3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

I'd be careful if I were you.... you might end up having another one straight after ;) :haha:
I love how all of you ladies are talking about Inducing naturally! LOL good luck with all of that.

To those who were wondering I did call labor and delivery back up- I had to go back in last night anyways- But never got an answer about the hot/flushness thing.
I did have a low temp at one point but it went away fast. But my contractions started back up again and got pretty bad. I had to get rehooked up to the moniters and Dr said that I was having back labor. I asked- How can I be having back labor if Im not in labor- He said i wasnt in what you would call "active labor" or anything but basically I am having "Prelabor contractions" instead of braxton hicks. So basically im just gonna feel like im in early labor until I really go into labor. :/ Guess i wont know when Labor actually starts until my water breaks. :/ Anyways, I got another steroid injection and so If baby is delivered this week she at least has a boost. Besides my uterus is Extremely high right now, so Im not worried about her coming out like this very moment. Getting a little calmer about things, just dealing with intense contractions, nausea and crap like that. BTW the didnt try to stop my contractions last night, I guess because they wernet close enough together- they were just painful and strong, and he also didnt do a physical exam either, i guess he didnt want to make things progress anymore. Anyways... thats the update.

Thank you ladies for all keeping me sane and i apologize that I havnt been on to keep up with each and every thread. I zipped through them a little bit And Hope everyone is feeling better, and I think it was batty that was having the bleeding--- I hope your ok and you and baby is fine. Good luck dear. Also to everyone I missed at the moment Im sorry, im just real foggy headed and feel like throwing up. sorry
glad u are ok mrstacporter and they have put your mind at rest!!!
ahh take it easy Mrstacporter!!! I hope she holds on just a few more weeks for you :) And did they tell you any side affects you might experience with the steroids they gave you?
Glad your okay mrstacporter! So sorry you're feeling so low Krystal, I know I had a lot of worries before my first came, but when you look at that baby you sort of forget all of them! Batty, I'm so sorry you had such a bad appointment, I think every pregnant woman deserves special attention, especially from your midwife. Welcome back Samira and TaNasha, haven't heard from you guys in awhile!

As for for the inducing labor- I think I'd do anything but sex right now- I told my husband he was cut off until after baby comes, I just feel like a hippo!!!
Charlie, the only side effects I should feel if NOT allergic would be A) Alot of energy or B) sleepy. Lol all of the others are allergic reactions and I would have had them a few mins after the shot. :) so I know Im not allergic. I do have to say my energy level shot up pretty high today so Ive been cleaning again. I know I should be resting but, The cleaning is helping me deal with the contractions. Besides I wasnt put on bedrest thank god. There is no way that I could be on bedrest with my son running around. Hes screamed the whole day while I was trying to clean. Apparently I wasnt giving him my UNdidivided attention. Sheesh. 2 year olds can be buttheads sometimes lol. But im not gonna worry myself crazy over this anymore. If she comes early then I guess that will be gods plan for her. If she stays in longer then Ill thank god as well. >.< These contractions suck tho, Ill tell you that. Im constantly having to actually breath through them. and jjust have to deal with it.

And TTC Im am so just like you right now and have been for like 2 months LOL. No sex drive at all. I feel fat and nasty and like I always smell like cleaning supplies cause I feel like I constantly clean--- even though I dont and my house was a wreck. lol.
glad everything is ok mrstacporter, take it easy!
Ugh, I feel so stupid because I'm sat here crying about it. Not particularly because I'm worried about me - just that I feel that I've not had any support from her, and she's supposed to be the person who deals with me in the first weeks. According to my father I'm over-reacting because someone isn't as organised as I want them to be....

You know what makes me so sad, is that this is the kind of care the ends up with women not going into labour prepared. You girls know I don't have a problem with how anyone wants to labour and birth their child - it's up to them. But it is when people are unprepared that you end up with a spiral of unnessary interventions and a traumatic experience. It's ill-information that ends up with mums who want to breastfeed in agony, miserable and feeling like a failure when they shouldn't. It makes me so sad that this midwife is not supporting her patients one bit...I know she's probably seriously busy, overworked and she's not a horrible person, it just makes me sad.

Hun you should really report her. As charlie said- i don't care what her workload is- this is her freaking job. I hate that. I would be very upset if i were you too.

My GTT test came back fine, so looks like I am just having a huge baby! This is very scary as I am planning on having a 100% natural birth! And I am so scared I might go past 40 weeks, and then she will just end up being even bigger! My midwife said I can start trying to induce myself from 37 weeks, which is Saturday, so I have bought some evening promrose oil, rasberry leaf tea and will do loads of walking. Anyone have any other ideas? This baby needs to come out sooner rather than later!

So glad your gtt went well! Sheesh these doctors always scaring us when they don't honestly know! I don't think you should worry about it too much. the size anyway- because you're just going to stress yourself out way too much hun. thinking of you.

Oh - and as for sex I'm not the biggest fan right now but apparently hubby has a thing for pregnant ladies!!!

lol me too. Dh wants to dtd at least once a day on weekends- which is driving me nuts. He takes it personally if i turn him down. But it's horribly uncomfortable. And he doesn't seem to give a crap!

Charlie, the only side effects I should feel if NOT allergic would be A) Alot of energy or B) sleepy. Lol all of the others are allergic reactions and I would have had them a few mins after the shot. :) so I know Im not allergic. I do have to say my energy level shot up pretty high today so Ive been cleaning again. I know I should be resting but, The cleaning is helping me deal with the contractions. Besides I wasnt put on bedrest thank god. There is no way that I could be on bedrest with my son running around. Hes screamed the whole day while I was trying to clean. Apparently I wasnt giving him my UNdidivided attention. Sheesh. 2 year olds can be buttheads sometimes lol. But im not gonna worry myself crazy over this anymore. If she comes early then I guess that will be gods plan for her. If she stays in longer then Ill thank god as well. >.< These contractions suck tho, Ill tell you that. Im constantly having to actually breath through them. and jjust have to deal with it.

Glad you are alright hun was thinking about you. And also steroid shot side affects include eating more, drinking more, urinating more (yeah because we need that right), and sometimes can make you grumpy. But everything should wear off like a day after the shot. But if you are like really irritable- it could be the steroids. It's not common but it happens.
Oh wow dare I didnt know about those side effects. I have been grumpy :/.. I thought It was just me being tired! Thank you!!
And Batty That crap is ridiculous. Dont you dare sit there and cry about it!! That is her job and no matter HOW MANY patients she has, she should treat each one passionatly. I hate people that are like that.
mrstacporter- beleieve it or not- I learned a lot of meds through my job- as a vet tech. They get a lot of the same drugs- same side affects as humans. My brother used to be on steroids and they didn't tell us about the grumpiness either. I learned later from a vet that yes indeed it can alter moods.

it's upsetting because a lot of human doctors leave pieces out- and a vet will tell you straight out what to watch for.

and yes not everything is exactly the same- but steroids are bad for u- human or animal. They are pretty much the same.

doctors HATE me because I ask tons of questions and they don't like it. It makes them look so shady.
hey guys just a little update on me. I had to go into the dr for cramping swore it was contractions but they did not even give me a NST. But they took my blood pressure and it was high and I have protein in my urin so I am doing a 24hr collection. They did blood work to check my kidneys and liver function. Did an US to check blood flow and oxygen to baby.. baby was pretty rowdy cause she had a BAD case of the hiccups lol. But baby is fine.

I also have a bacterial infection that can cause preterm labor YAY(not) so friday I turn in my jug-o-pee not sure what will happen... she didnt really explain it to me if my urine is bad or whatnot... so I dont know kinda confused and hoping everything will be ok.
aww mal thinking of u- hopefully everything will be just fine. Keep us posted ok?
I will, she talked about me developing hypertension so I dont know what I should worry about as far as that... or if I am developing pre eclampisa as she did not mention it. ugh not looking forward to saving all my pee lol and it has to stay in the fridge eww
Ah hope everything turns out ok mal!!

What's up with these babies wanting to come early to meet their mummys??
I know right LOL! Mel I had to do the jug-o-pee with my son. Of course everything turned out fine with me-- which is what Im hoping for you- But it is pretty funny opening the fridge and seeing a giant orange jug-o-pee in the door (or wherever you keep yours). It always grossed me out terribly, LOL. Good luck hun and I so pray that you are just having a false alarm!
Dare, your absolutly right about animal meds and human meds. I also ask alot of questions. I guess they just didnt feel like giving me all of the answers. I also research alot of things as well. In other circumsances I wouldnt have accepted a steriod shot period because my sister had then when she was pregnant with her first. She had so many problems left and right. But not exactly from the shots, from everything. But i chose to get the steriods because everythung I had read about them would only help my LO in the long run at least for this week- which I only recieved those 2 shots to get me to week 34 if need be.

Im so whining and complainy lately. I discovered for the first time in my life what real ACID REFLUX feels like. NOT PLEASENT> I am losing sleep. I feel like Im dying, and now like Im having a heart attack cause of the reflux. Making hubby get me some mylanta or some kind antacid today. I never knew water could make it worse. Everything says drink water it will help. Well I think they lied big time. *breaths fires out mouth*
Ooh Natalie sounds promising, you sound like me&#8230;symptom spotting to the max. I get a tummy pain or a back pain im like ooooooooh is this it!!! And I had 4 poops yday!!!!!!!! Convinced myself it was me clearing out but nothing today!

Batty your MW experiences sound terrible! Id deffo complain! Ive been lucky enough to have the same MW throughout and can imagine how shit it must be to be messed about and have diff ones as but for them to be useless too id deffo have something to say especially so late on! And I cant believe a birth plan hasn&#8217;t been discussed!

God you girls are good being able to have :sex: I haven&#8217;t been able to, way too uncomfortable! I need to force it though, get that cervix softened hehe!

Oh how I love my dogs! Went out to pick their poopies this morning, 6 of them!!!! Fed them&#8230;.oh there they go, crimp out 2 more!!! I feel so bad for my bitch right now! Shes started her season, and Winston wont leave her alone LOL! We got to keep them apart soon and them put them back together in 10 days when she is ready to mate, I feel awful for her, shes gona have to go through pregnancy hahaha!

Well im off out, my friends baby is having a photo shoot, hes 5 months such a cutie!!!! Hope u all have a fab day :D xxxxxxxx
Ooh Natalie sounds promising, you sound like me…symptom spotting to the max. I get a tummy pain or a back pain im like ooooooooh is this it!!! And I had 4 poops yday!!!!!!!! Convinced myself it was me clearing out but nothing today!

wooo glad its not just me symptom spotting!!! i know yest i was feeling awful so was wondering if this was it but nope nothing today!! just feel exhausted and hmmm well i did have diarreah this morn even tho went loads as well yest!! did feel very dodgy yest tho!!!
Oh how I love my dogs! Went out to pick their poopies this morning, 6 of them!!!! Fed them….oh there they go, crimp out 2 more!!! I feel so bad for my bitch right now! Shes started her season, and Winston wont leave her alone LOL! We got to keep them apart soon and them put them back together in 10 days when she is ready to mate, I feel awful for her, shes gona have to go through pregnancy hahaha!

lol at least they only have a gestation period of like 63 days! here where i live it's illegal in this state to have a female dog in your yard at ALL if she's in season. It's ridiculous. What kind of dog is she?! i love puppies!!

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