3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

nat - as long as you're a happy mummy and your baby is happy too - what more can you ask for? There's so much pressure out there to do things in certain ways or you're frowned upon etc which sometimes ISN'T the right thing for you or your baby. You have to go with what feels right and ignore all the 'mummy-pressure' out there.
oh i like annabel! :) so cute! :) I had also liked isabel and wanted to use that but DH hated it. :( so no isabel for me.

can't believe it's not that longer now and that we're going to start having babies here!

I hope we can all stick together here after babies come too- so that we can help each other out. What do you think?
Oh thank goodness..chatting with people over the last few days so many people have really "told me off" for the kind of names I like, starting to feel I'm going to have to get defensive when we name her/no one else will like her name!

I just need to see what hubby thinks...all but one of those names he's said no to in the last month or so, so we'll see!

Nat - I think we're all quite nervous about it, especially us first timers. I have to admit I think I'll be staying with you girlies for advise and support and avoiding the baby forum on here! I get that raising your child is going to be an emotive subject - but it seems so aggressive and judgemental on those boards I know I'd just end up feeling I was doing wrong! I didn't see your post as I was posting Dare - but DEFINATELY. I've loved having you ladies through this and I know i'd feel happy/comfortable asking you for help of advise when babies here, knowing I wouldn't get judged!
I'll be sticking around! Sometimes it can get a bit judgemental in Baby club but that's because everyone has their own opinions on how to raise their baby and sometimes it can get a bit heated - especially on things like BFvsFF and weaning. But like I said you need to follow your instincts - mummy tends to always know best :)

I'm just back from Labour and Delivery - they still don't know what the pain is but as it wasn't happening when I was in there (typical!) there's not much they can do apart from tell me to take paracetamol. They had me hooked up to a monitor as my BP, my Pulse and Henry's HR was really high, but after half an hour, my BP had gone down, and apparently the high HRs could be to do with the pain I'm feeling and it's my body's way of dealing with it! One midwife wrote that his head was free and then the consultant who came in to talk to me said that his head was all the way down and he's ready to go :shrug: hoping it's the latter :haha: The period pains I got a few there but they weren't registering as contractions - but they bloody feel like them! They also found white blood cells in my urine and it's been sent off to get tested and I'll get that back in a couple of days! Glad I did go in in the end as I got reassurance that he's alright in there and they were so lovely - didn't feel stupid at all :D BUT, the consultant told me my bump was a 'lovely size' and looks like a 'girl' bump :dohh:

How's everyone elses day been? :)
Oh yeah Definatly u ladies are all so fantastic and advice is amazing so if u don't mind I would love to stick around on here!!!!

Ahh Batty I can't believe people have said anything bad about your name choices they are all beautiful!!! Maybe it'll be a case for u both when u meet your baby u will just know then!!! I wouldn't worry too much!!!

Charlie just a thought it isn't like a hernia? Or where muscles hadn't recovered from Stephen and they have stretched more?
Glad to know you're alright Charlie - maybe it's just henry really burying in deep!
Super annoyed right now!!! On mynphone so sorry for the one sided post but I need to vent or I'm gonna yell at my baby nurse!! It's 2.57 am, as of 3 Amelia would have exclusively breast fed for 24 hours with no top tube feed required... So what does my baby nurse decide to do while I leave for a 1 hour sleep at 1? Tube feed her at 1.40!!! She fed at 12 wasn't due till 3 but because she cried for a few mins she fed her!! I have a specific not saying I am happy to be phoned if she is unsettled but NO she decided instead to f up her routine and what's worse is she needs to show exclusive bf for 24 hours before she can come home and this idiot messes all my hard work up!!! Then goes u looked tired I didn't want to bother you!! Ahh I'm tired cause I'm stuck in a hospital wanting to take me baby home and doing my best to be here without fail every 3 hours so she can go home and u f it up with and hour to go!!! Thankyou for nothing!!! Ok rant over
ooh they didn't mention a hernia - would have thought they'd have felt something.... do you get hernia's on the side? :shrug: ? OOoh and I just went for a wee and I've started losing my plug! As much as I'd love to meet him, I'd rather it be in a week and a half lol!

Batty - your baby your names! As soon as you meet her you'll know which one suits her best :) Ignore all the negative people out there, it's not their baby!
Super annoyed right now!!! On mynphone so sorry for the one sided post but I need to vent or I'm gonna yell at my baby nurse!! It's 2.57 am, as of 3 Amelia would have exclusively breast fed for 24 hours with no top tube feed required... So what does my baby nurse decide to do while I leave for a 1 hour sleep at 1? Tube feed her at 1.40!!! She fed at 12 wasn't due till 3 but because she cried for a few mins she fed her!! I have a specific not saying I am happy to be phoned if she is unsettled but NO she decided instead to f up her routine and what's worse is she needs to show exclusive bf for 24 hours before she can come home and this idiot messes all my hard work up!!! Then goes u looked tired I didn't want to bother you!! Ahh I'm tired cause I'm stuck in a hospital wanting to take me baby home and doing my best to be here without fail every 3 hours so she can go home and u f it up with and hour to go!!! Thankyou for nothing!!! Ok rant over

Stupid woman!!!! Is there anyone higher up you can complain too?? That must be so frustrating for you especially as you were so close to showing that she can BF exclusively for 24 hours :( :hugs:
Awww mumtomiller I am so sorry to hear that!!! Like Charlie said is there anyone u can complain to? Make sure they know u did not authorise her to do this and against your wishes as u were feeding her yourself!!!

Charlie I think hernias can be to either side of your bellybutton only reason I thought of it cos my friend has An 18month old and is preg again and has found out she has 2 hernias they picked up on it in early pregnancy so may have been easier to diagnose with out baby bump in the way!?! How far to the sides are your pains? Oooo losing plug!!! What colour? Haha I have to ask!! Did u lose much??

It's only little bits and it's the snot green colour! Losing it the same way as last time, little bits each time :haha:

It's right on the side of my abdomen... sort of where my hip bone is but a bit higher up?
Hubby has compiled his list...and insisted I put it on here as it would be fair. So, here is his list....you'll probably notice our lack of overlap, and how different our tastes are!

Isobel (Izzy)
It's only little bits and it's the snot green colour! Losing it the same way as last time, little bits each time :haha:

It's right on the side of my abdomen... sort of where my hip bone is but a bit higher up?

ahhhh thats what i had at 33 weeks!!! but i had quite a big bit then few days ago just little bits but seems to have stopped again!!!

hmmm could be ask tomorrow at your appointment if it could be?!!!
Hubby has compiled his list...and insisted I put it on here as it would be fair. So, here is his list....you'll probably notice our lack of overlap, and how different our tastes are!

Isobel (Izzy)

hmmm out of these i like kayla, leah, abby, isobel and haley!!
Personally, I prefer your list but I do like off his

Keira and Isobel :)
isabel and kayla!

mum- I am so sorry about ur nurse!!! That sucks!!! I would call and tell the dr asap what that idiot did!!! And make sure to cry when you talk to her. Might just work!
Oh mum - just seen your post about your nurse! What an idiot, I'd have gone absolutely mental at her. I can't believe she has pushed back when you can take Amelia home. Although - well done you for getting that far so quickly, sounds like baby girl is a strong one!!! :-D
Think I am noticing bh now.... Where top of bump tightens? Also back ache??!!
Batty- Ooh I love love love Addison.. You don't here it a lot but it's such a beautiful name..

Mum2miller- :( I would have been so annoyed if I was you! I would mention it to someone.. I bet all you wanna do is take that little girl home and if that nurse has pushed that back for you then she should definitely be held accountable.. Who knows how many other people this has happened to... Hope your doing well otherwise... Oh and well done with the feeding! Sounds like a strong little
Bubba feeding so well!

Natalie- the dr told me that if you put your hand on the top of your bump you can feel BH so sounds like it to me! :)

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