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4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

I'm STILL pregnant and well grumpy!! Ha ha :haha: I just want to go into labour now! I reckon after all this hope and planning I'll be forced to have a c-section. Baby has till Tuesday before that decision is made!

Good luck with month 2 puppy and Jess xx
How is everyone doing? Emma, sending you lots of good birthing vibes! I'm sure that baby will make an appearance before Tuesday. You still have plenty of time. Are you trying anything special to get things going? I've had a lot of people swear by reflexology.

Baby D, how are things going? What's the news on your plans? Puppy and Jess, sending you good luck for this cycle and/or the next! Yeah, Jess, your chart looks a little wacky this month, but I'm thinking maybe it's just because some of the dates were missing or times were off. You did get a pretty big jump at one point, but it's hard to say if that was O because it didn't look all that different from your pre-O temps. How off where the times when you took those post-O temps? Do you think they might just be wrong?

How are our mamas doing? Jen and Kerry? How are you guys? How are the babes? Jen, I keep thinking of you having Summer at 36 weeks and thinking to myself, shit, that's only like 2.5 weeks from now and I'm soooooo not prepared yet and the house is a wreck! I need to get my ass in gear. :dohh:

I'm doing well. Just starting to feel a lot more grumpy and uncomfortable. Fortunately, the SPD I was starting to get has almost totally gone away. I get some achey pubic pains occasionally, but it's very manageable now. The combination of two appts with an osteopath and regular swimming has worked miracles! I felt like a new woman (at least down there). I'm uncomfortable up higher now, as baby is really pushing on my ribs. I tend to get pleurisy and costrochodritis (like rib and lung pain) when I get sick a lot because I'm quite sensitive to inflammation in that area, and sleeping at night is starting to feel kinda miserable. It's like someone stabbing a knife into my right rib over and over again all night. I'm having major flashbacks to when I was really sick with pneumonia a few years ago and that makes me extra grumpy! :growlmad: It's normal and I'm hoping it might subside a bit when baby drops in a few weeks, but still it's annoying.

I forget if I mentioned it, but at my last two appts baby has been breech. I'm pretty sure we were head down in between them because the kicks were very different then, but now I'm not sure exactly where we are. Baby feels like he/she is in a weird diagonal position, but I'm not sure whether it's the ass end or the head end that's poking me in the rib! I've been doing all sorts of wacky stretches and poses to encourage a turn, so we'll see next week if it helped. I have my 36 week scan in about 2 weeks to check my placenta anyway, so they'll confirm then if baby is still definitely breech and then I'll have to decide what to do from there. I'm just ready to get on with it and know though!

We started our NCT classes this week and they were really great. Everyone we met is really nice (and frankly, that's the reason we wanted to take them anyway, because we have no friends with kids who live near us at all). It's nice too to be reminded that I actually do know stuff and am not going into birth totally clueless. Now I'm just hoping we get to the part about what to do with the baby when it arrives because frankly I have no idea yet about that part! I can change a nappy and that's about all I know. :dohh: I'm also winding down the weeks left of work. I'm going to stop at 38 weeks definitely, but might slow down to part-time before then. I'm starting to get tired and grumpy and I've been working too many weekends recently, so have had no time to relax or just go out for coffee by myself. I realize it would be nice to do this a little bit before baby arrives because I don't know when I'll have the chance again. And really, the house is a disaster because we've been so busy, so I'd love to have a few days off just to clean! We'll see how it goes.

How are you ladies doing?
How exciting and crazy Karen! I hope you get baby turned. Do you have any guesses on the sex of baby?

Puppy - The blue circles were temps taken at about 9:30-10am. They were taken during Christmas break when I sure as hell wasn't waking up at 6:30am to temp!

The white circles are the ones I'm taking now before I get in the shower at 6:30am. I have notes on Jan. 6th stating that I think I O'd that day or the day before so I guess I was right. I was realllllly hung over on the 5th and looks like that's the day I O'd! Hahaha lucky me! I was so sick that I never even realized it, I guess. My temp this morning, at 10:50am, (when I woke up), was 98.34 F. I didn't enter it because I knew it was way off from being taken so late and the wine I drank last night. But I'm 100% sure I missed O now based of my white circle temps.

It's ok though, we will just try again next month!

How is it going for you? Any news?
Yeah, it's hard tempting during holidays. I have to temp before I even get out of bed, or my temps will be off - I have tried it before, and it doesn't work!

Did you BD at all heading up to O... maybe you'll be lucky!

As for me, I accidentally skipped a day of my Clomid, so am hoping and praying that it doesn't mess up my chances for this month. I think it will though... but we shall see. Another week or two and I will know for sure. I am going to start OPKs this week I think... although I will have to do it later in the day once I am home from work (unless I take them with me... haha), so by then, I am not sure how reliable they will be. I heard the best time is around 2:00, for OPKs. I am not sure how much truth there is to that, however.

Anyhow, we'll just keep trucking along!
Yeah, it's hard tempting during holidays. I have to temp before I even get out of bed, or my temps will be off - I have tried it before, and it doesn't work!

Did you BD at all heading up to O... maybe you'll be lucky!

As for me, I accidentally skipped a day of my Clomid, so am hoping and praying that it doesn't mess up my chances for this month. I think it will though... but we shall see. Another week or two and I will know for sure. I am going to start OPKs this week I think... although I will have to do it later in the day once I am home from work (unless I take them with me... haha), so by then, I am not sure how reliable they will be. I heard the best time is around 2:00, for OPKs. I am not sure how much truth there is to that, however.

Anyhow, we'll just keep trucking along!

No we didn't do any BDing leading up, so I know this cycle is worthless. Only 8 days until my next cycle though!

I really hope that skipped day doesn't mess you up! FX! I know nothing about OPK's though so I'm useless in that department. Keep me UTD though!
I heard that opks are best used in the afternoon so I used to test about 3pm. Can't remember the reason why though, must be to do with hormone levels during the day.

Got my sweep later today. Now 5 days overdue and nothing to report.....
Hope your sweep goes well :)

I will try the OPKs after work this week and see... I am definitely not an expert with them either, as I have never gotten a positive on one! Although, I am sure I have only just used them on my anovulatory cycles, so that would explain it.
I heard that opks are best used in the afternoon so I used to test about 3pm. Can't remember the reason why though, must be to do with hormone levels during the day.

Got my sweep later today. Now 5 days overdue and nothing to report.....

FX that sweep turns out baby!
Oh ladies :( the sweep hasn't worked and so tomorrow we are off to the hospital for an appointment with the consultant to discuss the next steps. I'm so gutted that it is truly looking like a cs now. Midwife said cervix was tucked up high and posterior, was not at all dilated and still thick. She couldn't even do the s&s. Dh is acting like he's taken it harder than me which isn't helping. It also didn't help my mum saying she was worried about how overdue i am again and that baby should be here. I am feeling so 'wobbly' between being scared of of the cs and scared that if he stays in any longer something bad may happen :cry: We have to find something to do today to pass the time. Mil made a comment yesterday about how dh is 'wasting' his paternity leave as he starts it today and baby is not here. I just don't think I could face being on my own this week though dealing with a toddler. BH are really painful now and happening frequently during the day, I'm also still having pelvic pain. More than that is I don't want to sit it out on my own but she has made me feel so guilty :sad1: The other thing that has upset me is that mil and fil took ds out for the day on Saturday and took him to dh's sisters house. A few hours later we got a text from her saying that ds had told grandma that mummy has baby Oliver in her tummy. We didn't want to tell anyone the sex let alone his name till he was born, but we have tried to prepare ds for the arrival of his brother. Ds has never once volunteered any info about me being pregnant and I've spent the last 3 weeks solid with him. The only time he says anything is if you quiz him about it. I can't help but feel that's what they've done and it's made me feel so mad now :brat: I don't think it's fair that they quizzed a two yr old :sad2:
Oh no Emma! I'm so sorry. How unfair and rude! I'm angry and upset for you! I have a few choice words for your MIL! :grr: well I sincerely hope that everything that happens is what's best for you and baby. I know you and DH will make the best choices and the best of the situation. Keep us updated and tell your mil to but out!
Thanks Jess :)

It's 4am here and I can't sleep at all as am so nervous for our appointment, thank goodness it's first thing in the morning. I'm giving mil a wide berth as I am afraid I will say something bad because of how I am feeling, which will only cause an argument with dh (he gets really upset with me if I am upset by her - if that makes sense?!)
Good luck, Emma! Hang in there! :flower:

Jess, you look like you have crosshairs on your chart now. Do you think you definitely O'd then? That's a start at least!
C section booked for Friday. It all feels a bit strange. Will be glad to have baby here safe and sound but do feel disappointed about not being able to have a vbac. Another 3 days of hanging around now...
Emma I'm sorry but you've found the bright side! Baby will be here safe :hugs: I'll be thinking of you!

Karen - hope you're doing well :) yes I ovulated and we dtd that night so we will see what happens!
Jess, yay! That's awesome! Perfect timing! Who knows what will happen but at least you don't have to feel like you wasted a whole cycle. FX for you. :happydance:

Emma, what happens if you go naturally before then? Will they let you VBAC? If so, there is definitely still time!
Emma, what happens if you go naturally before then? Will they let you VBAC? If so, there is definitely still time!

Yes they will so there is still a small chance of it happening but based on today's assessment that is highly unlikely. Cx very posterior, high and closed, mw couldn't even reach it properly this time. Baby has gone from 3/5 engaged to free despite doing a long walk and bouncing on the ball only yesterday!

Jess good luck!!! Good timing with your Ov date :) Fingers crossed for that bfp!
Hey Ladies,

Glad to finally catch up with you all, I enjoyed reading all your posts. Hope everyone had a great christmas and new years. Kaylee got spoilt, she has so many toys she cant play with yet so she doesnt need any more presents for the next year!! I just spent christmas at my mums then went to my dads in the arvo as Malcolm was at work. I picked him up from airport the next day so that wasnt so bad.

New years we were in bed at 10 as I was still tired getting up during the night with Kaylee so 10 was late for us!! :sleep:

She is 10 weeks old now and I am alot more comfortable and confident now. It doesnt bother me when she cries or winges a little bit as with before I would start panicking if we were at the shops or at someones house and would just want to come home. Sounds lame I know hahahaha

Jess and puppymom cant wait until you test, if you are testing this month. Have you any thoughts on if you think it could be your months?

Jen- how are you and gorgeous Summer going? Whats it been like having a newborn with the cold weather? Do you rug her up lots? We have the aircon on in our room as it is so hot here so we just have kaylee in a onesie and a swaddle sleeping bag which is really thin. How was your first xmas as a family?

Mind- Sounds like everything is going great for you, if bubs is breech until the end will you still try naturally and will you go to hospital?

BabyD How was your christmas in the new house and with your kiddies? Any goss on weather DH wants to ttc? Any wedding plans?

MrsPeanut- Friday eek so excited for you!! Sorry to hear its not going to be the way you want, Dont feel bad you made a baby!!!!!! woohoo Cant wait to see a pic of Olly.....am I aloud to call him that?lol Sorry to hear you are getting a hard time from the inlaws they suck sometimes dont they!! Why didnt they just keep it to themselves that they found out, even though they shouldnt of even done that in the first place to Henry!! Dont feel bad about your DH taking holidays early you deserve a rest!!

Not sure what the go is with my ticker is but its the wrong date she is 10 weeks 1 day???



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In an attempt to encourage my cx to dilate I have tried so many things today:
Nipple stimulation
Long walk
Eating dates
Hot bath
Birthing ball for ages
I am not feeling anything, not even braxton hicks! But I think baby may be a bit lower and if he is engaging again that's got to be a good thing right?!

Very cute pics of Kaylee, Kez! Course it's ok to call lo 'Olly' we just wanted to keep it secret from family but it looks like its not much of a secret now!

I am really looking forward to Friday. I think reflexology actually just helped calm me down and now I feel much more positive about it all. Our baby will finally be here, wow!
Kerry - depending on whether or not I actually ovulate will determine if I test or not. I should know in a couple of days, but I really don't know...

mrspeanut - it's great that you'll be meeting baby soon, and hopefully he shows up earlier, for your sake!
Kerry - Kaylee is so adorable!!! I'm so glad you're doing well. I'm pretty sure we didn't catch the egg this time. I think we BD too late. I'm ok with it though as I'm trying to stay calm so I can keep up my relaxed approach.

Emma I'm so glad you are feeling better about everything and I'm still hoping for the vbac you want. Just remember we are all here for you and will be thinking of you!

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