4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

Thanks. When I spoke to my acupunturist, she said she thinks Salisbury do a longer protocol than some clinics so I think you could be right. So basically, nothing much happens for the first three weeks?? Sounds a bit bad, but this all falls over the school holidays and I'd like to get a holiday in, just to chill out. Guess I'm pretty safe to go away in those first 3 weeks??

Good morning ladies,

I just stopped by to see how all of the june/july IVF'ers are doing! And things seem to be moving along nicely. I can't wait to read about your:bfp: soon. All of the May IVF'ers are cheering you guys on!

We had a really good month in May - not everyone made it to :bfp: but a number of us did. I hope that energy transfers over here!

Good luck all!

Good morning ladies,

I just stopped by to see how all of the june/july IVF'ers are doing! And things seem to be moving along nicely. I can't wait to read about your:bfp: soon. All of the May IVF'ers are cheering you guys on!

We had a really good month in May - not everyone made it to :bfp: but a number of us did. I hope that energy transfers over here!

Good luck all!


I SECOND THAT!!!! Good luck Girls
Another question from me.......

Have just had ANOTHER disucssion with dh about telling my best friend and my mum and dad about our treatment. He is very anti this, it was a massive hurdle to get him to agree for me to tell my sister a while back.

Anyway, i feel like I need them to know. I think I will need the support I have been trying (tactfully, or maybe not??) that this is going to physically affect me more than him.

However, part of me thinks I am being selfish and that as he says it is private between the 2 of us (and you lot obviously!!).

So my question is who have you told, was it a good idea and am I right in wanting to tell or am I being selfish.

HONEST answers please.

Kath x
Another question from me.......

Have just had ANOTHER disucssion with dh about telling my best friend and my mum and dad about our treatment. He is very anti this, it was a massive hurdle to get him to agree for me to tell my sister a while back.

Anyway, i feel like I need them to know. I think I will need the support I have been trying (tactfully, or maybe not??) that this is going to physically affect me more than him.

However, part of me thinks I am being selfish and that as he says it is private between the 2 of us (and you lot obviously!!).

So my question is who have you told, was it a good idea and am I right in wanting to tell or am I being selfish.

HONEST answers please.

Kath x

Honey.. I have told my parents and close friends and thats it.. dont want too many people to ask about it... but def tell family.. you will need their support

Good luck hun

Hi Mrs G!
I made the mistake of telling everyone cause I was so excited and cause I was convinced it was going to work the first time. By everyone I mean the people at work and I learned that not everyone is supportive or knows what to say.

My recommendation is to tell whoever you feel WILL honestly be supportive. By me telling a bunch of people at work, when I got my BFN and everyone wanted to know what the outcome was, I didn't want to talk about it, but it was my fault for telling them. So I had everyone asking me constantly what the results had been, and it was hard to hold back tears when I answered.

So this time around, my Mom knows and my brother and my aunts and Grandma and that's about it. I'm going to take 2 weeks off work from the time I have my ET up to the pregnancy test so I can take it easy at home and not be burdened or worried about work. So that's where I'm at.

In my opinion the smaller the circle of people that know, the better it will be because it's the less people that will be full of questions. :) But that's just me.
We've told both sets of parents, my brother & sister, OH's sister, both our bosses at work and a few close friends. I told quite a few people as I felt I would need them for support. They have all been really good but they don't really understand how I am feeling and what a massive thing, both physically and emotionally IVF is.

If I had to go through this again, I probably wouldn't tell anyone as I am now worried about the amount of people I will have to see if it doesn't work. Also, if it does work, I want to tell as few people as possible until I have my 12 week scan.

My OH is a bit like yours and didn't want anyone to know but when he had to tell his boss (because he needed to leave work to attend our appts) he felt he should tell his immediate family.

I would tell your family and if you need time off work and you can trust him/her, tell your boss as, personally, I found my boss really supportive.

Take care, Roobie xxxx
I have made the choice not to tell anyone - cos TBH - besdes you girls - no one ever says the right thing. All my Mum can think of saying is 'just think positive', and i just couldnt go through the TWW with her ringing me every day and me pouring out my fears to her - to have her say that to me - cos positive thinking DOES NOT get you a baby. I love my family - but they have no idea of what I am going through - and TBH I dont think there is a right thing to say - except the doctor telling me I am pregnant - thats the only words I want to hear!!

I think only tell the people who you know will not annoy you, who will listen to you and not tell you about the girl-who-lives-three-doors-down-the-road's auntie who got pregnant naturally after three failed IVF's.

BX x x:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks girls. tbh I'm having second thoughts today about what I said to dh. I'm worried that I won't be able to blag away the side effects and symptoms of the drugs and I'm not sure I can always make excuses why we're away at the hopsital. Gonna think it over and see how we feel nearer the time.

I have only told just a few people that needed to know. I told my boss due to the fact I would be missing or late several days due to appointments for blood work and ultrasounds. I also told my best friend since she will be helping me get through this all of this and hopefully still be sane. I have no desire to tell my family or DH's family as they have not been very supportative at all. They all think we are too old to be starting a family and we should just move on. So it is just best if we keep this to ourselves or I will end up saying something to them that is better left unsaid.

Now finally the :witch: showed this morning so I have my baseline US scheduled for Wednesday at 8am. Providing everything is fine my stimms will start Wednesday night. I will be doing 225 Gonal-F each morning and 3 Menopur each night. I will also be adding Ganirelex(sp) when needed. I will let you all know how it goes.

I hope everyone else is doing great and moving right along!!!
I have only told just a few people that needed to know. I told my boss due to the fact I would be missing or late several days due to appointments for blood work and ultrasounds. I also told my best friend since she will be helping me get through this all of this and hopefully still be sane. I have no desire to tell my family or DH's family as they have not been very supportative at all. They all think we are too old to be starting a family and we should just move on. So it is just best if we keep this to ourselves or I will end up saying something to them that is better left unsaid.

Now finally the :witch: showed this morning so I have my baseline US scheduled for Wednesday at 8am. Providing everything is fine my stimms will start Wednesday night. I will be doing 225 Gonal-F each morning and 3 Menopur each night. I will also be adding Ganirelex(sp) when needed. I will let you all know how it goes.

I hope everyone else is doing great and moving right along!!!

good luck hun.. we will be a few days apart as i have my baseline scan on fri...:hug:
Hi Ladies

I hope you dont mind me sticking my head in to wish you all the very best of luck!

I really hope that you get your well deserved :bfp:'s with this cycles IVF!

Hi Girls,

I have been holding off testing. I haven't tested since 10DPO. I will be waiting till Thursday when I go get a blood test.
First off, keeping everything crossed for you akcher so that this will be your BFP! :hugs::hugs:

Well, I finally had my IVF appt today and it went well. I updated my journal but wanted to post on here as well: They first did a urine test to check for pregnancy before anything else, and then we met with the Dr. He explained how everything is going to work this time around, what I am supposed to do, and then referred me to the nurse so she could explain the medication.

This cycle is a bit different because I was put on BC pills first to shut down my ovaries so the Dr said that most likely I will produce less eggs (last time I had 15), but they should be high quality and should all mature together so there's not really any over or under mature. I am to continue taking BC pills until this Friday, 19May and as of this morning the jabs started! 10mg of Lupron every morning for the next week and 2 days. Next Weds morning I have another appointment with the Dr and then stimming will start. So for now it's just one jab every morning with BC pills. He said tentatively egg retrieval will be July 6th, one day before my b-day! and egg transfer on Saturday July 11th if we go through to the blastie stage which I hope. So that's my tentative IVF sked for now! So excited and I am very hopeful that this will finally be the answer to our prayers. :)

How are all you ladies doing? :hug:
First off, keeping everything crossed for you akcher so that this will be your BFP! :hugs::hugs:

Well, I finally had my IVF appt today and it went well. I updated my journal but wanted to post on here as well: They first did a urine test to check for pregnancy before anything else, and then we met with the Dr. He explained how everything is going to work this time around, what I am supposed to do, and then referred me to the nurse so she could explain the medication.

This cycle is a bit different because I was put on BC pills first to shut down my ovaries so the Dr said that most likely I will produce less eggs (last time I had 15), but they should be high quality and should all mature together so there's not really any over or under mature. I am to continue taking BC pills until this Friday, 19May and as of this morning the jabs started! 10mg of Lupron every morning for the next week and 2 days. Next Weds morning I have another appointment with the Dr and then stimming will start. So for now it's just one jab every morning with BC pills. He said tentatively egg retrieval will be July 6th, one day before my b-day! and egg transfer on Saturday July 11th if we go through to the blastie stage which I hope. So that's my tentative IVF sked for now! So excited and I am very hopeful that this will finally be the answer to our prayers. :)

How are all you ladies doing? :hug:

Thats great great news honey!!! I have ET in same week as u so we will be in 2WW together.. :happydance:

Good luck hun

First off, keeping everything crossed for you akcher so that this will be your BFP! :hugs::hugs:

Well, I finally had my IVF appt today and it went well. I updated my journal but wanted to post on here as well: They first did a urine test to check for pregnancy before anything else, and then we met with the Dr. He explained how everything is going to work this time around, what I am supposed to do, and then referred me to the nurse so she could explain the medication.

This cycle is a bit different because I was put on BC pills first to shut down my ovaries so the Dr said that most likely I will produce less eggs (last time I had 15), but they should be high quality and should all mature together so there's not really any over or under mature. I am to continue taking BC pills until this Friday, 19May and as of this morning the jabs started! 10mg of Lupron every morning for the next week and 2 days. Next Weds morning I have another appointment with the Dr and then stimming will start. So for now it's just one jab every morning with BC pills. He said tentatively egg retrieval will be July 6th, one day before my b-day! and egg transfer on Saturday July 11th if we go through to the blastie stage which I hope. So that's my tentative IVF sked for now! So excited and I am very hopeful that this will finally be the answer to our prayers. :)

How are all you ladies doing? :hug:

Mendy, I've lurked in your journal a couple of times and I wish you all the luck in the world.:hugs:

Akcher - Good Luck with your blood test on Friday - go my fingers crossed:hugs:

Everyone else good luck - I'll be popping in and out of this thread to see how you are all getting on :hugs:

Roobie xx
Mendy - thats brilliant news - soooo quick - fantastic. Crossing everything this will be it for you,

bx x x:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks for all the support ladies, I appreciate it and it really means a lot!

Tanya- YAY!!! We can both go nuts in the 2ww! LOL!! :)
On my way to work, I felt the witch rearing her ugly head. It comes and goes but no spotting so it isn't over till the fat lady sings.

Tanya, Beckic, Mendy - Wishing you all the luck in the world. Will keep you in my prayers.

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