40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Terri-- Again, this is how I feel for your news: :baby::cloud9::bfp::friends::headspin::yipee::baby::cloud9:

Jean--I'll be curious to see what happens at the ultrasound & how to proceed if you are about to ovulate on your own in the same window.

Juniper--Welcome to this thread. I know it's hard to learn about problems, but you can't find solutions if you don't know what's wrong, so you are taking important steps! The positive antibodies is not a surprise as 90% of people with a low thyroid problem have autoimmune Hashimotos. (I am one of the 10% who don't have Hashis.) Aside from hypothyroidmom and Mary Shomon, another source I have found to be interesting is Chris Kresser. There is a lot of information out there. You just need to advocate for yourself with your dr in order to find the right med balance for you. A lot of ppl with Hashimotos also have gluten intolerances, so watch out for that.

Kaysbc--Welcome back to you, hope you are on the mend! (not sure if I mentioned this previously...) As for my AMH, I take so many things for fertility, for thyroid, for adrenals, for candida, I can't even hope to sort out what's helping what, if anything! It seems like maybe AMH can fluctuate some. I found one study that stated that, but also made it seem like it was due to when in the cycle the test was taken. And mine was taken the same cycle day. Briss, from another thread said she's had fluctuating tests and the drs have never given her an explanation, so who knows!

Weezy & Pussycat--Hi to you both!

AFM--I have finished my 5 days of clomid and go in for a CD10 scan on Tuesday. I am very curious to see what follicle development has taken place. I hope a lot! I can feel stuff going on in my ovaries. I also had night sweats a couple nights, acne break outs, and was really tired. Glad that it's done!
Ultrasound done. 11mm lining. 27mm and 17mm on right, 21mm on left. Triggered right after, IUI in morning.
Jean-that sounds great. I always thought that you ovulate 36 hours after trigger, but I guess 24 hours won't really hurt anything. fxfx this is it!!
Good news, Jean! Three good-sized follicles, hope I have that many! Terri, you are right about the post-trigger ov timing. As with timed BD, insemination prior to ovulation is fine. At least that's my understanding. My guess is they don't want to wait longer with the IUI in case Jean does ovulate earlier than trigger will force it to happen.
Yeah that's true...especially with that 27mm. They may get it just in time. We have no eggs to waste!
Welcome Juniper, I think it's always a bit of a shock when you assumed all was well. All my family are super fertile so I assumed I would be too, yet here I am childless and diagnosed with immune issues. However the ladies are correct knowing what the problem is gives you a fighting chance.
Jean, good luck for tomorrow, 2WW here you come!
Vonn, how you doing?
Kay, hope you're recovery is going ok and welcome back to TTC.
Terri, I forgot you'd had three put back, you could be in for a surprise!
Pussycat-that's true. I don't know when I would go for my first ultrasound. Maybe at eight or nine weeks? I thought that was the heartbeat checkup though, so maybe there is one before that. :shrug: I need to cross the first bridge first. Then I can get across the second, etc. I probably won't sleep well tonight because im too excited to get my blood drawn.
Well, I am finally home, that was a 5 hour roundtrip drive because of a sinkhole on the interstate that closed it the way I usually go home (12 mile backup, not including the detour). I took the scenic route home rather than sit through the traffic. They have officially fixed it, traffic is still recovering, but I should be able to take the quicker way home tomorrow.

I saw the other RE today (mine is at the IVF clinic on Mondays) & she thinks since I had the trigger shot (which expires in May, not liking that the pharmacy gave me one with such a short expiration date), might as well use it, but I was probably about to ovulate on my own. This will make sure the 17mm is also released. I will say that the thought of triplets scares the hell out of me, but I think I could handle twins. My RE did say that if I had 5 good size follicles, he wouldn't do an IUI, but 3 gives me a good chance at least one will snuggle in.

That trigger shot made me tired & I think it made me hot, but it is warmer today than it has been, so I might not be getting hot from that. I did feel my left ovary earlier and now I'm feeling the right. I'm going to make a good dinner and go to bed early tonight.

Edit: I forgot. The cardiologist faxed the letter to the RE this morning. The cardiologists nurse called to tell me & then when I got there, the RE nurse told me and the other RE told me they got it and I am good to go. Whew! Why do I keep having to have things done 2 and 3 times? This, dealing with medical bills I paid, it's frustrating.
55 million pre wash, 35 million post wash. We are now done.
Jean--Fx for you! Based on the follicles & sperm count, you have a great chance this cycle. I hope you get it! Remind me what med were you on & how high a dose?

AFM--Just had my CD10 scan. Only one measurable follicle 20 x 17. Lining was thinner than they want, I think she said 9-something. (I had a hard time understanding the tech.) I am super bummed.

In November and December I had scans to follow unmedicated cycles and I produced a good-sized follicle and had a great lining both times. So all the stupid clomid did was thin my lining. No help stimulating eggs whatsoever. I started tearing up and really had to work to keep it together.

I keep telling myself that I didn't have super high hopes for this cycle since my damn thyroid medication is still not sorted out. I also keep telling myself that only one egg is needed, that I'm not "out" yet...we haven't even inseminated yet, so I can't give up already. I have to go back in tomorrow morning for another scan to see if the lining has thickened enough. I just have to keep my head up. Sorry for the negative post, ladies.
Vonn, can they give you estrogen or something else to help with the lining? I know everything I read about clomid says it thins the lining after using it a few times.

Well, I had the other RE (the one who scanned me yesterday) do the IUI, I like her a lot better, she's much gentler than my RE. Anyway, as for the meds, I took 100mg clomid days 3-7, then 2 ampules of Bravelle on day 9. I am definitely feeling things going on in my lower tummy, and *TMI warning* now I'm feeling gassy as well. We'll see what happens. I am going to test the HCG trigger out since I bought a bunch of Dollar Tree tests. Now I have got to do my taxes! Yikes, they are due tomorrow!
Vonn-Maybe your lining still has time to catch up. 9 isn't that far off. Don't they want 10 or 11. they do say that Clomid thins your lining and a lot of older women are on Femara because it doesn't have the same detrimental effects as clomid. You may want to ask. And true..you just need one. Does your DH have any problems? Just curious bc if his boys are super swimmers, one egg is REALLY all you need.

It's official girls. My hcg level was 539. I was so overjoyed hearing that that I started crying and couldn't listen to the rest of the message except that I'm still to remain on my Endometrin and estrace. So..I'll hear more when I leave work. I'm so happy.
Terri--Congratulations on your great beta result! It's official & you should totally leave work early and treat yourself to something (ice cream, manicure, fun earrings...). Celebrate being on :cloud9:
Ugh, the spot where I got the HCG shot is red and itchy. Nurse warned me it might happen. I'm trying to leave it alone, scratching makes it worse.
Jean-I hope this works out for you. One and done! fxfx. When do you go in for a beta? In two weeks, or are you planning on testing at home first?
They just told me to test at home and call them in 2 weeks to tell them the results. I would guess if I got a positive home test, they would do betas then. I would rather wait since I work in a lab and my coworkers are nosey enough as it is, I don't want them to know before I do then blab it around. My pregnant coworker (who is due next month) told us a few days after she found out, which is a bit ridiculous, so that's all I've heard about for 8 months now. If I get blood work done, I get the better price deal at my own lab with my insurance.

I had gotten into my comfy clothes, but might have to get dressed again & go get some Benedryl. Figures, I don't have any in the house for once. I'm waiting for the rush hour traffic to thin down.

Oh yeah, definitely feeling major twinges now!

Thought you ladies might like to see this site:
Hang in there Vonn! When I took Clomid it made my lining really thin too, and they gave me Femara instead which worked well and left my lining in tact. Might be worth asking about.

Yay Jean! I'm glad you took the trigger shot. I think it can always help your timing be more precise and really ensure O. Good luck, can't wait to see how it turns out in a few weeks.

Yay Terri! You are bringing tears to my eyes girl, seriously. I am so happy.
They did regular scans once a week for me since I was labeled "high risk", you should ask if you can have ultrasounds earlier than the 9-week one that is typical. It would be so exciting to see! :) Best of luck to you :) and a ton of (gentle) giant hugs!

As for me, my body is totally messed up right now. AF came yesterday. That means my last cycle had absolutely no sign of O and lasted only 20 days. That's super wrong to me in so many ways, and has really freaked me out.
My acupuncturist has been treating me for my shoulder since my accident, but I asked her yesterday if we can start fertility treatments again. I'm at my wits end to get my body sorted out.

sometimes I feel like a mad-lady with all the ups-and-downs. I've been shopping for a new living room couch, and found the one I want. While shopping I also sorta "picked out" the side chair I want to get which would be perfect for the baby nursery to lounge in for those middle-of-the-night breast-feedings. Am I crazy to go from freaked out to shopping for baby furniture?

Aaah, only you TTC girls can understand...
Hey ladies
Terri, woo hoo! Fantastic news you're definitely pregnant! Will you have another blood test to check doubling rate?
Vonn, my lining has never got more than 7.5-8, even with Estrogen. I have asked if this is the problem but always been told that it's not. Good luck!
Jean, got everything crossed, hopefully your 2WW passes quickly.
Kay, grrr messed up cycles are so frustrating! Mine have been messed up I reckon because of all the drugs I've been taking. Hope you get it sorted soon. How's your shoulder?
AFM, been in a lit of pain the past few days. Since Christmas I have had lower back problems (old injury), on Min I had a deep tissue massage and some zero balancing but when I woke yesterday I couldn't walk, very scary. Took an hour or so for painkillers to kick in then it improved. Last night i did Pilates (with care) and that helped but pain again this AM, however it now feels more like a nerve pain. I need to see my dr again I think. It worries me that it's a side effector fertility drugs over the past 4 years. Also I'm flying to CR next Friday for the scratch, then next month ET and trying to decide whether to have one or both embryos transferred. The clinic always push for one, but if two increases my chances I think I'd prefer that. However now I have this back issues I'm concerned with my ability to carry twins. Any thoughts ladies? xx
I got up super early this morning, collected my urine & started testing out the trigger. Yeah, first time I've seen a positive pregnancy test! lol, when I was cleaning out the cabinet, I found an old expired CB digital pregnancy test (expired 2 years ago), so I also used that just so I can experience seeing one say "pregnant". I know, I'm bad, but I might as well use it than throw it away still wrapped. I also used a store brand OPK and it is so much darker than the control line, crazy.

I took some Benedryl last night before bed, but the red spot is still there on my stomach. Might go out and get some Benedryl cream to try. The spot still feels warm to the touch.

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