3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

What a mental law!! I do love some of more unusual of the US laws!

Mal - hope you're feeling okay and baby stays in there cooking for a while longer!!

MrsP - glad you're feeling better - hows the acid reflux?!?!

Oh, I really don't want to start symptom spotting malarky, but I know I'm going to!
Just popping in to see how you all are girls!

No joy for me still.. :(

Have you not started symptom spotting yet Batty??

Babyboyle - ahh hopefully not long!!!! I think we all on here wanna see you back here with your BFP! :) Is it from lack of trying or just struggling to conceive again?

Oooooh... samira - don't!!! I want a puppy and Steve keeps telling me I'm not allowed one until the boys are older....... :( What dog have you got?

Ahhhhhhh Steve's boss just knocked on my door with Paella she made for me! I feel lately all I've been eating is rubbish, so to eat something I know is healthy was so nice. It tasted AMAZING!! She's even babysitting for us tomorrow night, so we can go watch Transformers!! Plus, Stephen was fast asleep, so got to eat in peace and quiet :haha:
Batty- Acid reflux = the devil LMAO. Its better this morning so far. I told hubby at 4 am this morning that on his way home from work he better get me some antacids or i may kill him LOL. How is your things going with the midwife?

I cant stand to have dogs that arnt fixed. not because of anything weird or such. We just dont breed our dogs or anything and we had one come in heat inside the house once- We knew it was coming but didnt know much about it, and well- let just say the next day it was diaper time. Ewww. Makes me cringe at the thought of that memory. lol

I remember when I was preggers with my son and I was already at term, I was symptom spotting like crazy! Every little twinge I was like... Oooooo is this it??? And then when I did go into labor, my contractions were 2 mins apart and I sat at home like an idiot for like 2 and a half hours before I called my mom who MADE me call L&D.. Come to find out I was in labor !!!! I thought it was false labor. But the truth being told you will know the "real" labor pains, cause the hurt. But the beginning ones dont really hurt, they are just frequent. Then again, my water didnt break on its on, so if that had happened Im sure i would have def. known.lol
Charlie Eating in silence sounds like a dream!!!!! I didnt know people got to do that!!! LOL My son screams all the time. Hes like in a super independant state right now, that i I tell him not to do something, she screams at me and hits me and sometimes spits. the weird thing is, he is only around me and my hubby- all the time. I have no idea where he learned these things from. Me and hubby dont yell or hit one another, and certainly dont spit at one another. It drives me crazy cause he has learned it from somewhere!! I could have blamed it on other kids but we are kinda alone here in the state, so I cant. I dont really know what to do with him. Im not what you would call a spanker, but I have swatted his bottom once I ran out of other disciplines. Time out doesnt work, sending him to his room doesnt work. Im pretty much fed up. lol Oh to be able to hear the silence again would be so wonderful. lol
It sounds like he's just going through the terrible twos and trying to push his boundaries, so he knows what's right and what's wrong! Hopefully, he'll grow out of it soon.... or do you think maybe it's because he's a bit unsettled having a new baby on the way?

Stephen's at that age where he'll eat anything, so even if he has his OWN lunch/dinner, mine still looks more appealing! Or even if I snack during the day, I have to eat it int he kitchen or he'll be after it :haha: I can't even drink my bottle of water without him wanting that too! :D
I cant stand to have dogs that arnt fixed. not because of anything weird or such. We just dont breed our dogs or anything and we had one come in heat inside the house once- We knew it was coming but didnt know much about it, and well- let just say the next day it was diaper time. Ewww. Makes me cringe at the thought of that memory. lol

Yeah not ALL dogs are that bad when in heat- some are very clean with it. Just like some of us are worse than others when we have AF. But if you are not breeding the dog- it's better to fix them anyway because it lessens the chances of cancer with those particular parts. Because a dog was made to breed. Us stopping it and not fixing does more harm than good because then they get infected and cancer comes along because we are not letting them do whats natural. But i had thought about the breeding thing with my schnauzer because he's so handsome and show quality but i didn't have the time or energy to do all of that. Now i'm glad because of all his health problems. I'd have had to give the puppies away or pay someone to take them instead of making any money. Sheesh.
Just packed my hospital bag- well ALMOST done. have to add a few things for dh & pick baby outfits. BUT i feel better my stuff is in there. Beginning of the end right? Think she dropped slightly this morning- belly appears to be slightly lower than before. Could just be my brain.
I just packed my hospital bag too, but there is still last minute stuff I'll need to add! I told DH what needs added at the last minute and he is making me write a list because he's scared he'll forget something (which he probably will because he's very absent minded!).
So not sure if anyone has any experience with this....

Tomorrow I take in my 24 hr pee jug in to get checked for protein since I had protein in my pee yesterday and my BP was high. What do you think will happen if they find alot of protein in my pee? she didnt really tell me anything but She asked me if I had registered at the hospital yet and then asked if I was getting my tubse tied of course Im not just didnt expect these random questions.

I know protein and high bp is signs of preeclampsia and everythign I find about it as far as getting rid of it is delivery. would they try to hold me off as long as possible..

I guess I will know more tomorrow when I go to dr.

other then that I am not feeling very well today. Just feel overly exhausted, nasueated, and headache from hell. :( just dont feel good.
mal wish i could help hun- i know nothing about that stuff. I think you shouldn't worry about it too much until you get the results though right- you don't need to stress yourself out on top of everything else.
mal I agree dont worry just yet.

I have also started to pacl my hospital bag today, i think i have most bits but i am sure I will be adding to it in the next few days. Baby´s bag was so much more fun to pack!

I have been really emotional all day, crying over absolutely nothing. And DH is in the pub and I just want him to come home, I dont even know why, is that selfish that i want him to come home for no reason and miss out on a night with his mates?
TaNasha, dont feel selfish... My hubby doesnt go out anywhere. Im kinda stingy when it comes to him. He doesnt ever ask to go anywhere like that cause he knows it will piss me off. Im not jealous or anything, I just want him with me LOL. Also Mal, I agree dont worry just yet. I think the Only major thing that would be brought up is a Cesarean. Im not exactly sure. But dont worry just yet.
I am usually fine with him going out, I never used to mind at all but lately i get mad whenever he goes or when he comes home i cry because its so "late". Must just be the damn hormones!
I've packed mine... half is in the car, the other is up in the flat still - which is the one with the snacks in! I'm going to have to take it down or Steve will end up eating what I've got :dohh:

Mal - try and keep relaxed if you can. Stress will just raise your blood pressure and it's probably not helping the headaches etc. I guess it depends how extreme the pre-eclampsia is - they won't want you getting to the point where the seizures etc start, so I'm guessing they'll induce you asap if needs be. They have to protect your life as well as your baby's. I'm sure they'll explain everything to you tomorrow! Just make sure if you have any questions to write them down so you don't forget!

And Tanasha - you're hormonal, you just need reassuring and you're vulnerable right now. It's only natural to want your OH with you rather than him going down the pub!
tanasha- I agree with the above girls. I was totally emotional last night because when dh gets home from work he goes on the laptop for hours! It's like- this is the last time we have together just us before baby and you want to be on the computer. Great.
thank you guys for the support. Im trying not to be stressed its just hard cause OH is outta of town :( But i have read up on pre-e and im sure my drs will know what to do. Just hard doing this alone.
Mal- I hope everything goes well for you, my sister had pre-eclampsia and was induced at 33 weeks. I remember her doing the pee test, but she was already in the hospital by that point. I'm just sorry you have to do it alone, when does your OH get back?

TaNasha- I got upset with my DH because he made plans to go night fishing this Friday, I started to cry which is really stupid because he's not even going until after I go to bed, so really stupid, just hormones I guess. I told him I was worried he would drown, which is dumb because he swims very well and goes fishing all the time!
not for 2 1/2 more weeks if not longer. Depends on how fast they get there work done
TTC LOL that is so funny! I do that stuff to hubby lately too! I get mad sometimes when he works later than I think her should. Like If he doesnt get home till like 7 i get pissed. I have no idea why. At least we can all be honest about it on here.
Also Mal- Hang in there hun. Ive been through military deployments and being without your significant other is pure hell. But hang in there and know that you can find support here. We will be your "other half" for now. Lol.

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