I literally don't get it. No cramping, no spotting, no nothing. Breasts so sore even bending over hurts so bad. All these things are unusual for me, but still no positive test! I'll be 11dpo and I'm so confused! If pregnant wouldn't I get a positive by now? And if I wasn't wouldn't af be here because my cycles have been regular. I don't feel out but I am starting to feel discouraged. Maybe I'll skip tmrs testing ( who am I kidding) and just test when I'm 12dpo. Hopefully by Wednesday I have my bfp.
Premom has my period starting August 27th so maybe it really is just to early for me. When I was pregnant with my son I tested 5 days late and already just knew I was pregnant and I tested with a digital so I have no clue when I could have gotten even the faintest bfp. Or how dark or light it could have been. Sighhhh