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4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

Just a quick update - my test today determined that my tubes are clear! I was also told that fertility is increased for up to 6 months after the test is done, so I've got that on my side. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks to decide the next steps of action. Should be just in time for my new cycle.
Just a quick update - my test today determined that my tubes are clear! I was also told that fertility is increased for up to 6 months after the test is done, so I've got that on my side. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks to decide the next steps of action. Should be just in time for my new cycle.

Great news puppymom :) Fingers crossed, touch wood and hope that your bfp is not too far away now! Sending you lots of :dust:
Oh Puppy I can't wait to see your BFP!!!! What wonderous news!

Mind - I'm working up to 38w5d...it's awful for the swelling in my feet (and ankles, and lower legs...and quite honestly, it's now up to my knees) but I'm otherwise tolerating it okay. I'm shattered when I get home but DH takes great care of me and lets me lie around on the couch! I am taking the full 12 weeks of maternity leave offered to me -- I'm sure it will FLY by!

I want to share one of the maternity pics that DH and I had done by a friend (who is a photographer -- he did our engagement and wedding pics as well!). I usually try not to splash our faces around randomly on the internet, but I just LOOOVE this pic!

Great news Puppy x

Gen you look fabulous and what an emotional picture -- stunning!
Yay! Puppymom, that's excellent news! One of my friends and her husband had been trying for 2+ years and had that test where they make sure your tubes are clear, and then she got pregnant the next month. So fingers crossed for you!

Jen, you guys are so adorable!! I love that!! Reminds me I need to get some pictures taken. I was so good early on with taking bump photos (when I really had no bump!). But now my camera bit the dust and I haven't taken any. Must get on that.

In other news, we're off to Surrey for the weekend to see a bunch of friends. They're all my husband's closest friends from when he was in uni and we try to all meet up in one central location a few times a year. Four of them have recently gotten engaged (to each other, so two couples) since we saw them last and of course, we're expecting. The last time we saw them was the weekend before I ovulated, so they literally haven't seem me since I've been pregnant. So it will be great to catch up and down a few non-alcoholic beers with them! :haha: Also, I just found out yesterday that my best friend is pregnant! Like literally, we've spend the past 48 hours going back and forth via email analyzing her tests (she's in the U.S.), so it's very early days. But I'm so super excited that we'll have babies that are roughly the same age. She's one of my mama heroes. She has a 2 year old daughter already and I've learned so much from her experience of being a mother, so it's cool to know we'll be pregnant and having babies so close together. So I've been on :cloud9: the past day or so. :happydance:
Gen - that is a great picture! You look wonderful.

Mind - that's awesome that you have a friend who will have a baby around the same time as you. I am hoping I have some friends who will be in the same time frame as me. I have one friend who is basically going through the same thing, so I am hoping we both have luck at the same time!

Was your friend (who got pregnant after the HSG test) ovulating on her own at all? That seems to be my main problem right now, is that I just am not ovulating! I am hoping that this test allows that to come back this month.
Gen - that is a great picture! You look wonderful.

Mind - that's awesome that you have a friend who will have a baby around the same time as you. I am hoping I have some friends who will be in the same time frame as me. I have one friend who is basically going through the same thing, so I am hoping we both have luck at the same time!

Was your friend (who got pregnant after the HSG test) ovulating on her own at all? That seems to be my main problem right now, is that I just am not ovulating! I am hoping that this test allows that to come back this month.

Hmmm, that's a good question. I'm not entirely sure. I'm guessing that probably she wasn't because I remember it was a big deal when she realized she was again. She has hyperthyroidism, which was one of the reasons she had so much trouble, and I just looked it up and it says that often causes anovulation. So that must have been at least part of the issue. But whatever they did seemed to work, so I'm hoping that's a good sign for you!!
Hello Beautiful Ladies,

Sorry I havent posted in like 2 months!! Since August!!! I just really didnt have anything to say, The last 2 months of my pregnancy were pretty boring, I think the last time I wrote on here I was just finishing work. I pretty much didnt do anything until the birth. I said I was going to exercise, I didnt!! I just nested and cleaned out all the draws and cupboards. I had my baby shower, it was ok. My friend who was hosting it was preoccupied with her 9 month old even though her mum was there to look after her. But I was glad it was over so I could look forward to relaxing. I had a few OB appointments and everything came back all normal and fine. I tested neg to strep B and never had high blood pressure, I had a small amount of swelling in my feet but they are so boney and skinny usually so it just looked like I had normal feet. LOL The week before I had an appointment and she gave me an internal said my cervix was soft very favourable and 1cm dialated but baby was not engaged and happy in my tummy. I bled for 5 days afterwards.

In the end I gained 20kg (44 pounds) which is alot considering I was 58kg(127pounds)
My last OB appointment was on the 5th November and the week before she had booked me in for an induction on the 6th. So I went in and said I didnt want to get induced I wanted to go naturally which is what everyone wants in a perfect world dont they. She agreed and said it is better to go naturally but will have to book you in the following week as baby is BIG!! I was still only 1cm dialated and baby was still high not engaged.

So on the car ride home I had a cry and said I wanted to have the baby!! Mal was like well why didnt you go tomorrow and get induced? I was like I want to go naturally wahhhhh!!.LOL

So the rest of the day was uneventful. We were having sex every day to get things going and we had sex that afternoon. That night we had dinner and just watched TV. I watched Inside the human body- Inside the Womb. It was these amazing stories about these babies in the womb and how they survived against the odds.

We went to bed and I was kind of getting to sleep, not really sleeping when I started feeling these pains at about 12-1amish, and It was pretty much period pain, but was going away and coming back and kind of fuzzy in between. I ended up having two showers and going on the computer. I eventually woke Mal up when I got back into bed and was like I keep having pains. He ended up timing them and they went from 12ish minutes to 5 1/2 minutes apart. He was getting nervous I think and kept asking me to ring the maternity ward. I had rung them already and they kind of just said you are welcome to come in but until they last a minute long you should stay at home. They just thought being a first time mum it might not be it or take a long time.

So Mal ran me a bath and I got in for a few minutes, It kind of felt good but didnt dull the pain or make it stop or anything. He made me a bowl of cereal but didnt get a chance to eat it as my water broke. I thought the baby had kicked me thats exactly what it felt like but felt a huge gush come out. I told Mal and he rang the maternity ward and told them. They didnt believe us but said we had to go in anyway as we had called them 3 times. They asked what colour it was and it was clear.

The pains were getting really close together and the 25min(peak hour traffic) car ride was pretty crappy. I had about 8 contractions then had to walk across the car park and get to the second floor. I kept having to stop and people were looking at me. Some nice lady asked if I wanted a wheel chair but I declined. LOL We got there at 8am.

Got up to the second floor and sat on the toilet for a while. Oh yeah forgot to add when I was at home about every third contraction I felt like I had a funny tummy and was getting rid of what was in my bowels and bladder. (making space for the huge baby I was about to have!!)

They were expecting me anyway as my OB didnt cancel my induction from the previous week. So I sat in the assessment room and got hookedup for 20 min and baby was fine and she said yeah I was having contractions.( No shit sherlock!!) The whole time I was thinking I will jst ask for an epidural when I get into the birthing suite!!

So they said yep you can go into the birthing suite and the midwife examined me and said Wow you've done really well you are 7cm. I said Thank fuck for that!! I had also started dry wretching because the pain was getting bad. She asked me if I had thought about pain relief and said I can have gas and air, she said its too late to have pethidene as baby will get too sleepy and an epidural but it might be a bit late. I didnt say anything and Mal said she wants to try naturally. I kind of just laid there on my right side and looked at the wall. I kept breathing too fast and they told me to slow down as I would pass out. Focusing on slowing down your breaths helped a bit I think.

I had some contractions which get worse and then my body pushed. I screamed Pushing Im pushing!! The midwife who had taken over from my midwife for her 15 min tea break examined me and said I was 10cm. She called my OB and she came in(for the first time!)
And said you've been talking to this baby haven't you! lol My midwife came in and said I only left for my tea break and now you ready to push!!

So she said you are not going to be able to breathe this baby out, it is too big you are going to have to push with everything you have, all the muscles down there (pelvic floor and the ones you use to do a poo!!)

Each contraction she told me where the baby was and what step we were up to and OMFG never have I experienced the pain that I felt. Not putting anyone off but I dont think you guys will have a huge chubba like me. I thought this had to be it but no the baby just had their head on the inside of my vagina still. I felt it, it was slimy. They monitored the baby and they were fine the entire time.

When you have the head a bit sticking out you feel heaps of pressure but dont have a contraction so it has to stay there and you have to catch up on your breaths and that freakin hurts to. I got a bit upset once and had a tiny cry and said it hurts. They just encouraged me and said how amazing my body was how it was responding and all the work I was doing. I felt the baby turn around but cant remember what it felt like. Eventually the head was out but I did not feel any relief whatsoever. Mal kept looking when the midwife kept telling him to, when the head crowned, when the hrad was out. He said I looked really stretched. hahahahahah lmao He said it looked like a boy and it had heaps of dark hair.

Then the shoulders were ready to come out, which was just as bad as the head coming out!! Well I thought so anyway. The OB must've put her fingers in there to pull the body out because it effing hurt!!! I screamed like I have never screamed before each time I pushed. I nearly passed out twice as I was pushing so much and holding my breath. They held her up and put her on my chest, I saw it was a girl! I looked at Mal who had been at my left hand side the whole time, I had gripped his hand the whole time with my arm stretched out pushing against his hand. I told him its a girl and he had tears in his eyes and was smiling.The cord was short so couldnt hold her up much but we left it a few minutes then Mal cut it, They gave me an injection and she pulled the placenta out and a gush of liquid came out, that felt sooo good, the biggest relief ever.

I didnt tear or have to be cut, but had a few grazes. She weighed in at 9pounds 5 ounces (4.205kg) and she was perfect. My vagina was so swollen for 3 days afterwards I literally had to get Mal to help me walk to toilet, change my pad, help me get on the bed,literally everything. I couldnt pee properly either, and pee'd myself alot lol but Im fine now and have been working on my pelvic floor muscles. I couldnt feel them after I had her for a while. I am still a bit swollen, but i feels ok down there, I havent looked yet, maybe I will in a few weeks. I used their 'ice' pads which felt amazing and the first few days my pee stung my grazes so bad, I had to lean while on the toilet so my pee would fall the other way.

Im breastfeeding her and I have really good milk supply, so much so that I had to express as they got so huge and lumpy and I was crying, but it felt so good once I had done so. Some of the midwifes at the hospital werent that good and didnt show me how to feed and on the first day they had to give her a bit of formula as her blood sugar got too low. There were 2 good ones and if I had had them the first day when I had her they wouldnt have had to do that which Im upset about but she is ok now. My nipples were sore cracked and bleeding the first 5 days but doesnt hurt at all now and no gross nipples. It would have been a little bit latching wrong when we first started off and Im guessing my nipples getting used to getting sucked all the time!!

I still dont know what Im doing lol or why she is fussing but I will learn soon enough, She doesnt cry much and puts her head to the side and opens her mouth when she is hungry, She is so cute I love her so much. She has leaked out of her nappies a few times but that is breast milk for ya.lol

She is 12 days old now and I cant wait to read all your stories. Glad everyone that is preggers is going well.

Puppymom glad to see you finally have progress, its getting exciting for you!!

BABY D congratulations Im so excited for you!!

JBell You sound super super busy and happy! Have you set another time when you will be ttc or just going to leave it for now.

I have probably left out heaps but let me know if you want to know anything else. I have to get up like 3 times during the night so will be stalking you all!!






Kaylee Renae 9 pounds 5 ounces born on 6th November 10:29 am
Oh wow! Just wow wow wow --- I have welled up. Simply -- she is stunning! Ahuge well done sweetie x Wish I could meet her for cuddles but sending some virtual ones xxxx
Awww, Kerry, congrats!!! She is gorgeous!! I love all your photos. And sounds like you had a wonderful birth and are doing amazingly!! So happy for you. :happydance:
Kerry she is beautiful! I am in love with the first picture, and your family picture is awesome! You are so brave and awesome! Congratulations over and over. I'm just speechless. What is her name???

As far as setting a date, I'm ready to start right now but I think we will wait until January. We will have everything paid off in April and I will be well on my way to a masters so I feel very comfortable and ready to start right away. I would ultimately like to wait until April but I'm not sure if we can wait that long. If I can get John to try for an October baby (it's my favorite month) and we don't get pg then I think I'll wait until April so we don't have a holiday baby. We have 3 people in my family with birthdays in December. But overall I'm very pleased we waited one more year.

Puppy - I'm so glad your test was clear and fx for you!!!!

Jen - how are you holding up?

Karen - Any name ideas?

Emma and D - how is school? We are out on Thanksgiving break right now so I have the week off. When is your next break?
Jess, that sounds like an awesome plan! I'm an October baby myself, so :thumbup: for trying for October. It's a great month to have a birthday, as you're in school (makes celebrating with your friends easier growing up) but it's not around the holidays or the dead of winter. I had lots of hayride and pumpkin picking birthday parties as a kid, which I loved! I still love pumpkin picking! We also planned around the holidays and started in May. So I think your plan sounds perfect. So that means you'd be trying around the holidays or a little after this year, right?

We don't have any definite names yet, though we have made a start. It's mainly middle names that we still need to decide on. For a boy, the first name would be David and for a girl, Josephine. David was my husband's dad's name (he passed away when my husband was 15, so he's always wanted to name a son after him, and it would mean a lot to me too since they were really close and I never got to meet him). And then Josephine, it would be Josie for short, is my maternal grandmother's name. She pretty much raised me since my mom was mostly a single mom (even when she was still married to my dad) and worked a lot to support us. So my grandmother was sorta the mother figure in my life, and pretty much the most special person I've known. She was just really awesome, so I've always thought if I had a daughter, I'd name her after her. If it is a girl, it would likely be Josephine Rose, but we are still thinking that one over. But we have no idea yet for boy middle names! We like more traditional/old sounding names though.
Oh wow Kerry!!!! I'm so glad you have updated us! Your little girl is beautiful and I love her name :cloud9: and what gorgeous photos of you all! Congratulations! :dance: Your birth story brought a tear to my eye, in more ways than one, I am so scared of labour but really want to have a successful vbac and experience that. You sound like you did brilliantly! Good to hear you've got established with breastfeeding like you wanted too.

I have 4.5 weeks left at work now and am just willing the time to fly by. I will finish for a whopping 9 months on 20th December!!

Great to read everyone's updates, Gen super pic by the way! These family photos are making me think I really should try and appear on one or two with dh!
Loving all the updates! Congratulations, Kerry - she is a beautiful girl, and I love her name!

Mind, the names you are thinking of are great - I also like traditional. I can't believe how quickly your pregnancy is flying by, as well as Peanut!

I am glad that my HSG test came back clear, although I will admit I got a bit nervous wondering what the results might be. I just want something to happen now... begging my body to give me a nice strong natural egg this cycle!

So, me and DF got to discussing the baby issue again last night --- he still seems so undecided. He says he will love his child whether we have 1 more or 10! He says thats not the problem. He worries so much about the money ---- mostly the commitment of another childcare bill. I sypathised and pointed out that I worry about the same things but pointed oui how far we had come, financially, in the past 4 years and stated that we coped financially last time and we would this time too -- also pointed out how Millie will be in school by the time I return to work so would only be 1 full time childcare bill (which we are used to paying) and then a bit more to find for before/after school care for Millie. I also pointed out where we could find some of this extra money from -- we spend lots on takeaways, big TV pakages and wot not ---- anyway he did say he could see my viewpoints to the ways around the money worries but still seemed/said he was undecided....

Then we went to bed and got to erm 'playing' and he DID NOT pull out as he always does:blush:
I was so shocked! I said 'you stayed in' and he said 'yes I know.......' and that was it ---- didn't want to push the matter further :haha:

However, I am only just off of my period so it will most likely be wasted and knowing mark, by the correct time he will have changed his mind again :dohh:

Agghh how to stop him stressing so much :shrug:
I hope you are having an early ovulation this month D! :haha: Sounds like his heart and his head are conflicting a bit still but he does want the same as you, which is great!

Mind, I really like your girl and boy name suggestions! Josie is very sweet and I've always liked David too (Henry's middle name!)
Well, I have a good reason for falling off the face of the planet:

Summer Navani was born at 36w4d weighing 6lb 9oz!

I began to notice a lot of watery discharge last Wednesday, almost as if I was having little pee accidents, but they would happen at random times, especially right AFTER I peed, when I was standing up from the toilet.

I began to suspect I might be leaking amniotic fluid but didn't want to feel silly if it wasn't. Over the course of the nighttime the fluid increased a bit and turned a bit pink at times, at which point I was quite sure it was NOT pee. I wasn't having any contractions other than the usual Braxton Hicks, but I couldn't sleep at all and kept going to the bathroom. I waited until 6am and finally called the midwife on call (MINE WAS OUT OF TOWN!!!). I was told to come right in to L&D and they would check to see if it was really amniotic fluid.

It was the strangest feeling: showering, quickly finishing packing the hospital bag, giving the dog a big bowl of food and water, putting the dishwasher on etc, just in case we were gone for a while.

Good thing we did -- the test strip was positive, which meant my amniotic sac had been leaking for about 22 hours. I wasn't having active contractions so in went the IV and pitocin was started. I tried to be SUPER active in labor to get things going. They weren't keen on checking my cervix due to the risk of infection, so I had no idea if I was dilating. I danced to 90's hip hop music, rocked on hands and knees, swayed, walked the halls, bounced on the ball, EVERYTHING! The contractions were coming regularly but were only of moderate intensity. When I finally got checked at 6pm, I was 90% effaced, 3cm dilated and -1 station...progress, but hardly amazing for 9 hours of work.

I continued on laboring and things really did start to pick up as the evening wore on. The problem was, it was all back labor, so they really wanted me to keep moving around, as she was posterior. I got a couple of doses of fentanyl (narcotic) around 6:30pm and then 10:30pm, which helped me keep activem but around midnight I couldn't stand it anymore and I got my epidural.

AAAAAAAAAAH. The relief. Amazing.

I was then asleep by 1am and slept soundly until 7am. I slept through the blood pressure cuff, nurses coming in and out, my IV setup beeping and even being straight cathetered (plastic tube stuck up my urethra to drain my bladder). When I awoke and I realized it was the next day and I hadn't had my baby, I was sure I was headed for a c-section. The nurses thought that was possible, but the MW still had to check me, and that would decide it all.

At 8:30am (this is now Friday), the MW came in and as she went to check me she said, "OH! Well, we are ready to push!" She then grabbed my husband's hand and stuck it in my vagina and said, "that's your baby's head." I started BAWLING! It would be a vaginal delivery!!!

24 hours after the pitocin started, I started pushing. They turned off the epidural so I could feel the contractions more, but for the first half hour, my pushes weren't too effective. Then as the pain medication wore off, holy moly, I could feel pressure like I've never experienced. She did manage to turn anterior as she was descending, but I agree with Kerrhy, when the head was just barely coming out and I had to wait for the next contraction, it was the most brutal wait! I could barely breathe. It did encourage me to push harder though and soon everyone was saying I was very close. The MW did cut an episiotomy to help her get through as it was a "tight fit." I didn't care, anything to get her out.

Within two pushes the head came out and I felt a huge gush of fluid. I thought that the rest of her would just slide out like on TV but no, I still had to push. I think I pushed for 4 minutes straight just to get it over with! Soon the MW yelled at me to grab my baby and I pulled her onto my chest (yes, HER!). I wish I could say I cried and was immediately so happy, but to be honest it was still so painful! I was continuing to contract as the placenta was readying to come out. Finally it slid out and it was quite a relief. Seriously though: after pains. No one talks about those. As she was laying on my chest I was trying to breathe through the pain, and I couldn't focus on her at all! I could just look down and see she was an okay size, and had a full head of dark hair!

As the oral pain meds they gave me set it, I finally calmed down and began to explore my new daughter. She's perfect! She was 6lb 9oz and quite healthy, although her blood sugars were very low the first day. She was too sedated to take the breast so she had to be fed through a tube down her mouth twice and we syringe-injected my colostrum into her mouth (I had to hand-express). Finally her sugars stabilized but she never cried, she just slept, and practically slept through her first bath. She was so tired she couldn't last at the nipple very long and wasn't getting adequate calories.

Long story short, she ended up getting mostly donor breast milk as I worked night and day with the breast pump to get my milk to come in. Eventually we moved from syringe feeding her to bottle-feeds with some practice time on the breast too.

At 4 days old, she was discharged, and we have now been home for 48 hours. It is quite a struggle to keep her fed as she is quite sedate still and falls asleep during feeds ... but we have goal amounts she has to eat and that means it takes an hour to get her fed. I was getting no sleep and got very depressed and unwell for a few days until we came up with a new schedule yesterday with the lactation specialist that allows me longer stretches of sleep at night with more frequent feedings during the day. She is doing primarily bottles of my milk, but takes to the breast a few times a day as well and seems to be getting a little better at it.

She has lost 7% of her birth weight at her check yesterday, which isn't bad, but she is expected to gain an ounce a day from here on out, so it is a lot of pressure. Our days are dominated by trying to get her to wake up enough to eat. We have a pediatrician appointment tomorrow and I'm very nervous for her to have finally gained!

Other than that, she is perfect and wonderful. Daddy is already wrapped around her finger and he is quite good with her, although he cannot keep track of the feeding schedule so it is annoying to be constantly reminding him. Admittedly it's complicated...so I've typed up a chart that outlines all the feeds and I'm trying to get him trained on it. Heaven help me.

Oh, and although my weight gain at the time she was born was 52lbs, I'm already down 24lbs only 5 days later. Part of it is just finally peeing and sweating out all this extra fluid (I had no idea I was swollen EVERYWHERE!), part of it is breastfeeding, and the last part is just not having time to eat very often as I'm constantly trying to get the little miss fed!

As things settle down I'll be back on more regularly, but wanted to check in and see how you all are.

Puppy, my fingers are triple crossed for you!
JBell - so exciting to see you talking TTC dates again!
Mind - I LOVE the name Josie, and actually had it on a list or two when we were thinking of names!
Peanut - getting SOOO close, cannot wait to hear your story. Enjoy these last few weeks as much as you can.
Kerry - I'm so glad to hear from you and your little girl is completely precious! How are you adjusting to motherhood?
Well, I have a good reason for falling off the face of the planet:

Summer Navani was born at 36w4d weighing 6lb 9oz!

I began to notice a lot of watery discharge last Wednesday, almost as if I was having little pee accidents, but they would happen at random times, especially right AFTER I peed, when I was standing up from the toilet.

I began to suspect I might be leaking amniotic fluid but didn't want to feel silly if it wasn't. Over the course of the nighttime the fluid increased a bit and turned a bit pink at times, at which point I was quite sure it was NOT pee. I wasn't having any contractions other than the usual Braxton Hicks, but I couldn't sleep at all and kept going to the bathroom. I waited until 6am and finally called the midwife on call (MINE WAS OUT OF TOWN!!!). I was told to come right in to L&D and they would check to see if it was really amniotic fluid.

It was the strangest feeling: showering, quickly finishing packing the hospital bag, giving the dog a big bowl of food and water, putting the dishwasher on etc, just in case we were gone for a while.

Good thing we did -- the test strip was positive, which meant my amniotic sac had been leaking for about 22 hours. I wasn't having active contractions so in went the IV and pitocin was started. I tried to be SUPER active in labor to get things going. They weren't keen on checking my cervix due to the risk of infection, so I had no idea if I was dilating. I danced to 90's hip hop music, rocked on hands and knees, swayed, walked the halls, bounced on the ball, EVERYTHING! The contractions were coming regularly but were only of moderate intensity. When I finally got checked at 6pm, I was 90% effaced, 3cm dilated and -1 station...progress, but hardly amazing for 9 hours of work.

I continued on laboring and things really did start to pick up as the evening wore on. The problem was, it was all back labor, so they really wanted me to keep moving around, as she was posterior. I got a couple of doses of fentanyl (narcotic) around 6:30pm and then 10:30pm, which helped me keep activem but around midnight I couldn't stand it anymore and I got my epidural.

AAAAAAAAAAH. The relief. Amazing.

I was then asleep by 1am and slept soundly until 7am. I slept through the blood pressure cuff, nurses coming in and out, my IV setup beeping and even being straight cathetered (plastic tube stuck up my urethra to drain my bladder). When I awoke and I realized it was the next day and I hadn't had my baby, I was sure I was headed for a c-section. The nurses thought that was possible, but the MW still had to check me, and that would decide it all.

At 8:30am (this is now Friday), the MW came in and as she went to check me she said, "OH! Well, we are ready to push!" She then grabbed my husband's hand and stuck it in my vagina and said, "that's your baby's head." I started BAWLING! It would be a vaginal delivery!!!

24 hours after the pitocin started, I started pushing. They turned off the epidural so I could feel the contractions more, but for the first half hour, my pushes weren't too effective. Then as the pain medication wore off, holy moly, I could feel pressure like I've never experienced. She did manage to turn anterior as she was descending, but I agree with Kerrhy, when the head was just barely coming out and I had to wait for the next contraction, it was the most brutal wait! I could barely breathe. It did encourage me to push harder though and soon everyone was saying I was very close. The MW did cut an episiotomy to help her get through as it was a "tight fit." I didn't care, anything to get her out.

Within two pushes the head came out and I felt a huge gush of fluid. I thought that the rest of her would just slide out like on TV but no, I still had to push. I think I pushed for 4 minutes straight just to get it over with! Soon the MW yelled at me to grab my baby and I pulled her onto my chest (yes, HER!). I wish I could say I cried and was immediately so happy, but to be honest it was still so painful! I was continuing to contract as the placenta was readying to come out. Finally it slid out and it was quite a relief. Seriously though: after pains. No one talks about those. As she was laying on my chest I was trying to breathe through the pain, and I couldn't focus on her at all! I could just look down and see she was an okay size, and had a full head of dark hair!

As the oral pain meds they gave me set it, I finally calmed down and began to explore my new daughter. She's perfect! She was 6lb 9oz and quite healthy, although her blood sugars were very low the first day. She was too sedated to take the breast so she had to be fed through a tube down her mouth twice and we syringe-injected my colostrum into her mouth (I had to hand-express). Finally her sugars stabilized but she never cried, she just slept, and practically slept through her first bath. She was so tired she couldn't last at the nipple very long and wasn't getting adequate calories.

Long story short, she ended up getting mostly donor breast milk as I worked night and day with the breast pump to get my milk to come in. Eventually we moved from syringe feeding her to bottle-feeds with some practice time on the breast too.

At 4 days old, she was discharged, and we have now been home for 48 hours. It is quite a struggle to keep her fed as she is quite sedate still and falls asleep during feeds ... but we have goal amounts she has to eat and that means it takes an hour to get her fed. I was getting no sleep and got very depressed and unwell for a few days until we came up with a new schedule yesterday with the lactation specialist that allows me longer stretches of sleep at night with more frequent feedings during the day. She is doing primarily bottles of my milk, but takes to the breast a few times a day as well and seems to be getting a little better at it.

She has lost 7% of her birth weight at her check yesterday, which isn't bad, but she is expected to gain an ounce a day from here on out, so it is a lot of pressure. Our days are dominated by trying to get her to wake up enough to eat. We have a pediatrician appointment tomorrow and I'm very nervous for her to have finally gained!

Other than that, she is perfect and wonderful. Daddy is already wrapped around her finger and he is quite good with her, although he cannot keep track of the feeding schedule so it is annoying to be constantly reminding him. Admittedly it's complicated...so I've typed up a chart that outlines all the feeds and I'm trying to get him trained on it. Heaven help me.

Oh, and although my weight gain at the time she was born was 52lbs, I'm already down 24lbs only 5 days later. Part of it is just finally peeing and sweating out all this extra fluid (I had no idea I was swollen EVERYWHERE!), part of it is breastfeeding, and the last part is just not having time to eat very often as I'm constantly trying to get the little miss fed!

As things settle down I'll be back on more regularly, but wanted to check in and see how you all are.

Puppy, my fingers are triple crossed for you!
JBell - so exciting to see you talking TTC dates again!
Mind - I LOVE the name Josie, and actually had it on a list or two when we were thinking of names!
Peanut - getting SOOO close, cannot wait to hear your story. Enjoy these last few weeks as much as you can.
Kerry - I'm so glad to hear from you and your little girl is completely precious! How are you adjusting to motherhood?

Wow what an amzing story Gen! Your liitle miss soujnds adorable -- can not wait to see pictures! Sorry to hear you are not getting too much sleep but that will improve -- promise! Keep trying to eat where you can as that will give you strength and help with your breast feeding!

Fantastic birth story -- huge congrtulations to the new mummy and daddy --- and I just love her name!:flower:
Jen how amazing!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so glad Summer is healthy and your new family is doing well. :hugs: I can't believe how far our little group has come. :) also I know you are exhausted right now but we would all love pictures of her!

Kerry - you have a beautiful name to go with your beautiful daughter. I hope everything is going well.

D - how exciting. Hopefully this means you and DF are ttc for real?

As far as ttc with us, I'm looking at January. If nothing happens we will try non-stop from March on.

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