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4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

Wow, I can't believe some of you ladies are getting so far along (and then I can't believe I'm getting so far along too!). Jen, you must feel so excited! Yay for kicking! Kerry, how is that maternity leave going?

Baby is moving around all the time now. It was literally like a switch flipped on at 14 + 5 and then suddenly I felt it constantly! Today I can actually feel my uterus really starting to move up more because the kicking around is a lot higher than it was when it started. I've been extra moody the past day or so stressing about work (or the lack thereof it, at the moment) and then I feel a little jiggle down there and it all seems okay again! I have my 2nd midwife appointment tomorrow, so should hopefully get to hear baby's heartbeat and get to find out all the fun blood/urine test results.

We also ordered our pram/travel system yesterday. I was really not especially keen on even getting one right away because I don't feel like we'll use it all that much to start (there's really no where to take one around here that it's rough roads or mud) and I want to use a carrier so I can have my hands free. But then I found this one and I was like, I must have that for £200 off! I love a sale. :haha:


Thankfully, my mom was hoping to buy me something for my birthday and I convinced her this was what we wanted. I've never see one I even liked before, but now I love this one so much! How lame is that? But it's sturdy and the massive wheels mean we can actually use it around here without breaking it too much. So we have a pram and car seat now! Well, we don't have it, but it should be here sometime next week. I can't wait to push it around the house (because I don't want to be that crazy person pushing it around the village just yet!).

We're going to the beach this weekend for 2 nights to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. I'm looking forward to a nice dinner out on Saturday at one of our favorite pubs (and I might even enjoy a pint! I figure if there is an excuse for having a drink, it might be our wedding anniversary). I'm also looking forward to stuffing my face with the tier of wedding cake that's been taking much half our freezer for the past year! Yum, it was so good. :happydance:
Ooo like your travel system mind! Happy anniversary for this weekend too!
Gen, Summer Navani is a lovely name! Makes me think of a carefree, happy little girl :)

And congrats too Baby D on setting a ttc date! :dance:

Things been pretty quiet over here, started back at work a week ago which is taking some getting used to! I'm huffing and puffing every time I climb the 2 floors to my classroom! Lol. I have a nice class again and only one term before mat leave :)

Having continued debates about names. Dh likes Isaac or Oliver. I think I like them too. I am so indecisive at the moment though, I'll be popping him out and still debating it!

The weather has turned manky and miserable here now, summer is a distant memory. So what's everyone got planned between now and Christmas? (Apart from giving birth for Kerry and Gen!)
Glad to hear you are all doing well and are feeling so wonderful and happy :)

School is soooo stressful. I have so much on my plate. I am working 10 hour days everyday then some and then weekends to. Add 150 kids to that and :wacko: Ugh I really hope it lightens up soon but I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet.

I'm glad we decided to go on a month by month basis because right now I can't imagine trying to juggle this and my responsibilities at school. I would be slacking with one or the other and I'm not willing to do that.

Other than that I do have wonderful things coming up. We are getting a new couch in one week! Hurray for no more couch that smells like feet. Yuck! My DH has had this couch for about 7 years and it is pleather (fake looking leather) and old and gross and it SERIOUSLY smells like feet. So we got a new sectional that we both love. Also, I'm getting my GACE certification exam scores Monday. I'm nervous about those but I'm ready to see whether or not I passed. And the last thing we have planned is camping. We are going in 3 1/2 weeks and I can not wait. I love love love camping. Plus, camping means I'm on fall break and I'm so ready for that. Then comes fall which is college football, festivals, great weather, etc. and I'm ready for fall. Wow that's a lot and if you didn't get that, I'm ready for Fall :winkwink:. I just wish school would calm down then I will be 100% wonderful.

What are everyone else's plans? I bet you ladies will be super busy soon with baby stuff! Kerry you probably already are!
We dropped completely off the first page and I had to go searching to find us! So I thought I had to do something to fix that and bump us back up. :thumbup:

How is everyone? What are your weekend plans? I'm doing good. 17 weeks this week. It feels like things are really moving along now. Baby is so active, which is really nice (though I'm sure it will be more annoying in 3rd tri when I'm just trying to sleep!). Our pram/travel system arrived this week and it's awesome!! We didn't even see it in person before we bought it. It just felt like it was the right one for us, and it had everything we wanted, looked nice, and was 50% off (I'm easily swayed by a good deal!). Here's some pictures once we got it all set up. (Please ignore our ugly curtains. The patio door is really tall and they are the only ones we found that fit it, but they are a bit too floral.)

Our anniversary was good. We did lots of relaxing and walking. My husband read baby books on the deck in the sun with me. We went out to dinner and I had a half pint of Guinness, which wasn't nearly as exciting as I'd hoped, but did help make me feel slightly normal again for one night. I think I'll look forward more to a glass of red wine in the bath in 3rd tri. That sounds nicer! Overall, it was a really nice weekend though. This weekend we'll just be hanging around at home, maybe doing some baby shopping and going for a hike. It's starting to get really cold here! I need to get in all my outdoor activities before I start to freeze my butt off.

Also, last night we went to see a film that was being screened on natural and home birth, the birth choice movement and the prosecution of midwives for helping women birth in places where they're illegal. It's called Freedom for Birth. Here's the website with the trailer:


It was really good. And it was really nice to get to talk to other women who've had natural births. It was really encouraging. Plus, everyone there seemed to have taken yoga with the same instructor I'm going to be starting up taking classes with next week, so now I'm really looking forward to it. I've missed yoga, and lately my back has been feeling really stiff. It's becoming increasingly challenging to touch my toes as easily as before, so that's probably why. So I'm hoping that helps a bit!

What have you all been up to?


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oooh mind that is lovely!

I sooo tired from being back at work! Teaching the little ones is lovely but knackering! So glad to hear everything is well -- 2 more periods and then I am on it! Whoop! Hurry up December!
Cool looking buggy mind!

Hope work gets better for you soon Jess. How is the new sofa? Lol at the old one smelling of feet!

Found out today I may not be able to have a vbac as I have an anterior placenta. I will have another scan at 36 weeks to determine where the placenta actually is. If its clear of my c-section scar then it's all ok, if its not clear and has embedded then most likely I'll have a scheduled section. Bit disappointed about that prospect but I would only ever do what's best for baby. Just got to wait and see now.

I have the GTT in 10 days too, but fingers crossed all is fine, certainly I feel fine. My biggest concern is mil seems to think she's staying with me through it?! All we asked was could she pick me up after it cos dh is at work and last time I nearly fainted so probably best to avoid driving straight after. I don't think I'll cope with 2 hours in a hospital waiting room feeling hungry and sick and making small talk with her! Lol

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend :) xx
Oh my gosh, the glucose test and your mother-in-law at the same time? Now that is torture.
I haven't been on the site in ages! Mind – I love that travel system... it looks a lot like our black Bob stroller with the black car seat! Peanut – I really hope you're able to have the vbac... but you have a great attitude, whatever is safest. Baby - you're counting down to trying, and I am counting down to delivery at the same time! Bring on December!
Here things are rolling along, I have definitely gotten a lot bigger in the last couple of weeks. It's like I suddenly went from being a little pregnant oh my God pregnant. I had a bit of a scare when I went for my glucose test and 28 week appointment. My blood pressure wasn't high, but it was quite elevated compared to my normal. Good news is that every reading since has been back down to normal, I think I was just really nervous for the test. Amazingly, despite all the cookies I've been sneaking, I passed my glucose test! I was politely told, however, to watch my weight. Just when I had stopped worrying about it so much!
The husband and I are headed to the coast this weekend, which should be a nice little getaway. Then it is the month of baby showers in October! Good thing too, because I'm starting to freak out a little bit that we don't have things ready...
Updated bump pictures to come soon…
So glad everyone is doing well! I took my progesterone to get AF started, and was supposed to have my HSG test but the doctor was away during the time that they should have done it. So, I have to wait for my next day 1 for that - very frustrating. If I don't have a regular length cycle, I am going to have to ask for the progesterone again. I have been really bad at tempting as well, but want to start again to see where my temps are... not good at remembering it anymore though!

Anyhow, we are going to be trying really hard to get some BDing in regularly so that if I do actually ovulate, something might happen... although as of yet, anytime I have ovulated, it seems to have been too weak.
Hey puppymom, what a pain your doc was away! When will your next day 1 be if your cycle is a regular length? I was crap at temping too, lol, but when I did get it right it was really interesting. I think my hubby would love some regular bding as well! It's been so long I can't even remember the last time we did it! Hah hah! He is on nights again for the third weekend in a row and I'm just too exhausted during the week cos I'm at work. Are you going to use opks? I thought they were quite good and really cheap off eBay.

Well 100 days to go from today till edd! I am hoping baby will come a week early though and make it for New Year's Day, that would be very cool! The 8th is just about the day most kids go back to school after the Christmas break so that would be a bit of pants for lo to have that every year. Feel like I am clock watching almost as getting pretty big and tireder now. We've got everything we need for baby too as have all ds's stuff and just added a couple of new bits to it. I want to get really excited about it all, but with Henry and work taking up all my time I just don't feel like I have the chance to be. I wondered about getting out the sewing machine again and learning to make a few bits cos maybe that would help? What do you all do for hobbies/me time?

Regular length is nonexistent for me, haha, but if I went by the 28 day cycle, CD 1 would be Oct. 20. I have OPKs but find they sometimes frustrate me because my cycles are soooo long. I might use them in the next few days just to see what happens. You never know, I guess it's not impossible for my body to ovulate on time!
Peanut - I'm counting down too...surely baby wouldn't mind coming a little early, eh?
I feel as if I have no hobbies!!! I've found prenatal yoga to be great me-time, but have only gone twice. Otherwise my me-time these days is napping! I do love to read as well, need to read something non-preggo/parenting related to keep my sanity I think. Any recommendations?
Puppy - boo on your doc!!! Let's get this train rolling!!!
It's been so long since we've been updating this regularly. Too long! How are you ladies doing? Jen, Kerry, mrspeanut, how are you preggos doing? Kerry, you must be getting close to your due date now right? Woo hoo!! Ladies who are waiting/TTC, Jess, baby D, puppymom, how are things going? Any new developments?

I'm doing well as is baby. I'll be 21 weeks tomorrow. We had our 20 week scan last week and it all went pretty well. Baby is healthy and measuring right on target. I did find out I have a low-lying placenta, but it's just low, not touching the cervix at all, so it should move up in a few weeks time and be well out of the way for birth. I have to go back at 36 weeks for one last scan just to check, so that should hopefully be reassuring (and not too bad to get to see baby again!). We are still :yellow:. I did have a good look during the scan, and I swear I did see a penis at one point, but then when she went between the legs to measure the femur, all I saw were lines! So we are still blissfully unaware of what we're having, though I'm starting to feel intuitively it might be a boy.

I started my pregnancy yoga a few weeks ago and it's been awesome! It's made a huge difference already in how I feel. My hips were starting to hurt a little at night, but now I do some stretches every day and keep up my usual exercise and it's gone away. It's starting to get a little colder and darker here in the evenings so in a few weeks, I'm planning to join a gym/pool so I can have somewhere to go to walk on the treadmill and swim when it's chilly outside. I'm so looking forward to swimming! I just hope this bump fits in my suit! Have any of you preggo ladies taken up swimming? Did you have to buy a maternity suit or could you pull it off in your regular one? I have a tankini so I'm hoping that will stretch sufficiently, even if I do look like a bit of an overstuffed sausage. Oh, and we also hired our doula, which I'm pretty pleased about and we have our first official appt with her in a few weeks. We still haven't done much in the way of baby shopping, but I do have some basic outfits/sleepsuits, and of course, we have our travel system. We went to look at a cot bed we like over the weekend and it looked pretty good, and my husband put a bid in today at an auction house next to his office for a wardrobe we like that will match. So we might get a few of those things soon. Otherwise, I'm mainly putting it off because I hate to shop but my mom loves to, so I'm hoping she'll just take me and make me do it when she's here!

Other than that, life is just moving along. I feel soooooo much better in 2nd tri than in 1st tri. I feel normal again, bigger, but normal. But my brain works again and I enjoy food again and I don't fall asleep while I'm working anymore. I'm just nearing finishing up a massive project for my research that I've been working on for the past year. It should be done and the 100+ pages of materials should be submitted by the end of this month, so that will feel like an awesome weight off my shoulders. Then I just have one last thing to work on and get finished up before February and then I'm hoping to have a few weeks of maternity leave off before my due date if I can swing it. My mom is coming over too at the end of next month (after Thanksgiving for the other Americans), so it will be great to see her and have a week off just to hang out. She won't be back over until after the baby is here, so it will be nice just to have this time with her. So that's about it. I should get back to working and not procrastinating (or else I never will finish this crap by the end of the month!!).

Hope you all are doing great! I want updates!!

Oh, and here's some pics of our little nugget from last week's scan. I just love that cute little face!


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Mind, glad things are going well with you!

I just went in today to have my pharmacy request a new prescription of the progesterone from my doctor so I can bring on my next cycle. This waiting game is frustrating.
Mind - your little one looks gorgeous! And congrats on staying yellow! The second trimester was LOVELY for me - I had great energy and appetite (too good at times!) and was really able to enjoy going out a lot with friends. I suggest spending as much time being social as possible, as we all know it gets harder once LO is here.

Puppy - sorry you're stuck on the waiting game, but also reassuring that you are still moving forward with your efforts, despite how slowly they may be going for you.

I am 32 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I felt pretty awesome up until about a week ago, when I suddenly got quite a bit of swelling. My blood pressure is fine, so it isn't pre-eclampsia, but I kind of wish it was so I'd have a reason to go on bedrest! Energy is definitely decreasing again and it is just hard to be up and moving around all the time. On the plus side, less than 8 weeks to go until I get to meet this little mover and shaker in my belly! DH and I are getting so excited, especially now that we have had baby showers and we have baby stuff ALL over the house. The nursery isn't finished, of course, but most of what we need to do at this point is just organizing and buying a few more essentials. We are even almost done with our childbirth classes (only one left!) which feels pretty epic as well. I'm getting very excited for my mom to stay with us after the baby is born...I can't imagine having to do it without her!

I can't wait to hear how the rest of you are doing!
Hi ladies!

Gorgeous pictures of your lo Mind! Congratulations on getting your project done too! I think maternity costumes will be more comfortable and flattering when you get a big bump, but I just used a big sized cheap one as couldn't afford to spend the money on one which I knew I wouldn't use often!

I am just over 28 weeks now and starting to feel very stretched and uncomfortable! Baby seems to enjoy pushing my ribs especially on the right hand side. Henry has been projectile vomiting tonight so very tired now, had to change my clothes twice and so did dh as he got us both! Last day at school tomorrow before the half term break and only 6 weeks to go after that!

Exciting Gen you've nearly finished your classes! I'm not sure if I should have gone to any second time round, but we haven't. I think I'll remember the important bits when the time comes...I hope so anyway!

Hope you are ok puppymom. The wait must be really frustrating but it'll be so worth it. Are you kick starting a new cycle? Did you ov this month?

Hope everyone else is good too. Kerry you must be close now!!! Jess are you still crazy busy with school? Baby D any news yet?!

Emma xxx
Nope, no O as of yet, so kick starting a new cycle.
Hey ladies -- sorry for being so long on the update!

I have what I think is good news -- we are still planning TTC for a bubs BUT OH got cold feet (again) with perfectly logical reasoning --- as you all know, he has recently started a new job and is actually doing really really well! He will be getting a pay rise in about 3 weeks -- now the job is only on a temporary staff basis though they have said they see no set 'end' date to his contract there. BUT still, they could let him go with a weeks notice -- having been in our new home now for a good few months or so, we now have a realistic idea of the financial commitments owning entails -- we manage well. And if OH lost his job, we would JUST manage on my income short term BUT not if I were on MAT leave when my money takes a nose dive! So he has basically asked me to consider holding off until he has a chance to become permenant -- there is 'talk' of a handful of temps being inivted to interview for perm. posts in the new year through to April time. OH feels he is in with a good shot of being offered this as they have said how well he is doing --in nfact they let many temps go a few weeks back due to slowing work load and they kept OH and just a few others....

I'm sure if I insisted we continue with the plan for Dec he still would --- but he would not be comfortable about it at all and I worry that will ruin the enjoyment somehow.... what do you girls think??

On a different topic -- I have been ill! Went to emergency docs on Sunday with stamach pains that wouldn't go away -- turns out it was appendictis -- got taken into hospital where I spent 4 nights and had to have my appendix removed! Came home Thursday evening --- just recovering at home now!
baby D, that sounds like a reasonable plan - works for both sides. Glad to hear he is on board and that the job is going well! Those few months of waiting will fly by for you, especially with the holiday season fast approaching!

On another note, sorry you haven't been feeling well and that you had to get your appendix removed. Glad they got it before it ruptured, however, and that you're now on the mend!
Dang!! I'm glad you got that appendix of yours sorted! You poor thing!

I think your DH is being very reasonable about wanting to wait -- hopefully they will offer him the permanent position sooner than later, and it will only be a one month delay. Sounds like he has a great shot!

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