35 & ttc #2....buddies?

Lysh- I'm sorry you had a terrible day, it must be awful making that transition from seeing your DD every day to being a working mum again. Remember though that she will be so proud, when she gets a little older, that her mum has a career and is making a difference, so don't be too hard on yourself!

Will you have to wait until next month to start ttc now or are you able to take your meds to increase your LP next month once you know you have Oved? That might be a stupid question, sorry!

Angel- we feel your pain! It's so hard when other people announce their good news, isn't it. I totally understand the mix of emotions you're feeling, but hopefully it'll be your turn soon to announce your BFP!

Oohhhh Denyse, FX for you...are you an early tester or do you prefer to wait it out?
Lysh- I'm sorry you had a terrible day, it must be awful making that transition from seeing your DD every day to being a working mum again. Remember though that she will be so proud, when she gets a little older, that her mum has a career and is making a difference, so don't be too hard on yourself!

Will you have to wait until next month to start ttc now or are you able to take your meds to increase your LP next month once you know you have Oved? That might be a stupid question, sorry!

Angel- we feel your pain! It's so hard when other people announce their good news, isn't it. I totally understand the mix of emotions you're feeling, but hopefully it'll be your turn soon to announce your BFP!

Oohhhh Denyse, FX for you...are you an early tester or do you prefer to wait it out?

The earliest I can test is the 17/18...I'm going to try and hold out to the 20th. We'll see lol
Denyse- It is so hard waiting!!! I use to always say I would wait, but then I would give in and test a little early.

MrsHM- Thank you, I keep telling myself that it is for the best, but it is hard. I lost my patience with her today too which I feel terrible about...I cannot let the stress get to me and effect how I respond to my daughter. We are still planning on ttc next month (so far) and I can take the medicine once I know I OVed.

Okay ladies- this momma is tired! Have a good night!
Denyse- It is so hard waiting!!! I use to always say I would wait, but then I would give in and test a little early.

MrsHM- Thank you, I keep telling myself that it is for the best, but it is hard. I lost my patience with her today too which I feel terrible about...I cannot let the stress get to me and effect how I respond to my daughter. We are still planning on ttc next month (so far) and I can take the medicine once I know I OVed.

Okay ladies- this momma is tired! Have a good night!

I'm thinking of moving my testing up to the 17th. The first day of my last period was August 24th and my cycle is usually 28-29 days. Or do you guys think I should wait until the 19th or 20th? With my son I tested 5 days early and got a very clear positive test.

I am getting so symptoms it's freaky. I'm pretty sure I'm only 3-4 dpo, but who knows maybe I ovulated early??
FX for you Denyse, I've got a few days before I start checking symptoms again.
MrsHM- Thank you, I keep telling myself that it is for the best, but it is hard. I lost my patience with her today too which I feel terrible about...I cannot let the stress get to me and effect how I respond to my daughter. We are still planning on ttc next month (so far) and I can take the medicine once I know I OVed.!

I always feel terrible after I've lost my temper with my DS too. It's usually when I'm tired and it's like he knows when would be the worst time to play up! I'm pretty sure all mummies lose their patience with their LO's from time-to-time. I don't imagine it'll get better as they get older; I certainly remember how I used to annoy my mum on purpose sometimes! :blush:

Not long to go now to ttc starts! I lost a little bit more weight this week, and I just keep thinking that every pound lost is taking me closer to ttc again!
Just an update on my symptoms - they just keep growing. I had a bit of red spotting, which has stopped. Keeping my fingers crossed that maybe I'm experiencing implantation and I just O'd earlier than I thought.
Denyse- It is so hard waiting!!! I use to always say I would wait, but then I would give in and test a little early.

MrsHM- Thank you, I keep telling myself that it is for the best, but it is hard. I lost my patience with her today too which I feel terrible about...I cannot let the stress get to me and effect how I respond to my daughter. We are still planning on ttc next month (so far) and I can take the medicine once I know I OVed.

Okay ladies- this momma is tired! Have a good night!

I'm thinking of moving my testing up to the 17th. The first day of my last period was August 24th and my cycle is usually 28-29 days. Or do you guys think I should wait until the 19th or 20th? With my son I tested 5 days early and got a very clear positive test.

I am getting so symptoms it's freaky. I'm pretty sure I'm only 3-4 dpo, but who knows maybe I ovulated early??

I'm an early tester so I say test LOL! I didn't get an early positive with my son - I tested on the Monday - bfn; Wednesday - bfn and Sunday (AF one day late) bfp. I know people generally say it's best to wait until AF is late if you can, but I can't so that!

Angel - keep us updated on any symptoms you experience too!
MrsHM- Yeah, I am sure as they get older and can use words to really talk back it will be harder!!!
Congrats on losing another pound!!!!!! TTC is getting close!!!!

Denyse- Fingers are crossed!!!!
MrsHM- Yeah, I am sure as they get older and can use words to really talk back it will be harder!!!
Congrats on losing another pound!!!!!! TTC is getting close!!!!

Denyse- Fingers are crossed!!!!

Thanks. I'm feeling a bit down. No more symptoms - spotted stopped this morning and no sign of nausea, just a little bit of cramping earlier. I know it's early, but I have a bad feeling I'm going to get a visit from AF this month
I know it can be hard to stay positive- I would always flip between feeling positive each cycle and then not wanting to set myself up for disappointment. The cycle I did end up pregnant, I remember I was not really expecting to see a line. The only thing that indicated I might be pregnant was that my BBT temp was stayed slightly higher than normal.

It would still be awesome if someone in our little group here got a BFP already!
I know it can be hard to stay positive- I would always flip between feeling positive each cycle and then not wanting to set myself up for disappointment. The cycle I did end up pregnant, I remember I was not really expecting to see a line. The only thing that indicated I might be pregnant was that my BBT temp was stayed slightly higher than normal.

It would still be awesome if someone in our little group here got a BFP already!

The cycle before we got our bfp with our son I got a false positive (which actually were evaporation lines lol), but I was new to TTC and didn't realize it. I was so depressed when the blood test came back negative. So we stopped trying so hard. The month after we conceived. Lol, it's funny how things happen.

I know I'm not out of the running yet, and maybe the brief spotting I had earlier was implantation, it just sucks not being able to know for another 5 and a half days lol
Hi. I am 34 and ttc # 2. I have a 6 year old ds and have been trying to conceive for the last 2 years. I did get a bfp in march but unfortunately miscarried at 6 weeks. I am 12 dpo today Af is due tomorrow. I have had a few symptoms this month. Frequent urination from 5dpo and sore boobs. I am not planning on testing until I am atleast a few days late ( cant stand to see anymore bfns :cry:) and my boobs are less sore today.
I am feeling really down as I really want to give my ds a sibling. He has been asking me why he doesnt have a brother or sister as all his friends have them. Hopefully I get pregnant soon. Good luck to everyone.
Hi. I am 34 and ttc # 2. I have a 6 year old ds and have been trying to conceive for the last 2 years. I did get a bfp in march but unfortunately miscarried at 6 weeks. I am 12 dpo today Af is due tomorrow. I have had a few symptoms this month. Frequent urination from 5dpo and sore boobs. I am not planning on testing until I am atleast a few days late ( cant stand to see anymore bfns :cry:) and my boobs are less sore today.
I am feeling really down as I really want to give my ds a sibling. He has been asking me why he doesnt have a brother or sister as all his friends have them. Hopefully I get pregnant soon. Good luck to everyone.

Welcome :hugs:

Sorry for your loss. I too really want to give my son a sibling. Fortunately he's not old enough to ask for one yet, he's just 20 months.

Good luck and lots of :dust: to you. Great group of supportive ladies here :)
Thanks so much. Yeah I know the support from ladies are amazing. Its so much easier to talk to people who understand what we are going through. I always get asked from people, " Arent you going to try for number 2?" " Dont you think your son needs a brother or sister?" I get so saddened by it because they dont know how much I want it.
Keep thinking positive thoughts Denyse, it's still early days! Your spotting could have been IB and you might even had O'ved a day or so later than you thought...remember you are in with a good shot until AF shows!

Hi Nikki, welcome to the thread. Sorry to hear about your loss, that must have been very difficult to deal with. People can be so thoughtless too - if they knew the fly-away comments they make hurt so much I'm sure they'd keep their mouths shut! Hopefully you will get your bfp soon and in the meantime you can always chat to the ladies on here as we all know how hard/frustrating/upsetting TTC can be.
Keep thinking positive thoughts Denyse, it's still early days! Your spotting could have been IB and you might even had O'ved a day or so later than you thought...remember you are in with a good shot until AF shows!

Hi Nikki, welcome to the thread. Sorry to hear about your loss, that must have been very difficult to deal with. People can be so thoughtless too - if they knew the fly-away comments they make hurt so much I'm sure they'd keep their mouths shut! Hopefully you will get your bfp soon and in the meantime you can always chat to the ladies on here as we all know how hard/frustrating/upsetting TTC can be.

Thanks hun, I appreciate the encouragement :hugs:

No more spotting so maybe that's a good sign. A bit of cramping on the left side.

How are you doing?
Keep thinking positive thoughts Denyse, it's still early days! Your spotting could have been IB and you might even had O'ved a day or so later than you thought...remember you are in with a good shot until AF shows!

Hi Nikki, welcome to the thread. Sorry to hear about your loss, that must have been very difficult to deal with. People can be so thoughtless too - if they knew the fly-away comments they make hurt so much I'm sure they'd keep their mouths shut! Hopefully you will get your bfp soon and in the meantime you can always chat to the ladies on here as we all know how hard/frustrating/upsetting TTC can be.

Thanks hun, I appreciate the encouragement :hugs:

No more spotting so maybe that's a good sign. A bit of cramping on the left side.

How are you doing?

I'm doing really well, thanks! TTC is getting closer but I am starting to panic a little...my DH was not very supportive the first time round and I'm worried that I'll be coping largely on my own this time too. By not supportive I just mean generally useless, not in a nasty way, but he's not very good at thinking of other people and everything needs to be spelled out for him or he just doesn't think. I'm quite independent so first time I didn't realise how much I'd need his help so I'm pretty scared this time as I know what being preg/new babies involve. I wish he was more thoughtful, or considerate but it just doesn't come naturally unfortunately.

To give you an example - I had really bad spd last time and we'd just bought a new car. A month before the baby was due we went shopping and DH parked sooo far away from the entrance to protect the new car from other drivers/parkers, even though I could barely walk! I still remind him of this on a weekly basis!

I hope your DH is more supportive than this. From reading the preg boards last time it seems that men are either supportive or useless!!!
Keep thinking positive thoughts Denyse, it's still early days! Your spotting could have been IB and you might even had O'ved a day or so later than you thought...remember you are in with a good shot until AF shows!

Hi Nikki, welcome to the thread. Sorry to hear about your loss, that must have been very difficult to deal with. People can be so thoughtless too - if they knew the fly-away comments they make hurt so much I'm sure they'd keep their mouths shut! Hopefully you will get your bfp soon and in the meantime you can always chat to the ladies on here as we all know how hard/frustrating/upsetting TTC can be.

Thanks hun, I appreciate the encouragement :hugs:

No more spotting so maybe that's a good sign. A bit of cramping on the left side.

How are you doing?

I'm doing really well, thanks! TTC is getting closer but I am starting to panic a little...my DH was not very supportive the first time round and I'm worried that I'll be coping largely on my own this time too. By not supportive I just mean generally useless, not in a nasty way, but he's not very good at thinking of other people and everything needs to be spelled out for him or he just doesn't think. I'm quite independent so first time I didn't realise how much I'd need his help so I'm pretty scared this time as I know what being preg/new babies involve. I wish he was more thoughtful, or considerate but it just doesn't come naturally unfortunately.

To give you an example - I had really bad spd last time and we'd just bought a new car. A month before the baby was due we went shopping and DH parked sooo far away from the entrance to protect the new car from other drivers/parkers, even though I could barely walk! I still remind him of this on a weekly basis!

I hope your DH is more supportive than this. From reading the preg boards last time it seems that men are either supportive or useless!!!

I'm very luck. My DH is amazing. I could go on and on for hours to talk about all the great things he does. I'm sorry to hear yours isn't supportive. We really need that support system from them.

I told myself I wouldn't test early, but I did a test this morning. It was negative, but I saw a second faint line - I tried to take a pic, but you can't see the faint line very well. I know it's way too early for a clear positive so I'm wondering if I am pregnant and the second line would be darker if I tried testing on Monday? I'm trying not to get too excited. I showed the test to DH and even he saw something. Nothing definite, but he saw something.

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