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4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

Thanks Kerry! Now that I'm so close to TTC I'm having crazy dreams. I've had multiple dreams about being pregnant and I had one dream where I was pregnant with triplets! 2 boys and a girl :wacko:
I told my husband about my dream and he told me to go back to sleep and dream about something else. :haha:

But I'm obviously extremely excited. I will even catch myself trying to talk myself out of it but at the present time it seems to be impossible.

I even know exactly who I'm going to tell and when. I'm going to tell my family as soon as I find out. I'm also going to tell my mentor teacher who is right across the hall. That way if I need to run to the bathroom she can cover my class and not wonder what is going on. As for my husband's family I think we will tell them at 8 weeks and everyone else at 12 weeks.

Well I'm going to enjoy my last few weeks of alcohol and stress free bd. Hope everyone is doing well! Xxx
You sound so ready Jbell xx

Kerry, updated pics of little Kaylee?? XX
Thanks for all the baby dust! I am on day 2 of Clomid - praying that it works!

So exciting, Jess - I also had dreams like that about a month ago!
Triplets?!?!? Ha!!! Your DH better watch out!!

Yay for Clomid...bring on the eggies!

I can't believe how full circle this has come...from bitching that DH was being so slow about coming around to now typing this in my phone while Summer rests against me...passed out after a morning of fussing for no good reason (was tired...but wouldn't sleep...her new favorite game). She doesn't want to miss anything!
GenY I hear ya thats Kaylees new game, fussing for no reason other than over tired, yet loves to not sleep properly and cat nap, she did sleep good last night though probably because she was so tired, 2 stints of 4 1/2 hours, I woke up more than her to check on her as she never sleeps that long.:shrug::shrug:

I have been naughty and been letting her sleep on me and rocking her etc I cant help it I just love looking at her :dohh: But last night and today have just been putting her in her crib letting her self settle as I know the older she gets the harder it will be getting her to sleep, Im mainly doing it now as Mal is at work and I am here alone and can handle her crying a little bit as Mal cannot lol but of course wouldnt leave her if she was emotional crying. Ill see if I can upload a photo babyD as it always says the files are too large. How is everyting with you? Are you going to be getting married soon or waiting? Will you be POAS this month or was it too soon? :hugs:
GenY I hear ya thats Kaylees new game, fussing for no reason other than over tired, yet loves to not sleep properly and cat nap, she did sleep good last night though probably because she was so tired, 2 stints of 4 1/2 hours, I woke up more than her to check on her as she never sleeps that long.:shrug::shrug:

I have been naughty and been letting her sleep on me and rocking her etc I cant help it I just love looking at her :dohh: But last night and today have just been putting her in her crib letting her self settle as I know the older she gets the harder it will be getting her to sleep, Im mainly doing it now as Mal is at work and I am here alone and can handle her crying a little bit as Mal cannot lol but of course wouldnt leave her if she was emotional crying. Ill see if I can upload a photo babyD as it always says the files are too large. How is everyting with you? Are you going to be getting married soon or waiting? Will you be POAS this month or was it too soon? :hugs:

:flower: We are going to start looking round possible venues in the new year. Very excited. I've not POAS yet --- going to wait and see if AF arrives on time first. According to my ticker I am 8DPO but if I did ovulate early then I will be around 10 DPO :flower:
Kerry - I upload the photos to an account on photobucket.com, and there you can resize the picture, and then it gives you the link that you can put in here with the picture icon. How old is Kaylee now?

Baby D - oooh patience! That is something I definitely DO NOT have! Good luck :) Would love to see some websites of the venues you are looking at!

I'm such a worry wart mom...since Summer NEVER cried her first 12 days or so, now when she DOES cry I am SURE there is something "wrong" that surely I should be able to "fix." My new concern? That she has reflux. She cries a lot after her feedings (not really during). I don't really see her doing the arching back thing but she definitely is not pleased when she spits up...gets really fussy and seems to be bothered by it. Of course I ran out and bought some new formula - Similac Alimentum, which I just gave her for the first time. So far it's better, but she might just be exhausted from crying all morning and that's why she is sleeping so soundly now!

I can't stand to see her look uncomfortable!
I'm so sorry Jen. I can't imagine having a little one be upset and uncomfortable and I couldn't so anything about it. I'm sure you'll get it sorted out, you are such a great and resourceful mom! :hugs:
So am definately out ladies --- AF arrived this morning. At least I think it is AF. It is bright red and a flow not spotting so it must be. Light at the moment though. BUT very early -- not due for another 4 days or so. AF is NEVER early -- sometimes late. Generally 28 - 34 days but this is cycle day 22 or something :shrug:

Guess it's better have her come early rather than late as that would be torture :nope:

Still feeling emotional, still have sore boobs and really knackered. And now just plain fed up :dohh:

Should reset my ticker to cycle day 1 I guess :nope:
That sucks Baby D :cry::cry: Are you feeling better now?

GenY she is 5 and a half weeks now. How is Summer going?

How is everyone going? We were about to fall off the page so I thought I'd bump it. Has everyone finished their christmas shopping? I have its such a relief. Its getting too hot to go out during the day with Kaylee. We are getting pictures done with santa tomorrow so that will be exciting lol

How are you going MindUtopia and MrsPeanut hope all is well with the pregnancies and everything else:flower::flower::flower:

Jbell how are you going? Have you been drinking and relaxing much? Has school finished for you? Not sure how it works over where you are but in Oz this is our big 6 week summer holidays we have it at end of year and start the next year last week of Jan or first week of feb.

Puppymom how is your cycle going? Sending you babydust :flower::flower:


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Kerry, I was just thinking about everyone today as well! I am doing well, just patiently waiting for ovulation, and then we'll see what happens! Positive thoughts this month!

I am hoping to get a lot of my Christmas shopping done tomorrow, and then just finish up little stuff for the remainder of the week.

It's hard to imagine being in such warm weather during Christmas. Here, it's cold and (hopefully) snowy, although so far, we haven't had much of the white stuff! Our schools get 2 weeks off for Christmas break, and then back to the grind until the end of June.

Your little one is beautiful - thanks for sharing the pic!
I'm alive!!! Sorry to be so terrible with updates.

Summer is turning out to be a lovely baby! We got her on ready to feed formula and she isn't colicky often at all!!!! It's brilliant. She is so much more alert now and feeds easily...she turned 1 month today and I already think she's gotten huge! Pics soon for sure.

Not sure if I mentioned I have been battling postpartum depression...was quite bad the first 3+ weeks, but really improving now. My mom is staying with us and while she's driving me NUTSO, she does take great care of Summer, which means more sleep for me. DH even took me on a date to The Nutcracker yesterday with dinner and drinks after!!! So thoughtful of him :). I'm not through it a yet but I'm better than I was, which gives me hope.

I'm so glad to hear everyone else is doing okay..keep up with the gossip and updates!!
Jbell how are you going? Have you been drinking and relaxing much? Has school finished for you? Not sure how it works over where you are but in Oz this is our big 6 week summer holidays we have it at end of year and start the next year last week of Jan or first week of feb.

I'm doing well Kerry! Thanks for asking :) I haven't been drinking much, not in the mood really, but I have been relaxing continuously. I think that will be the one thing I miss the most after we have a baby...just lying around all day with no obligations. I think its so neat that you have your big holiday around Christmas. I love finding out how different things are in other places in the world. Its so bizarre to me that you are in the middle of summer there when we are in the middle of winter! Our big summer holiday starts at the middle/end of May and lasts until the beginning/middle of August. However, it is different all across the US. Some places don't get out until June and don't start back until September. I hope Kaylee is doing well and she is just so adorable! I'm glad to hear you are doing well as well. How is BF going for you?

Jen - I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better! PPD can be dangerous and miserable, I'm glad you are on top of things and were able to get yourself well! :hugs: I'm glad Summer sounds so happy and is growing. I bet you two are just the best parents!

Puppy - my fx for you! GL!!!

D - I'm so sorry about AF :( Has OH said anything else about TTC?

Emma, Karen how are you?
Jess - thanks for the kind words!!! With a baby, laying around the house watching football is easy! I imagine notsomuxh with a toddler. I miss having DH with me 24/7. We divide and conquer ... So we can't spend as much time together (ie: diff bedtimes, go to gym separately, etc)
Jen - It sounds like you guys have a good thing going. I'm sure it will become much easier after Summer gets out of the newborn stage.

Guess what ladies! AF is here today, and that means that it is CD1 of our first cycle TTC. I'm super duper nervous STILL... Its so life altering but I know that we are ready. I should O around January 8th. Also, I'm glad I charted this month as I noticed my LP is still exactly 14 days. Hurray for that. So if I stay on schedule I and we conceive this month we'll be having a late September early October baby. FX!
Hi ladies, sorry I've been rubbish at updating recently. No news yet I'm afraid but I have reached full term today, hooray! We can start trying everything to encourage this lo out now!

I have a bit more time in my hands today as have been sent home from work by the school nurse. I have been sick the last couple of nights and mornings, then was sick when I got to work today. I think I'm exhausted as with all the Christmas preparations, stressing about getting my class ready for exams in the new year, preparing files to hand over to a mat cover (all the new planning had to be written by the end of the year but as i'll be off mine had to be done 2 terms earlier!) Thats in addition to regular stuff like looking after ds, everyday life and growing popcorn. I haven't slept for more than 2-3 hours in a row for weeks now.

I don't mean to moan, I am so thankful baby is doing well. Had a scan a week ago and my placenta is clear from my c-section scar so I've got the go ahead for a vbac! The sonographer estimated baby to weigh 7lbs at 36 weeks!

But while we have good news my poor sister is awaiting news of whether her baby girl will be ok. Her scan is on Friday. It's heartbreaking to think what they are going through. We are all hoping and praying everything is ok for them all.

I've rambled on about myself, but your updates are great ladies. Kerry and GenY your little ones are beautiful and I'm glad everything is going well. Don't worry about spoiling them with attention at this stage, mummy cuddles are baby's favourite.

Baby D I'm so excited for you having a wedding to prepare! I loved every minute of planning mine.

D, JBell and puppy, fingers crossed for ttc this month :dust:

Emma -- congrats on being full term and the go-ahead for the VBAC! Try your best to get some rest before LO gets here...easier said than done, I know, but even if it's just sitting on the couch watching TV, do it!

I'll be waiting with fingers crossed for your sister's scan...let me know asap how it goes.
Just a little share...
Her icle cheeks! She is amazing! Growing so so fast x

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