Decided I am going to start temping starting first thing tomorrow morning. I'm researching as much as I can so I can get accurate readings. I figured it will hopefully take the second guessing out of, if and when, I ovulated. I regretted not doing it last cycle and I don't want to make the same mistake again. It will help me prepare for af or a possible pregnancy if my temps stay elevated. And if I'm pregnant and still getting negative tests I feel like seeing my temps stay high will help me to not get discouraged.
I took some of my supplements earlier and they are hard to keep down especially the b complex and the selenium because of the awful smell. The vit c is in caplet form and although there is no smell, me and pills just don't get along and make me feel so nauseated. It's hard for me to swallow pills especially after my surgery. However, I'll do anything for a sticky bfp.