35 & ttc #2....buddies?

yeah we might try some more after ovulation. I think after 4 days in a row we need a little break lol. Maybe try some more on the weekend
Denyse, all I can say is wow... And good luck!!!! I just had my AF last week, so Maybe I'll try what you're doing. I really really really want a girl as well.

Name: Angell (Rose)
Partner: Hubby of 1.5years (Mark), but we've been together for almost 4years
Children: 1 son (Alexander James A.K.A. AJ)
Work: Home Decor Associate at LOWES
Live: Florida, USA
Pets: American Shorthair Cat, Siberian Husky
Hobbies: Jigsaw, Karaoke, Being Lazy
TTC status: TTC#2 for 6 months now
Likes: Baby & Bump; Pasta; Sleeping; Sushi; Buffets; WoW; My personal bubble; Cooking/Baking
Dislikes: Confrontations, Loud People, Cleaning

This is a little embarassing, but would any of you girls mind explaining the monograms....? Like DH, DD, AF, BD, etc... I understand AF is menstruation, LO is little one... But the others confuse me :shy:
Wow, there was a lot to catch up on! Welcome Denyse!

Yesterday was a full/crazy work day, DD had a fever (finally fever went away), but now I am getting sick with a cold!! Hopefully it will go away before the students start on Monday!!

MrsHM- I never got around to checking the ovulation stick!!! I meant to do it all day, and then I forgot. I think with work starting my mind is all over the place. I am sure I ovulated the next day, it seems to be the pattern. The line was really close to being dark. I will have to definitely be better about it my next cycle!

I have not started my Christmas shopping yet, but I have started generating ideas for what I will be buy. I do a lot of my shopping online (love amazon!).

Denyse- Good luck with conceiving a girl! I heard of that trick as well. You and MrsHM made me laugh with all that BDing talk!!! DH and I had many exhaustive nights when ttc. There are evenings we just were not in the mood, but forced ourselves.

Angell- Glad you got a night of BDing in!!!! Good luck this month!!! I dislike when colds get in the way, that happened to us a few times.

Well, nothing new over here. Just trying to get ready to start the school year...leaving dd will be difficult. :nope:
No worries, I had to google all the acronyms when I started browsing forums.

DH= Dear Husband
DD= Dear Daughter
DS= Dear Son
AF= Aunt Flow
BD= Not sure exactly, bedding? Basically doing the deed.
Partner: DH of almost 3 years, together for 6 1/2
Children: 1 daughter
Work: Teacher
Live: upstate NY
Pets: 1 cat
Hobbies: cooking, cookie baking, photography
TTC status: TTC#2 in this month or early next month and a bit nervous about the whole idea of handling 2 kiddos!
Likes: Italian food, coffee, browsing the internet, traveling, camping (with bathrooms nearby!), relaxing, reading, spending time with DD, hummingbirds, wine
Dislikes: messes, mommy wars, not getting enough sleep, leaving my daughter on workdays, cleaning bathrooms, rude people, gross smells

I can go on and on and on with this list too!!!!!!!! lol I saw Denyse and Angell- you both play WoW? I use to play that game...have not in quite a few years. I always enjoyed RPG games, but I just do not have the time anymore.
Denyse, all I can say is wow... And good luck!!!! I just had my AF last week, so Maybe I'll try what you're doing. I really really really want a girl as well.

Name: Angell (Rose)
Partner: Hubby of 1.5years (Mark), but we've been together for almost 4years
Children: 1 son (Alexander James A.K.A. AJ)
Work: Home Decor Associate at LOWES
Live: Florida, USA
Pets: American Shorthair Cat, Siberian Husky
Hobbies: Jigsaw, Karaoke, Being Lazy
TTC status: TTC#2 for 6 months now
Likes: Baby & Bump; Pasta; Sleeping; Sushi; Buffets; WoW; My personal bubble; Cooking/Baking
Dislikes: Confrontations, Loud People, Cleaning

This is a little embarassing, but would any of you girls mind explaining the monograms....? Like DH, DD, AF, BD, etc... I understand AF is menstruation, LO is little one... But the others confuse me :shy:

Lol, sorry if I shared too much information.

Do you play WoW too?? :)
Partner: DH of almost 3 years, together for 6 1/2
Children: 1 daughter
Work: Teacher
Live: upstate NY
Pets: 1 cat
Hobbies: cooking, cookie baking, photography
TTC status: TTC#2 in this month or early next month and a bit nervous about the whole idea of handling 2 kiddos!
Likes: Italian food, coffee, browsing the internet, traveling, camping (with bathrooms nearby!), relaxing, reading, spending time with DD, hummingbirds, wine
Dislikes: messes, mommy wars, not getting enough sleep, leaving my daughter on workdays, cleaning bathrooms, rude people, gross smells

I can go on and on and on with this list too!!!!!!!! lol I saw Denyse and Angell- you both play WoW? I use to play that game...have not in quite a few years. I always enjoyed RPG games, but I just do not have the time anymore.

I don't have much time for WoW anymore either lol. I work, plus raising a child is lots of work! I started playing again when our son was about a year old, and I only get to play a few nights a week after he goes to bed. My husband told him I do too much for everyone else and I needed to do something for me...so I chose WoW lol. My husband started playing again a few months ago. On the weekends after our son goes to bed we get some time to play together :)
I used to play. Had to quit for multiple reasons. One reason was the laptop I had kept crashing after the Pre-Cataclysm Update. Then when I moved in with DH never had the money for a subscription, and he already thinks I spend too much time on here. Which is funny cause if I'm not on the puter, he is. I still dream I'm in WoW, and would love to play again. I really have no outlet, other than here. And I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to have found this forum.
I don't have much time for WoW anymore either lol. I work, plus raising a child is lots of work! I started playing again when our son was about a year old, and I only get to play a few nights a week after he goes to bed. My husband told him I do too much for everyone else and I needed to do something for me...so I chose WoW lol. My husband started playing again a few months ago. On the weekends after our son goes to bed we get some time to play together :)

It's awesome you have a hubby that plays with you, or gives you your time. I have to bribe hubby just to get him to help around house, lol.
Denyse- That is nice that you and DH share that in common. It is nice to have that outlet that you enjoy together.

DH and I are like peanut butter and jelly- we are very different, but seem to mesh. The downside, is we do not really have hobbies we enjoy together.

Angell- Ugh, house cleaning- I get very little (pretty much no) help in that area. DH is so busy with house construction (we have a downstairs floor he is finishing up) and the outside chores that I am left with cleaning/cooking duties.

DD and I are both sick. She is feeling better, but still cranky and a tooth is coming in. I woke up and my cold is worse. She woke up at 1 am last night and it took me 45 minutes to get her back to bed. Then I could not go back to sleep easily. It is moments like this that I am like, why do I think I can manage 2? lol
DH and I are like that too. He's very outdoorsy and not very tech savvy, and I'm the opposite. I enjoy Karaoke and Video games, whether it's pc based or console based. I bought myself a PS2 a few xmas's ago and DH didn't understand why, lol. He is very into a MARVEL game on facebook, one of those comic lovers. I am RPG's all the way too, although I do enjoy a racing game every now and then. But WoW was always my weakness... I even started playing fiesta( Free MMORPG) but stopped once I started working. Oh speaking of, I have an interview Monday for a much better position :)
I don't have much time for WoW anymore either lol. I work, plus raising a child is lots of work! I started playing again when our son was about a year old, and I only get to play a few nights a week after he goes to bed. My husband told him I do too much for everyone else and I needed to do something for me...so I chose WoW lol. My husband started playing again a few months ago. On the weekends after our son goes to bed we get some time to play together :)

It's awesome you have a hubby that plays with you, or gives you your time. I have to bribe hubby just to get him to help around house, lol.

I have to admit I'm pretty lucky. We both have full time jobs and both do the housework. He thinks I work too hard and need more time to relax. I don't mind though, I love being a busy mommy.

My son was quite funny last night...When I picked him up and we came home, we went downstairs to watch some Barney so I could clean up a little at the same time as watching him. He's watching it and I turned away for 5 seconds and I see he's taken off all his clothes and was now taking his diaper off. Take him upstairs to get a new diaper and he decides he wants to lay down. I leave him for another maybe 10 seconds to turn on the oven to start dinner, I come back into his room and he's taken all of his pj's out of his dresser and he's standing in the empty dresser....it was so hilarious. He was pretty energetic most of the night. By the time he went to bed I was exhausted just watching and chasing him all night lol.

What funny/cute things do you kids do?
DH and I are like that too. He's very outdoorsy and not very tech savvy, and I'm the opposite. I enjoy Karaoke and Video games, whether it's pc based or console based. I bought myself a PS2 a few xmas's ago and DH didn't understand why, lol. He is very into a MARVEL game on facebook, one of those comic lovers. I am RPG's all the way too, although I do enjoy a racing game every now and then. But WoW was always my weakness... I even started playing fiesta( Free MMORPG) but stopped once I started working. Oh speaking of, I have an interview Monday for a much better position :)

Good luck!!
Denyse- That is nice that you and DH share that in common. It is nice to have that outlet that you enjoy together.

DH and I are like peanut butter and jelly- we are very different, but seem to mesh. The downside, is we do not really have hobbies we enjoy together.

Angell- Ugh, house cleaning- I get very little (pretty much no) help in that area. DH is so busy with house construction (we have a downstairs floor he is finishing up) and the outside chores that I am left with cleaning/cooking duties.

DD and I are both sick. She is feeling better, but still cranky and a tooth is coming in. I woke up and my cold is worse. She woke up at 1 am last night and it took me 45 minutes to get her back to bed. Then I could not go back to sleep easily. It is moments like this that I am like, why do I think I can manage 2? lol

Awww I'm sorry to hear you and DD aren't feeling good. Hope you both get better soon! It's hard cause when you have kids you just don't have time to be sick!
Angell- Good luck Monday!

Denyse- lol...that is cute. My DD is always testing new things out. She is in the tantrum stage right now.....she will get upset if I have to take something from her that she should not be playing with or if I cannot pick her up right away so now she will throw herself on the floor and start kicking her hands and feed! If I do not react right away, she will stop for a few seconds and look up at me to see my reaction. She is also practicing her talking skills...she will talk and talk and talk- using emphasis with her words, moving her hands....it is hysterical. I wish I could understand her!

So dd slept well last night....I woke up at 4 with a dry hacking cough, but she slept until 530. Poor baby is sleeping now but I can hear her coughing. It dawned on me that it might not be a cold after all but ragweed allergies!!!! I do not know if this is an issue where any of you live, but we live in a valley and allergies are prevalent. I researched it, and I have all the symptoms of a ragweed allergy so I started taking Claritin today. Hopefully that will help.

MrsHM- How are you doing? Enjoying your weekend I hope!
Hi ladies,
I hope you are all well.

Lysh- I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been well. It's so tough to look after yourself when you are poorly and have a LO to contend with. I've never heard of ragweed, it sounds far too exotic for where I'm from, but hopefully your new meds will help you feel better.

I can't believe you forgot to check your OPK stick LOL. That's the life of a busy mum for you!

Angel- Good good for your interview. A new job and new baby together would be fantastic!!

Denyse - My son likes to pull everything out of his cupboards too! He also pulls his pillow out of his cot, puts it on the floor, lays his two cuddly sheep down on the pillow and then pretends to sleep beside them. He keeps one eye open to see what I'm doing and when I tell him its not time for bed yet he throws a fake tantrum!

Oh and BD stands for baby dancing, so as Lysh said it means doing the deed!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Anyone doing anything nice?
For some reason, every time I see BD I think Boogie Down, lol.

I don't know what's going on, but for the past two days I've been really moody. It's like every little thing greatly irritates me. I don't think I've ever felt like this, but I think it may have to do with a coworker getting PG. Although I'm not sure why, I'm genuinely happy for her. She wasn't trying and she's got a military bf. Why is it so hard for us, but it seems so easy for everyone else....?

So not fair...
For some reason, every time I see BD I think Boogie Down, lol.

I don't know what's going on, but for the past two days I've been really moody. It's like every little thing greatly irritates me. I don't think I've ever felt like this, but I think it may have to do with a coworker getting PG. Although I'm not sure why, I'm genuinely happy for her. She wasn't trying and she's got a military bf. Why is it so hard for us, but it seems so easy for everyone else....?

So not fair...

Awww hugs honey :hugs:
Wow, I am tired tonight!!! First day with students and DD was up at 4:50. I missed her like crazy!!! I am so grateful that I have a job that allows me to be home in the summer, but the transition from SAHM to working mom is tough.

MrsHM- How was your weekend?? We did not do too much, just spent time getting ready for the workweek and trying to recover. I can't believe I forgot to check the OPK too!!! That never happened when ttc the first time! Multi-tasking with a little one does make remembering things more difficult sometimes!

Angell- It is hard when you are trying so hard to conceive and you see others around you easily getting pregnant. When I was ttc and someone I knew announced their pregnancy, I was thrilled and excited, but still felt a pang of longing/frustration that I could not also make that announcement. It is natural.....hang in there!

So I feel like I should have gotten AF already....I am now mad at myself for forgetting to check my OPK this month because now I can not be absolutely sure about my LP. :shrug:

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