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35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Beth I'm with Chris - maybe, just maybe??? Will be checking Monday to see how it goes sweetie! Hugs and prayers!

Chris. Praying for your test too love!

Thanks girls for asking about us - promisse an update soon. Am sick SGAIN, another frigging cold. Three of us have it. Bleh!
Beth please keep us posted on how your dr visit goes. I will be thinking of you.

Angela sorry to that you are once again sick. I'm sure the weather being so bizarre for GA this summer has everything to do with it. Hope you feel better soon.

Chris fingers crossed for you!!

Anna your hubby may have an ulcer. Is he good about going to the dr? I know if I don't make the appointments for dr or dentist then mine won't go. Kudos to you on the dog rescue. I'm always concerned about stray dogs when I take Katie out on walks only because you never know. Also even though we are in a residential area depending on the time of day there are coyotes too. Glad that it turned out well and you got a bottle of wine out of the deal lol!!

AFM I am officially 9months today. I made it 36 weeks. 1 week and 3 days left until my csection. This is all new for me since with the last pregnancy I only made it to 29 weeks so everything is new. Katelyn is doing great and I'm shocked by all the songs she knows and can sing entirely. We are planning on going to church and then hanging in the pool most of the day on and blowing bubbles which she is a pro at lol.

Anyway, just wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing. Been a quiet weekend on the thread. Hope everyone else is doing well. Miss you ladies!!!


PS my daughter wants to watch Mary Poppins everday!
thanks ladies,

day 5 of straight positive OPK and HPT test. I don't know what to think. when I go in for the blood test tomorrow I will speak with a nurse too.

Chris - how you doing? When are you going to test? Thinking of you and wishing you luck!

Angela - sorry about being sick, that stinks! :( thinking of you!

Steph - SO happy for you on making it to 36 weeks so far! YAY! I'm sorry if this was already asked, but do you have a name picked out? So happy you will be seeing your brand new cuddly baby girl! xoxo and great about Katelyn singing! I know Poppy will speak eventually!

Anna - sorry about DH being sick (I swear they take a class on being big man-babies) but hurray on the dog-rescue AND the zoo! We are trying to get to a small zoo here soon. I'm so glad her speech is coming along so well too, gives me hope not to worry! I think you are taking the potty training in the right direction, let her guide right now. You are such a good momma! hugs to you, my friend.

I have to dash, hi to the other ladies, I am still just freaking out but trying to be calm - it's not a pretty site, lol. Will be sure to post the results on tuesday. I'm having cramps and feel blah, and sure it is just the remaining hormones. what a week.

love to all,
Ok Monday morning and a lot going on!!!!

Beth, I'm cautiously optimistic?? I'd be EXACTLY the same way if I was in your shoes, afraid to be happy. So I will wait anxiously to hear from you later today on how the doctor goes. And so what if you fibbed with the doctor. I think you made a very valid point, and how insensitive to not consider chemicals real MCs. Someone once posted on another thread this quote from a nurse who dealt with patients with MCs. I'm paraphrasing here, but she said , we're supposed to believe Leonardo fell completely in love with kate Winslet in three hours in the movie titanic, but were not supposed to feel attached to a pregnancy??? WTF. I may not have quoted even remotely correctly, but the point remains, people just don't get it. Fingers crossed and much love and hugs!!

Angela, so sorry you're sick again. And the boys too! Just never ends does it? Hope you get better soon! Hugs, hugs, hugs,

Chris, when do u test??? Fingers crossed!!! How goes the family struggle? It would be nice if your DH Stood by you on limiting family time. If he and Sophie go, but you don't, it will just make you look bad. And probably cause further rifts. Lots of hugs.

Steph, can't believe it's getting so close!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Love that katlyn is singing!! I sing to Jo all the time but she doesn't seem to pick up on it. She likes the songs and music, but has yet to sing a note. Ah well. Hang in there. How goes the prepping for baby? Feeling ready??

AFM, well it's official I'm a bitch. Finally got DH To doctor (I made the appointment) and he has a prostate infection. So now he's on heavy duty antibiotics, and is feeling much better. That's the good news. Bad news, doctor thinks he might also have an appendix that's ready to burst. So they're trying to figure out if he should go get a cat scan today or not. Of course he has no insurance, so it's put of pocket, but better to know now than have it burst on the job site or something and then it's an emergency surgery. Soooo, waiting to hear what the verdict is. Other than that had a good weekend, lots of walks and park time.

Ohh I booked my girls trip flight!!!! I'm flying into Orange County airport on Friday morning the first of November. Steph, if I can swing it I'd love to see you, new baby, Katelyn. But I know you will be busy, so if it works out, it works out. Don't know if I'll have a car or not. However I am very excited, mama needs a break.

Ok, I'll be checking back in to see how test results go . . . :hugs::hugs:
Hi girls,

blood taken this morning. I spoke with one of the nurses that I like there - told her everything, all symptoms, positive tests (still positive this morning). Her jaw dropped open and she said: get in there and get that blood test Right Now!! I said, do you think...... and she said, stranger things have happened, so get the test and we will figure it out. I asked about the progesterone and she is having that tested too. phew. will find out tomorrow, hopefully in the AM. I am freaking out, because what if it's not pg but something really bad - what else could make me hot/dizzy/nauseous? Ovarian cysts? worse?

one more day - Going to crochet this afternoon and take my mind off things. And watch little poppy play, that always helps.

thanks for checking in on me. I'm going to go throw up now.
Beth honey huge hugs!!! I'm so MAD at your clinic FOR you - my clinic turned numbers around in about two hours. Grrrrrrrr on your behalf!!!!! Jeez. i cannot believe it takes a whole day there!! im still praying for a miracle baby hon!! your symptoms sure sound pregnant to me! I'll be checking in tomorrow and thinking of you sweetheart!!
called them this morning - she said they don't have the results yet. She is going to call the lab and get them and have someone call me.

naturally, my first thought was: it's a bad number so they are waiting for a nurse to come in to call me.....

Figure one in four things can happen:
1. not pg and something else is wrong
2. pg but will go the same as Cookie - the MMC
3. pg but something is wrong with the baby
4. pg and fine

I swear I'm losing it.
Beth sweetie keep the faith. No matter what the outcome we are here for you. I think we are all anxiously awaiting the results. I'm with Angela in that it takes them too long at your facility. Aaarrggh

Hugs to you!!!
Beth, fingers crossed its good news, but like Steph said, no matter the outcome we're here!!! Lots of hugs and sticky bean vibes.
Thank you all.

I just called them again, figured I get them before lunch.....the receptionist said that it is still with the nurse practitioner for review. I said, is there something wrong? she said, no, I just can't give out the number until she reviews it - she'll call you later.

I'm beside myself right now. They don't understand that while it is everyday to them, my world has stopped until I know what is going on!!!!
sorry for making this thread all about me lately.

nurse practitioner just called me. number isn't good. Only at 76. :( She said, hmm, maybe we should just wait another week and see??? I said NO. then I asked how my progesterone was and she said it was a bit low, so I'm going in for an ultrasound today or tomorrow (they will call me back to schedule) and repeat the blood tomorrow and see where we are. She said the US will help and see if they can see something, then with the blood test, they may put me on something - but no point if nothing is there. I told her that was unkind and I was freaking out, so the sooner I figure this out the better.
Hoping it will be today. I'll keep you posted. xoxo

update - ultrasound tomorrow morning at 10:30am, then redo blood test. :(
Hi Ladies,

So sorry I've been out of touch. I've typed two long replies in the last week and somehow they got deleted before I posted. Argh!

Beth - hang in there, girl! I'm thinking about you.

Anna - sorry to hear DH has an infection. Hope it heals soon so you get a break :) Have you been running or riding lately?

Angela - hope you all feel better. I feel like I've been on the verge of getting sick this entire summer. I'm guessing it has a lot to with a lack of sleep. How are the kiddos? Are you still nursing? Cole is six months today and I'm trying to go as long as I can but this pumping thing is getting so hard.

Steph - glad your third trimester is going so well! I really liked having my scheduled c-sections (I had to have one with both kids due to a prior surgery). So are you already to go?

AFM - still super busy with work, commute, kiddos, etc. Cole is doing great. He is sleeping through the night and we started him on solids last month. And let me tell you he LOVES his solids. It's so cute when he opens his mouth for more - he looks like a little bird. Violet is doing well. She is eating a ton now that she is not drinking as much milk. We stopped giving her a bottle when she turned two a few weeks ago and told her she needed to drink milk out of her sippy cup. Well, she absolutely refuses to drink milk out of anything other than a bottle so we give her one bottle in the morning to make sure she gets some but that is it. Now she doesn't ask for it anymore which is a miracle, really. Before she could drink milk all day!

We have our house on the market. There is a lot above us that we really like and the owners will give us a deal on it. Just need to selll our house first. We had a showing on Sunday and the couple stayed there for over an hour. They want more information so we shall see. They said our price was "ambitious" but we are not too worried as other potential buyers thought our price was fair.

What is everyone doing for the holiday weekend?

I will write more soon.

Hugs to all!

Checking back in...

OMG! Beth I am so sorry for the run around. I would be a wreck too, lots of love and fingers crossed. You'd think the number would be lower than the original 17. I'm very confused. Lots of hugs and do something to take your mind of, maybe a walk? I'll be checking lots tomorrow.

Jamie, good to hear from you and I hate it when I loose posts!! Anyway thanks for asking I have been running lately. Had a great one this morning, i ran up a hill I ushually have to walk at least part way. Today I ran the whole way, it's a small accomplishment, but a good one. And then Jo and I jumped on the bike and road to Lowes for a new garden hose. So yes I've been running and biking, but always with a little tag along. Question for you, Jo is exactly like violet, she LOVES her bottle and I'm not sure how to get rid of it. We're down to just using it to put her down, but man when she wants it, she wants it. I think we might have to go cold turkey. Any advice??

Steph, how ya feeling??

Angela, any better??

AFM, We had a Good morning, After Lowes, we rode straight to the park and Jo got to play for an hour. Then off to my parents house for lunch and now I'm at work. Bad news, driving to my parent's house my clutch felt funny, and it's been on its last leg. So I kinda freaked out because with Jo's medical bills I really don't have the $$ right now for anything. So I took it to our mechanic who took it for a test drive and he was awesome!! Said i have at least a couple of months. Couple of years would have been better, but I can save and have at least most of it by the time it really goes. Whew!!! On a frustrated note, when I called DH all he said was, "told you so". Seriously?? Thanks that really helps. Ugh! :growlmad:

Ok, hope everyone has a good day.
Anna - yep, Violet and Jo are the exact same. Violet would go through so much milk it was ridiculous and would freak out if she didn't get the bottle. So on her birthday we told her that bottles were for babies and that she now had to drink her milk out of a sippy cup. She lost of it, of course, and just plain refused. Since we did want her to have some milk, we broke down and started giving her a morning bottle, but that is it. Not sure what the plan is to get rid of the morning bottle LOL. We are also trying to get rid of the binky/pacifier. It's hard with Cole because he obviously drinks from a bottle and likes the binky so she regressed a bit. So, I don't really have any advice :) I bought several new and different sippy cups and thought she might cave and use one of them. No dice.

That is great you are still running and getting on the bike. DP and I went for road bike road the other weekend and it was great but that is about it. I'm still running on the weekends but I'm slow. Too many darn hills!

Is Jo still into her Strider? We took Violet down the local skate park and she was cruising around with all the boys. It was really cute. Then she decided to go down one of those steep slopes. I couldn't believe she did it. I went to stop her but didn't have enough time. She rode down it without falling belive it or not, but boy her eyes were so big once she realized what she got herself into. Wish we could have caught it on video!
You know Jo is a little scared of her strider. She gets on it a bit here and there, but not a ton yet. I don't think she gets the coasting thing. I LOVE that she was in the skate park!!! Go girl!! As for milk, I know, we can go through half a gallon a day, and with organic milk that adds up!!

Go you and getting out on the road bike. I love my road bike, but it doesn't have the granny gears I need sometimes pulling Jo up hills, plus it's n
Crap, typing on phone...anyhoo, good luck with running and house! Fingers you get those buyers!!!
Oh yeah, we have spent a fortune on organic milk. Violet would also go through a half gallon a day. I'm so glad she cut back - we are saving money on milk and on diapers lol.
Woow Beth. i am really confused too. It is a good thing that the numbers rose. But why so slow. Pls update as soon as u know. Really hoping that there is another teeny beany in there xxx

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