4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

Yay, Jess, lots of baby dust for you!

I still have not ovulated... I thought I was going to the other day, had cramping and a lot of slippery CM, yet no temp rise. I am a bit discouraged, but really just want to ovulate soon.
Emma glad to hear from you. Sorry its been so rough :( When do you get out for maternity leave?

Puppy - FX for you. Hang in there as sometimes I think my CM is EWCM but its still a little on the creamy side. It looks just like it but it's not all the way clear. Just wait, I bet in 2-4 days it will become even clearer and be true fertile CM and wa-lah! Ovulation!

Jen - Summer is sooooo cute! She looks like a very lively and inquisitive baby. Her face is like, I know you are not taking a picture of me in this headband! :haha:
Maternity leave starts on Friday as we break up tomorrow. Today is my birthday and I'm off sick again, rubbish. Dh and ds are both out now so I'm in all day on my own, boo :( I had wanted to go in but the nurse, head, hubbie and most of all my mum (she was really cross when i said i wanted to go in!) have all said to stay off and properly recover! I feel pretty anxious about the next few weeks, I think that's why I want to stay busy and I'm not sleeping at all well. Any ideas how to relax a bit more? I know there is Christmas Eve/Day/Boxing Day to keep me occupied then, but the rest of the time we'll be at home waiting!
Yipppeeee my sisters baby has been growing so well they've discharged her! 🍼💕👣🎉😅
I'm impatiently waiting for them to arrive at our house for lunch to find out more details!!!
Sorry for being so out of touch lately ladies. I think I've been extra tired this week and a bit extra moody, plus I'm being swallowed up under all the work that needs to get done before the end of the year. I'll be working all weekend and Christmas Eve, plus as much after Christmas as I can to get it all finished up so I can clear my desk for the new year.

Jen and Kerry, those babies are sooooo adorable!! :happydance:

mrspeanut, yay for almost being done even if things are manic at the moment, and so happy to hear about your sister and her baby! how are they doing?

Jess and puppy, lots of baby dust to you!!

D, how are you doing? what's the plan for this next month and how is wedding planning going?

We're doing good. I'm 30 weeks now. As I keep saying it's only another 10 weeks +/- 3 weeks! That doesn't seem long at all to be honest. I've been getting a bit more uncomfortable lately. I have a joint in my lower back/pelvis that plays up normally anyway (when I'm not pregnant) and it started to get angry a couple weeks ago, which has led to me getting some SPD. I totally don't do well being in pain for a stupid reason and not being able to do my usual activities, so it was getting me down. I was worrying that I would be like this for the next 10 weeks, not being able to walk easily, not sleeping, not being able to do things I wanted. But I started doing more pelvic and hip stretches and also saw an osteopath for it this week, and it's now much, much better. She said my silly joint that always bothers me was really stuck, so after she adjusted it, it felt much better. I also signed up for a membership at the local pool/sports centre, so I can start swimming and taking some aquanatal classes. I'm really looking forward to that and I think it will really help me. Plus, I want to start getting used to being in water, since we're hoping for a water birth. I'm not normally a pool/beach kinda person, so I think it will be nice to try it out, even if I just mostly float.

We're headed down to Devon for Christmas (even though I'm Jewish, we still do family Christmas fun with my husband's family, which I enjoy). Tim is going down tomorrow to spend some time with his brother and his partner, and then I'm going down Monday. I really couldn't fathom being away for 5 days in an uncomfortable bed when everyone else would be out late drinking and partying (all the cousins/siblings in our generation are still mostly young and single, so it's quite raucous) nor did I want to do lots of walking, which is usually what we also do. I felt like I'd be sad for myself if everyone else was doing fun stuff but I was sore and tired and trying to stay off my feet, plus I knew Tim wouldn't go out if he knew I was feeling tired and wanting to go to bed. So I'm sending him down a few days early so he can hang out with everyone without having to worry about me. Then I'll go down on Monday for Christmas Eve, Day and Boxing Day, then we'll be back Wednesday night since we both have to work on Thursday and Friday.

But I'm really looking forward to the following weekend as we have 4 days off and we're going to finish cleaning and decorating the nursery and put our cots (we have two) together and just start getting everything set up! We painted a couple weeks ago so it's starting to come together. It will be nice to have it all done and have everything in it's place. Then another month and we're on baby watch!!

What are you all doing for the holidays? Especially Jen and Kerry, what are your plans for baby's first Christmas? Anyone going out for NYE? I was making an appt to see my osteopath again for the 31st and she was like, do you really want to come then in case you are sore after and want to go out that night? I was like, um, I'll be 32 weeks pregnant! I don't think I'll be partying too hard that night, but thanks for thinking of me! :dohh:
Hi, I recognise a few names here from when I was WTT and just wanted to say Huge congrats on your Pregnancies :) x
Congratulations on your pregnancy too Vonnie and good luck on your exciting journey!!

Mind, sorry to hear you've been having pelvic and hip trouble. Like you, I found after seeing a physio (my sis!) and she did some realigning things and gave me the support belt it was much, much better.

We are going to help my sis decorate her nursery tomorrow (well I'm taking her shopping and dh is lending a hand with the painting!) It's all very exciting. We haven't had to do a nursery this time and at the moment there is a double bed in there and the cot is dismantled! We've decided to leave it till after lo gets here as he will be in a Moses basket in our bedroom for the first 10 weeks or so (this is how long we had Henry in our bedroom).

I saw the midwife today and baby is not at all engaged. They have changed their minds about allowing me in the MLU and if all is well I'll be allowed to go in there and possibly even the pool which is exciting! I am getting so impatient about baby's arrival, thank goodness for having Christmas and New Year to fill the time or I'd be going mental!

We are going away for a couple of days over Christmas but that is all, the rest of the time we are sitting tight at home/going to family who live locally.

I literally feel like the hours are days, hurry up little baby!!!
Merry Christmas everyone. I'm so grateful to have all your acquaintances. I can't believe its been two years since we all met! I will catch up with you all later!
Peanut - just read about your sister - great news!!

Happy Christmas to you all and your families. I love that our little family has grown to include two little girls, two babies on the way and a few twinkles in their mothers' eyes who will make themselves known soon!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and happy new year to you all!!

Still no sign of baby arriving yet...........
Any day now Emma!

Happy new year everyone! Hope this new year brings everything you could hope for!
Happy New Year to everyone! I hope all you ladies are doing well - babies are behaving, and that those on the way come safely and are heathy. I will be starting round 2 of Clomid in another week or so, and am thinking positive thoughts!
Happy 2013 to you all! Hope everyone is doing great. Emma, I had a dream last night that you went into labour! That's weird, I know. But I had a dream that Jen went into labour too and then it turns out she had, so hopefully it's good luck for you. :happydance:

All is well here. I'm feeling pretty good. I started swimming this morning since walking outside is getting a bit chilly and uncomfortable. It was really nice to be in the pool. I didn't immediately feel like it made much difference to my back and the weight of my bump, but when I got back out, yikes, it all felt so heavy again! So hopefully it's helping. Hopefully it's also just generally good to get used to being in water since we're planning to have a water birth. I'm not typically someone who likes being in water all that much or loves the pool/beach, so I wasn't sure how that would go, but it was nice.

We also went for our maternity ward tour on Sunday. Even though we're hoping all goes well and we have a home birth, I still wanted to see the hospital so I could at least be okay with the idea of going in if I had to. Tim and I both really hate hospitals (one of the reasons we want to have baby at home) but I thought if I at least saw it, then I'd know what to expect and it wouldn't be such a scary unknown. Actually, it was pretty okay. I'd still rather stay at home, but it wasn't as bad as I expected. I'm used to more American style hospitals, which somehow seem bigger and busier and scarier, but this was nice. Quiet, everyone was really friendly, it didn't smell like a hospital, and the rooms were nice and not too impersonal. Even the surgical theatre wasn't too scary. So that made me feel good and I don't feel as worried about having to go in now if I need to because it's not such a scary unknown anymore. They even have a really nice private suite (that you can pay for, she said it was like £100 a night) with a big plush double bed where partners can sleep as well, plus a table and mini fridge to bring in food and drinks in the room, like a hotel! Fancy. :thumbup:

How was everyone's New Year's? Hope you all managed to do something fun. We totally thought about how we really should go out since it will be our last NYE to not have to think about childcare, but just couldn't motivate. We picked up a pizza and sat at home in front of the tv! I took a bubble bath and we just barely managed to stay awake until midnight. We're getting so old now! I felt bad because I was the one who really didn't feel like going out, but my poor husband was almost asleep on the couch by 11:30pm! Hope you guys managed something more fun!
Nope still not in labour Mind, I wish your dream had been a premonition though!

We stayed in for NY but had dh's mum and dad round plus one of their friends, my sis and her bf, then were joined later by a couple of family friends. It was nice but everyone kept going on about pregnancy/labour/weight gain (I've done pretty well so they were complimenting me) but it did get a bit tiresome! I know it's lovely everyone is excited but no one is more impatient for lo's arrival than me and dh!
Nope still not in labour Mind, I wish your dream had been a premonition though!

We stayed in for NY but had dh's mum and dad round plus one of their friends, my sis and her bf, then were joined later by a couple of family friends. It was nice but everyone kept going on about pregnancy/labour/weight gain (I've done pretty well so they were complimenting me) but it did get a bit tiresome! I know it's lovely everyone is excited but no one is more impatient for lo's arrival than me and dh!

Oh I know what you mean! After the holidays, I am so darn tired of talking about myself. I saw lots of family and friends I haven't seen much (or at all) since I've been pregnant and all anyone wanted to talk about was me and pregnancy and babies. I just wanted to know what everyone did at the pub the night before and who got really drunk, etc. All I feel like I ever talk about is myself now, which is really awkward. It's also really weird like you say to feel like people are evaluating your body. I generally tend to have pretty positive body image and don't ever think much about weight or appearance (even though I'm a bit overweight). I just generally like how I look even though I try as much as possible to just blend in and not stand out in anyway. But it's weird to suddenly be the one everyone is staring at and commenting on. I know people mean well and like you said, they were mostly compliments, but it was a little unnerving. I've not gained much weight at all even though I eat plenty and as everyone says I'm 'all bump', but it totally made me self-conscious. Like should I have gained more weight than this? What if the baby isn't growing right? Am I not storing enough fat to be healthy? I'm measuring right on track and the midwives are really pleased and obviously everything is going fine, but it did make me feel a little weird for a bit. I guess you can't win, can you? :dohh:
mrspeanut, are you still pregnant?!

Jess, how is your first cycle of TTC going?

Just thought I would post a quick message before the night ends - I hope everyone is doing well! I have begun my 2nd cycle of Clomid... thinking positive thoughts!
Hey puppymom - TTC didn't go so well this round. My temps we weird and I think I missed my O date. Not 100% though.

How are you fairing?

How is everyone else?
Things are okay - I was positive about this cycle, until I screwed up and forgot my clomid one day... so, I am still hoping things work the way they should. Otherwise, I just want to get on with the next cycle!

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