4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's


I could die with excitement! How fantastic -and well-earned!!!!!!!!! Don't worry, you've got a thick cervix there to protect LO from the poking and prodding...Lord knows I did it to Summer when she was in there! Her b-day is Nov 16th -- what a WONDERFUL thing to log in and see! I remember getting my BFP on Mar 29 (she came early). So reminiscent!

Jess, how are you feeling?
Hi ladies :wave: I am so thrilled to read you got you :bfp: puppy!!! That's fabulous news! It's great to hear everyone is doing so well too :wohoo: Jess, did you go for your first scan yet? Cant wait to see your scan pics both if you!

I barely get a minute to myself anymore so I'm really sorry I've not posted for ages. Today consisted of breakfast, swimming, lunch, museum, dinner, bedtime for boys, cleaning, sewing fancy dress costume for H, ironing, and now finally it's my bedtime! I wouldn't have it any other way though :cloud9: Olly is still piling on the weight, he is a beautiful boy though and not fat. I can't believe he is nearly 2 months old.

Hope you all have exciting weekends lined up xxx

Ps my sister had her little girl too a few weeks ago after a real marathon of an induction. She had a long stay in hospital afterwards too as they couldn't get her feeding established and baby became jaundice. But all good now and they are safely back home :)
Puppy!! Woo hoo!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Congrats!!! Sorry I've been so silent lately. I'm finding it hard to have time on the computer or doing anything that requires two hands and my iPhone is so old it doesn't always like BnB during those middle of the night feeds when I actually do have free time. But what a fantastic thing to finally come on and see!! You must be so excited!! :happydance: Try not to worry and trust in your body. It knows what it's doing so just enjoy. How are you feeling? I was so exhausted at that point.

Jess, how are you doing? How was your scan? I can't believe you're 8 weeks already.

Jen, Emma, Kerry, how are those babies? How are you doing?

We are doing well. Josie is just over 5 weeks now and I *think* we are slowly getting the hang of this having a baby thing and she is slowly getting the hang of the being a baby thing. She is gaining weight well now and we are hanging in there with the breastfeeding, which I'm really proud of. It's been a rough road, as I've had mastitis and now thrush and another plugged duct (which I'm really hoping doesn't become mastitis again), and we're still using a nipple shield for most feeds (it's still sore because of the thrush). But we're doing it and she seems happy. She's been quite grumbley this past week, which I've heard is very normal around 5-6 weeks as they get a growth spurt. We are trying our best to be very baby-led with her and it's a lot of work some days (I wish I could put her down sometimes and just have her sleep for hours at a time, but she tends to sleep best being held or in bed with us and that's fine with us). But she's so good and sweet when she's not grumbley, so I don't mind too much. My mom and stepdad are coming from the US on Friday, which will be the first time they meet her, so we're excited about that. It will be good to see them and have some extra hands. Mom is so excited that I'm going to let her clean the house, which she loves doing!:thumbup: Okay, off to feed the snuggle monkey, will update again soon. Here she is on Friday at 5 weeks, all 7 lbs 3 oz of her!


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Mind - Josie is looking fantastic and beautiful! I think it was right around 5 weeks that I started to feel a trace of sanity and normalcy coming back into our lives....it only gets better from here on out. Congrats on surviving the hard part, and on your commitment to breastfeeding despite the struggles :)

Peanut - is your sister's baby healthy? How different is it being a mom of 2 now? I can't believe you're running around doing this and that already! SUPERMOM!

Anxiously awaiting updates from the rest of you...and new scan pics to come!
Emma you are supermom! I wish I could accomplish 1/4 of what you do! I'm so glad your boys are doing well!

Karen Josie is so adorable, she is just so darn cute curled up on you! I'm glad everything is coming together and that you have help coming so soon.

This post is a week late and I apologize but I've been busy getting ready for state testing.

My ultrasound was spectacular. I swear I could listen to that little heartbeat all day long. It was great. The baby's hb was 145 bpm which is great and the doc said everything looked good! Hurray! They did change my DD. When I got the scan I was 7 weeks 4 days, but my lmp put me at 7 weeks and 5 days so that's what they wanted to use. Therefore, it puts me at October 25th! That was fine with me. I also had blood drawn today and they took 4 vials! I thought I was going to be bloodless when she was through with me! Other than that, I'm still exhausted and my bbs hurt sooo bad!


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Yay! So awesome Jess! Wait til the 20 week scan! It's amazing how much they grow and change. Are you going to find out what you're having?

Grandma is here this week. I'm about to get a rare daytime shower!
I hit three milestones yesterday. I'm on spring break so I'm bored :haha: I bought the most adorable baby book based off the story "How Much I Love You." It tells everything about the baby's first year like a story about them. Its so cute. Then I bought a tunic/shirt for maternity that I can use throughout the pregnancy and after. Its supposed to be a cute empire waist tunic but as I get bigger and take up more material it will be a perfect maternity shirt. Lastly, I did 45 minutes of cardio at my dance class today. Its the first time I've worked out in 4 weeks. It felt good to get my butt off the couch.

I hope you are all doing well and it is warming up there. I live in Georgia and its flurrying. I don't think mother nature got the memo that it's supposed to be spring!

My next scan is April 13th so not to far off! I'll be 12 weeks then. I can't believe how fast its going!

Puppy how are you?
Hey ladies! So happy to hear everyone is doing so well.

Jess - do you see any bump formation yet?!

I am feeling well most of the time, but seem to be a little sensitive to smells lately. Some smells really turn me off! I am always hungry, but can't eat a ton at a time. I don't have cravings, per se, but I do have a lot of food I just don't feel like eating right now. Other than that, I'm tired, but not exhausted. When I am at work, I am good, but once I am home, I am ready for a rest. I don't nap, but usually fall asleep quite early trying to watch TV.

I have my first appointment next week - but what I really want is my first ultrasound! I have a feeling that they'll book me a dating ultrasound, as I don't think they'll trust that I know how far along I actually am! haha.

We still haven't told anyone, as I was really hoping for an ultrasound first before telling parents, but if I don't get one soon, I supposed we should tell! I have to wait for a weekend that I can go visit my family, as I don't want to tell them over the phone.

So, other than all of the above, I am just trying as hard as I can to not stress about every little thing... which is hard, as it's just the kind of person I am!
You sound just like me at six weeks! I would fall asleep watching TV at about 8pm. My doctor did a dating scan at 7 1/2 weeks. FX you'll get one then!

I do have a little bump. I attached it so you can see ;) I like to call it my baby baby bump. LOL. Its more like a little lump than anything. At six weeks I was just really bloated, now I can tell its a bump because its very firm and it doesn't go away. I really like it. I'm very happy and I am having so much fun with my pregnancy. I try not to worry, it's very hard not too though. I just talk to my little bean and hope for the best :)


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Aww, Jess and Puppy, so glad you are both doing so well! It brings back memories to hear about how your pregnancies are going. I was soooo tired in the evenings. I didn't have any cravings (actually never did really) but smells did turn me off a bit and I hardly had any appetite until 14 weeks. Then it was normal again and then it went away again towards the end. I only gained about 18 lbs though, so at least it helped with not packing on the lbs too much. :thumbup: Are you thinking of anything special for the big reveal to friends and family?

We are doing well. Josie is 8 weeks already! It's been a rough time with breastfeeding, as I've had a recurring bout of mastitis and then got some dermatitis (allergic reaction like thing on my areolas) on top of that. So that's been kinda shitty. We are now just expressing milk and supplementing with formula since I can't pump enough to meet Josie's needs. It's not quite how I'd hoped it would go, but I'm glad she's still getting some of my milk for now and she's adjusted well to the change in routine. It's still up in the air if we'll try to go back to BF or eventually switch to formula. She's doing well for now, so I'm reluctant to rock the boat to back a change either way until I have a reason to. Other than that, she's doing great. She had her first round of shots yesterday and pretty much slept through them. In fact, she's been doing great with sleeping in general. Only wakes 1-2 times a night and settles back to sleep with me right after. Last night we went to bed at 11pm, she woke up for a feed at 4am and went back to sleep until 8am. I like those kinda nights! It's helped us feel a bit more human again to get normal sleep.

My mom and stepdad were here for a visit which was really nice, but went too quickly. Tim and I did get out for lunch and drinks on day that weekend (though I cried because I missed Josie and we had to come home early lol). We are slowly returning to normal life activities though, which is really uplifting. We went hiking with her and some friends this past weekend, hoping to get out for some shopping and lunch/coffee on Saturday and then she's coming with us to a food festival in a few weeks. I can't wait to rock the beer tent with a baby! :thumbup: She loves being worn in her wrap so it's been easy for us to get out and do things now that we've figured this out. She just goes in there and sleeps until the next feed and we can go about life with two hands! We are starting baby massage classes next week and I'm also starting to think about getting back to working on my research a bit next month. I still won't go back to working for my actual job until next year, but it will be nice to be using my brain a bit again.

Okay, someone is hungry now and waking up in her wrap. Off to feed the little monster!

How is everyone else doing?
Mind, sorry to hear about your breastfeeding struggles, but glad to hear Josie is doing well... and letting you get some sleep!

I had my first scan yesterday (I thought I was at 9 weeks, but turns out I am measuring a few days ahead). So today, I am 9+6, give or take a day of course. We still haven't told our parents, mainly because we haven't seen mine. So, we are going for a visit this weekend and will share the good news!

Jess - you are looking great! I keep checking to see if I have anything, but so far, it all seems to be bloat, which is becoming much more prominent now! I can't remember, are you planning to find out the sex? I am going back and forth - DH is happy either way, but I'm kind of on the fence. I am the kind of person who wants to know things, in order to plan, so I am leaning toward finding out. But then again, it would be a fabulous surprise...
Thanks puppy! You are moving along quite quickly too! We are much closer together than I thought :) Yes I know what you mean about bloat! I have to take those on Saturday mornings right when I wake up to get an accurate picture. We forgot to take one this week though and I'm really starting to get a little bump going on :(

We also have our 12 week scan tomorrow and I'm sooooo excited! I can't wait to see the little guy. I think it is a boy, based on the dream and intuition. I won't be disappointed if it is a girl though. And yes we will find out.

Karen I'm sorry you are experiencing all those -itisis. It sounds awful. I'm so glad to hear Josie is doing well though and that she is sleeping so well. I hope I get that lucky! Also, what type of wrap did you get? There are so many of those I don't know where to start.
Yes, I would also love to know about the wraps! I definitely want to get an Ergo, or something similar for when baby is a little bit older, but am wondering about a softer one for when he/she is just a newborn.
Got to see baby today! It was so wonderful. He/She got the hiccups and it was so adorable. The u/s tech even hinted (basically said) it was a boy. She kept pointing out a little "part" by the legs. She tried to look at its bottom to be certain but baby wouldn't cooperate and wanted to sit cross-legged. She is going to let me come back in 2 weeks to see for sure. But as for now we are thinking boy. Also the NT scan came back clear so we are so grateful for that! I'm just so excited that everything is well and I get to see baby again in 2 weeks :happydance:


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Hello Lovely Ladies,

Loved reading everyones updates!! So excited for you Jess and Puppymom, so glad you can go through this together!!! Glad to hear everything is going good with everyone else. Karen Josie is soo cute!! Sorry to hear you have been having some problems but glad all is ok. Emma so glad everything was ok with your sisters baby girl.

Nothing much happening over in Oz, its starting to get a bit cold....damn!! I love the summer!! Kaylee is getting big. She is 6 months in a Week!! She has 2 bottom teeth poking through and she rolls over back to front and can sit up for a few minutes but is a bit wobbly still. It goes sooo fast, make sure you cherish every day and every cuddle and let them sleep on you as they grow up soo quickly:cry::cry::cry::cry: Im still breastfeeding its going good and sometimes give her a bottle of formula just so she knows how to drink from a bottle as we had that problem of her not taking a bottle as We never offered her one. She got it finally though. She was nearly sleeping through at 3 months but not anymore!!Not sure if its the 4month regression everyone goes on about or the growth spurts?? She has a hard time with self settling if she wakes during the night. When I put her down for the night she goes down straight away and just goes to sleep which is awesome, but give her a dummy during the night so she can get back to sleep quickly if she wakes up. We have mothers group on fridays which is awesome, meeting mums around the same age in your area and we all get along really well. Also on Tuesdays we go to swimming lessons and sometimes rhyme time on a wednesday when it doesnt clash with us taking Mal to the airport or picking him up. She has her third lot of needles next week, she seemed ok with the others. She is a very happy quiet baby. Doesnt cry much or winge just when she is tired. Everyone says how quiet and happy she is as some of the babies in mothers group make so much noise!! Its funny!! Oh yeah we started solids a few weeks ago and she loves carrot,potato,pumpkin and zucchini, hates the rice cereal so am going to try fruit soon oats in another month or so

Cant wait to see your bump photos!! Jess you are tiny and gorgeous!



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Mal and Kaylee swimming lessons


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Oh Puppy and Jess, so good to hear all is going well! I love seeing those scan pics! I remember so clearly the first time we saw Josie. I'd had that bit of bleeding and they sent me in for a scan just to check everything was okay, and there she was on the screen just dancing around and kicking her skinny little legs in the air totally oblivious to how much worry she was causing us! It was such a magical day realising it was all really happening. Jess, I'll be curious to hear about your next scan and if your intuition was right. All the dreams I had were of us having a girl, but in my waking hours, I was convinced she was a boy. I didn't even know what I was looking at when they handed her to me and needed the midwife to tell me what she was (which is hilarious now that I've seen friends' little boys getting changed because it's pretty obvious she wasn't a boy! lol). I think we would probably find out next time though because we'd like a boy so we have one of each, so it would be nice to know as soon as we can.

Kerry, Kaylee is getting so big now! I've only just started all the baby groups and things and I have to say it's really nice to get out of the house and have some adult conversation. I have coffee every Tuesday with the other ladies from my birthing class (there's only 6 of us, so it's a nice little tight group) and we are taking a baby massage class for the next month on Wednesdays. Then once that's over, my village preschool has a baby and toddler playgroup on Wednesdays so we'll start going to that. We really want to do swimming lessons too. How have you found them? When did you start? Does Mal usually go with her? Tim really wants to do swimming with her and we found some local classes on Saturday, but just not sure how soon we should start (also not sure we want to get up and out of the house that early on a Saturday just yet either! lol).

We're doing great. Josie is 10 weeks old now. We were having all those BF problems, which sadly didn't get any better, so we decided to make the switch to formula. The mastitis had cleared up (though I feared it coming back again) but the dermatitis just did too much damage. Literally, all the thick, tough, protective skin on my areolas just got all inflamed and then peeled off, so they were really raw and sensitive (still are now actually). I tried so hard to pump but even pumping alllll day I couldn't keep up my supply. I don't know if it was really low to begin with or I just don't respond to a pump, but it would take me all day just to get one bottle of breastmilk, and then eventually I couldn't even get that much. I realized eventually that I was losing so much time with Josie just trying to pump not even one feed's worth of milk that I had to give myself permission to stop. It was awful (for me). But she's fine and has been really forgiving of us while we try to figure out what the heck to do. Now life is so much less stressful without all my boob problems getting in the way of her feeding and we have so much time together again. Now we take walks and do our baby massage together and play and read books and it's just better. I'd like to BF our next baby though, so now I feel like I have a better idea of why we had the problems we did, so hopefully it will be easier then.

Besides all that, I've been really enjoying just getting out of the house with her, going for walks, going shopping, meeting up with my mummy friends for coffee. She loves being in her carseat and pretty much sleeps all the time when we're out. Actually, she pretty much sleeps all the time in general. I think the formula does help, but even on breastmilk, she was sleeping 4 hours at a stretch at night. Now she usually wakes once around 3-4am and then gets up sometime around 6:30-8am. I almost get more sleep now than before (hoping it's not just a phase and I didn't jinx myself saying that). And she naps lots during the day, so sometimes I'm almost bored without her to hang out with! I need to start doing some of my doctoral research work again in the next month, so I'm hoping I can take advantage of some of those nap times.

In other news, Tim is leaving his job at the end of this month and starting his own business, which is both exciting and terrifying. He's going to do a little bit of freelance web design, which he does some of at his current job, but he's also opening up a blacksmithing workshop, so doing bespoke metal work (you know, if your fancy house needs a gate or you want some custom candle holders or fire poker thingy). He's an amazing artist and really creative and he's wanted to do this for awhile. It was just a matter of him getting fed up enough with his job to make the plunge. So hopefully it makes us lots of money (or at least enough for us to survive while I'm on my maternity leave :thumbup:).

Okay, it's feeding time again....oh, and as for wraps, we have an ErgoBaby (not a wrap, but similar idea) and we like it for walks and shopping and such, but we also have a Moby wrap which we use all the time, literally like daily. It's so great and it was the key to soothing Josie early on. She really likes being snug in there (I guess it's like swaddling and they love that) and it makes life so much easier for us because we can still do stuff with two hands, in fact, she's in there as I write this! I highly recommend them. We don't wear it outside with her much yet (it's kinda cold and the Ergo is warmer), but its fantastic for being at home and I can sit with her in it for hours while she naps.
Karen!! Great to hear from you! In Australia most places let you start 'swimming lessons' at 4 months so we started around then. Only because we have a pool and want her to be a water baby!! Mal goes in with her every second week when he is on break, he loves doing it with her. It's just getting them used to the water really. Singing songs putting water over there head and face, getting them to collect things in the water. And sitting them on the wall and dunking them in the water. You don't dunk them straight down into the water you do it horizontal so they learn to jump in leaning in to the water so they don't hit their heads. She already closes her eyes before she goes under so she is learning!

Sorry to hear about your breastfeeding, sounds awful!! Hopefully they will start healing soon. You are probably more upset about not feeding her as Josie is happy any way she gets fed. Can't wait to see more pics of her.


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