35 & ttc #2....buddies?

Hi ladies,
I hope you are both doing well.

Angel- sorry your night was a bust. Why does it always seem like everything is against you when you're trying to make time to BD??

Lysh - I just realised that it's now September and you'll be TTC at the end of the month!! That must be exciting and scary too! I think my ticker tells me I have just under two months to go, so one big last push to get this weight off then I'll be good to go.

On another note - Am I the only one who has started their Christmas shopping? I've just bought some toys for my son, two nieces and my friends daughter. Anyone else started or am I alone in my forward planning/ttc distraction??? I actually said to my DH last night, 'I'll be preg and tired around Christmas so better to start shopping now'!! I'm planning on conceiving right away, huh!
It's kind of funny you mention that, I started last week. Last year I waited til the last minute to get the gifts and my son almost caught me a few times. But this year I told myself I was gonna get them way before xmas and go ahead and wrap them. With me working part time and hubby working full and son in school, I have plenty of time to wrap and hide.

BTW, last night was :cloud9:

I wish I could relate to having a LO, mine isn't so little anymore...
Hi Ladies,

Do you mind if I join you as a buddy :)

I'm 29 and mother of a 20 month old son who is my absolute joy, and my husband and I just started trying for #2. Live in Okotoks, Alberta, Canada :)
Hi Denyse,
Welcome to the thread! The other ladies are on your side of the world, I'm across the Atlantic but would love to buddy up to share the ttc journey together. Your son is just a few weeks older than mine, is yours a handful too?! You must be excited to be ttc#2 though. I've a few weeks to go yet but I'm getting very impatient now.

Oh Angel, FX crossed you and your DH this month. I really hope we get some BFP's on this thread soon! I'm glad I'm not the only one to have started shopping, although I guess it would be much trickier to sneak all the presents away with a 5.5 year old on watch! Christmas must be amazing in your house though!
And Lysh, I meant to ask if your lines got any darker?
Hi Denyse,
Welcome to the thread! The other ladies are on your side of the world, I'm across the Atlantic but would love to buddy up to share the ttc journey together. Your son is just a few weeks older than mine, is yours a handful too?! You must be excited to be ttc#2 though. I've a few weeks to go yet but I'm getting very impatient now.

Oh Angel, FX crossed you and your DH this month. I really hope we get some BFP's on this thread soon! I'm glad I'm not the only one to have started shopping, although I guess it would be much trickier to sneak all the presents away with a 5.5 year old on watch! Christmas must be amazing in your house though!

Oh nice! What is your son's name? I bet he's adorable :) Mine is a handful, but I don't mind, he's cute as can be!
My son's name is Seth. It's not that popular where I come from but I think it just broke into the top 100 boys names last year. I love your sons name too. It is a family name or just one you and your husband liked?
My son's name is Seth. It's not that popular where I come from but I think it just broke into the top 100 boys names last year. I love your sons name too. It is a family name or just one you and your husband liked?

Just his middle names are family names :) Noah was just a name we both liked. And he wanted a name that wasn't that common. Unfortunately now a lot of people are naming their kids Noah! Oh well, it fits him so well. I like your sons name too, it's cute!
Well it is a beautiful name, so no wonder people copy!

How are you tracking your cycle - temping or using OPKs or are you more relaxed about ttc? Good luck for the BDing!
Well it is a beautiful name, so no wonder people copy!

How are you tracking your cycle - temping or using OPKs or are you more relaxed about ttc? Good luck for the BDing!

Not really using anything to track other than just knowing my body. Luckily my cycles are normally about 27 days every month. We've :sex: 3 days in a row lol. Pretty sure I'll be ovulating in a few days. Keep your fingers crossed!
Well it is a beautiful name, so no wonder people copy!

How are you tracking your cycle - temping or using OPKs or are you more relaxed about ttc? Good luck for the BDing!

Not really using anything to track other than just knowing my body. Luckily my cycles are normally about 27 days every month. We've :sex: 3 days in a row lol. Pretty sure I'll be ovulating in a few days. Keep your fingers crossed!

I've got my FX for you!

Your son is as cute as a button. His hair is just gorgeous; my LO has been cursed with the frizzy gene from both his father and me!
Well it is a beautiful name, so no wonder people copy!

How are you tracking your cycle - temping or using OPKs or are you more relaxed about ttc? Good luck for the BDing!

Not really using anything to track other than just knowing my body. Luckily my cycles are normally about 27 days every month. We've :sex: 3 days in a row lol. Pretty sure I'll be ovulating in a few days. Keep your fingers crossed!

I've got my FX for you!

Your son is as cute as a button. His hair is just gorgeous; my LO has been cursed with the frizzy gene from both his father and me!

Awww, thank you :) Pretty sure I've started ovulating, have had a few signs so I think hubby and I are going to try and :sex: tonight then rest for the rest of the month lol. We are really trying for a girl (we only want 2 kids and we already have a boy) and they say to stop having :sex: before ovulation to increase your chances. So here's hoping!
Ladies, I thought it would be nice to share a little bit about ourselves, families and situation to get to know each other a little better. Feel free to add yours.

Name: MrsHM (Julie)
Partner: DH of 3.5years (Neil)
Children: 1 son (Seth)
Work: Freelance PR
Live: Northern Ireland
Pets: West Highland White Terrier
Hobbies: Jogging and learning to speak Spanish
TTC status: TTC#2 in November, but getting itchy feet and might bring it forward
Likes: Baby & Bump; pizza, jogging, diet coke, my son's smile first thing in the morning
Dislikes: Drunk people, bad drivers, dirty nappies, pushy mums!

Please add in anything else you'd like to share too!
Well it is a beautiful name, so no wonder people copy!

How are you tracking your cycle - temping or using OPKs or are you more relaxed about ttc? Good luck for the BDing!

Not really using anything to track other than just knowing my body. Luckily my cycles are normally about 27 days every month. We've :sex: 3 days in a row lol. Pretty sure I'll be ovulating in a few days. Keep your fingers crossed!

I've got my FX for you!

Your son is as cute as a button. His hair is just gorgeous; my LO has been cursed with the frizzy gene from both his father and me!

Awww, thank you :) Pretty sure I've started ovulating, have had a few signs so I think hubby and I are going to try and :sex: tonight then rest for the rest of the month lol. We are really trying for a girl (we only want 2 kids and we already have a boy) and they say to stop having :sex: before ovulation to increase your chances. So here's hoping!

I read that too quickly and thought you said that you'd be BD-ing for the rest of the month LOL :haha:
Ladies, I thought it would be nice to share a little bit about ourselves, families and situation to get to know each other a little better. Feel free to add yours.

Name: MrsHM (Julie)
Partner: DH of 3.5years (Neil)
Children: 1 son (Seth)
Work: Freelance PR
Live: Northern Ireland
Pets: West Highland White Terrier
Hobbies: Jogging and learning to speak Spanish
TTC status: TTC#2 in November, but getting itchy feet and might bring it forward
Likes: Baby & Bump; pizza, jogging, diet coke, my son's smile first thing in the morning
Dislikes: Drunk people, bad drivers, dirty nappies, pushy mums!

Please add in anything else you'd like to share too!

Here's mine :)

Name: Denyse Giguere
Partner: Husband of 6 years, Paul (since August 9, 2007)
Children: 1 son (Noah)
Work: Legal Assistant
Live: Okotoks, Alberta, Canada
Pets: 3 cats: Lolly, Cosmo & Bear
Hobbies: playing World of Warcraft with my hubby, hanging out and playing with my son, reading
TTC status: just starting trying for our second this month
Likes: Baby & Bump; Tim Hortons coffee, kids, family, books
Dislikes: smokers, drinkers, bad drivers, self centered people

LOL there are way too many likes and dislikes to mention!
Well it is a beautiful name, so no wonder people copy!

How are you tracking your cycle - temping or using OPKs or are you more relaxed about ttc? Good luck for the BDing!

Not really using anything to track other than just knowing my body. Luckily my cycles are normally about 27 days every month. We've :sex: 3 days in a row lol. Pretty sure I'll be ovulating in a few days. Keep your fingers crossed!

I've got my FX for you!

Your son is as cute as a button. His hair is just gorgeous; my LO has been cursed with the frizzy gene from both his father and me!

Awww, thank you :) Pretty sure I've started ovulating, have had a few signs so I think hubby and I are going to try and :sex: tonight then rest for the rest of the month lol. We are really trying for a girl (we only want 2 kids and we already have a boy) and they say to stop having :sex: before ovulation to increase your chances. So here's hoping!

I read that too quickly and thought you said that you'd be BD-ing for the rest of the month LOL :haha:

LMAO....my hubby's got good stamina but not that much LOL
Well it is a beautiful name, so no wonder people copy!

How are you tracking your cycle - temping or using OPKs or are you more relaxed about ttc? Good luck for the BDing!

Not really using anything to track other than just knowing my body. Luckily my cycles are normally about 27 days every month. We've :sex: 3 days in a row lol. Pretty sure I'll be ovulating in a few days. Keep your fingers crossed!

I've got my FX for you!

Your son is as cute as a button. His hair is just gorgeous; my LO has been cursed with the frizzy gene from both his father and me!

Awww, thank you :) Pretty sure I've started ovulating, have had a few signs so I think hubby and I are going to try and :sex: tonight then rest for the rest of the month lol. We are really trying for a girl (we only want 2 kids and we already have a boy) and they say to stop having :sex: before ovulation to increase your chances. So here's hoping!

I read that too quickly and thought you said that you'd be BD-ing for the rest of the month LOL :haha:

LMAO....my hubby's got good stamina but not that much LOL

Oh tee hee! That much would kill my DH off! When we were ttc#1, it got to the point were doing the deed was the last thing we wanted to do some nights, although he has forgotten that and is quite looking forward to getting started! :thumbup:
Well it is a beautiful name, so no wonder people copy!

How are you tracking your cycle - temping or using OPKs or are you more relaxed about ttc? Good luck for the BDing!

Not really using anything to track other than just knowing my body. Luckily my cycles are normally about 27 days every month. We've :sex: 3 days in a row lol. Pretty sure I'll be ovulating in a few days. Keep your fingers crossed!

I've got my FX for you!

Your son is as cute as a button. His hair is just gorgeous; my LO has been cursed with the frizzy gene from both his father and me!

Awww, thank you :) Pretty sure I've started ovulating, have had a few signs so I think hubby and I are going to try and :sex: tonight then rest for the rest of the month lol. We are really trying for a girl (we only want 2 kids and we already have a boy) and they say to stop having :sex: before ovulation to increase your chances. So here's hoping!

I read that too quickly and thought you said that you'd be BD-ing for the rest of the month LOL :haha:

LMAO....my hubby's got good stamina but not that much LOL

Oh tee hee! That much would kill my DH off! When we were ttc#1, it got to the point were doing the deed was the last thing we wanted to do some nights, although he has forgotten that and is quite looking forward to getting started! :thumbup:

When we were TTC for our first, we only :sex: every 2 days (that's what I had read was the best way to do it) but I recently read to increase your chances for a girl to :sex: every night up until a couple of days before you ovulate (as the female sperm lasts longer). I hope it works!
Well it is a beautiful name, so no wonder people copy!

How are you tracking your cycle - temping or using OPKs or are you more relaxed about ttc? Good luck for the BDing!

Not really using anything to track other than just knowing my body. Luckily my cycles are normally about 27 days every month. We've :sex: 3 days in a row lol. Pretty sure I'll be ovulating in a few days. Keep your fingers crossed!

I've got my FX for you!

Your son is as cute as a button. His hair is just gorgeous; my LO has been cursed with the frizzy gene from both his father and me!

Awww, thank you :) Pretty sure I've started ovulating, have had a few signs so I think hubby and I are going to try and :sex: tonight then rest for the rest of the month lol. We are really trying for a girl (we only want 2 kids and we already have a boy) and they say to stop having :sex: before ovulation to increase your chances. So here's hoping!

I read that too quickly and thought you said that you'd be BD-ing for the rest of the month LOL :haha:

LMAO....my hubby's got good stamina but not that much LOL

Oh tee hee! That much would kill my DH off! When we were ttc#1, it got to the point were doing the deed was the last thing we wanted to do some nights, although he has forgotten that and is quite looking forward to getting started! :thumbup:

When we were TTC for our first, we only :sex: every 2 days (that's what I had read was the best way to do it) but I recently read to increase your chances for a girl to :sex: every night up until a couple of days before you ovulate (as the female sperm lasts longer). I hope it works!

That's what I read too. I don't know if I'd be able to stop once I'd Oved though, I prob keep going just to be sure! Doh!

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