3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

It's my first :)

I cant see the link you just posted...

How long can you use the buggies for? I mean once the baby is 1 years old do you have to get another bigger one or can you use them for years to come?
It's my first :)

I cant see the link you just posted...

How long can you use the buggies for? I mean once the baby is 1 years old do you have to get another bigger one or can you use them for years to come?

Oh really il try again


Ummmm i would say way past 2 but as baby gets older and can start to walk you tend to move onto a stroller so ive been told! and you can pick up a good stroller for £50 odd so thats not a prob!

this is my 1st too :) so clueless! i went to my friends last night who just had a new baba and it was a big reality check for me! i thought id leave feeling excited and wanting my baby to come NOW but i didnt i left thinking shiiiiiiiit im not prepared theres so much to do! and when you have the baby you have to do so much, feed it every few hours, change it every few hours, whilst make sure house is clean, dinner, etc etc!!! i had a little panic on the way home but im ok now LOL! my boyfriend told me i was being stupid and i was like eeeeeek i dont know if im gona be good enough! but im sure its very easy to drop into a routine! I told him he has to get me up when he gets up in the morning for work so i get used to less sleeep! i love a good sleep me LOL! i get up at 7.15 for work and he does 6.30 so im gona try it LOL
Aww I love my sleep too... and I was thinking that as I get bigger I might ask my manager if I can come in early and leave early to avoid rush hour on the tubes... I barely manage to get into work on time now!

I have a GP appointment today for my heart and lung check... not sure what that involves 8-[
Thanks!! We are excited! It is a 4br 2 bath with a kitchen & dining room!!! (something I have wanted that I dont have at my house now!) I cant wait to renovate it! Granted I cant do as much as I'd like b/c of being pregnant but DH & my parents & his & our church family will all help out! :) We got such a wonderful deal! Only $16,000 I dont know what this is in pounds or Euros...but it is super cheap in US dollars! ...It will be worth $115,000 (bc i live in a small = lower house prices) when we get finished with it! I am so thrilled! I will have to wait longer to work on the nursery but it will be worth it!!!

This will be my first baby! I have a lot of experience though, I have kept babies/children since I was 11, now I am 25. Next week will be my last 3 days keeping the child I keep now! I am very glad though! I am excited about finally having my own little one!!!

Last night I found out our friends are expecting 5 weeks after us!!! They had a hard time conceiving the first time, and it ended in a very very traumatic miscarriage at 7 weeks but she didnt miscarry til 12 weeks! In december they didnt come to our Christmas party bc they knew we were announcing that we were pregnant & she was still sad about losing their baby. She told me that weekend she had hoped to be pregnant again by Christmas but she wasnt. Well apparently she got a BFP a few days later bc they had their first appt tuesday & they are 7 1/2 weeks along! I was so thrilled for them! I have been praying like crazy for them & I was so happy they are going to have a baby 5 weeks after us!
Hello girls I've just moved over from first tri - I'm due August 4th xx
There you are sequeena! I was getting worried about you! Are you feeling better & all?
Ahh im sure your manager would change your hours yasmin! Being on a cramped tube wont be nice when your heavily pregs esp in the summer! Plus do the “i don’t want to risk getting ill” line too! More people = more chance of catching something!!! Why do you need a heart n lung check? Or is it standard?! I don’t have anything now until my 16 week midwife appointment! Well im almost 17 weeks at mine but oh well!

Oooh wow krystal your house sounds amazing! I wish houses were so cheap over here! Our house is a 3 bed 1 bath with kitchen and living room / diner and its worth £200k! Well not even that now with how the property market has plummeted but we wont be selling for a while! We are lucky as my OH is a carpenter and his dad is an electrician and plumber so we never need to hire in any labour from elsewhere which saves on a lot of costs!!!

Your friends story sounds awful but at least they have a new baba on the way now! Im so happy my best friends are all in the same boat as me! We can do it all together and support eachother! Our partners are all convinced we planned it but they don’t understand its not as easy as that LOL! me and OH were trying for over a year so how can i plan that we get pregs at the same time lol!

Welcome Sequeena :D congrats to you xxx
I would tell you what the heart and lung check is but I missed my appt! My train was stuck in one spot for an hour!

I have another appt tonight though so I should be able to tell you soon after that.

When I had my booking appt I was told that at 16/17 weeks I need to go to my GP to get checked. Apparently I also need to go to the GP for a 22 week check.

Did you get a blue book with all your notes in it? There is a page in there that tells you what appts you can expect and when.
Thanks samira - August 1st for me!

I have been looking at pushchairs and there are so many I like, I don't think I will ever be able to choose!
I would tell you what the heart and lung check is but I missed my appt! My train was stuck in one spot for an hour!

I have another appt tonight though so I should be able to tell you soon after that.

When I had my booking appt I was told that at 16/17 weeks I need to go to my GP to get checked. Apparently I also need to go to the GP for a 22 week check.

Did you get a blue book with all your notes in it? There is a page in there that tells you what appts you can expect and when.

Ahh rubbish! Trains sound like a a nightmare!!!!
I was given a white pregnancy notes book but ive not read it through properly! Been given so much stuff but i just put it in my drawer meaning to read it but i forget! Im moving in a couple weeks so il be more organised hehe!
technically i'm not expecting a mid july bubba - 6th of july? Can I still join in the festivities?? X
;) course you can! you can join the early girlies hehe! your scan pic on your avatar is amazing! I love scans where you can see the features already! I couldnt believe i could see a little nose n lips so early!!! xx
I would tell you what the heart and lung check is but I missed my appt! My train was stuck in one spot for an hour!

I have another appt tonight though so I should be able to tell you soon after that.

When I had my booking appt I was told that at 16/17 weeks I need to go to my GP to get checked. Apparently I also need to go to the GP for a 22 week check.

Did you get a blue book with all your notes in it? There is a page in there that tells you what appts you can expect and when.

Ahh rubbish! Trains sound like a a nightmare!!!!
I was given a white pregnancy notes book but ive not read it through properly! Been given so much stuff but i just put it in my drawer meaning to read it but i forget! Im moving in a couple weeks so il be more organised hehe!

Yes I pay so much £££’s for the privilege of being squashed into a smelly carriage and nasty delays. :(

My hubby and I are also looking to move soon. Looking for a flat at the moment and it’s such a headache! I hate moving – hate it with a passion!

So how is everyone today? I am so glad its Friday! I was thinking of getting a fish pedicure with hubby on Sunday.
;) course you can! you can join the early girlies hehe! your scan pic on your avatar is amazing! I love scans where you can see the features already! I couldnt believe i could see a little nose n lips so early!!! xx

It's the only good pic we got of Boo because they wouldn't stop wriggling lol we were in there 45 mins trying to get Boo to stay in one position long enough to do all the tests! But considering it's the only clear photo - I love it :) X And thanks for a) saying it's a lovely pic and b) letting me join! I feel like part of a sorority now! X
hi ladies, just thought id let u know if u go to the mothercare website and sign up for free at mother and baby club they send u some awesome money off vouchers for mothercare :) wooop for it being friday! xxx
hi ladies, just thought id let u know if u go to the mothercare website and sign up for free at mother and baby club they send u some awesome money off vouchers for mothercare :) wooop for it being friday! xxx

Thats great! Thanks for letting us know :)
So do you work in central london then? i have a few friends which do and they all have the same tube issues!

ahh im the opposite! i LOVE moving! i was moved so much when i was a kid went to about 6 diff schools so its normal for me to move! I love packing up boxes and organizing everything in a new place!

Im fab thanks! Sooo glad its Friday! We are doing a lot to our new home this weekend, putting new flooring down, new bathroom suite and general organizing so im excited! Thinking of getting a takeaway 2nite too which im drooling about as I type! Not sure weather to do curry or Chinese though!!!

Thanks twilighter!!! Ive already signed to them but all my post goes to my house I rent out at the mo so I need to go there and get it! Haven’t got any since the beginning jan!!!!!!!!!! tut tut hehe!

Ive got a funny feeling im feeling flutters in my tummy :D last night I was led a bit on my tum and I kep feeling something weird! I cant explain the feeling! I would say butterflies but its not as its only a couple and it’s a lot stronger! I did my measurements this morning ( I do them every week) along with my weight! At 5 weeks I was 88cm and today im 92cm!! and at 5 weeks I was 64.5kgs and now im 67.5 eeek!! xx
I work in Finance for a company in Westminster. I’ve been here since 2007 and it’s been good actually. Travel issues aside I get some nice perks here :)

Aww it must be so exciting to do up your own house. I can’t wait till we buy. We’re hoping it will be some time this year once hubby has qualified and has a permanent job.

Mmm… Friday night take away… last two Fridays we’ve had fish and chips with lashings of vinegar.

I do love Chinese as well though… some spicy chow mein.

Indian… we sometimes get biryani’s from takeaway places but otherwise we make our own. My mum makes the best curries and I wish she was here to make me food!

Oh and I have chicken and rice for lunch… lol hubby made me some! He’s almost as good as me at making curries! And he’s stolen my recipe for my lentil rice!

Anyways I think I have gone on about food quite a lot!

I think I’ve felt the baby move but I’m just not sure… MW said that its different for everyone so she cant say if it’s the baby or something stretching.

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