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Think I am noticing bh now.... Where top of bump tightens? Also back ache??!!

My BH are all where I get period pains, but I've been told BHs are usually above the belly button :shrug: ooh and I think back ache with he contractions are more to do with labour than BHs (but I might be wrong !)
Batty - have you noticed that we're on the last box now of the tickers!!!?? :)
Think I am noticing bh now.... Where top of bump tightens? Also back ache??!!

My BH are all where I get period pains, but I've been told BHs are usually above the belly button :shrug: ooh and I think back ache with he contractions are more to do with labour than BHs (but I might be wrong !)

Oh really!!! Cos been having those period type pains for a while haha I didn't think anything of it just thought maybe muscles stretching haha!!!
I've heard backache is a labour thingy too but didn't amount to anything yet think body just prepping itself!!! Naughty madam keeps poking (or punching!!!) my bladder!!!! Can't stop going to the toilet!!!! Usually as soon as I get comfy hahaha!!!!
Batty - have you noticed that we're on the last box now of the tickers!!!?? :)

So we are!!! How mental! I've started getting all panicky now!

Think I am noticing bh now.... Where top of bump tightens? Also back ache??!!

My BH are all where I get period pains, but I've been told BHs are usually above the belly button :shrug: ooh and I think back ache with he contractions are more to do with labour than BHs (but I might be wrong !)

Oh really!!! Cos been having those period type pains for a while haha I didn't think anything of it just thought maybe muscles stretching haha!!!
I've heard backache is a labour thingy too but didn't amount to anything yet think body just prepping itself!!! Naughty madam keeps poking (or punching!!!) my bladder!!!! Can't stop going to the toilet!!!! Usually as soon as I get comfy hahaha!!!!

Really?? All my last couple of days BH have been belly button height or lower..and blooming heck they hurt. Since about 10 last night they've been accompanied by ridiculuous back pain...I like to think my pain threshold is high but I hardly slept last night. Hubby has now banned me from driving because I had to pull over to the side of the road yesterday coming home from drinks with friends because I had a massive one and didn't want to be behind the wheel!!!

I'm thinking the backache is just because I tense up when the BH take me by surprise!
I'd keep an eye out ladies! I think the above belly button is a load of tosh then by the sounds of it!

Also if you're contractions wake you up then that's supposed to be the real thing as BHs are meant to not be "painful" - whoever said that clearly has never had a BH in their life :haha:
Reading through my Natal Hypnotherapy book it's amazing how all the comments along the lines of "labour should not be a painful process" come from males! While I agree with the sentiments in context of the book, it's still like you wouldn't say that if you had an orange coming out of the end of your penis!
:rofl: ha ha!! That's why women give birth cause we all know in reality men wouldn't be able to handle the pain threshold as well as us ladies ;)
Haha so funny!!! Last night the tightenings I had didn't hurt the back ache was sore but nothing more than that, but what I had the other morn that did hurt!!!! Ah well she will come when she is ready!!! The in laws are away weds-sun morn so if she has sense.... Haha!!!!
My days it's sooooo hot today!! I'm told it's meant to cool down after tmw!! Can't wait!!!
Ladies, I went into preterm labor yesterday. :( luckily they stopped it. I was having what I thought were just braxton hicks. I was having them close together but they were still irregular. It caused me to start dialating.- BARLEY but still did none the less. They were not braxton hicks they were the real thing and they werent really hurting. Just alot oof pressure. So if any of your braxton hicks stick around for what you think is TOO long, please go get checked. I was having them for 4 hours.. One was 9 mins apart, then 4, then 1, then back to 4, etc, etc. So even irregular ones are still regular if they are real close like that. Thankfully I got shots of terbutuline to stop the contractions and One of my steriod shots. I go back in tonight to get another at 9:30. ALSO i had a positive firbronectin test that says ill go into labor within the next two weeks. Im so scared shes gonna come sooo early. :( They didnt put me on bed rest, they said to just come home and rest a bit. So I guess im not restricted in any activity.

Anyone experience anything similar? I need advice. Also my military hospital isnt equipped to take care of infants younger than 34 weeks, so she needs to stay in until next week at least. How much thought should I put into that fobronectin test???

They also told me that my uterus was WAY back in there, so when 3 different drs. throughout the night checked me they felt like they were reaching there arms up to my neck. Im sore today. :/ I feel like I had the baby last night im so sore.
Im still a little crampy tday but thank god no contractions.
Mrsporter - so glad you're okay and they managed to stop the contractions for now.

Regarding the gibronectin - I just read this on wiki - "it is an inconclusive result. A positive result can indicate that a woman will go into preterm labor soon, but she may not go into labor for weeks. When the fFN test is negative, the result is a better predictor."

To me it means that while it can be an indicator - it's more of a conclusive test for you NOT going into labour.

I know this is so, so easier said than done, but try not to worry too much and relax as much as you can. Even if she does decide to come in the next few weeks mum2miller's Amelia have shown us how strong little babs can be!
Mrstacporter - I can't imagine how scared you must have felt/feeling but even if she is born at 34/35 weeks she's going to have such s good chance of only being in hospital a little while and the care out there nowadays is amazing! You're not that far off full term either! I hope she holds on for a while yet :) and relax as much as you can! Batty's right look how well little Amelia is doing - baby's are resilient
Think I am noticing bh now.... Where top of bump tightens? Also back ache??!!

Yeah the top of the bump tightens- and some people it does hurt a little bit but shouldn't really hurt very much. I've gotten some uterine cramping lately- not with any tightening but i'm also getting tightening of the WHOLE bump which aches a bit. enough to make me stop and not want to really move. But if you are getting backaches- if they are low down, sounds more consistent with a real contraction? but honestly that's just what i've heard, i obviously can't speak from experience.

I am worried because when mom was having me- her contractions didn't hurt- she didn't know. Someone had to tell her that's what they were- so i'm afraid i'll start going into labor and not know!

Ladies, I went into preterm labor yesterday. :( luckily they stopped it. I was having what I thought were just braxton hicks. I was having them close together but they were still irregular. It caused me to start dialating.- BARLEY but still did none the less. They were not braxton hicks they were the real thing and they werent really hurting. Just alot oof pressure. So if any of your braxton hicks stick around for what you think is TOO long, please go get checked. I was having them for 4 hours.. One was 9 mins apart, then 4, then 1, then back to 4, etc, etc. So even irregular ones are still regular if they are real close like that. Thankfully I got shots of terbutuline to stop the contractions and One of my steriod shots. I go back in tonight to get another at 9:30. ALSO i had a positive firbronectin test that says ill go into labor within the next two weeks. Im so scared shes gonna come sooo early. :( They didnt put me on bed rest, they said to just come home and rest a bit. So I guess im not restricted in any activity.

Anyone experience anything similar? I need advice. Also my military hospital isnt equipped to take care of infants younger than 34 weeks, so she needs to stay in until next week at least. How much thought should I put into that fobronectin test???

They also told me that my uterus was WAY back in there, so when 3 different drs. throughout the night checked me they felt like they were reaching there arms up to my neck. Im sore today. :/ I feel like I had the baby last night im so sore.
Im still a little crampy tday but thank god no contractions.

Ok i had a friend 2 years ago this coming september- who was going preterm- she rushed out of work to the drs, and they fixed her too- stopped them. And scared the crap out of her telling her that her test said she'd be having him pre-term. WELL next thing you know after that little scare- October 20 something came around and they had to induce her anyway because he wasn't coming out and she didn't feel like waiting anymore.

So please, try not to worry TOO much ok? These tests... and the scaring that they do... well i just think some of it is a load of crap. will be thinking of you either way.
AFM i have my strep b thing on friday- not looking forward to all of that. And my sil was due to come over today and swim (she's not really my favorite person but this is me reaching out trying to be nice) and i get a message from her this morning telling me she invited our other sil- and her daughter along. Is that ok?

I don't really care but seriously? It's my house you'd THINK they'd have talked to me first before inviting other people. And only the first guest is free- so i told her flat out that's fine but they have to figure out who is going to be paying. Because i'm not. Our condo allows one free guest.

I guess i shouldn't feel annoyed but... i am.
Thank you all for your input. Ive had three contractions already today, but nothing to go back in over- besides I have to go back in tonight anyways for my other steriod shot- OUCH- >.< I feel a little better about that stupid test now. What is the freaking point of that damn thing anyways? I mean I know what it tests for and such, but if it basically doesnt provide any definant answers why must they do them?? I was asking questions left and right because instead of them coming straight in and telling me what they were gonna give me, they just said " were giving you meds to stop the contractions." Im like-- Ok, and what medicine is that? What does it do? and whats the side effects? etc. Although I have to admit they were all VERY awesome and had wonderful bedside manners. But still, I was just shocked that I was actually needing to be seen, I figured i would go in for them to say- "Oh its just false labor, go home and relax- And instead it was, "different."

Anyways thanks again and Im feeling a little more confident. It was just a shock. I hadnt over exerted myself of anything and didnt really "Know" what could have caused it. Guess baby is ready to see her family, lol. BTW if any of you are wondering, My Little girl was doing absolutly fine and her heart rate stayed perfect even when mine shot up to 140 bpm. She stayed very active and was as happy as a lark. lol. That reassured me. And Yes baby ameila is doing wonderfully and I am so happy for mumtomiller. :) Im sure she had her little freak out tho at the beginning. lol

I felt kinda ripped off cause I have planned this labor and delivery to be better than my last. Of course my little 6lb 9 oz son can out with shoulder dystocia and got stuck it was so terrifying that i was trying to do everything possible to make this L&D better. But now I cant see my midwifes that I sooooo wanted to and im put at even Higher risk now. Yippe-not.
Ugh sorry needed to vent. Thanks for listening. lol
aw hun I'm glad you get to vent and feel better because you don't need the added stress. I just started feeling awful- really bad hot flashes- so bad that I was literally sweating. Still feeling very warm... And I know it's just me because the animals are acting fine.

just... Really could go back to bed
Dare you sound like your not feeling very well. I hate hotflashes! I was doing that yesterday and my whole face got hot like a fire was burning near me. They suck so bad. Maybe you should go rest a while and kick your feet up. :)
Keep us updated on how you feel. I hope your not getting sick like the flu or anything, let hope its just pregnancy blahs.
I don't think ANYONE would think badly of you for freaking out!!!! Or asking questions about what they were giving you. So glad your baby girl done well throughout - and like Dare said, it's not a complete indicator so you may well get the labour you planned for. But if not, then just think how much more you'll be prepared for an early labour than if you hadn't thought about it so much? Glad you're feeling a bit more positive - and put your feet up love!! :D

Dare - doesn't sound like you're feeling too good, can't you just pop to bed with a fan for a bit and try to cool down?? And as for SIL, I'd have got the RIGHT ump with that one! It's your house, she shouldn't be inviting people round before talking to you. And I'm not sure how tolerant of that I'd be if I'm feeling as bad as you seem to right now!

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