3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Krystal - like Natalie said you have to just try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Things don't always go to plan and i think when you're so adament to do something and it doesn't work out that way it can leave you feeling really down. You just have to go with the flow and sort of relax with everything and then you'll find both you and your little boy will be so much happier. One thing I found is if at every feed you feel tense and worried about succeeding it makes it a lot harder to do! He'll sense how you're feeling and then it leads to a whole range of problems and issues. And with your body - I think everyones's probably feeling like that! I was never a toned skinny girl anyways but I was happy with how I looked before I got pregnant and now I ask Steve everyday if he's still gonna love me cause my belly will never be flat again or will he still love me even though I have loads of stretch marks now. He keeps telling me I'm stupid and that he loves me no matter what happens to my belly but it's still hard to believe! I'm sure your hubby is the same - he's not gonna even notice that you have stretch marks etc and he'll love you for hte person you are and the fact you brought his baby into this world :)

Samira - Don't worry about the head engaging! Stephen didn't engage until I went into labour and I got told yesterday that they tend to pop in and pop out. I can't believe you're 38 weeks in a couple of days - although you're right the last 10 weeks seem to be going slow - at the same time it's rushing past! I can't wait to see which one of you have your baby next!! :D

Batty - how did your appt go?? :) - oops just seen your post above!
Batty - I'd phone up your l&d and just say your midwife found protein (and could it have been white blood cells?) in your urine but said it was all ok, but now you're worried as you're a first time mum and have heard all bad things about having this present in your wee. Then I'd find out the number of who you can complain too - because she sounds rubbish to behonest! I know htey have to see a lot of women etc, BUT, I've seen the same one the whole way through, she always explains my notes to me, always explains what things mean and even discussed the BF, Birth plan and everything else - so we're all prepared (and I'm a 2nd time mum!) I really don't think you should be sitting there worrying about the what ifs and what to do incase you do pop early. and 39 weeks... that's late?!? First time mums are supposed to see their midwife at 38, 40 and 41 weeks... :shrug:
Ugh, I feel so stupid because I'm sat here crying about it. Not particularly because I'm worried about me - just that I feel that I've not had any support from her, and she's supposed to be the person who deals with me in the first weeks. According to my father I'm over-reacting because someone isn't as organised as I want them to be....

You know what makes me so sad, is that this is the kind of care the ends up with women not going into labour prepared. You girls know I don't have a problem with how anyone wants to labour and birth their child - it's up to them. But it is when people are unprepared that you end up with a spiral of unnessary interventions and a traumatic experience. It's ill-information that ends up with mums who want to breastfeed in agony, miserable and feeling like a failure when they shouldn't. It makes me so sad that this midwife is not supporting her patients one bit...I know she's probably seriously busy, overworked and she's not a horrible person, it just makes me sad.
awwww batty big hugs :hugs: i am sooooo sorry to hear this!! thats such an unprofessional mannor!!! i agree with what charlie said!!! i would honestly put in a complaint about her at your docs surgery or with (im not sure if its the same in this area but i know in my old area) primary care trust because its not just you she is effecting its your baby too and more than likely every other preg lady in your surgery!!! and its not right you should not come out of a midwife appointment feeling like that!!!! def give labour ward a call and discuss your concerns over protein in urine xx
ahhhh little moan.... bloody heartburn has got worse and i feel soooo sick :(
I don't think you're over-reacting at all - it shouldn't matter how big her workload is, she should still be giving you the care, attention to detail and anything else you need! I agree that some women who have attention given to them liek that will choose the wrong choices for them during labour etc (at they'll be under pressure and ill-informed), which is why I really think you should take this further. Her attitude is not just putting your happiness at risk but potentially also your health and the health of your baby. Plus, if you feel like this now, if she's the one who comes to your house, you're not going to feel able to ask her any questions that could be important.
have you tried taking a rennie's (or whatever works for you?) and lying on your left hand side? Might help you? The sickness is probably due to the excess acid :( What's the update with the blood you found? Any more?

I think I'm gonna be born with a little baldie - had hardly any heartburn this time around!!
Hi ladies!

How are you all?

I thought being on maternity leave would leave me with endless amounts of time for BnB, but i have been so bust nesting I cant seem to find time for anything else!

My GTT test came back fine, so looks like I am just having a huge baby! This is very scary as I am planning on having a 100% natural birth! And I am so scared I might go past 40 weeks, and then she will just end up being even bigger! My midwife said I can start trying to induce myself from 37 weeks, which is Saturday, so I have bought some evening promrose oil, rasberry leaf tea and will do loads of walking. Anyone have any other ideas? This baby needs to come out sooner rather than later!
Charlie I ran out of rennies, so tried the gaviscon tablets they are yuk!! They are not as good have to say!!! Drinking lots of milk that's helping!!
Nope no more blood that I've noticed!!

Aww tanasha glad gtt came back clear!! I've heard clary sage oil can help!! Also walking, bouncing on birthing ball apparently, pineapple and curry??
Natalie try vanilla custard for the heartburn. My midwife said this does the trick, I havent had much heartburn though, so I have no idea if it works or not!
Yay about the gtt :) I'm the same as you - from next weds im trying the rlt, walking, pineapple, sex, spicy food, mango (someone said this works?), the sage oil baths - think I'll pass on swallowing :spermy: as some of the ladies on bnb have said to do :haha:

and hmmmm vanilla custard :D
ooh, think I will also pass on the swallowing! DH should be thankful he will be getting some at least!
Hmmmmm vanilla custard sounds yummy!!! I don't mind trying that hehe!!!
He he we were actually talking about ways of inducing yourself at my antenatal class tonight!

She said all the same things already mentioned but apparently with pineapple it has to be fresh pineapple an it has to be like 6 or 7 whole pineapples!! So I dunno how anyone would manage that! She said curry or spicy food coz it gives you the runs which in turn can trigger labour.. Also sex coz sperm has something in it that helps the cervix ripen and thin out.. But are any of you ladies still having sex at this point? I cant imagine anything worse ha ha..
Haha we've tried sex in the last few weeks but unless it's in one particular position it's awful! Feels so uncomfortable and I feel like a whale - so not attractive in the slightest! I've told him we have to start doing it everyday! He's gonna get a shock from the once whenever I can be bothered hehe!
What I was told at NCT classes about methods of natrual induction and whether they work...

RLT - this won't induce labour, it will just strengthen the uterus muscles so contractions are more effective in second stage...it takes weeks to build up in your system so should ideally start with one cup a day at 32 weeks, two a day at 33 and then three a day until you're set to go (unless you had a short labour last time, any bleeding in preg, you experience extreme BH when drinking, are having a c-section...and a few other things!)
Pineapple - you'd need to eat like 10, including the core as that it where the enzyme is. (same principle with Mango_
Sex - apparently "doggy" is best according to an ex-midwife family friend, and yeah there is an enzyme in sperm that softens the cervix, and obviously if you orgasm this releases oxytocin and can SOMETIMES trigger off contractions. Swallowing will do nothing!!!! It has to be applied directly as it were!
Nipple Stimulation - again, you'd need A LOT but produces oxytocin.
Walking - they say walking will make the pressure on your cervix greater and so releases oxytocin again...the wonder hormone!!!
Curry - stimulate your stomach reason when you need the runs...will need to be massiely hotter than you usually eat.
Acupuncture or reflexology - a lot of people won't do the ones for natural induction until you're past 40 weeks - but I think I'm going to book one of each for the Monday after my due date!
Bounding on your ball - more to do with getting baby into a good position and encouraging its decent down the birth canal in labour...not bringing it on. But it's worth a shout, especially if you think its probably the same as walking!
Clary Sage oil - a couple drops in your bath or mixed with some kind of carrier (mouisturiser maybe) rubbed onto your belly. It's very relaxing (a couple of drops on your pillow will almost definately end in a good sleep)..and the thought is it may relax you enough to let your body naturally go into labour....do read up on it through, and use a carrier oil if applying to skin!

......isn't it ironic that I know all of that and I'm moaning about my midwife. Granted, NONE of this is from her but maybe I shouldn't panic!
Oh - and as for sex I'm not the biggest fan right now but apparently hubby has a thing for pregnant ladies!!!
Batty sorry you had such a rough time with your mw! I agree call someone and do complain, I understand being frustrated wth your dr or mw & I have been so much better since I complained and let her know what I wanted & needed from

I feel better this morning so far! Woke up every hour to pee just about
and bump has been so sore/heavy/uncomfrtable bc I feel like he is inside my hips and I'm
squishing him when I lay on my sides! But I think I managed to get some rest & even went back to bed (after getting up with dh at 430 am) for a couple hour nap! Last night we ordered pizza & watched a movie & layed in bed the entire time! So I'm hoping the laziness and sleep helped! only 6 more work shifts including today... I can't wait for it to be over!!! Thanks for all the encouragement & advice! I know I am just being silly bc of horomones & being exhausted!

Lol @ all the things you've come up with to induce labor! I've never heard of any of those... Here they say walking, sex, Mexican food (prob same reason as curry), & castor oil mixed with dr pepper (no clue what it is or why) ... I haven't thought of trying anything but I think I may once my parents are back from vacation midmonth...it will be right after my next scan and everything!

We still have sex just no where near as often, and sometimes it ends up being just fooling around bc the actual sex part is such a hassle with my big belly that sometimes it's more fun to skip it & just fool around. We are down to one position too, we had two but now in one of them since the baby has dropped he can feel the baby and he starts laughing every time then we both end up laughing & there goes the mood! We both been exhausted the past couple weeks too...hopefully we can get bak in the swing of things and have lots of sex before this baby comes haha or better yet to get him
here faster!
We are down to one position too, we had two but now in one of them since the baby has dropped he can feel the baby and he starts laughing every time then we both end up laughing & there goes the mood!

Ha! That made me giggle! :haha:

It reminds me of when I freaked Paul out, bless him! He's scared of poking baby (you're not that big, mate!!!) or baby grabbing him in certain positions and its the only reason he won't be up for it at the moment. The other week I thought I'd have some fun with it so while......uhum.......I decided to just casually do my pelvic floor :haha: to freak him out a little bit. He did stop for a moment and then carry on so I didn't think it had worked....until afterwards he looks at me all terrified and goes, "I think she grabbed me!"

I've never seen him look so scare in my life!!! :blush:
:rofl: ha ha!! Bless him that's so funny though! I love how he still carried on though and then said that afterwards!

Glad you're feeling a bit better krystal -if you're tired that might have made everything seem a lot worse :(

Ahh they might not start it but it's worth it! I'm even willing to drive over every speed bump in Watford! ;)

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