Ahhh ok, thank you! I'm still really new to all of this lol. So after you hit peak how do you when you ovulate?After you hit peak, some women stay high until 6dpo even. Depending on the sensitivity of the opk. Bding every other day keeps you in cycle with catching the egg in time. Sperm can live for a bit but egg only has 24hrs tops.
Fx you get a bfp this cycle
Sorry about you being able to sleep!! Thanks again!Well, I can't sleep now. Drank some caffeine to get rid of headache...so not cool. Headache gone but now I am wide awake.
3 hrs of continuous sleep is what I go by. Over the years I have learned my temp though. So sometimes I might only do it 5 times and mark the temps. Can see it going up or even. Down usually about 9 or 10 dpo. Stupid af.
Hope you are doing ok.