4 Ladies Makin' Babies!

I was just wondering. Thought I could ask y'all about that, and what you're dealing with. (I'm going to try Robitussin)

I had no idea that cycles were often not 28ish days. Mine are so crampy and horrible, I just never thought a good thing about it.

I'm not very well on what doses of what are in my Fertilaid. Mind you, I have taken the tags/labels off my containers, so I can carry them in my purse. I have to take it 3 times a day, so I don't need that rolling out and showing up somewhere :nope:

On a side note: I feel like the 'bump watch' is totally ON in my social life. Good God. Everywhere I go I get harassed about 'Maybe your pregnant?' 'Hows the baby making?' So, when is there going to be a junior?' , people that know me- obviously. But really, I just came back from the gym... this bodybuilder dude that manages the place or something, greets me and says 'You look tired today!' I responded that I've had a crap time sleeping a few nights, he replies 'Ohhh! Maybe its a baby!' UGH!!! Seriously! A dude! A TOTAL dude! :dohh: I'm starting to just want to hide out in big baggy clothes, cuz I wont tell you how bumping in to my seamstress went on Friday night... lets just say, good thing it wasnt a fat day and my underwear were normal.

I feel like people should keep their mouths shut about the "maybe it's a baby" nonsense. I've gotten that nonstop since OH and I moved in together. I always want to say something like, "You don't know my situation. We could be bankrupt. We could be infertile. I could hate children. I could have had multiple miscarriages. OH and I could be in couples counseling." Instead I'm just like, "...noooo."
Yeah I don't know if my current cycle is longer because of the Vitex or not.. I take a daily prenatal, nothing fancy, and 800mg of Vitex. Cough syrup makes me loopy, so I might avoid that, but I'm using Preseed to make up for any ewcm shortages that might happen. I did up my water intake significantly and that's helped.

I was chatting with one of my friends on Saturday.. I know they've been trying to have a kid for a few years now. She has Chrons disease, which complicates things, but apparently her cervix is also very narrow and twisty (this is a thing?) and his sperms have low motility. Talk about a basketful of issues.. I feel badly for her.

I think about this. I'm being a total baby about wanting a baby now. But, some people have legitimate issues they are struggling with. One girl I met on here initially, mind you her and her man are fit and healthy and in their 20's, took 18months! And, last week I saw some crazy Christian thread with some lady thats been TTC for more than 5 YEARS! Wtf! I need to chill out with my complaining I guess. :baby:
AMEN Texas! Praise the Lord!
I've always thought that, even when I was in my 20's and not interested in babies. I could never ask someone, it just, well.. WASN'T ANY OF MY BUSINESS. I thought the same, they could be infertile, or depressed,or broke, about to divorse, or maybe some rape victim that is in counseling- God, what do I know!?

My exception, of course, was bugging chicks that always bugged everyone else :) I admit, that was fun.
I feel like people should keep their mouths shut about the "maybe it's a baby" nonsense. I've gotten that nonstop since OH and I moved in together. I always want to say something like, "You don't know my situation. We could be bankrupt. We could be infertile. I could hate children. I could have had multiple miscarriages. OH and I could be in couples counseling." Instead I'm just like, "...noooo."

So true! I never ask anyone because I DON'T know their circumstances, but I think some people just don't THINK! And it hurts to answer no when you are actively trying!
Oooh so, Snacks status says "horney"? I always thought it said "homey", I was like, wth does that mean lmao
you know, i always thought it was cute, but 'who would really use that?'
so, in honor of a new cycle and attitude: I WOULD USE THAT! Heehehee. SO raunchy!
I have just gotten fat from stopping the birth control, and I swear to god, every other person is like "oohhh, maybe you're pregnant!" and on Saturday I'd had enough, which is probably why I swilled half a bottle of vodka and was like "NOPE I'M NOT JUST FATTER QUIT ASKING". Then they did.

Now I remember why I started taking the damn things in the first place!

Having a strawberry and banana smoothie. Yum.
I had a dream about all of us last night. We were all superheroes, fighting this monster that looked sort of like Jabba the Hut (or Pizza the Hut, for any Spaceballs fans in here. ...Bueller?)

Anyway, I was a superhero who made (terrible, even in my dream) jokes, and I was all, "I will make him laugh to distract him!" Lilly was some sort of animal whisperer superhero who was gathering her giant cats to attack him. Snackimals looked like Wonder Woman, and was shooting at him with guns. (I think this has to do with Snack's love for the :gun: smiley.)

Finally, thayet said, "You guys are wasting time," and she went and stabbed him to death with an acupuncture needle. :pop:

Good times.
WOW! I like that!
How fun! (I'd go with Pizza the Hut- i luv Spaceballs!!!)

Thanx for the Wonder Woman compliment! Heeheeheee. I can't complain.
Updates: I used an OPK yesterday. Still negative (relief). I was really worried I'd gone and f'd this up already. All is well.
We did BD, either way. I must say, yesterday was one of those times that I just needed a NAP after BD. Ugh... I fell asleep for 20 min and woke up totally lost! I didn't know where I was, or what time it was, I thought I was late for work! (it was 7:00pm)

How's my Bumpy Crew!?

*Day 2 of no coffee. Kill me. Although, 5 SOLID hours of sleep last night!
Hello! I'm doing my best today. My job is super boring but also stressful right now, which is a bad combination for me.

I hear you with the no coffee. I almost dozed off in the middle of a conversation with my boss.

How is everyone else doing?
I had a dream about all of us last night. We were all superheroes, fighting this monster that looked sort of like Jabba the Hut (or Pizza the Hut, for any Spaceballs fans in here. ...Bueller?)

Anyway, I was a superhero who made (terrible, even in my dream) jokes, and I was all, "I will make him laugh to distract him!" Lilly was some sort of animal whisperer superhero who was gathering her giant cats to attack him. Snackimals looked like Wonder Woman, and was shooting at him with guns. (I think this has to do with Snack's love for the :gun: smiley.)

Finally, thayet said, "You guys are wasting time," and she went and stabbed him to death with an acupuncture needle. :pop:

Good times.

I am so glad I read this alone, in my car because the way I burst out laughing, if the people in the office had of heard me, they would have thought I was insane for sure :haha:

AFM, I'm good, but was slow to rise this morning and it's only Tuesday! I just keep thinking 9 more work days till vacation! lol
Everyone is so quiet today. Gosh.

So. Here's a question, that I've been wondering regards, what CD/album could you not live with out?
Music says so much about personality
Also, I dunno how I am ever going to do with pregnant-ness...
Today, because I cancelled coffee, I didn't have a bit for breakfast. (I usually do at the least a couple oatmeal cookies.) I WAS DYING AN HOUR AGO. I had a heache, nausea, I was dizzy. Man, I am a monster if I am hungry. Rawwwrrr!!!!!!!!

It's ok ladies, I took care of the problem. Some avocado spring-rolls and a quesadilla with a handmade corn tortilla did the trick. Sigh. Clearly, I went to TWO different places to satisfy my desires..
Everyone is so quiet today. Gosh.

So. Here's a question, that I've been wondering regards, what CD/album could you not live with out?
Music says so much about personality

Yeah sorry, work was making me WORK today.

Ummmm shoot.. well okay. The one album I would feel REALLY sad about if I could never hear it again would be U2's Joshua Tree. Hands down one of the best albums of all time.

My guilty pleasure is Collective Soul's greatest hits (7even Year Itch).. argh I'm such a nerd.

Otherwise doing fine. Eating two smoked sausages because really, it's raining frozen ice pellets, and we have no groceries, and I'm NOT going back out there. Glad to hear you ladies are well!

@Snackimals: no coffee = death sentence. You're nuts.

@tx: that is EXACTLY what I would do in the hypothetical superhero scenario.. :haha:

@Lilly: yayyy for vacation! I always hate the packing part, I feel like I forget something no matter how careful I am.
I'm having coffee tomorrow for sure! Trust me. Today is just about enough of this.

Glad to see you around! It has been THE slowest day ever here. I swear.

My can't live with out album? Probably The Beatles Abbey Road....
I would have a hard time without Johnny Cash (nostalgia) or the Old 97's (a band that figured prominently early on in OH's & my relationship). Guilty pleasure music might be Neil Diamond? (Neil Diamond is one of the few things my parents still manage to agree on.)

I am doing every other day caffeine to try to wean myself off of it. I just don't know if this will work out.

I really want to sneak home early :)sleep:), but I know I will just get caught in traffic.
Have you ladies seen this video yet?


I find it hilarious, although I am sort of angry at the kid for wasting an opportunity for a perfectly good nap... :growlmad:
I would have a hard time without Johnny Cash (nostalgia) or the Old 97's (a band that figured prominently early on in OH's & my relationship). Guilty pleasure music might be Neil Diamond? (Neil Diamond is one of the few things my parents still manage to agree on.)

I am doing every other day caffeine to try to wean myself off of it. I just don't know if this will work out.

I really want to sneak home early :)sleep:), but I know I will just get caught in traffic.

Neil Diamond? Dang, you are from Texas :gun: I'll grant you he does have a wonderful voice... Johny Cash? Luv it! :bunny:
I find it hilarious, although I am sort of angry at the kid for wasting an opportunity for a perfectly good nap... :growlmad:

He's doing some sort of weird trust-fall/pilates combo.. haha.. what a weird kid.

And yeah, I agree - naps are fabulous. As evidenced by today'sxoJane article about napping. Love xoJane. Love naps. Don't love kids who miss their naps (often straight-up hellions which then melt down into a screaming pool of frustrated exhaustion).

I might nap RIGHT NOW.

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