3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

I have my 36 week dr appt tomorrow ... I think she will check me and do the strep B Swab = not fun = they swab your bum & girly bits to make sure you aren't a strep B carrier ... Ugh .. Kinda glad DH isn't going with me! Then another non stress test! ... Hoping she will at least tell me he has dropped some ..that's about all I expect!
Tanasha- on aus they make everyone have the GTT at 28 weeks. If you have gestational diabetes it can be controlled with diet and as soon as the baby is born the diabetes usually disappears again. They just worry that baby will be big coz that's what GD does, but my friend had GD and although her bub was 10lb 3oz. She hve birth vaginally without any pain relief!! Ouch! Lol but my point is.. Don't worry about the test.. Like someone else said, the growth scan measurements can be off by quite a bit an even if the GTT come back pos it's easily managed and I'm sure they'd let you try give birth vaginally.

Natalie- at antenatal the other night they told us that the mucus plug looks like snot that can be clear, green, yellow or blood stained/ streaked and that it can come out in little bits or as a big clump.. How you feeling now?

We had our second antenatal class a couple of days ago.. It was good because this one covered pain relief and cesareans too (as you know I am having a cesarean). I got a bit upset at one point tho... I asked a question that was specifically relating to twins and everyone started starring at us and whispering things like 'Omg twins' like it was the worst thing in the world! Make me feel like I was a freak! I wanted to leave but I'm glad we didnt because we got to go on a tour of the ward and stuff and seen the 'feeding room' and the room where we take the babies to bath and stuff.. Made it seem to real!

Hope everyone is well! Xoxo
Oh and Natalie- the midwife also said that the mucus plug can come out as much as 2 weeks before actually going into labour xoxo
ooh Krystal - I don't think we get the Step B test done routinely here....? Hope it goes ok... though I don't envy you having swobs of everything down there :haha: :)

and TTC - DOn't let their reactions upset you! They were probably more shocked - I'd take it as a compliment that you don't look like you're carrying twins! :)

I've been getting horrible pains yesterday and sort of this morning! I was gonna phone the labour ward last night but I felt stupid incase it wasn't anything at all! Steve got really annoyed at me cause I was in pain and refused to call and then that got into an argument - I know it was my fault but at the same time I just don't wanna be laughed at. Then the stupid sod kept me up all night cause he fell asleep at 9pm... so wondered why he was awake at 5am! So am proper tired today! Think me and the LO are just gonna chill out at home all day and do nothing! Hopefully he naps for longer than 30 minutes today too :haha:

What's everyone else got planned for today??
I have my 36 week dr appt tomorrow ... I think she will check me and do the strep B Swab = not fun = they swab your bum & girly bits to make sure you aren't a strep B carrier ... Ugh .. Kinda glad DH isn't going with me! Then another non stress test! ... Hoping she will at least tell me he has dropped some ..that's about all I expect!

ewwww i have mine next friday. That's my 36 week visit (even though it's like 2 days from being 37 weeks they still say it's a 36 one.) Not looking forward to the swabs....

Oh and Natalie- the midwife also said that the mucus plug can come out as much as 2 weeks before actually going into labour xoxo

My midwife said it can come out like a month before labor sometimes? I think my midwives are whacked. compared to what you guys keep hearing!

I've been getting horrible pains yesterday and sort of this morning! I was gonna phone the labour ward last night but I felt stupid incase it wasn't anything at all! Steve got really annoyed at me cause I was in pain and refused to call and then that got into an argument - I know it was my fault but at the same time I just don't wanna be laughed at. Then the stupid sod kept me up all night cause he fell asleep at 9pm... so wondered why he was awake at 5am! So am proper tired today! Think me and the LO are just gonna chill out at home all day and do nothing! Hopefully he naps for longer than 30 minutes today too :haha:

What's everyone else got planned for today??

LOL you sound like me! Dh would be so mad if i hadn't called- however if it were HIM he'd never call either. We get mad at each other because we are both so darn stubborn.

Today i am relaxing- doing a bit of laundry- friend is visiting for a bit, and then working on the nursery. BUT i banned myself from doing too much because of my sciatic nerve that hurts like HEEEEELLL right now and my back isn't so great either.
OH man, I forgot about the Strep B test, will they do an internal too? I have my 36 week appt. next week and I don't remember!!
So the appt went good and the swab was nothing they deny touch my bum whoever said that lied and they just swabbed the very outside of my girl part, I barely felt it touch me .... Yes at mine they did an internal... Wasn't very comfortable ... I felt like she was sticking her arm in there trying to pull the baby out lol ...but I was not dilated any yet., but was about 30 % effaced (thinned out) so that was good she said I was right on track! My BP was good since I talked to her last week I wasn't stressed this week! The non stress test was good too he was super active! So another good week!
krystal- my mw told me they swab the bum too. So it's not a lie- I go for that next friday. They don't do internals at mine either so I won't know how anything is going in there :(
TTC I know day before I moved I was at 33weeks I had a load of greenie stuff like what ive been losing over last couple days only little bits coming out and only once a day hahaha!!!
I can't believe how quick this week has gone!!!
Anyone doing anything nice This weekend? We have nothing planned which is lovely!!!
:( I'm sorry dare, maybe it depends on ur dr/mw.... They just touch the outside so maybe it won't be too bad. My dr didn't though. Mw are illegal in Alabama. But I've heard a lot of midwives are against internals bc they don't feel like it's necessary or does any good & that it poses a risk albeit extremely low, of infection.... But Dr's usually do, do them.
thank you everyone for the BFing advice, i havent had a chance to have a good read through but i will when i do get a chance. AFM we are doing well, Amelia is on 24 mls a feed now and today i was able to express enough in one go for a whole feed YAY!! the earlier ones i was getting only about 7 mls but it seems everday to just be increasing. She will hopefully be out of the humidicrib tomorrow but still in hospital for a little while yet while she puts on some more weight. heres another pic of my baby girl...


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Awww mum she is soooo beautiful!!!
That's fab news u produced enough for her!!! Just takes a few days I guess for milk to come through!!! And fab news she will be out of the humidicrib!!!
aww mum she is gorgeous! Who does she look like - you or her daddy? Any news when you can take her home? Also with BF - it's about perserverance, I got to day 5 and was like 'I'm not producing enough' and he 'won't latch on properly' and with some pressure from other people I gave up and started FF... which at the time was the right decision for me and Stephen as we were both getting so wound up at every feed. But, I am really determined to BF this time. Just perserve and don't place a lot of pressure on yourself - if you watch tv shows where mum's BF they make it seem so easy, but when there was a thing on over here about BFing, they showed you how hard it actually is. The most natural thing in the world is one of the hardest things to do!

Natalie - STOP looking out for signs lol.... you're going to drive yourself insane! :haha: I bet you'll be overdue just because she's going to be stubborn!

DAre - hope your swab goes ok too! What exactly is Strep B?

Has anyone else been really emotional? I can't stop crying! and it's not just a few tears but full on hysterical crying! Steve just keeps laughing at me when I'm doing it but that makes it worse! :haha: It is funny... just not at the time!

I'm out tonight! Steve's staying in and babysitting for me!! :happydance: and I'm just going back to Essex for a meal out with a couple of friends! (the friends that haven't 'given up on me' as I've been pregnant twice! And the ones who expect me to make all the effort even though I'm the one with a 9 month old and 8 months pregnant!) So hopefully, should be good to get out and relax a bit! :) Though it will be weird leaving Steve on his own with him! He's already going on about Stephen staying up late :dohh: But on the plus side.... I get chicken fajitas!!! :D

Anyone else got plans for tonight? :flower:
Thank you natalie, it will be nice but even better when she can come home. Hopefully by the end of next week but i dont want to get my hopes up just yet. They said they will have a fairly good idea how she is doing after the next 48 hours because they lose some weight in the first few days and a sign of how they are doing is when they start putting it back on so fingers crossed she does well.

thanks charlie, i managed to get enough for 3 whole feeds through out the day today so i am stoked with that. Im really hoping it will just keep improving, its so true though that it is suppose to be the most natural thing but the stress and emotion that comes with it is insane. My husband was ready to shoot me after my crazy emotions on the first 2 days. He was eating strawberries 2 loud and i told him off lol (funny in hindesight not at the time), i finally gave in and just had a good cry about how i was feeling. Everytime he would ask when i was expressing "how are you going?" i felt like he was pressuring me, when really he was trying to be supportive its just such an emotional experience! I understand why so many switch to formula and will no longer judge anyone for doing so!! Also i think she looks like both of us in different ways but more my husband. She is tall and skinny like him with long legs and more has facial features, deff my nose but.
Aww mum that's fair enough they want to keep her in, as frustrating as u must find it!! But will be so nice once she starts getting that weight on, from the photos she looks like she has a lovely weight all in proportion!! Will u be staying in with her and both go home together? Xx

Charlie happy 35 weeks!!! Have a lovely time tonight!!! How are your pains now? Ahhh Ive been good today not been looking out for anything just been relaxing I only had one panic last night that I hadn't had a pedicure and didn't want people seeing my horrid feet all painted now tho hehe!!!
Still getting them! :( It's the stitch like ones that are the worst! I literally am in agony but I have my 36 week appt on Tuesday so I'll ask then! Someone said it's probably him stretching out more - but This belly can't get any bigger!

And I'm sure when you're giving birth.... the last thing they'll all be looking at is your feet ;) Oh and you can STILL reach your toes?!?
ahhh not long till your appointment then which is cool!!!
i can its not the easiest i hope baby comes before they need re doing though!!! they are a bit messy in places!!!!
ahhhh just been tescos was a nightmare!!!!!!!! dh gave up and sat in the car leaving me to finish the shop :(
@ mum- Gorgeous hun!!! she is absolutely adorable!

:( I'm sorry dare, maybe it depends on ur dr/mw.... They just touch the outside so maybe it won't be too bad. My dr didn't though. Mw are illegal in Alabama. But I've heard a lot of midwives are against internals bc they don't feel like it's necessary or does any good & that it poses a risk albeit extremely low, of infection.... But Dr's usually do, do them.

Hun don't be sorry!!! sheesh! nothing to be sorry for :) if i sounded rude- I apologize- didn't mean it! was typing on my cell- not so easy. Yeah they said in our hospital drs AND mws do not do internals until you are actually there in labor? :shrug: sounds good to me, i don't want anyone up my hoo ( :haha: ) unless absolutely necessary.

Dare - hope your swab goes ok too! What exactly is Strep B?

Has anyone else been really emotional? I can't stop crying! and it's not just a few tears but full on hysterical crying! Steve just keeps laughing at me when I'm doing it but that makes it worse! :haha: It is funny... just not at the time!

I'm out tonight! Steve's staying in and babysitting for me!! :happydance: and I'm just going back to Essex for a meal out with a couple of friends! (the friends that haven't 'given up on me' as I've been pregnant twice! And the ones who expect me to make all the effort even though I'm the one with a 9 month old and 8 months pregnant!) So hopefully, should be good to get out and relax a bit! :) Though it will be weird leaving Steve on his own with him! He's already going on about Stephen staying up late :dohh: But on the plus side.... I get chicken fajitas!!! :D

Anyone else got plans for tonight? :flower:

Hey love i grabbed my paper real quick to tell you:

"Group B streptococcus is a type of bacteria that is found in the bladder, bowel, and reproductive tract in up to 40% of pregnant women. GBS is most often found in the vagina, the rectum, and the urine. Having GBS does not usually pose a danger to a woman's health. However, babies born to women with GBS will get sick, it is the most common cause of serious newborn infection. Approximately 8000 babies in the US get this infection each year.

Babies who become infected can have early or late infections. Early infections occur within the first 7 days after birth and are thought to result from an infection obtained during the birth process. Early infections can cause inflammation of the baby's blood, lungs, brain, or spinal cord. This can have serious results. Of babies with early disease, 15% or more die. late infections occur after the first 7 days of life. Late infections can also cause serious illnesses, the most common of which is meningitis. Babies with late infections are less likely to die than those with early infections."

Hope that helps charlie!!!

AFM- i have nothing planned for this afternoon! just finished the nursery today!!! very happy about that!!! Tomorrow we have a lunch with Dh's family, and then monday a cookout with mine. Looking forward to relaxing today, proud of getting it all finished!
wanted to share with you guys!


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