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4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

Ouch, poor you D! Glad you are recovering well from having your appendix out though.

I think your plan to wait is probably the best idea, nothing more stressful than not having enough income. I really hope that your dh's company get their skates in though so you can stick as near to your plan as possible :)

So fed up at the moment ladies, just feeling sorry for myself I guess! I've started getting really tired again but ds does not want to sleep at all in the day so not getting any chance to catch up on sleep. I feel like I'm on my own looking after him all the time as dh's shift pattern means he is on nights when I'm off most of the time. The house is a tip, I've not even started getting stuff ready for new baby, and work is just crazy. We adopted a 'new' curriculum last year and this year all the plans must be finalised and written in detail for storing on the network in case of inspection. As I'm going off at Christmas mine need to be done 2 terms earlier than everyone else! I am starting work again every night after putting ds to bed. I just feel knackered! I can't wait for mat leave! Xx
Oh Peanut, sounds like you're burning the candle at all ends! What a rough deal -- when does maternity leave start for you?

I can't imagine running after a toddler all day while pregnant, especially as you are now in your last trimester, yes?

Sending you hugs and hoping things lighten up for you.

Not much going on here -- 40 days until EDD! Still working away although it is definitely getting harder and I spend most evenings after work as a zombie on the couch. Have managed to "nest" enough to get all the clothes and bedding washed (but not put away) and have purchased almost everything we need, but the nursery is still 50% chaos and disaster. Not to mention the rest of the house.....day-dreaming about a day of maid service before LO gets here....
Thanks Gen. Wow 40 days! Managed to do a few bits in the last few days, got out ds old clothes and ordered some bits and pieces online that we need. Mil dragged me out shopping and bought a lovely set of baby clothes. We have been offered a 'big present' for baby but have nothing we need as we have all the furniture we can fit in the nursery and our pram has all the accessories too.

But had some really bad news today which kind of puts things in perspective though. My sister, who is also expecting, had her 20 week anomaly scan today and they also did a fetal echo. They have found that baby has moderate tricuspid valve regurgitation. She was given an amnio but the results don't come through till Friday. They (my sis and her boyf) don't know yet what this means for them or baby, but a termination has been mentioned. I have been scouring the net to find info but I can't find anything that explains it simply! I think if it has been caused by a 'disease' e.g. Edwards, Ebsteins, Patau, then the prognosis is really not good. If it is a congenital heart defect on its own then that means baby would probably need surgery very early on, but perhaps the prognosis is better. My sister is in bits, I don't know what to say to her. This is every expectant parents worst nightmare :'( Her pregnancy has been plagued with problems - she is type 1 diabetic, rhesus negative and had group b strep. I just want to support her but don't know the best way to. I guess all they can focus on is Friday's results now.
Gen, I can't believe you only have 40 days to go! I remember when we were going to be TTC buddies, and now at this rate, you'll be a mommy before I even get my BFP! At least I'll have some good people to go to with all my pregnancy questions when I get to that stage :)
Puppy - I definitely jumped the gun a little -- it's amazing how life and biology (and impatience) alter your plans for you! I can't wait to see your BFP and will be watching along very closely!!!!

Peanut - what terrible news! Working in pediatric cardiology myself, I see a fair amount of these heart defects, and my hope for your family is that it isn't associated with a genetic disorder, but rather is just an abnormal finding on it's own (Ebstein's anomaly would be the most likely -- this is where the tricuspid valve sits lower than usual, all the way in the right ventricle, instead of between the atrium and ventricle). Or it could just be a bad valve on it's own (floppy, missing a leaflet, etc). I would definitely wait for the fetal echo (with a pediatric cardiologist) before making any suggestions to terminate or not...many of these issues can be treated very successfully and though they require surgeries and hospital stays, the quality of life can still be wonderful (as long as there aren't other genetic issues). I see kiddos come through here all the time with seriously messed up hearts...and we are able to do amazing things these days to give them a fairly normal childhood, and most can still play recreational sports, etc. Sending all my good thoughts that way....
Thanks Gen. The lady that spoke to my sister at the hospital warned her that even if it was a congenital heart defect, not a genetic disorder, that she'd only seen one baby live past a month with this condition. They said that they could find no other anomalies or physical abnormalities. From what I found online though, babies have been born alive and more than that they have successfully been operated on and are now happy older kids. In one case I read the regurgitation got less as the pregnancy went on and by 29 weeks was gone. Have you heard of that happening? I could only find one example of that though
Oh my goodness gracious -- I have seen plenty of babies live with that and worse congenital heart defects! Just because SHE hasn't seen it, doesn't mean that at the larger centers it doesn't happen every day!

I will say that it is unlikely to regress on it's own, but anything is possible. We just need to wait for more info (hugs)
Hey ladies!!!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I finally have a moment to check in. Yes I am still alive! :winkwink: Oh my gosh these 3 months have been absolute insanity. With being only a second year teacher and grade level chair, with a BRAND NEW curriculum there have been times where I have worked until 11 o'clock at night. Honestly we are lucky that John and I never decided to TTC. I can not imagine the stress that would be added to me with this year of my career and trying to get ready for a baby. We just ended up not being there yet and I am very glad we waited. We really needed the extra year; however, I can feel baby fever slowly creeping back in.

On the other hand how is everyone?

Kerry - what is going on??? Are you doing well, is baby here yet? Any baby bump updates, names, gender reveal???

Jen - I can't believe how far we have all come and how differently all of our journeys have ended up. I need some sonogram pictures or some baby bump pics or something! I'm so excited!!! Have you and DH finalized baby names?

Karen - how are you doing? How is work going? Any cravings or anything so far? Also, are you team yellow too?

Emma - Congrats on your baby boy! I bet you can't wait until you have both your boys in your arms and everything gets re-established as a routine! I know you were throwing baby names out too, did you decided on anything that goes perfectly with Henry?

D - I'm so glad you are ok! I have never had a major surgery and I can only imagine how frightening an appendicitis is! Also, congrats on the new house and DH's new job! I'm so happy new baby talk is still in the mix!

puppy - It is so awful that you and OH are having such a tough time with TTC. You are definitely in my thoughts. Just hang in there and I hope you get the help you need from your doctors and get your BFP soon!!!
Hey Jess, good to see you back! Sounds like things have been hectic for you - I know how you feel!! I think we are settled on calling our lo Oliver. It is super popular at the moment, I know loads of little Olivers, but dh has a huge family and no-one is called that, plus I have taught a few lovely Olivers so I have a good feeling about the name :)

My sister received the amnio results today - her baby has not got a genetic disorder so there is a glimmer of hope and we continue to pray baby keeps developing well and growing strong. They will meet with a pediatric cardiologist in 6-7 weeks and have another fetal echo to see what is going on. Its such a horrible time for her and her boyf, despite being thrown together by this unexpected pregnancy they are sticking together and are being so strong.
Hey all x

So sorry to hear that your sister is suffering right now xx Will be praying that the 6 week check shows all is well xx

Am all excited right now as OH has said he wants us to get married! We are engaged -- could just never afford a wedding! Until now! We are hoping to marry in around 18 months to give us time to book, plan and save!

Am super excited!
Oh BABY D! Congratulations again and again!!! How fun to get to plan your wedding -- will you have a big one or a small one? Local or destination? I'd be going nuts on Pinterest for ideas if I were you -- I'm lucky that wasn't around when I was planning my wedding! I'd have been addicted!

Jess - glad to see you are alive and well, even if buried under work! Hopefully things will slow down a little for you soon. Any vacations planned?

Puppy - how are things going for you - getting any closer with tests and treatments? My fingers are always crossed for you!

I am ginormous and ready to burst. I think Emma saw a post I put under 3rd timester boards, but I ended up in pre-term labor last Thurs. Nothing crazy, but was dilated 1cm and 50% effaced, got admitted for a few hours to get fluids and meds to stop contractions. Was sent home with no restrictions or bedrest, so back at work as of yesterday. Definitely still having sporatic contractions but nothing coordinated or regular. Also have been losing (and regenerating, then losing again?) my mucus plug since Sunday. At this point, I feel like baby and I are both ready for labor -- even if it is a little early. I'm labor symptom spotting like crazy and it is super hard to focus on anything else! I feel very "zen" and "ready" for this baby, even though the house isn't in tip top shape and not everything is put away quite yet. I never did get that nesting burst of energy (yet). I don't even think my MW would be too upset -- she just wanted me to make it to 35 weeks, which was yesterday, so that I didn't have to be sent to the "higher risk" labor and delivery unit. Even DH is getting impatient! I think we are just both so excited to meet this little creature!

Alas, here is a belly (and semi-face) pic--don't mind the messy hair...
You look great, Gen! I can't wait to hear your birth story - it's going to be soon!

I *should* be expecting AF soon, as I just finished my last progesterone last night. And then, hopefully I can actually get in this time for my HSG test!
Wooooohoooo! Congratulations D! How exciting. You will have to give us all the details when you figure them out.

Jen you look amazing! It looks like baby is riding high in your belly? Do you feel that way? Does that "predict" boy or girl?

Puppy - fx that your cycle finally gains normalcy!
Oh girls, so many fun updates here!

Puppymom - Bring on AF! Fingers crossed for you! How are you feeling about it all still?

Baby D - Congrats!! Yay for getting married!! I'd love to hear what you're thinking of as far as plans so far.

Jess - Gosh, isn't it amazing how life works out and steers you in the right direction. Sounds like you guys totally made the right decision with waiting. Being pregnant is exhausting and very distracting, and you definitely want to be in the right place and really ready for it. What's the plan now? Will you wait until the spring or summer of next year?

Emma - Sorry to hear about everything with your sister and her baby! That must have been so heartbreaking and scary for all of you. But I'm really glad to hear it's nothing genetic and hopefully it will turn out to be something that's easy enough to repair, so her LO can live a happy, healthy life. I'm sure that really must put so much in perspective for you guys though. I'll be waiting to hear your update in a few weeks time.

Jen - Awww, you look awesome!! Sorry to hear about the pre-term labor, but sounds like your body knows what it's doing. Sounds like your midwife is comfortable with everything and you and DH are feeling ready, so whatever happens will be the right time for you. When do you stop work though? Is there any way to stop sooner so you can rest a bit before baby comes?

Kerry - How are you? What's the update on that bump? (Has anyone heard any updates from Kerry? She must be just getting to her due date in this next week, right?)

I'm good. I hit 24 weeks (my 'V day' as you might say) which is really quite nice. I've been joking with my husband all week that it's a damn good thing that we are this far along in case the U.S. election throws me into preterm labour (not funny, but I'm kinda crazy about politics, so it's kinda funny!). Thankfully, though I'm exhausted today (was up from 2am GMT last night watching the results come it), it was a pretty easy and stress-free experience all around. Baby definitely liked Obama's acceptance speech though and was kicking up a storm. Though, it may have also been all the cookies I ate throughout the night.

I'm looking well and truly pregnant now. Like I'm not huge, actually my doula said I had a small cute bump, but it's not like a little bloaty bump anymore. It's a full on pregnant bump. I'm still feeling really good though. No major complaints at all. I just recently booked our natal hypnotherapy class and our NHS breastfeeding class for December, which is fun. The fact we are actually taking classes next month makes it seem like we're really getting closer now. I also had my first real meeting with my doula this past weekend, which was really great. Super empowering and encouraging. I just feel really good about it all, so that's got to be a good thing. We did do a bit of 'nesting' a few weeks ago. We organized our storage room (which is our third bedroom) because it was a disaster! Now everything is boxed up in an organized way and put away in closets and cupboards, and we have plenty of extra space for moving the non-baby furniture out of our guest room/nursery. My mom just booked her flight to come visit us for about a week and a half starting the 27th of November, so it will be great to see her and do some baby shopping when she is here. Then once she heads home and gives us back our guest room, we'll have a bunch of time off over Christmas and can get the nursery all ready.

All in all, things are really good. Oh, and I can feel/see baby kick on the outside now and my husband felt it too last week, which was awesome! I also had a bit of a leaky nipple a few days ago, which more than anything else made it all feel real for me. Like, we're actually getting closer to meeting this little creature! :happydance:

Maybe if I think of it and I have the energy later (after a post-election nap) I'll take a photo so you can all see the bump progress.
Congratulations on deciding to get wed D! :dance:

Thank you all for your warm wishes for my sister's baby. Next scan is on my birthday a week before Christmas. Hoping and praying its good news.

Heartburn has really kicked in this week, as has impatience! I can't wait to start mat leave! Got a changing table for baby last weekend and car seat foot muff. Got dh up in the loft sorting bits out too and bringing down Henry's baby things so feeling more ready for this baby to arrive now! It was Henry's 2nd birthday a few days ago. We just had a little family party but he had a great time with his grandparents and auntie.

Glad everyone is getting on ok, its been fun to read all the updates :) Was wondering about Kerry too. Hope we hear a birth story soon! Great pic too Gen, you are carrying a lot higher than me so maybe something in that boy/girl thing....we'll have to wait and see!!
Yep -- I've been carrying high this entire time. I believe that favors a girl! :)
I have the rest of this week, then three more weeks of work. And THAT is even with taking my 39th week off! Luckily no one is expecting me to take the stairs anymore!

I'm so glad to hear updates from everyone else again!
Mind - congrats on V-day and having a cute bump -- the second trimester is so enjoyable and I bet you look glowingly fabulous!
Peanut - When do you start mat leave? Is your nursery all set up?
Puppy - bring on the witch! Let's get this baby-making machine up and running!

I hope Kerry is doing alright as well, I think her baby is more than close to being due at this point - if I remember she was a good full month ahead of me, and I've only got 32 days left!
I haven't heard from Kerry at all lately, I hope all is well with her and baby!

As for me, AF came today! Now, I'm not assuming that I'll ovulate, as it didn't make any difference last cycle, but at least I can get on with my HSG test, which will be next week (assuming all goes as planned). Finally!
OH PUPPY THAT IS GREAT NEWS!!!!!!! What day of the cycle do you do the test?
Gen, it's between days 5 and 10, for my doctor anyway!
Woo hoo puppymom!! Excellent news!! Sending you lots of happy baby making vibes this month!

Jen, oh gosh, good for you!! I seriously think I'd be ready to sit down and put my feet up by then if I were you! Granted, this is coming from someone who isn't planning to really take maternity leave until at least 38 weeks. But I just sit on my ass all day at a desk, so that somehow seems easier. What's your maternity leave plan? Do you get any extra leave/vacation time/sick time you can use if you wanted it?

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