35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Morning girls!

It's another beautiful if miserably hot day here in our neighborhood. How's everyone doing today?

Chris, I am so glad you are getting some toothache relief. That is miserable!

Rebekah, I am sorry for the infections but glad the meds are treating you okay. Hang in there honey! I am so proud of your patience through all this, with the crazy docs you have to deal with and the bed rest and everything. You are aalready giving Amelia so much love and care and you are going to be an AWESOME mommy! :hugs:

Viv, how are you doing? Water and sewer back up at least? I am SO sorry for the devastation of your town and can only imagine what it must feel like to see everything destroyed around you. I am so glad you guys are okay!

Anna, if the hip and joint pain gets worse, just take it even easier. At your stage, activity will only worsen it (because it is a ligament issue and not a muscular issue, you can't improve it with exercise). Take care and try to stay off those feet as much as you can! You are heading into the home stretch, girl! I'm so excitied for you!

Skye, I am so excited for you too!! I will say I am so thankful we dont have socialized medicine in this country and I feel so badly for what you UK and Canadian girls go through on that front. it sounds like it can be quite the battle to get the care you need. Try not to stress, and just take one day at a time!

NewMarried, welcome and :hi:! So glad you are here with us! I know the nausea is miserable. I am so sorry you and Lava are both dealing wtih that and I rememebr very well how debilitating it can be. As I've told others, ask your doc about Zofran if you need to take something. It worked very well for me and Ethan is just perfect, so don't worry about taking it.

Lynn, CJ, Austin, and anyone else I have missed, :hi: and :hugs:!

We're doing well, just trying to catch up on my "to do" list this week. Last week was kind of a bad week with not much sleep and a lot on my mind, and so I am trying to play catch up this week. Finally getting some things done that have been lingering, like sending out Ethan's birth announcements (waiting on envelopes now, so hopefully by next week... poor kid will only be 4 months when they go out LOL!) and sending out the grandmothers' photobook mothers' day gifts (I am always late with gifts, but this delay is ridiculous even by my standards! :dohh:) and catching up on cleaning up my home office, which is a disaster with sticky notes and "to do" items lingering everywhere. I'm also trying to work out more (trying barre3, has anyone else tried it?) and get some cooking in (a favorite activity of mine).

Meanwhile, the den is starting to look hilarious. It's next to the kitchen and so is where we spend a lot of our time. As Ethan grows and his range of daily activities expands, we keep adding things to the mix. Currently inhabiting this small space is a bouncy seat, a bumbo, an exersaucer, his old English pram/carriage (it's the large old fashioned kind of baby carriage and so we use as a changing station), his boppy, his playmat, and those are all in ADDITION to the regular furniture in then den (two chairs, two coffee/side tables, a couch, a TV, a large plant...). I can't walk in any direction without tripping over something! :rofl: I need to take a picture of this mess so you guys can see. Just you wait! You're all next LOL! :haha:

Hope everyone has a great day!
Austin, I agree. Whenever I prepare for something in advance, it never happens. Then if I fail to prepare, the reverse is always true! :rofl: I think packing your bags early is an excellent way to ward off PTL!

You are in TX, right? I am not sure if your hospital will be like mine, but you can always ask what they will provide so you know in advance. My hospital was GREAT and I can't complain - they provide (for all patients, whether C-section or regular delivery) these hilarious (but wonderfully comfortable!) mesh undies that will accomodate what can only be called maxi pads of enormous proportions (which they also provide). They actually put a whole duffle bag full of supplies in our rooms, including the undies, the pads, these wonderful little "ice pack" pads (wear like a maxi but also instant cold packs for tender parts), a squirt bottle for rinsing tender areas with warm water (DO this - I did not know about it until I got home, and I was missing out on something that would have helped a lot!) and some little waterproof pads that we could put underneath us to sleep (Save any extras as these double as great diaper changing covers later). I would recommend checking with your hospital to see exactly what they provide... and then take as much of it as you can home with you! :rofl: That's what we did. They will even give you formula samples if you want them! :thumbup:

Eeeeee! I am getting so excited FOR you just thinking about these three little girls arriving! :happydance:

As far as stuff to bring from home. don't worry too much about bringing your own clothes, undies, or sleepwear, except for something to wear home. Because if you are like me, things will be a bit messy for a few days and it is better to let them do the laundry LOL! I wore hospital gowns the whole time just because I didn't want to get my own clothes dirty. The little mesh panties are disposable if you want (but I continued to wear them at home for a few weeks and washed them, because I had stitches and they were more comfy than my own undies).

Definitely bring a camera, with charger etc. Food/snacks/drinks you want, your own pillows (a must!) As I think of other stuff I will try to update this list.
ahhhh just lost post. I will write an up date tonight when I get home to lap top. Hope everyone has a good day and thanks to all for your support. I will try and get off my feet a little today. Anna
lots of posts being lost today. :lol:

I seem to be going through an anxiety/depression spurt for some reason. I hope this isn't an introduction to PPD?! I have a good friend coming over and all I wanted to do was hide under the covers in the dark. TOTALLY not me. Also I made Doug take a sick day because "I" was feeling down. What an idiot I am. :wacko: Poor guy!

Ladies with babies. Are you using a ped's office with one Dr. or multiple in the practice? I have to pick one out and I kinda wanted just one Dr. like my pediatrician when I was younger. Made the mistake of asking for a single practice Dr. and the Mommy Police came out. Haha Holy Cats! If I take a single practice Dr. I'm not caring for my daughter because she'll have to wait for an appointment. :wacko: My Ped's Dr. always got me in and there were no problems. Either way, it looks like there are more ped's multiple practices, just wondering who you ladies are going through. I have to have a pediatrician soon and I haven't a CLUE who I'll use. This is hard before you even have your child/ren. How did you all shop for Ped's everyone?!

ma, I was going to wait until to tonight to reply, but I just wated to say that i've read that depression and anxiety during pregnancy can indicate a predisposition to PPD after pregnancy. I think you should talk to your doctor or someone so it's on the radar. I've had boubts of the blues too, but nothing as bad as you. I think company and an outing will do some good.

as for pediatrician, we don't have one up here full time. So I will be using my GP. It's kinda cool as she will deliver my baby then take care of her as she grows up. Good luck in the hunt. Lol about the other boards.

take care! Anna
OMG!!!!! Lost my POST. in fact entire site froze on me!!!!!

Let's try this again...
Austin - mesh panties will be given to you as Angela said. I asked for a bunch to take home with me when I left because they are comfy and won't hurt your incision. In fact I wore them for about 2weeks after I got home (when I went back to the NICU to visit katelyn I asked for more LOL). And Angela is correct the pads they give you are ENORMOUS - they basically look like diapers, but you will be happy to have them (as well as the squirt bottle)

Angela - I was planning on asking when you, Code, and lucy were sending out birth announcments. I don't feel so bad now since I haven't done it yet. I took some great photos and was gonna create them either on shutterfly or snapfish.

Rebekah - Yes, go out and be around people. As someone who still has a bit of baby blues (mainly due to being so isolated - our Dr said not to take katelyn around people for 3months and limit the people who come over so kinda getting cabin fever!) it will do you good to be around people and have stimulating conversation!

In terms of Dr's. I am with Kaiser so I get to pick a ped and then if I cant see him I go to another one in the group.

Ok I will check back later - right now gotta clean bathrooms
BIRTH ANNOUNCESMENTS - Dang it, I try to order them everyday and something comes up. I HAVE to get on that


I had depression during pregancy (I ended up off work because it was so bad) and that can mean a higher risk for PPD but I was fine as soon as Eric came out I felt FANTASTIC. It's good to be watched for it though. I was closely monitored and given the all clear a few weeks after Eric was born.

I have a single Ped for my two boys, however, there are a few Ped's in the office so a couple times when it's been an emergency I've had the boys seen by someone else there. They are all great but the one dr. is their "primary" dr. and we always try to see him first.
MA, we don't have the same system as you guys, I just registered Tilly at my doctor's group practise, where there are no peds but regular GPs but I guess if they needed to thy would refer her? :shrug:

I haven't sent out birth announcements yet....don't know when I will get around to it, trying to find time to look at nurseries right now. :wacko:
Rebekah, we use a pediatric group that has a number of drs who rotate among the group's various offices. Within that group we see one primary doctor of our choice at the location nearest us, but can always see another doc if ours is not available when needed. They also have a "same day" sick policy, so that any child who is sick will be seen that day (as long as you are willing to see whichever doc is there, or you could probably also drive to whichever office your usual doc is at that day). To me it is the best of all worlds, because we basically see only one doctor, but can be seen whenever we need to. Ethan goes back Tuesday for his 4 mnth checkup and boosters! Can't believe it!

Steph, I am much farther behind on sending out my birth announcements than I meant to be, but don't stress. You have an even better excuse wtih a preemie. And Terri has two children to care for now. Just take your time and get to them whenever you can.

Lava we haven't heard much from you - hope the sickness is not getting to you too badly! :hugs:

:hugs: to everyone! I'm off to bed here soon. I get the early feedings so I also go to bed early LOL!
Evening all!

MA, hope you are feeling better.

Rottpaw, lucy, Codegirl, steph, I was thinking of adressing envelopes ahead of time so that when I got the anouncements I could just stick them in and send them. I was going to go to walgreens or the like and just do a simple pre-concieved basic formate already on the computer. Too cheesy?

Austin, since you are having a c section will you need the pads? Squirt bottle? I have a friend that had a c section and she didn't have to use any pads. I was also thinking you needed outfits and blankets for the girls, but I guess they will probably stay a little longer than you in hospital. I have heard to bring your own pillow, but I think someone already mentioned that. Truth be told I think I'm in denial. I keep concentrating on when the baby comes home and am skipping over the actual birth. Think I'm terrified. We start birthing classes in a couple of weeks, so that will bring it all home.

Have a good night, Svet, I've been thinking of you and hope the studying is going well.

sleep well,
Hi ladies, Thank you for your responses.

Doug took the day off. Thank goodness! My friend came over with her two little boys both under 2 years old. The dogs were put in their cages and Doug played with the boys while we talked. I just LOVE those boys! They are little rambunctious guys though so I'm sure it was good to have Doug play with them since we haven't any small kid toys (all our nieces and nephews are older so we have games for their age). I had several hours with my friend and she was such a delight to have as usual. She brought us dinner (bless her heart!) and brought a package with two baby books and a cd set for Amelia. :cry: She too is an only child and I met her and her husband at church through an older couple they used to live next to. Believe it or not we met my friend Colleen right after we lost Jackson and her first son was an infant. It was the first time I felt ALIVE was at the Thanksgiving dinner where not only her son kinda brought some life back into me, but Colleens lovely personality that made me want to enjoy life again. Before that, I didn't want kids. I NEVER thought I could bare losing another and didn't want to replace Jackson. I learned a lot in that year and it took another year to conceive Amelia.

After that, I was still pretty depressed. We took a ride to my parents and had dinner with them just getting back now.

Tomorrow is a slew of appointments with Doulas, the perinatal center and someone else from church is bringing a meal. Too funny but God is providing for us.

Trying to get out of this funk. I DO hope it goes away soon. Today I just cried at nothing. Was REALLY odd. I was grieving with Jackson but never felt this depressed. Makes NO sense. :haha: In fact, there's MUCH to be grateful for! :happydance:

As for Dr.'s I think we're going to look at 2 single practice and 2 multi-practice ped's while also checking out 2 GP's that take on a more natural approach. I thought I'd check out personalities, cleanliness of the office, check out personalities of office workers and of course the Dr.'s themselves. See which practice would fit our needs. Does this sound over-obsessive?

I'm getting nailed by the mommy police on fb. :haha: Should never ask a question you don't want an answer to. :rofl: I'm seeing MANY Ped's offices have multiple Dr.'s in them. I grew up with one Dr. that new my name and even when I was sick took priority. He made quite the impression but I"m not sure I'll find that around anymore. Trying to be open-minded.

I think what has me wanting a single practice is I want the Dr. to know my daughter and her needs ...not just another child walking in. As most of you know, Adult care here has sucked! Just seems to be in this specific area, Albany and New York City seem to have better care, but they seem to be where the politicians and money are so of course the other half of the state would get the short end of the stick so to sey! :wacko:

I'm just concerned about what the care will be for Amelia will be. Understanding that all the mommies around here think their convenient practice is awesome and all. I think my own experience has made me slightly ...neurotic shall we say?! :wacko:

Goodness! It's hard enough to deal with MY medical care, how the heck am I supposed to find the right Ped for Amelia BEFORE I know what her actual needs will be?! I KNOW I'm not the only one that has to decide. But I think the crappy care here has set me on a tangent. :rofl: I don't know WHO to trust. :haha:

I think my head is going in SO many directions I need to just RELAX a minute and stop thinking so darn much. :wacko: PALEASE don't let Amelia turn out to be like me!

Anyways, the day went better than expected and I pushed through the sad feelings. :thumbup:
Good morning ladies, and happy almost holiday weekend! (for those in the US)

MA - so sorry you're feeling down. I get that way too, sometimes (but not as badly), and also wonder if that makes me a candidate for PPD. Talk to your doctor about it - s/he may be able to not only keep a closer watch on you after Amelia's born, but provide you some help now.

As far as peds go, I haven't decided either. But there's a pediatric group a few towns over that I keep hearing good things about, so I think I'm going to give them a call in a few weeks and get set up. It's not a single doc like you're looking for, but I keep getting rave reviews about them. And being able to get her in whenever I need to is a big plus, too. I think the single doctor thing is going the way of the dinosaur, unfortunately.

Is Doug still snoring? My DH was doing the same thing so I brought home some of those breath-right strips for him to try. They work wonders. :thumbup:

Angela - sorry for the bad week last week. Hope this week gets better for you! And thanks for the list of stuff to bring to - and take from! - the hospital. All very good to know. :) Too funny about your den! We have a tiny house and I can see the exact thing happening to us. That's okay - at least I'll have an excuse for the clutter for once!

Newlymarried - welcome & congrats! :hi:

AFM - stupid tooth saga continues... I was out Monday because of the pain & dentist appt, Tuesday I had the root canal done in the am and was back to work in the afternoon (NOT painful, BTW :thumbup:) but by Tuesday night I started to get painful swelling underneath the jaw. By yesterday morning, it hurt to swallow/speak/etc. Long story short - left work early to go back to the endodontist. As you ladies all know, pregnancy kills the immune system. So because of this, the infection from my tooth has now spread into my gums & jaw. Normally, the doc said, he'd make an incision in my gum to drain the infection, but they don't like to do that to pregnant people. So he put me on an aggressive antibiotic. I woke up at 2am this morning with more swelling and more pain. I just called in to work and will be calling the doc back later today. I swear, I'm about ready to :brat:! What really scares me is that this is the kind of thing that can lead to PTL, so I want it taken care of yesterday. If not sooner.

Sigh... so much for having vacation time left to use during maternity leave...

Hope everyone has a good day!
Hi All!

Sunshine, what a saga! I am so sorry for the continued pain. I hope it gets resolved soon! That totally sucks. Does PTL stand for pre term labor? My fingers are crossed for you and hope all is well by tomorrow. Keep us posted.

MA, your friend sounds like a true angel. When I was in college I had a bad semester of depression and I swear if not for the kindnes of one friend I never would have made it through. I am glad you spent some quality time with her! Good luck at all the appointments today. Also, I think we all undrstand your apprehension about the medical community where you live. Best of luck in your search.

Skye, meant to mention the other day that on top of scans I saw the doctor once a month, now seeing her every two weeks. As for amnio, it's a personal choice all the way. I myself really wanted one, but that's beause of my need for knowing and planning. In fact I bullied my doctor into having one, they tried to convince me not to. Others on this thread have had presure to get one when they didn't want one. At the end of the day, it's up to you if you have one. A lot of women do what you're doing and get an amnio based on blood work results.

AFM, not much to tell. Hope everyone is well. Anna
Same here, not much news.... Dr. visit today & hit the "gained 70lbs" mark. Woo Hoo. (Insert sarcastic, bitchy face here.) BUT Dr. says is all good... I will just have a LOT of work to do after.... grrrrrr.

Sunshine - So sorry on the tooth front, hon... Please try not to worry too much & just take care of yourself... nasty infection GO AWAY!!!!! Hugs, hon!

MA - Sorry you are having a hard time, too... Here's my two cents on peds... I am going to pick one that is convenient... If our needs change & one of the girls needs something different, I'll change docs... There is soooo much to worry about and while its important, remember, you can ALWAYS change your mind and change your doc.... Good luck with the search!

On the PPD front, I got a good piece of advice from DH's colleagues wife... Have a friend to watch out for signs and visit and stay close to you... Her advice was that your DH will not notice and will not want to ask you questions for fear of upsetting you and making things worse.... made a lot of sense to me and & I have asked a GF who has had two children to keep an eye out... :)

As for crying... I literally burst into tears listening to a Kenny Chesney song on the radio yesterday... REALLY??? I had to stop myself and just laugh... dang hormones!!!

Hope everyone is having a good day & thanks all for the input on hospital lists... !!!!!
Hugs to everyone!!!!
Hi ladies.

Thanks for all the kind responses. I didn't get good sleep at all last night. I felt today as if I had espresso running through my veins I was so shaky. Still a little bit of the blues but God blessed us with a whole slew of people visiting today. I cancelled my appointment with the Doulas today because I just couldnt function. Went to the Peri today and for the most part, they seem to think it's my loss with Jackson. I don't think there's a correlation there. I know my son is at HOME and alive and well. I'm moving toward him so it's not that I feel helpless without him. I think it's hormones honestly. They did say that when I feel like that to call them and even if I need to hear Amelia's heart beating that I can come in just to hear it which was nice.

We have a meeting with NICU scheduled for the end of August so we can set up a plan. With all this insulin going in. I've totally shoved my need to bf'd to the side and want to be sure she doesn't bottom out once the cord is cut. I'd also like to get an idea of what we're dealing with concerning NICU so that I can put my mind at ease. We'll see if Doug will be allowed to go up with them. One friends husband was allowed, said they were kind about it. So that's a good sign, but I'll wait for them to let me know.

Other than that, I think I'm just ready to eat dinner and go to bed. ((SIGH)) honestly this sadness I'm hoping goes soon. It really feels odd when there's so much to praise about since getting past viability. Even feeling Amelia makes me excited. So I can't understand why I'm so down.

Chris, how did the appointment go today? There seems to be nothing worse than the pain you feel with a toothache. I remember that pain well. I hope your able to get this taken care of and on the mend soon. SO sorry your feeling all this.

Anna, I suppose no news is good news! :winkwink: :thumbup:

Charmain, that's a great idea. I think I'll have enough women coming in when Amelia is here that most of them will know when I'm out of it. I DO hope it's isolated and that it will go away once Amelia is here. Oh the crying fits are THE WORST. I was in the car and just started to cry for nothing, poor Doug looked over and wondered what happened. :haha:

Love to you all! :hug:
MA, I would ask a friend to watch specifically for PPD. Someone who knows about it and when to intervene. Charmaine has a good point in that a lot of people would hesitate to say something as they wouldn't want to up set you further. Any word from the peri on if you're more likely to need the NICU? Is there a possibility you will go full term?

Skye, saw that the newly weds are headed to the states in a few days. Of all places LA!! The land of fake boobs and tans. What a slice of americana to represent. Sorry Steph, no offense to you or any other Californians.

Have a good night, Charmaine, its all of 50 degrees here!!! I'm sending cool air your way. 70 lbs with triplets is nothing! That's not even 25 lbs per baby. I know women who had single babies that gained 70 lbs, and yes they lost it all and are now thin again. It's what the babies need so go for it. I am so happy you have made it this far!

Have a good night!

P.S. Sunshine, how's the tooth?
Hi All,
I have had a grueling work week & terrible nausea. Tomorrow is our first OB appt.& I'm working from home, then have a long holiday weekend to regroup. Thank God. I promise to catch up Sat.

Special hugs to MA! :hugs::hugs:
Thanks Anna,

Yes, I'll need Nicu. I'm on insulin and because of the huge amounts because of the 17P and second trimester, we're expecting Amelia to bottom out when the cord is cut. I've had a whole lot of insulin and her body won't be used to it. I'm trying to keep it normal, but the injections are really making it difficult. What drives me INSANE is the medical staff that keeps telling me I have to bring it down. :duh: If it were my eating habits, I'd understand, but there's a factor I can't control and that's the medication for crying out loud! :wacko: Make me feel worse why don't ya. :lol:

At any rate, Nicu will have to put her on a glucose drip most likely to keep her sugars from bottoming out. This is SO frustrating as I feel this is my fault. It won't mess with her own sugar levels but the reason for her possibly bottoming out is because I've had so much insulin so her body will be trying to stabilize to her normal sugars. Poor thing. I'm hoping it WON'T, but my daily totals of insulin are the highest they've EVER been. I'd imagine it will have some impact. As for having her early, there's still a possibility. It all depends on my body and whether I go into PTL as well as the IC issues. One of the mommies from the IC thread went into labor at her shower at 34wks when her water broke. They HAD to cut the stitch and let her go. Baby was a healthy 5lbs though so I'm grateful. It's all in Gods hands...Nicu will be there though no matter what for stabilizing sweet pea's sugar levels. :winkwink: It's best we meet them now and get to know them so if we do go early, we'll have our minds at ease as well. :thumbup:

14 more weeks. Can't wait!
Good Monday morning all!

or at least I hope it is . . . . Sunshine, you sound like you're at the end of your rope. My heart goes out to you! I hope you get in to see the dentist and get that tooth taken care of. And by all means try and find someone to cover the auction. I'm with MA on the calling in thing. You have to think of yourself first. Exhaustion is nothing to take lightly. You need sleep!! I took a three hour nap on saturday and then slept until 10:45 yesterday morning, body had to catch up. You NEED sleep, it is not an option. Take care of your self dear friend!!

Vivienne, can't wait to see bump photos! Also excitted for the nursery. I'm sure it will be beautiful! Sorry about the hips, mine have ben hurting too. Gotta get that pillow back from my dog. How many hours are you working right now?

MA, sorry no keggels, but it's for the safety of the stich. Hope you get the leaking question answered.

AFM, not much new. We are gearing up for the crazy summer tourist season which is really bad timming as all I want to do is sit all day. I also have two new employees that I was hoping would pick up the slack. Unfortunately this last weekend was somewhat a catastrophe and I am going to spend this week retraining so hopefully fourth of july weekend goes better. It also means I will be coming into work tonight for about an hour to go over closing AGAIN! I don't mean to pass judgement, but I think the kid has done one too many bong hits if you know what I mean. Ahh well, things could be worse, so I will plug away. Have a good monday! Anna

ohhhh I forgot . . . I also joined amazon mom yesteray and created a registery. Very fun!! I registered for some big stuff, but for diapers too!! Figure their in a good price range for friends to buy as gifts. Ok that's all for now, peace out.

Down to about 20 hours now as back pain is too much.
You poor sod. I know what it's like to train someone but they end up being more useless than a 2 legged donkey!
That post about the frozen water balloons cracked me up, as did the story about your niece. Very sweet. Thanks also for the nausea tips. I will try frozen grapes. I like fruit but mainly can only eat crackers/toast/bagels & cheese and pasta with butter & parmasean, chicken broth, gatorade & sprite/gingerale & milk. Not a very balanced diet I'm afraid. When did your nausea symptoms finally let up? Please post nursery & baby bump pics.

Got some folic acid supplements & started taking them this morning. Thanks.

Sorry about your loss. Was it pretty sudden? My sympathy to you & your FIL's family.

That strawberry blueberry pie sounds good. I love baking (well, usually ... not so much lately). I bet signing up for your registry was fun. I heard amazon has some good deals too. BTW, what are the kegels for?

So sorry about your tooth. I hope you were able to get it taken care of today & you can get some rest tonight. Definitely get someone to cover you for the auction and don't feel guilty about it.

Hello to Angela, Skye, MA, Svet, all the other ladies! Have a great night. I'm done with work (woo Hoo) and headed home for a nap. ;)

Hey Lava,
My MS eased at about 17 weeks which was great, but sadly it has come back this week :cry: Not as bad but I don't like bending over or coughing much as it can lead to gagging!! I still have a massive appetitie though which is odd, so despite nausea I'm still cramming it in!!! :blush:

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