3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

thanks ladies I took ur advice and called it off. I just need to relax. Think I did too much this weekend. Trying to relax.

oh and btw- mrstacporter I respect you greatly for asking questions! Too many women get intimidated by drs and don't ask questions. I ALWAYS do. You have a right to know!!!!! It's always better to ask.

my friends son had some infection that everyone told her was the chicken pox. Patient first, pediatricians, finally she took him to an ER where they rushed him in ambulance to another hospital ER because he had impetigo- so bad it was in his blood stream. He had to be admitted and she is so upset because she kept telling them she didn't think that was chicken pox. He could've had serious problems. :( he is fine now but now the whole family has it.

alsways ask- follow ur gut!
Mrstacporter9- I can't believe they put you through so much worry over an inconclusive test! I know you want baby to stay in there a little longer, but really this isn't super early to have a baby. I hope you are able to find a way to rest somehow!

My babysitter for my drs appointment just bailed on me so I have to take my 2 year old to my 36 week appointment- that should go great, especially if I have to have the strep b test, I guess I"ll just bring along some lollipops, nothing like bribing a kid with candy, ha ha!
TTC LOL i so know that feeling. My 2 year old son went to labor and delivery with us last night. He wasnt what you would call bad, he just... acted extremely bored and couldnt sit still. lol one nurse gave him a cupcake and that was a life saver for like a whole 5mins until he scarffed it down. Lol

Also thanks to all of you ladies! Im actually feeling quite Ill right now. My face Is bright red and so is my neck and shoulders. It looks like ive gotten a sunburn, but I havnt been out in the sun at all. My face feels hot like I have a fever. But I dont have a fever. I havent used anything on my face at all- it drys out to fast lol- and dont really know whats going on. I havent read anything about this being a side effect of the terbutaline. Maybe the steriods? I dont know.. I just feel real yucky. Trying to determine weather or not to call Labor and Delivery again to ask if its ok to feel like this. Ugh I think my mind is just over working... But.... it is kinda weird that its mostly my left side of my face.
wow been busy on here!!! will do my best...
mrstacporter im sorry u have had a rough night, u are not far of 34 weeks now so im sure if baby decides it cant wait all will be fine!!! as for tests meh what can u do sometimes they are right sometimes they are wrong try not to worry yourself over them (easier said than done i know!!!!) baby will come when its ready!!! just have a bit of a relax and try not to do much that might bring on labour!!! sorry i am not much help!!!

awww dare that sounds horrid!! u also need to put your feet up and relax and do what u can to cool down!!! i was thinking i have been having hot flushes, i drink cold drinks, ice lollies and splashing face with cold water and hands.... im not sure why hands but seems to bring temp down!!!

eak i hope your son stays occupied while you have your test done ttc!!!

now i have a question for u ladies..... when i've been to the toilet a few times today, when i have wiped i have had a tiny tiny bit of blood when wiping, no mucus discharge so cant be bloody show, im wondering if could be anything to do with thrush..... but then it hasnt been too bad recently, or maybe im wiping too hard? im not sure!! it doesnt seem to be coming from inside more on the outer parts? sorry if tmi!!!
also i am a tiny bit sore down there and hips ache if thats related at all??!!
TTC LOL i so know that feeling. My 2 year old son went to labor and delivery with us last night. He wasnt what you would call bad, he just... acted extremely bored and couldnt sit still. lol one nurse gave him a cupcake and that was a life saver for like a whole 5mins until he scarffed it down. Lol

Also thanks to all of you ladies! Im actually feeling quite Ill right now. My face Is bright red and so is my neck and shoulders. It looks like ive gotten a sunburn, but I havnt been out in the sun at all. My face feels hot like I have a fever. But I dont have a fever. I havent used anything on my face at all- it drys out to fast lol- and dont really know whats going on. I havent read anything about this being a side effect of the terbutaline. Maybe the steriods? I dont know.. I just feel real yucky. Trying to determine weather or not to call Labor and Delivery again to ask if its ok to feel like this. Ugh I think my mind is just over working... But.... it is kinda weird that its mostly my left side of my face.

if u are every unsure u should phone and ask if only to put your mind at rest!!!!
Think I am noticing bh now.... Where top of bump tightens? Also back ache??!!

Yeah the top of the bump tightens- and some people it does hurt a little bit but shouldn't really hurt very much. I've gotten some uterine cramping lately- not with any tightening but i'm also getting tightening of the WHOLE bump which aches a bit. enough to make me stop and not want to really move. But if you are getting backaches- if they are low down, sounds more consistent with a real contraction? but honestly that's just what i've heard, i obviously can't speak from experience.

I am worried because when mom was having me- her contractions didn't hurt- she didn't know. Someone had to tell her that's what they were- so i'm afraid i'll start going into labor and not know!

this is what worries me as well i am worried that i wont know im in labour as i amsure i havent had much in way of bh so i really am not too sure what im looking out for!!! hopefully we will just know or get a major sign eh!!!!
Natalie - are they regular? If you notice them (I think midwife said) 3 in 10 mins then I'd call l&d!!

Dare - if it's hot you Should def take it easy and drink loads of water! Hopefully youre not coming down with anything and it is just the heat?

Can you take your kids to l&d then? Cause I'm worrying if Steve's boss can't take Stephen until MIL gets here what I'm gonna do with him :(

Oh and nat - get popping before in laws return :haha:

So I see the next full moon is 15th July - anyone believe in the theory that the full moon helps start labour?
nope i havent noticed them as regular, i keep forgetting to make more of a mental note on these things haha

i know if she has sense she will come while they are away hehehe
Haha best get writing when you get them! If you want to get to stoke youneed to make sure you give yourself time ;)
so very true!!!! i just phoned them up about the bleeding and they said to keep an eye on it and if i get any more to call them back!!
MrsP - I'd give l and d a ring and just double check that it isn't a reaction to the steroids - I'm sure everything is fine but best to be safe.

TTC - strep b test with a toddler...that could be fun!! :D

Natalie - glad you rang and hope you don"t have any more bleeding. If you do, then don't hesitate to go down there - even though its probably all a-okay its not worth any worry when you can just get checked out!!

I spent about two hours in the bath this evening and its been the only time today I haven't felt super uncomfortable!! Making me LOVE the idea of water birth even more! Little girl keeps making me squeel today....she moves and it literally feels like she's stabbing and grabbing my cervix....feel like I'm going to pee my pants on the spot!!!
thats it i havent had any more so far so *touches wood* its ok!!
aww glad u had a nice bath!!!! i've been having the same toilet issues last night i lost count of how many times i has punched in bladder and resulting in me waddleing very fast to toilet hahaha
I've been following the thread just not had time to update or check in lately... I will try to catch up tomorrow! Things have been so busy! Hoping they will slow down now til the baby comes!

We got a lot done in his nursery this weekend, it's not finished but I posted some pics on fb.

I have been an emotional wreck lately .. Wake up and go to bed crying ... I'm exhausted and tired of hurting and being pregnant honestly ... Just wanna hold my baby! Work is so difficult now too even if I am only averaging 4 - 4 hour days! I only have 6 shifts left including tomorrow though!

The baby hasn't been moving as much today and it makes me super nervous even though I've found his hb with the Doppler he is usually so active! I am up now at 1030 pm having a snack and cold drink hoping to get him moving so I can relax and sleep and stop worrying so much! I am just so exhausted and sooooo emotional right now then I feel guilty bc I should love being pregnant & then Its all starting to hit me that he will be here soon & I worry about everything even petty things like how I am going to cope emotionally with my stretch marks and chubby body when it's not housing a baby any longer ... My self esteem is already dropping .... And how I am going to go weeks and weeks without sex (lol silly I know!) ... And how my relationship with DH will change... And whether I'll be successful at bf-ing ... And whether he will be healthy ... And what I'll do if I have to have a csection and worrying if something happened to me during labor if I should take out life INS just in case .... I think I am going insane ... I've just gotten so worried and emotional about everything ...I am hoping I am just exhausted and that's leaving me crazy!

My snack worked though and baby is moving so I'm going to try to get some rest! I will try to catch up tomorrow! I have been thinking of all of you and all you have going on! I hope everyone has a great week
awwww krystal!!! :hugs: i know these last few weeks are not easy and i am still amazed at how much u are doing!!!!
your emotions are running high and your obviously tired i think! u need to get some rest!! do not worry about your husband he is gonna love u even more if that is possible u are bringing in to the world his son and thats such an amazing thing!!! he will not care about what u look like after!!! as for feeding u not put yourself under too much pressure, hopefully it will come naturally for u, but if it doesnt then it doesnt its not the end of the world and you should not beat yourself up over it, there is a lot of pressure on us to bf but if u put yourself under too much pressure and it doesnt go to plan u might find yourself with post natal depression!!
life insurance is always a good idea... i have insurance since buying property etc and so does hubby!! so that might be worth u looking into!
as for movement, if ever worried u should call your doc or labour ward, its good u have a doppler!! i find if baby is having a growth spurt she is usually a bit quieter and plus in these later stages they say baby moves less as less room in there so i hear as long as u get some movement try not to worry yourself!!!
big hugs to u!!!! xxx
Hi girls

How is everyone! Sorry ive not been on so much, been super busy sorting out home and also trying to fit work in! I thought working from home would be ok but its still very time consuming!!! Bit late now but oh well!

My shower went amazing, got so many lovely gifts and it was lovely to have everyone together!

Mum2miller!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! She is absolutely gorgeous!!!! I cant believe how close we are all getting its so scary and emotional!

Natalie eeek to being engaged too! I know they say that it means nothing as in closeness to labour but id rather be engaged than not! I wasn’t engaged at my 36 wk apt and ive got my 38 week tomorrow so we will see!

Im so ready for him to come out now! Im so uncomfortable and fed up! I love being pregnant and it is the most amazing thing I have ever done but it is at the point now where the discomfort is outweighing the positives lol!

Does anyone else find time seems like forever!!! I mean when I was 30 weeks, I was excited about having 10 weeks left, but now its 16 days it seems like forever!!!!!!!!!!! And im sure when it’s a week left it will seem like forever then too!!!!

as for guesses, we had this as a game at my shower! Got a list of everyones….mine was 17th July, 14.20 pm and 7lb 8. Depressing thing is most peoples guesses were that he would be late noooooooooo! Hope they are all wrong haha!!!

Dare your nursery is stunning!! Ive still got a lot to do to mine, I started and then lost will…laziness coming in again! I think at the back of my head im like ahhhh he wont be in there for a while yet, but I am going to try and get it done!!!

Batty my fav names from your list are Eva and Morgan, I do love madison too but it seems to be getting more and more popular xx oooh and theres your OH list too!!!! Kiera is my fav from that list :)

So snoozy today! Chris wakes me up when he gets up for work and its impossible for me to get back to sleep!! So glad the weather is a bit cooler today though, have been suffering the past couple days!!!
Hello ladies! Krystal, hope you woke up feeling better today....hormones are a bugger aren't they!!?! Hey Samira, nice to see you back - I do like your mammoth catch up posts!!!

Just off to my midwife appointment - we shall see how I goes!
ps what do you ladies think of this....i got given one and it looks amazing and we were thinking about using it instead of using the cot bed in the bedroom


its like a hammock / moses basket but you can swing it and also if the baby moves it swings a little to soothe them. Ive never seen them in the UK before, and it was an american family that gave it to us so wondered if they are common in the US? xx
lovely to see u back samira!!! eak u looking forward to you 38 week appointment? has your bump dropped at all apparently thats an indication of engaging!!! i havent got the famous waddle yet altho i am banned from going out on my own as people think it really wont be long for me!! i've been suffering more with heartburn and sickness which is apparently a sign!! i woke up in the night with a few pains as well but managed to go back to sleep so cant have been too bad!!!! also dh says ive dropped a bit more!! not due to see midwife till next tues....

good luck with your appointment batty look forward to hearing how u got on!!!
ps what do you ladies think of this....i got given one and it looks amazing and we were thinking about using it instead of using the cot bed in the bedroom


its like a hammock / moses basket but you can swing it and also if the baby moves it swings a little to soothe them. Ive never seen them in the UK before, and it was an american family that gave it to us so wondered if they are common in the US? xx

oooo looks fab!!!
Samira - that looks fab. I think I saw something like that at the baby show, I think they are supposed to be go instead of moses basket/crib in your rooms. What a nice present though!!!!

Well - I don't know why I bother going to see the midwife...I don't like moaning about her because I know they are in a wonderful profession, but seen as I've seen four different midwifes (six if you include hospital clinic appointments) and she is by far the worst. I might as well be on a conveyor belt with a number stamped on my forehead.

I go in, she checks urine and she said it has protein and something else in it (she didn't bother explaining), but just carried on and took my BP....wait to freak someone out love, anything to be worried about?? She never took my 28 week bloods, and after another midwife spotted it she still hasn't even looked at the results. She has NEVER spoken to me about breastfeeding, vitamin K or ANY of the topics on the 32 weeks checklist. She has still not mentioned anything about a birth plan, or even casually asked if I've packed my hopsital bag.

Now she doesn't want to see my until I'm 39 weeks....so IF I was to be early and I hadn't bothered to do it all myself anyway I could be left high and dry!

Then, the icing for me....I talk to her about me really struggling with ME and hips and how I'm worried I won't cope in the final weeks and also I ask her about the tightenings, and the pains I've been getting along with the backache to which she nods and smiles, and writes something in my book. No talking to me....she just wrote "all well" and handed my notes back and says "see you next time".

Am I being unreasonable or is she pretty shit? I'm really angry at the moment!

EDIT- and she sent me to the wrong antenatal classes at the wrong hospital, hence why we forked out 150 or so quid for local NCT classes.

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