not an option. Take care of your self dear friend!!

Vivienne, can't wait to see bump photos! Also excitted for the nursery. I'm sure it will be beautiful! Sorry about the hips, mine have ben hurting too. Gotta get that pillow back from my dog. How many hours are you working right now?

MA, sorry no keggels, but it's for the safety of the stich. Hope you get the leaking question answered.

AFM, not much new. We are gearing up for the crazy summer tourist season which is really bad timming as all I want to do is sit all day. I also have two new employees that I was hoping would pick up the slack. Unfortunately this last weekend was somewhat a catastrophe and I am going to spend this week retraining so hopefully fourth of july weekend goes better. It also means I will be coming into work tonight for about an hour to go over closing AGAIN! I don't mean to pass judgement, but I think the kid has done one too many bong hits if you know what I mean. Ahh well, things could be worse, so I will plug away. Have a good monday! Anna

ohhhh I forgot . . . I also joined amazon mom yesteray and created a registery. Very fun!! I registered for some big stuff, but for diapers too!! Figure their in a good price range for friends to buy as gifts. Ok that's all for now, peace out.
That post about the frozen water balloons cracked me up, as did the story about your niece. Very sweet. Thanks also for the nausea tips. I will try frozen grapes. I like fruit but mainly can only eat crackers/toast/bagels & cheese and pasta with butter & parmasean, chicken broth, gatorade & sprite/gingerale & milk. Not a very balanced diet I'm afraid. When did your nausea symptoms finally let up? Please post nursery & baby bump pics.

Got some folic acid supplements & started taking them this morning. Thanks.

Sorry about your loss. Was it pretty sudden? My sympathy to you & your FIL's family.

That strawberry blueberry pie sounds good. I love baking (well, usually ... not so much lately). I bet signing up for your registry was fun. I heard amazon has some good deals too. BTW, what are the kegels for?

So sorry about your tooth. I hope you were able to get it taken care of today & you can get some rest tonight. Definitely get someone to cover you for the auction and don't feel guilty about it.

Hello to Angela, Skye, MA, Svet, all the other ladies! Have a great night. I'm done with work (woo Hoo) and headed home for a nap. ;)
Good evening ladies - thanks to you all for your well wishes! :flower:

I was in tears by this morning (even swallowing was painful) and was able to get in to a dentist at about 8am. They're called Gentle Dentistry. Ha! Talk about false advertising... After I explained my whole fear of dentists thing, the hygenist was great. Then she sent the doctor in. I swear, this guy was straight off a casting call for Jersey Shore. He basically said you need a root canal, we don't do those here, good luck, goodbye. Like how dare I waste his time with this.


Afterwards, my OB told me that I could take 2 Oxycodone (I had only taken 1), and I could take them every four hours. So when I got home from seeing Dr. Situation I took two. They worked!!! I was actually able to sleep for a few hours! :cloud9:

Long story short, I found an endodontist locally that's supposed to be REALLY good. My hubby had to have a root canal done by him about a year ago, and he swears it didn't hurt at all. The only thing that was sore was his jaw because his mouth had been open for so long.

AND - he found someone to replace me at the auction tonight. :thumbup:

I just took another two pills and I'm no longer in pain. :happydance: I'm finally able to eat something for the first time today, so I've got some soup on the stove. Personally I could skip it, but I guess I should feed the :baby:. That poor thing - she was jumping around like she was trying to bust out of me this morning! Must've been all the stress. Poor kid.

Viv - can't wait to see the pictures! Sorry about the hip pain. :(

Anna - what a bummer that you have to retrain! I used to manage a few retail stores, and always hated training new people on the closing process. Good luck! And Yay for getting a registry done!!! I've been thinking about doing the same thing.

To everyone else - have a good evening! (Forgive me for not mentioning names. My brain's a little fuzzy this evening...)

Good night, all!
So glad you at least got another appointment. When do you go to him. I hope they get you in quickly! A friend of mine also had a root canal done and she said it didn't hurt either. Hopefully it will be the same with you since you have the same office as your husband.

Also glad you don't have to go in for the auction. That would have been tiresome and painful.

Looking forward to you being on the mend! :hugs:
Girls I've been busy for the last few days. The weather at the weekend and yesterday was gorgeous in London so we just ended up arranging to meet lot's of people :)) Which was loveley. Today it's raining cats and dogs though. That's psychotic English weather for you :)

Viv, i'm so happy to hear you are ok as well as your house :)) U can always count on the good old biddies :) Can't wait for your bump picts, I'm curious on how everybody's bumps look actually.

Anna your doggie is sooo cuute. :)) Hahaha you will have to fight over the pillow now :) Thanx for the advise. I decided to let go and just eat as I feel like as you suggested. I seem to be eating a lot of veggies and fruits anyway. And still have some proteins. I guess I will be eating more and growing anway so no point in obsessing. Counting the amount of proteins, calcium and oily fish etc all the time is stressful. Your pie sounds yummy, I now will be thinking of that for the rest of the day. I checked out your diapers. They are really eco friendly.

Lava, how's the nausea this week? Any better? Luckily don't have that but my SIL used to eat ginger. Dunno how effective though. The hormones does settle down after a couple of weeks so I guess the nausea would go too. How about the tiredness. I still sleep like a log sometimes. Don't wanna wake up in the mornings.

Charmaine imagine when the girls arrive you'll be one big family having breakfast in bed on Sunday mornings :) hahhahahahahaa!! You will need to order the kingest size you can get hold of :))

Junebug I'm sorry about your FIL. Hope he was peaceful and not in much pain. That's so sad for all of you. I wish all your family peace and serenity. Have you had the funeral yet?

Chris OMG you are really having a rough time with that tooth. You would need an xray for the root canal though. Which isn't good for the baby. But having a tooth infection is even less favorable so it looks like you need the dental work straight away. Make sure they double shield you if they take an xray. Good luck hon. I am one of those people who absolutely hates dentist chairs too. I had a few root canals and they really don't hurt at all. Just uncomfortable and expensive. :( I actually just had an inlay done after a broken filling. And a crown awaiting. No more shopping for me for the rest of the summer.

MA how's the infection has it cleared up yet? Hope you are having a nice week.

AFM I couldn't get an earlier appt as I expected. It will be 13 wks and 5 days which is within NHS period. I can't be weened off from all the meds (steroids, blood thinners etc) before my clinic sees the scan report. They would cost £150 for 2 weeks anyway so I'm debating if I should arrange a private scan instead which can't cost anymore than that. Can't decide :shrug: cause I don't want to have 2 scans so close to each other or cancel NHS in case they would kick me off the list or sthg. Also NHS does only 2 scans during the whole pregnancy. One at 12-14 weeks and one at 20. Than a few appointments with midwife where she feels your tummy and that's all. Do you girls think that's enough? How many times do you get checked if everything is normal? I will meet the midwife nexy week so hopefully I could get more answers.

Hi Lucy, Steph, Sveta and Angela :hi:

Have a great week girls.:flower:
Hi Skye, just wanted to tell you the checks I got when pregnant on NHS on low risk pregnancy. I know in the US girls get a lot more checks....I think they do anyway...I am sure everyone will tell you.

I got free scan at 8 weeks as I had had 2 miscarriages, but only got them as I self referred myself to a counsellor. A GP wouldn't give you a free scan until 3 losses.
Met midwife at 9 weeks, just had a chat family history etc.
Scan at 12 weeks. Blood tests.
Midwife at 14 weeks, heard heartbeat, blood pressure and urine test.
Scan at 20 weeks.
Midwife at 24 weeks, measure bump, heartbeat, blood pressure and urine test (these all done now until the end).
Same tests with midwife at about 27, 30, 33, 36 weeks, then every 2 weeks until end. Oh and blood test at 29 weeks for iron levels.

So yes only 2 scans, and midwife basic checks and that is it. I am wondering what girls get in the US?

Hi everyone, sorry not posting much at moment, but am lurking and being mostly very tired at moment. :sleep::hugs:
Hello Ladies!

Some of you I know from my other posts :flower: and for those I don't know yet :hi:

I am newly pg with my first and am so excited but so sick...ugh. but my first ultrasound is this thursday morning!

:hugs: to you all, please excuse me while I go throw up...again. what makes it worse for me today is I had to go into work (rather than my usual working from home) so I was sick on the train and now I have to go eat lunch with my boss' boss....Nice guy but not liking the fact I have to eat food.
Hi All!

Skye, per your question, I am a pretty typical pregnancy in US I think as I have no major risks or complications. So I got my first scan at 12 weeks. I was lucky to get another as part of my amnio sentisis at 16 weeks but that's only if you get the test. Then I had an anatomy scan at 24 weeks. They found some irregularities with the babyls kidneys so I am due for another at 32 weeks for this reason. I think most get another scan at 36 weeks to check for size and what not. So all told under normal circumstances I think a normal pregnancy gets three. Those with complications, high risk, and other issues get many more. Also those that see FS get earlier scans than my first at 12 weeks, but I think it's because it's private / out of pocket. As opposed to insurance covered. Does that answer your question? Also, I love the diapers!! They are so cute and the gross part can be tossed, but bio degrades in 50 days! Hope the eating thing gets better, mine got loads better around 12 weeks.

Sunshine, man oh man what an ordeal! I can't believe that doctor! Big fat jerk. Hope you get things taken care of and soooo happy you didn't have to go to auction last night! Take care of yourself! Yes, training people on closing is a pain! Doubled by the fact that i'm starting to think there's something fundamentally wrong with this kid. Just have to get throug 4th of July weekend. Then I can give him the boot if need be.

Hi to everyone else!! CJ, thinking of you. Rotpaw, how are you doing? Lucy, glad you're lurking. Ma, how goes the infection? Codegirl, hi! Austin, surviving the heat? Vivienne, saw the penguine on TV last night that was rescued off the coast of new zealand, hope he makes it, poor little guy.

AFM, nothing new to report. I'm in survival mode for the next two weeks as it's the busiest time of the summer. Wish me luck! Good thing the mornings are slow and I can chat with y'all. Anna
newmarried . . Welcome!! We posted at the same time. I am so excited for you! Good luck with lunch! You'll need it. Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months. Anna
Welcome to the boards Newmarried! :hi:

Skye, so sorry your going through all that crap! It's exactly why I don't want the NHS system here in the states they keep fighting for. Most of us, if not all will end up falling through the stinkin cracks. Gov't can't even keep the postal service afloat, the DMV sucks and well, I could go on and on about failing systems of the Gov't. I'd go ahead and get that private scan, keep the stinkin NHS one anyways and allow yourself the opportunity to move on from the meds.

AFM, it takes a week for the meds to work. I'm noticing I'm not feeling as crappy (though I didn't really notice it while I had it) I'm still taking the meds for a few more days....both the flagyl and the macrobid. Made a HUGE mistake by googling macrobid because I wanted to see how safe it was taken with flagyl. As much as I'd like to trust these idiots over here...they had NO CLUE about the white tape they kept telling me was mucus. I feel as though I'm ALWAYS having to double check. :wacko: Well, in doing so someone mentioned taking the macrobid and it causing her childs brain to hemmorage. ((FAINT)). It wouldnt have bothered me so much if she hadn't said that her baby stopped moving around so much...Amelia was moving and kicking up a storm two days before taking the macrobid and then she was less moving.....today though she's back to kicking the heck outa my innards. It's why I ALWAYS say NOT to google. What do I do? Google! :wacko:

I haven't had good sleep the past week. Doug has been snoring quite a bit. I'm not sure if it's the lack of sleep or what, but I'm feeling slightly depressed and have anxiety over stupid things. For instance I'm still WAITING for that deck to be put in. Landlord said a year ago it would be the spring...it's STILL not in and no sign of installation. We have a sliding glass door with nothing to walk out on. It's dangerous and is a code issue. Not to mention, I'd actually like to lay out on a chase lounge where it's nice and don't have that option. THEN my friends coming over tomorrow. She's a darling. I'm anxious because I have to put the dogs in their cages upstairs because she has little boys that are coming with her. I'm nervous she's coming at 1pm and Doug leaves at 230. I'm nervous about walking up the stairs again and then having to walk down them AGAIN on Thursday for my appointment. I'm also anxious about the fact I have a doula appointment on Thurs. AND a Peri appointment. It's Dougs only day off and I'd rather go for a nice ride.

So as you can see, Silly things are making me anxious....to the point where all I want is my dark room filled with cool air and my bed to hide in. Could this be the start of PPD? :shrug: What the heck is going on with me?!

On a happy note I've been feeling Amelia kicking and moving up a storm. I bought some headphones and lay them on my belly. So far she likes Celine Dion. Not sure she cares much for Old Blue Eyes but she may like Michael Buble. :lol: Will try the Beatles, Queen and maybe some classical piano tonight.

Love and :hug: to you all!
Lucy thank you so much. I actually felt a bit better after your post. Cause you did get regular checks with a midwife which was fine. I'm sure if she sees sthg worrying she would refer you right? I just thought they gave u 2 scans and 2-3 appt than off you went. But bloodwork, etc would still give u an idea if things are normal I guess. I'll probobly arrange 1-2 private scans towards the end if I felt the urge. But since you felt confidant about it I guess it must be ok.

Anna poor u, just as you needed the extra hand. Can u get someone quickly if you had to replace this boy? Thanks for the info. Did you get the amnio done? Was it recommended or did you just wanted it anyway. I think if my blood work doesn't suggest it I'll trust it and leave it out. Although I know it's not 100%.

MA I so agree with you that sometimes too much info can be a bit mind boggling. But I'm an addicted googler as well. :shrug: In this case it's all the recent NHS birth horror stories I've been reading on the paper. Maybe they were always there but I never read them. Since I started tx and got BFP I read anything related. ;( Also there was quite a lot of press after Kelly Brook and Lilly Allen lost their babies. But Lilly Allen is pregnant again for 4 months and just got married. God bless the baby I hope she keeps it this time.

It's good news that you are getting better. Just going a bit bonkers with being in a room all day perhaps :hugs::hugs: Just while you are in this frame of mind give the lanlord a call and nag at him if it will make you feel better. Hahahhahahaha!! Sometimes nothing feels better than a good old nag!
Can you not ask your friend to take the dogs upstairs tomorrow? Even better perhaps Doug can show her how to do it and she can let them out before she leaves. This way it saves you the stairs.

NHS has positives and negatives going for itself. The main positive is anyone who is a resident is entitled to it no matter their age, race, social status. Even if you can't afford the insurance you can still have healthcare, I think that's fantastic. It's also great that no one has priority and everyone just queues (first come first serve) Which is absolutely wonderful. People who can't afford it, poor, old, students etc don't despair.

But the bad thing is the queues (waiting times) can be a nightmare depending on your postcode and your condition. Also if your GP isn't good or helpful they may never refer you which sucks. In a real emergency though they are very efficient. And the drs in the hospitals are fantastic.
Unfortunately especially with the economic decline they are under staffed and under budgeted. And some departments of hospitals are overlooked. Fertility is one of them of course it's not vital as heart or an internal pain etc. DH told GP he had a dizzy spell and he had an appt within a week, 24 hr heart rate scan, ECG, bloods etc. Same when he had a itchy mole. Had an urgent appt with the hospital. The dr said that was fine but he got suspicious of another one. Removed it, tested it found abnormal cells, removed more of the skin around and 1 other mole. All within 3 weeks it was all done. They photoed all his body and now call him back for a check up every 6 weeks.

So I still believe NHS is good but they just need more money. I wish the government could have put their money into social services instead of attacking Iraq, Afganistan etc before.... Now the treasury isn't doing well with all the economical disasters they're desperately cutting out of social services. Which also sucks. Anyway this is actually one of the most popular subject with the Brits after the weather and the royalty. hahahhahahahaha!!!!
Lucy thank you so much. I actually felt a bit better after your post. Cause you did get regular checks with a midwife which was fine. I'm sure if she sees sthg worrying she would refer you right? I just thought they gave u 2 scans and 2-3 appt than off you went. But bloodwork, etc would still give u an idea if things are normal I guess. I'll probobly arrange 1-2 private scans towards the end if I felt the urge. But since you felt confidant about it I guess it must be ok.

Anna poor u, just as you needed the extra hand. Can u get someone quickly if you had to replace this boy? Thanks for the info. Did you get the amnio done? Was it recommended or did you just wanted it anyway. I think if my blood work doesn't suggest it I'll trust it and leave it out. Although I know it's not 100%.

MA I so agree with you that sometimes too much info can be a bit mind boggling. But I'm an addicted googler as well. :shrug: In this case it's all the recent NHS birth horror stories I've been reading on the paper. Maybe they were always there but I never read them. Since I started tx and got BFP I read anything related. ;( Also there was quite a lot of press after Kelly Brook and Lilly Allen lost their babies. But Lilly Allen is pregnant again for 4 months and just got married. God bless the baby I hope she keeps it this time.

It's good news that you are getting better. Just going a bit bonkers with being in a room all day perhaps :hugs::hugs: Just while you are in this frame of mind give the lanlord a call and nag at him if it will make you feel better. Hahahhahahaha!! Sometimes nothing feels better than a good old nag!
Can you not ask your friend to take the dogs upstairs tomorrow? Even better perhaps Doug can show her how to do it and she can let them out before she leaves. This way it saves you the stairs.

NHS has positives and negatives going for itself. The main positive is anyone who is a resident is entitled to it no matter their age, race, social status. Even if you can't afford the insurance you can still have healthcare, I think that's fantastic. It's also great that no one has priority and everyone just queues (first come first serve) Which is absolutely wonderful. People who can't afford it, poor, old, students etc don't despair.

But the bad thing is the queues (waiting times) can be a nightmare depending on your postcode and your condition. Also if your GP isn't good or helpful they may never refer you which sucks. In a real emergency though they are very efficient. And the drs in the hospitals are fantastic.
Unfortunately especially with the economic decline they are under staffed and under budgeted. And some departments of hospitals are overlooked. Fertility is one of them of course it's not vital as heart or an internal pain etc. DH told GP he had a dizzy spell and he had an appt within a week, 24 hr heart rate scan, ECG, bloods etc. Same when he had a itchy mole. Had an urgent appt with the hospital. The dr said that was fine but he got suspicious of another one. Removed it, tested it found abnormal cells, removed more of the skin around and 1 other mole. All within 3 weeks it was all done. They photoed all his body and now call him back for a check up every 6 weeks.

So I still believe NHS is good but they just need more money. I wish the government could have put their money into social services instead of attacking Iraq, Afganistan etc before.... Now the treasury isn't doing well with all the economical disasters they're desperately cutting out of social services. Which also sucks. Anyway this is actually one of the most popular subject with the Brits after the weather and the royalty. hahahhahahahaha!!!!

Uh, yeah. This is the issue with me. U.S. HAS NO MONEY. We're actually funded by the Chinese which is scary seeing as though that's not a FREE Country. We have no money to work with so in our case, what's going to happen to the system if it's ALREADY broken before it gets going?! The mere fact we have other entities run by our Gov't that are failing and aren't making money scares the PANTS off me. People have lost jobs and their livelihoods and need a job before they can even begin to get back on their feet again. My mom is frustrated because my dad's been out of work for over a year after the plant he was managing closed. She's holding them together and she works as management for Walmart. :dohh: Dad has some medical issues and she's SO frustrated with the NHS system that was voted through because they're paying for a medical system they won't actually benefit from until what is it 2013 or 2014? The meantime there are those on public assistance who have been on it for 30 years that are frauding the system and go to the hospital literally for a hurt finger while the PAYING customers get brushed aside and end up dead from a heart attack because they don't have the insurance. In fact, sad story...a woman my mom works with couldn't afford her insurance plan and never went to the Dr. She had stage 4 cancer and is now trying to figure out now how to live the rest of her life here on earth.

We need a woman President badly. No affense, but women clean up messes ALL the darn time! Leave it to us to get the job done and do it right! :thumbup: I wish Condoleeza Rice would run. The Bush Administration killed that though. She's had it with this kind of politics and like teaching. She's the ONLY woman I think that would have been smart enough with the international experience to deal with it.

Anyways, time to get out of the politics of it all. Haha I'm just frustrated with where our own economy is and where it's headed. They keep trying to STOP it from hitting rock bottom when if fact we should just let it hit and build it back up. Everytime the Gov't puts their hands on it they screw it up more. This goes across party lines here.


I've heard about Lilly. So sad. :cry: Glad she's married and with child again.
:))) we've gone all political all of a suuden. hahahaha. I agree with the women president idea. Merkel is doing a good job in Germany. Although once we had a woman president in Turkey, she was more corrupt than any other presidents that came to power. But that's Turkish politics for u. They asked the camel why did he have a hump, he answered "Which part of me is straight?" hahahhaha. Actually the Kirchner in Argentina is doing a pretty bad job too. Dunno much about Condolezza Rice cause she didn't stay for too long and there was a lot going on while she was there so the media attention was not on her. How about Hillary. She looks like a tough cookie. Dunno if she would be fair though...

I didn't know that they were trying to install NHS in the US. I bet the transition would be painful. Not like having to fix holes in an already up and running system at all. That is a major change in the system.
:))) we've gone all political all of a suuden. hahahaha. I agree with the women president idea. Merkel is doing a good job in Germany. Although once we had a woman president in Turkey, she was more corrupt than any other presidents that came to power. But that's Turkish politics for u. They asked the camel why did he have a hump, he answered "Which part of me is straight?" hahahhaha. Actually the Kirchner in Argentina is doing a pretty bad job too. Dunno much about Condolezza Rice cause she didn't stay for too long and there was a lot going on while she was there so the media attention was not on her. How about Hillary. She looks like a tough cookie. Dunno if she would be fair though...

I didn't know that they were trying to install NHS in the US. I bet the transition would be painful. Not like having to fix holes in an already up and running system at all. That is a major change in the system.

Your too funny! :rofl: Loved that description. Condoleeza was good for where she was. It was a STRESSFUL administration for her though.:winkwink: As for Hillary. Well. I'm not a fan of some of her politics. She's a VERY witty woman though I'll give her that. :lol: I'm having a TOUGH time with the elections coming up in 2012. Either side has me on edge. There's nobody I'd really love to see in office honestly. My dream team politically won't ever run so I'm a sitting duck right now. :rofl: I DO think we need a woman though. Yeah, National Healthcare is what they're working towards. It's a mess honestly though. We haven't the money, I think it will end up helping those who already get the funding and leave the others in the cold who actually need it. It's typical here. But then do any of us REALLY have the perfect healthcare or Gov't leaders?:shrug: So I guess I'm just going with the flow but some of these idiots trying to run ...goodness it's just AMAZING!:wacko::shrug:

At any rate, I'll change the subject now. :lol::winkwink:

Not too much going on here. Tired it seems the past week because of lack of sleep, baby is kicking, trying to stay cool as the humidity is up here. Trying to pursuade Doug to let me go to my cousins party this weekend for a bit. She just bought a new home. Nothing too bad. Doug works though. I'm sure he'll want to make sure everything is okay and I'm safe. I want that too so I'm trying to see if I can ride over with my parents or cousin and ride back later on. May not work, but I'd LOVE to get out. I'm 25 wks. 26wks will bring a blessing as that's usually the cutoff for issues with Incompetent Cervix where the baby can be delivered when there's not a stitch in place. I think over the next few weeks I'll feel more and more comfortable going out. Though NOT too far and only riding...no excess walking because I can still go into preterm labor.

It's been quiet in here lately. Not used to that. Praying everyone is well!
Hi all. I had posted on friday but for some reason it didnt go through.

June i am sorry to hear about ur FIL. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Welcome newmarried. Congrats on your pregnancy and i wish you a healthy nine months. Sorry about the nausea.

Chris 2 sorry to hear about your rootcanal. I hope your appointment goes well and glad you got some sleep.

Lava congrats on twins. That is fabulous!

AFM i have been like lucy and just lurking. Katelyn is now 6lbs, but still has the reflux. Most of the time she spits up the medicine so it is a bit frustrating. I too am exhausted. I go back to work in september so i think i am going start breast feeding mainly in the evenings. Currently i am doing it about 3times a day. The rest of the time she gets breastmilk in a bottle. I was going to increase the times i nurse starting in july but i am torn. I dont want her to get used to nursing only to go back to mainly bottle feeding a few weeks later.

Good news we are going to go to colorado at the end of august to visit my family. Exicted about that.

Hi Rebekah, Angela, Charmaine, code, chris 1, skye, lucy, viv. Sorry if i missed anyone. Katelyn is napping so i think im gonna do the same.

Happy Tuesday!

Thanks Anna for asking after me and :hi: to everyone else! We are well, just busy this week catching up on my to do list. Will post a proper update tomorrow.

The good news for the week is that I finally got the first three months' photo book for Ethan done on shutterfly and got those sent to the grandmothers and a couple other relatives. It was their mothers day gift (only like a month and a half late :rofl:) I am glad to finally get my act together on that!

Hugs and love and hope all are well!
Just realized I missed saying hi to Anna! HI ANNA!! :hugs: Didn't mean to leave you off the earlier list!

Angela - how many oz's is Ethan eating at each feeding? I believe that Katelyn is going through a growth spurt. She wants to eat like every 45 minutes!
Steph, growth spurts will definitely make them do that. Being a preemie, Katelyn will probably eat less at first of course, but it surprised me how quickly Ethan ramped up his feedings. He was two weeks early, for reference... he began by eating about 2 oz and worked up to 4, then 5-6 and now 6-7. He can easily tolerate 7 but doesn't often choose to eat that much at one sitting. However, he still eats about every 3 hours during daytime, with the exception of one longer nap during the day where he will go between 3-4 hours. He will be 4 months July 1 and currently eats about 6.5 per feeding, eating at 6:30, 9:30, 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 and then 9:30 before bed. Sometimes if he pushes a nap long enough or gets up late, we will end up with only 5 feedings for the day, but I try to get at least 32 oz into him at this stage because his growth stalls otherwise.

Also, Katelyn is exclusively breastfed right (I mean breastmilk only, whether you use bottle or breast to feed) - that will make them eat much more frequently, because it is more easily digested than formula. Sounds like she is doing great and she will be huge before you know it LOL! Ethan is now over 14 pounds and when he eats, he instantly "gains" that much weight (like another 6-7 oz) and it is hilarious to pick him up after a feeding and have him be so heavy. You'll be amazed how fast that she will gain once she gets back to an adjusted "full term" weight. They pack it on pretty fast after that and it's so fun to see them fill out!
Dang, just lost a post... okay - the short version.....
June - I am sorry for your loss, hon... safe travels home!
Sunshine - Hope you are feeling better! Nothing like dental pain.... arrrgggghhh...
Anna - Hope you get some time to get off of your feet over this weekend... and get to take a break!
Steph - Poor thing... I am sure you are exhausted... Little Katelyn is doing so good & so are you!!!
MA - A nice break out of the house is always good... I think you have the right idea... Limit the walking and you will be good to go!
Skye - I feel for you on the NHS system... IMHO, ALL of the different systems have their ups and downs... Regardless, if you want a scan, then go for it... You would still get the one you're entitled to under the NHS, right? Poor thing, I know you have been on meds for a while now... keep us posted on your progress!!
Rottpaw, Lava, Codegirl, Lucy, ... anyone else I cannot remember... Hope you are all well!!!
NewMarried - Welcome & congratulations!!!

AFM - Not much new to report... Have started to panic a bit about going in to hospital... so I decided to go ahead & pack a bag, just in case... That way, I surely won't need it for months, right???? Not sure what to pack, so if you new moms want to chime in, I would really appreciate it!

My list so far:
Fuzzy socks :)
Pretty Robe to wear for guests, etc...
3-4 gowns that will work for pumping
Packet of face cloths (remove makeup w/o water?)
Hair clips
Bathroom essentials

Q re: panties for C-sct gals... what kind did you take? I am still only wearing hanky panky thongs... have never bought any yucky maternity underwear... but don't think they will work after... THOUGHTS????

Thanks in advance, girls!!! Hope everyone has a good hump day!

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