40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

That's great Jean! Good thing you went in today.

I have my third ultrasound tomorrow. My hubs and I went in on Monday and the baby was measuring about a week behind and they thought that the pulsing on the screen might have been a blood vessel, SO...we had to reschedule for 4 days later instead of 10 days later to check progression. I am praying everything is ok, but I'll find out tomorrow either way. Nothing I can do about it at this point.

Hope everyone else is well and sorry I've been self-absorbed.
Terri do not apologise for being self absorbed, it's taken such a journey to reach this point for you, it's totally natural for you to be so focused. Thinking of you and got everything crossed for this scan.
Jean, 2 good follies! Good luck on Sat!
I'm now day 37 and still no AF! Have emailed the clinic and all they say is don't worry if it's late it doesn't effect things. I've had cramps for a week (woken me up 2 nights this week) but still no bleed. Has anyone ever had this? x
Hello Ladies
Wow, seems like a lot has gone on here since I last post and I've missed out on lots!!
I've been trying to claw back some business after having had 2 months off for my failed IVF that I've been working 18 hour shifts (Zzzzzz) so no time to check or post....need to get the £££$$$$ together for my next try.

Vonn, Im really sorry to hear of your BFN....i know no words can make you feel better but I hope you can take time to grieve and have a plan in place

Terri, yay! one sticky!! I hope your scan today goes well and it's nothing to worry about.

Jean, hope IUI works out fine for you on saturday

Pussycat, hope your next cycle goes well and give you what you so desire and deserve. Are you having 2 put back in?

AFM: I've just been busy trying to sort my work life out and a little bit of time to do some research for my next cycle (new clinic? staying in the same clinic??)
I had my follow up consultation couple of days ago and I suppose it went ok.
The same old....reason IVF didn't work....something genetically wrong with embryo (egg).
She thought things did go as to plan and it was good I managed to produce 2 good embryos at my age and she didn't think I had any problem with my lining or progesterone levels as my lining was around 14mm at embryo transfer and my hormones were bang at the middle the whole time I was stimulating. I asked her what my eggs looked like, and she said those ones that survived looked fine and didn't seem poor quality....but that doesn't tell us the DNA make up of them tho.
If i was going to stay with them, her plan is to up my stimulation drug from 250iui to 300 iui to begin with and ease it off a little towards the end to boost egg count, then put me on a different trigger...from ovitrelle to pregyl I think

I hope the sun is brightening up everybody's day and we all get some good results and news on this thread in the summer : )
Hey ladies, hope you're all ok?
Terri, how you feeling?
Weezy, it's so frustrating not to have any definite answers or reasons. Good luck with deciding on clinics.
Has anyone had an endo scratch? I had mine done 25th April which was day 22 of my cycle, I had no pain and no bleeding, in fact it was all very easy. About a week later I had cramping and continued until Tue / Wed of this week and now they've pretty much gone. However no bleed and I'm now day 35 and nothing. I'm worried that this cycle is screwed up. The dr says a late period won't effect the FET but I do worry. I plan to transfer both, I can't do this again 9 cycles is enough. x
Pussycat-I had mine done at the beginning of my cycle. In fact I had one while on bcp no then another soon after I stopped bcp. I thought it was supposed to help implantation so it would make sense to do it prior to your cycle starting not at the end although I do think it helped me on my second cycle after the acratch as well, so who knows. I obviously didn't bleed because it was in the beginning. Sharp cramping during the procedure but 10 seconds later I was fine with no cramping or adverse effects.

Oh and my ultrasound today showed an empty yolk sac. Just waiting for my d&c schedule date. :cry:
Thanks Terri. Yes the idea is to have it the month before you have embryo transfer. They recommend day 18-21 (ish), no earlier. They don't really know how it works but suggestions are scratching the lining encourages hormone that encourage implantation or that the surface is roughened and makes it easier to implant. There's so much positive feedback though and it's such a simple procedure that it's got to be worth a go. x
Terri, I just realised what the last bit of your post said. I am so sorry to hear that. Thinking about you. xx
Terri--I still can't believe this happened to you. It's so awful. I don't even know what to write to comfort you. I know you are an incredibly strong woman, so you will get through this. And whatever your next steps are, we are here for you. :nope::hugs::nope::hugs:

Pussycat--I hope AF has shown by now. I can't wait for your FET!

Weezy--are there other clinics in the running, or are you just considering the possibility of going elsewhere? When might you get started again?

Jean--I hope the IUI went well! And the TWW begins. I'm several days behind you.

AFM--the dr ordered the same protocol for me this cycle as last. Of course, I don't see or talk to the dr, only a nurse. So when I wanted to know why the same since it didn't really help, she had no answers. No way for me to talk to my dr about this without scheduling a consultation, 6 weeks out. When I go back in on Monday, I will be saying this is not acceptable. May need to find a new dr. Not sure if it will be someone else in the same clinic, or move on to a new clinic altogether. Not sure if the DH will be up for that. Though he agrees this set up is not okay.
Vonn, when I went in for my day 3 ultrasound, even though a resident scanned me, my RE was there & I went in to discuss if we were staying with the same protocol or not. I would think you would at least get 5 minutes to do the same.

The IUI went ok. It was strange being buzzed into a closed office building, hardly anyone around. I cramped up right after she injected the sperm, probably from the sperm wash she used at first before getting the sperm into the catheter. I was cramped up pretty good for at least an hour. I thought maybe it was due to the IUI and the follicles bursting, but about 6 hours later, with my tummy getting more and more sore and full, something happened on the left side. Either one or more of the follicles burst about then. I felt so much better after that, it was hard to even bend before that happened. Weird. Hopefully this is a good sign that the timing was better, but I wish I had triggered 2 hours earlier. I triggered at 9:40pm since I was having the IUI about 9:45-9:50am, the nurse said 36 hours before. I guess I wait and see what happens now. OH was actually working while I was on my way home from the RE office, so good thing we did the frozen sperm, even though it took his motility from 60% prefreeze to 35% post thaw. Good to know for the future. It's not a good thing to do if you don't have good sperm to begin with, better off doing fresh.
Vonn, that's really shoddy treatment. Even if you don't have a consult the nurses should be able to explain why or find out if they don't know. You're paying these people so if you're not happy make sure you say so. Good luck with it! x
Sad news Terri, we were all hoping for the best. Please take good care of yourself and do whatever you have to do to get through this tough time x x
Wow this thread has been going on for a while! I am new here and currently on day 7 of stims for my first and only IVF. Tomorrow I go for bloodwork and u/s and I'm hoping the follicles have behaved. Only 2 good size ones yesterday :( Im going on 42 so I'm not surprised. Because of my age and health even though I may only have 2 or 3 follicles we are going ahead with retrieval probably Thursday. I'm tired and nauseous and worried. After reading lots of posts I am amazed at how many cycles some ladies have gone through! It's so expensive!! Not to mention y'all must have emotions of steel :thumbup: Good luck to all who are TTC!!:happydance:
Hi oneschance and welcome. You'll do great!

I am just checking in with everyone. I had my d &c yesterday and I'm a little sore on the insides but otherwise doing well. I started a journal when I got prego but now I'm just back to zero but I am still posting there if any of you are interested.

I think I'm a little nutso because I think I want to try again. I'm so close. I feel like I'm on the precipice and maybe, just maybe one more time will do the trick. We'll see how I feel in a few weeks but today, I'm ready to go for it. I hope you all are well.
Terri thanks for the welcome and support. I'm glad to hear you aren't feeling too bad post D/C despite your sad outcome recently. You certainly sound like a strong woman! You're not nutso! You just wish to be a mama :) I get that truly! Keep the faith!
Hey Terri, good to hear from you. I'm so sorry for all that has happened and I don't think you're nuts at all for wanting to try again (just look aty signature). Have you considered using DE? It's a big step, however I realised that my desire to carry a child was more important than it being genetically mine and once is got my head round that it was full steam ahead. Treatment overseas is so much easier (and cheaper) than I thought it would be too.
For now hon, rest up and recover physically and in your heart. Your a strong determined lady and I am full of admiration for you. x
Myonechance, best of luck on Thursday, it only takes one good follie and even though there are lots of us that have had loads of cycles on here, there are others who only need that one chance. x
Terri--You are not at all nutso! I think it's totally natural to want to try again, after all you did have success, to a certain degree. I know it was your first true bfp & I'm sure the thrill and the hopeful feeling of pregnancy actually happening is something you want to experience again. We'll support you no matter what you decide, though since we are all after the same thing, we'd probably cheer you on extra loud if you decided to try again. You're such a cool lady, we all just want you to be a mom!

Pussycat--Where are you at in the process? Did AF come and are you on any meds? This just has to be your time!

Chance--Welcome! This is a crazy process no matter how you are trying to get that baby, we all know that. I hope you get that one great egg & one perfect baby out of this cycle. We certainly all feel pressure to achieve pregnancy, whether because of money or simply our age. Best of luck to you!

Jean--how's this cycle?

AFM--Had the IUI on Thursday. The nurse scraped something when she was inserting the catheter. It hurt quite a bit and I totally jumped, not easy to do when in stirrups on an exam table! Had a little drop of blood later that day, which I assume is from that. Glad I'm done with the clomid as it made me super emotional and actually pretty depressed. It was the first time I said to myself that I wasn't sure how much longer I can do this. Not feeling that way anymore, so I am pretty sure it was the damn clomid. Yuck. Thank goodness all that craziness only last about a week!
I don't have the same symptoms using the HCG trigger that I did last cycle, maybe my body is use to it now. I did test it out, to make sure that I actually did give myself the shot, that's how much different this month is to last month. I had little cramping & twinges Wed- Fri, but I've had those in other cycles, too, so trying to not think too much into it. I don't feel much of anything different. I know I was in need of a nap after lunch Wed-Fri, but we've been really busy at work.

I am currently making a diaper cake for my coworker. I've never done one before, so this is a learning experience. It's going to be big & the bottom layer turned out really good, now working on middle layer. I need to go find a few small items to stick in it when the store opens. I already have some big lollipops to stick in it and a child size princess crown for the topper. I think I might do this again if we have another baby shower for coworkers (now that we got 2 20 somethings, one who just got married last year, so it looks like we might).

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