35 & ttc #2....buddies?

Keep thinking positive thoughts Denyse, it's still early days! Your spotting could have been IB and you might even had O'ved a day or so later than you thought...remember you are in with a good shot until AF shows!

Hi Nikki, welcome to the thread. Sorry to hear about your loss, that must have been very difficult to deal with. People can be so thoughtless too - if they knew the fly-away comments they make hurt so much I'm sure they'd keep their mouths shut! Hopefully you will get your bfp soon and in the meantime you can always chat to the ladies on here as we all know how hard/frustrating/upsetting TTC can be.

Thanks hun, I appreciate the encouragement :hugs:

No more spotting so maybe that's a good sign. A bit of cramping on the left side.

How are you doing?

I'm doing really well, thanks! TTC is getting closer but I am starting to panic a little...my DH was not very supportive the first time round and I'm worried that I'll be coping largely on my own this time too. By not supportive I just mean generally useless, not in a nasty way, but he's not very good at thinking of other people and everything needs to be spelled out for him or he just doesn't think. I'm quite independent so first time I didn't realise how much I'd need his help so I'm pretty scared this time as I know what being preg/new babies involve. I wish he was more thoughtful, or considerate but it just doesn't come naturally unfortunately.

To give you an example - I had really bad spd last time and we'd just bought a new car. A month before the baby was due we went shopping and DH parked sooo far away from the entrance to protect the new car from other drivers/parkers, even though I could barely walk! I still remind him of this on a weekly basis!

I hope your DH is more supportive than this. From reading the preg boards last time it seems that men are either supportive or useless!!!

I'm very luck. My DH is amazing. I could go on and on for hours to talk about all the great things he does. I'm sorry to hear yours isn't supportive. We really need that support system from them.

I told myself I wouldn't test early, but I did a test this morning. It was negative, but I saw a second faint line - I tried to take a pic, but you can't see the faint line very well. I know it's way too early for a clear positive so I'm wondering if I am pregnant and the second line would be darker if I tried testing on Monday? I'm trying not to get too excited. I showed the test to DH and even he saw something. Nothing definite, but he saw something.

Oh wow, that's very positive! I never had an evap or even hint of second line until I got my bfp, so really hoping you'll get a darker line tomorrow!!! Very excited for you!
Keep thinking positive thoughts Denyse, it's still early days! Your spotting could have been IB and you might even had O'ved a day or so later than you thought...remember you are in with a good shot until AF shows!

Hi Nikki, welcome to the thread. Sorry to hear about your loss, that must have been very difficult to deal with. People can be so thoughtless too - if they knew the fly-away comments they make hurt so much I'm sure they'd keep their mouths shut! Hopefully you will get your bfp soon and in the meantime you can always chat to the ladies on here as we all know how hard/frustrating/upsetting TTC can be.

Thanks hun, I appreciate the encouragement :hugs:

No more spotting so maybe that's a good sign. A bit of cramping on the left side.

How are you doing?

I'm doing really well, thanks! TTC is getting closer but I am starting to panic a little...my DH was not very supportive the first time round and I'm worried that I'll be coping largely on my own this time too. By not supportive I just mean generally useless, not in a nasty way, but he's not very good at thinking of other people and everything needs to be spelled out for him or he just doesn't think. I'm quite independent so first time I didn't realise how much I'd need his help so I'm pretty scared this time as I know what being preg/new babies involve. I wish he was more thoughtful, or considerate but it just doesn't come naturally unfortunately.

To give you an example - I had really bad spd last time and we'd just bought a new car. A month before the baby was due we went shopping and DH parked sooo far away from the entrance to protect the new car from other drivers/parkers, even though I could barely walk! I still remind him of this on a weekly basis!

I hope your DH is more supportive than this. From reading the preg boards last time it seems that men are either supportive or useless!!!

I'm very luck. My DH is amazing. I could go on and on for hours to talk about all the great things he does. I'm sorry to hear yours isn't supportive. We really need that support system from them.

I told myself I wouldn't test early, but I did a test this morning. It was negative, but I saw a second faint line - I tried to take a pic, but you can't see the faint line very well. I know it's way too early for a clear positive so I'm wondering if I am pregnant and the second line would be darker if I tried testing on Monday? I'm trying not to get too excited. I showed the test to DH and even he saw something. Nothing definite, but he saw something.

Oh wow, that's very positive! I never had an evap or even hint of second line until I got my bfp, so really hoping you'll get a darker line tomorrow!!! Very excited for you!

Thanks hun, but I got a BFN this morning so i'm pretty sure it was an evap. Oh well, I'm still only 9dpo. It's hard though, I feel defeated. Too many symptoms, and no answers as of yet.
Welcome Nikki! I am sorry for you loss and frustration....two years is a long time, I am sure it gets harder and harder to see a BFN. Where are you in your cycle now?

Denyse- Sorry for the evap. :nope: Hopefully that will change again! Still holding out hope for you!!!

Angell- How are things going for you?

MrsHM- I think sometimes that men just do not think. My DH is pretty good, but there are times that I need to spell something out for him. My issue is just being overwhelmed with work, house, cooking, and dd. DH is not big on cleaning up after himself and that can be difficult.

Sorry I have not been as active the past few days- things have been crazy with work starting again and I have just been exhausted! I just got AF too...I have to check my calendar, but I feel like it came much later than usual. I really need to make sure I am keeping track of my cycle and when I OV this time!!!!!
10depo and still lots of symptoms. Here's a bit of an update on me:

9dpo (yesterday): very intense nausea, back ache, fatigue. At night I noticed a bit of brown discharge when I wiped - was 6 days before AF was due so didn't think it could be AF rearing her ugly head. Maybe implantation?

10dpo (today): BFN, but still early. had some red spotting (only when I wiped, and very brief). It's 7:40 pm here now and still having some brown spotting on and off. Implantation? I hope so!
Denyse..fingers crossed that its implantation bleeding and u get a BFP soon. Your son is so cute!!
As for me AF came on Saturday so was bummed as I had slightly stronger PMS symptoms this month.
Lysh - How are you coping being away from your daughter now that you have started work? I know with me, I was the one crying and my son was just excited to see other kids :)
Denyse..fingers crossed that its implantation bleeding and u get a BFP soon. Your son is so cute!!
As for me AF came on Saturday so was bummed as I had slightly stronger PMS symptoms this month.
Lysh - How are you coping being away from your daughter now that you have started work? I know with me, I was the one crying and my son was just excited to see other kids :)

Thanks hun :hugs:

BFN again this morning :( Was spotting when I took the test, but now nothing. I'm getting a little frustrated. I'm wondering if I miscalculated my dates. I'm not sure at this point, I just want an answer
Hi Ladies - I'm new to this site and am wondering if I can join your group. I am 35, I have a 2yr old son and my DH and I are currently ttc for our second. I had an ectopic pregnancy before my son and last year had a mc at 8wks. I am now on my second cycle of 50mg of clomid.
Hi Ladies - I'm new to this site and am wondering if I can join your group. I am 35, I have a 2yr old son and my DH and I are currently ttc for our second. I had an ectopic pregnancy before my son and last year had a mc at 8wks. I am now on my second cycle of 50mg of clomid.

Welcome :)

My son is 20 months and this is our first cycle TTC for #2. Sorry to hear about your ectopic and mc :hugs:
Hi Denyse - Thank you for the welcome. I just re-read my post and realize that I listed my age at 35. I'm 36. I think I was so excited to try to join you all. My son is now 27 months. He is cute but a handful, lol.
I now have a great OB/GYN who after over 20 years of ovarian cysts has diagnosed me with PCOS. I have diabetes and has been very well controlled for a while now (I now have an insulin pump). I also have a thyroid problem and with the help of a good endocrinologist have that in good control as well.
We have been ttc since about June 2012. I think we now have a better chance with my new doctor. I have an ultrasound tomorrow to check my follicles. Keeping my fingers crossed that the Clomid is doing what it is supposed and I get good news.
Well I think that I've talked quite a bit so I will close out for now. Good luck on your ttc journey! Thank you again for the welcome. :flower:
Hi Denyse - Thank you for the welcome. I just re-read my post and realize that I listed my age at 35. I'm 36. I think I was so excited to try to join you all. My son is now 27 months. He is cute but a handful, lol.
I now have a great OB/GYN who after over 20 years of ovarian cysts has diagnosed me with PCOS. I have diabetes and has been very well controlled for a while now (I now have an insulin pump). I also have a thyroid problem and with the help of a good endocrinologist have that in good control as well.
We have been ttc since about June 2012. I think we now have a better chance with my new doctor. I have an ultrasound tomorrow to check my follicles. Keeping my fingers crossed that the Clomid is doing what it is supposed and I get good news.
Well I think that I've talked quite a bit so I will close out for now. Good luck on your ttc journey! Thank you again for the welcome. :flower:

Thanks :) :witch: is due on Sunday and I hope she stays away! I've been spotting since last Sunday.
Oh gosh, I hate to hear that. Some how AF seems to think we like her presence more than we do. Keep us posted.
Just brown spotting again, no more red...so confused :wacko:

Denyse - Have u tested again? If the spotting is no longer red, its a good sign. I was spotting with my son and the doctor said as long as it doesnt soak up a whole pad its usually nothing. Praying that you get your bfp soon. Do you temp or use OPKs?

skarcm2010 - Welcome :flower:. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how depressing it is. I lost a baby too this year and have been trying again for 6 months with no luck.

My cycles are pretty regular. I used to get my period every 25 days for almost 2 years but now I have noticed that they have changed to 26 days ( after the miscarriage). I was using the cheap internet ovulation strips but last month decided to buy the clearblue fertility monitor. I got a high on day 12 and a peak on day 13 and I think I ovulate on the first day of my peak as I had ovulation pains so my luteal phase is 12/13 days.

My hubby had a semen analysis done which was all good. I had a HSG done and my tubes are all good and clear and no sign of pcos but dont know why its taking so long. Nothing has changed apart from the fact that I am 30 pounds heavier than my first pregnancy. I am 5ft 4 and weighed 105 lbs when i conceived my son and I conceived him in the first month of trying. Now I am 135 - still within normal weight but am trying to lose to see if it helps.
Just brown spotting again, no more red...so confused :wacko:

Denyse - Have u tested again? If the spotting is no longer red, its a good sign. I was spotting with my son and the doctor said as long as it doesnt soak up a whole pad its usually nothing. Praying that you get your bfp soon. Do you temp or use OPKs?

skarcm2010 - Welcome :flower:. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how depressing it is. I lost a baby too this year and have been trying again for 6 months with no luck.

My cycles are pretty regular. I used to get my period every 25 days for almost 2 years but now I have noticed that they have changed to 26 days ( after the miscarriage). I was using the cheap internet ovulation strips but last month decided to buy the clearblue fertility monitor. I got a high on day 12 and a peak on day 13 and I think I ovulate on the first day of my peak as I had ovulation pains so my luteal phase is 12/13 days.

My hubby had a semen analysis done which was all good. I had a HSG done and my tubes are all good and clear and no sign of pcos but dont know why its taking so long. Nothing has changed apart from the fact that I am 30 pounds heavier than my first pregnancy. I am 5ft 4 and weighed 105 lbs when i conceived my son and I conceived him in the first month of trying. Now I am 135 - still within normal weight but am trying to lose to see if it helps.

The spotting barely shows, only when I wipe, so haven't used a pad. It was bright red this morning with a few clots (no pain or anything). Throughout the day it went back to brown and a bit of dark red with no clots. Again today there's some red but brown as well. Again no pad and no pain. I'm hoping this is a good sign that maybe implantation has taken place and perhaps I will just spot for a while and hopefully still get my BFP?

I'm pretty sure I ovulated on Sept 8 - AF isn't due until Sunday or Monday so I know there's still lots of time to test. I might try again tomorrow or wait until the weekend. We'll see how patient I am lol. :haha:
Hello - I hope everyone is hanging in there.

I had my u/s today and I have 2 follicles that are about half way there. My doc has ordered another round of 50mg Clomid to be started tonight and then I have another u/s on Tuesday to see if the extra Clomid progressed things. If not or if I don't get pregnant this cycle then she said she will switch me to Femara next cycle.

Denyse - anything new?
Hello - I hope everyone is hanging in there.

I had my u/s today and I have 2 follicles that are about half way there. My doc has ordered another round of 50mg Clomid to be started tonight and then I have another u/s on Tuesday to see if the extra Clomid progressed things. If not or if I don't get pregnant this cycle then she said she will switch me to Femara next cycle.

Denyse - anything new?

I was stupid and tested with a digital this morning...of course BFN.

This morning I am still spotting, but had to put a pad on when I got to work. It's dark red now and since I've put the pad on (about 4 hours ago) there's only a few speck of red/pink on it. I'm not in any pain, no cramps or anything. I'm sooo confused :cry:
Denyse - it all sounds very confusing to me too. I feel for you. This sounds like a very weird cycle. I hope you finally find out something either way soon so that you won't have to keep worrying.
Denyse - it all sounds very confusing to me too. I feel for you. This sounds like a very weird cycle. I hope you finally find out something either way soon so that you won't have to keep worrying.

Thanks. I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this is strange...

The spotting is much lighter now. A co-worker of mine told me that when she was pregnant her doctor told her that it's normal for some women to spot until the fertiilized egg is fully implanted, and that this can take up to a week. As long as it's not heavy and you're not in pain it can be normal. I'm wondering if that's what is going on? The spotting has lessened quite a bit in the last hour.

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