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Jean-hope everything works out today.

Pussycat-:hugs: so sad for you and your family.
It was an early morning drive there, got there a few minutes early & went to get the sperm process going and the lab tech told me the RE was running behind and had no idea when I would get my IUI. Went back to the waiting room & waited quite a while before the lab tech came back & got us. The nurse told me the RE was doing a tricky egg retrieval and that's why he was late since he was doing all the stuff today. Finally got the sperm all done (55% motility, 63.9 million sperm, he's not the problem, my old eggs are), then back to waiting room for the nurse to let me back. RE finally got there & he said he didn't know if he could get the catheter in my cervix (um, the lady RE did it twice before, no problem, I had a very full bladder), but then managed to get it in within a minute. All done, had to lay there for 15 minutes, but after about 10 minutes, I thought I would pee myself & got up to find the bathroom door was locked. Had to wait a few more minutes while the nurse went through the other room to unlock the door. Then the RE got called back into the IVF procedure room because the lady with the egg retrieval was having problems. Crazy morning. However, I got some snickerdoodle "ice cream" (made with cashew milk) at Whole Foods and thought I REALLY needed that! Horrible drive home on the interstate, traffic is just so bad on the weekends. Now I am going to cook up some steak & got a nice salad ready for dinner. I actually wonder if my follicle burst late last night, but it didn't feel quite as bad as last month, that was unmistakable. RE finally wants me to get my progesterone tested in a week. I was wondering if he would ever want to do that, but he said it's in case this one doesn't work and we do more IUIs.
Myonechance--I thought the same thing as Terri about you maybe getting positives from the trigger. We'll know tomorrow! I hope you have been able to take your mind off it a little over the weekend. Fx fx, gl, gl.

Pussycat--oh, the situation with your sil is so tragic. So sorry this is happening. I hope you and DH get wonderful news when you test.

Terri--any other signs of AF?

Jean--glad everything went well. Let the TWW begin!

AFM--went in for cd7 ultrasound yesterday & had an 18.5 and an 11. She said the injectables really speed up the growth/maturation process. My lining was 8.5, so much better than last month. I triggered last night and IUI is tomorrow. We even had a successful bd last night. Yay for that!

I'm feeling so much more positive than last month but there's still a "but." That clomid is evil stuff, very glad I've moved on from it. While the follistim doesn't give me any of the nasty side effects, it unfortunately doesn't stimulate my ovaries much better than clomid. I was really hoping for 2-3 follicles, but I've only got one mature one. Maybe the cysts interfered and next cycle I might respond better? Just clutching at straws, I'm afraid. Still, it only takes one so I'm trying hard to stay positive.
Hope all goes well today, Vonn. Another exciting TWW!

Myonechance-How did your bloodwork go yesterday? I'm so eager for you to report back.

AFM-No, I had an AF fake-me-out. She's not coming. I think I still have a few more weeks, but I'm tired of waiting around. I didn't go moto. riding either, but I did plan my summer trip to NE Canada with my girlfriend so that was exciting. Now I just have to figure out the Canadian money situation and call my banks about using my credit card up there. My dad has been in town for the past month, and cooking/helping/doing stuff with him is throwing off my schedule big time. I'm glad he's around though, so I'm not complaining at all.
Huh. My taste buds are off. Things taste strange, almost metallic, but not quite. HCG trigger to blame? This is a symptom I've not had before.

Edit: https://www.livestrong.com/article/225282-a-metal-taste-in-the-mouth-in-early-pregnancy/

Well, isn't that interesting?
Hi ladies,
I wish i could come on here with some good news, just for once ... My SIL passed away on Sunday morning, terribly sad and so bloody unfair, however she'd had enough and at least she did not have weeks of long drawn out suffering. Can't really believe she's gone, it seems very unreal. So just as life is crap enough I just did a HPT and nothing, not even a squinter, a very definite negative. Official test day is tomorrow so I can't see that at this stage the day is going to make a difference, but I will of course test again but I know in my heart I've failed. I've tried everything and failed. Life truely is crap and I'm struggling to see any justice in anything at the moment. Now just need to tell DH what a failure my rubbish body is, I will never carry a child and we will not be parents. How can I tell him that after losing his sister?
I'm sorry to be so down and I truely hope it works out for the rest of you ladies but for me it's game over. xx
Ladies, an hour after my last post and after testing I rechecked the test and found this:
I hope you can see this? I'm not sure if it's a false result as it was an hour after the test and it does say read in 3-5 mins. I haven't any other tests but will but more today and retest. I can't help but think this is false, but if it wasn't.... How is love to be able to tell DH good news instead of bad. What do you ladies think? x
Pussycat-I can't stay long but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry, again, to hear about your sister. Life is really unfair. I hope you can get to the store today to get another test, or just wait for the morning. And hold off on telling DH until you know for sure. You can keep a secret for one day, but I understand exactly how you feel. :hugs: There are no words, really.
Thanks Terri, yes haven't mentioned it to DH. I suspect this is an evap line but I keep reading that evap lines are not pink? Trying not to get hopeful. Going to the shops at lunch time so will test again. x
I'm so sorry pussycat :hugs: what a rough time you've had lately. Cancer is so unfair. I lost an uncle in his early 20s to cancer, he just went into convulsions & died, no one knew he even had cancer until we got the autopsy results back. My grandpa died from pancreatic cancer not even 10 years ago, it's the worst one IMO. All cancers suck. I would gladly enjoy making my job irrelevant if we found a cure for all types of cancers. We are to the point of knowing what causes some of them to occur, but most of them we don't.

BTW, that is a pink line! Get another & test again! :dust:
OMG I'm shocked! Look, just ran to the pharmacy at lunchtime and bought 4 FR tests, straight to the loo and immediately:
I'm still not quite sure I believe this and have another 3 tests so will be testing again tomorrow. I really had lost all hope and didn't even cry this morning when I thought it was negative. OMG it says I'm PREGNANT!!!
Pussycat--I am so sorry about your SIL. I'm sure your family is devastated. Life can be/is unfair in so many ways. It's hard to understand...

On the other hand, life can be magical and amazing! What a wonderful thing to see those two, clear lines. A huge congrats to you, no one deserves it more! I am so excited for you to give DH such fantastic news. Yay, Pussycat!!!!:bfp:
Vonn, thank you so much. I know that this in no way will take away our loss, however for DH to have to deal with a double loss would have been awful. I can't tell you how shocked I am and can't wait to get home and tell DH.
After 9 cycles I've done it, so ladies stick with it and push to get your meds modified as you think is needed. If I can get this you can too. 😀
Hi all. So I've been lurking on this board for quite a while now and following everybody's journeys, but could never quite get myself to post. I hope you all don't mind me posting now, but I really just had to say Yay! and congratulations to Pussycat. Pussycat, I know where you are -- I started trying in April 2012 just shy of 40 and after 16 IUIs (yes, 16 -- I'm a glutton for punishment) and two completely failed IVFs (no transfer and no retrieval), I finally made the decision to move on to donor eggs last December. I am so glad the same choice has now had this wonderful outcome for you and your husband. A very happy and healthy 9 months ahead of you. And my deepest condolences to you, your husband and his family on the loss of your SIL.

Best wishes for all of the other posters on the board. May you each also get your happy endings!
Pussycat!!! I just now got a chance to return. Congratulations!!! I am so, so happy for you. :wohoo: I hope you continue to check in with us and keep us updated!! :hugs: that's a happy hug not an I'm sorry hug.

Hi Pearl!! Welcome to our little corner.
OMG pussycat!!! How awesome! Congrats! I was wondering all day at work if you had taken another test!

AFM, I was eating a salad earlier and halfway through, I almost threw it up. As in THISCLOSE. I had to throw the rest away. I also have a sore spot in the uterus area when I pushed on my stomach, on the right side, where I did NOT have any follicles. Since I'm still testing my trigger out, I won't know until some time next week, I guess. So, either something IS going on or it's symptoms from the trigger shot.
Sorry to hear about SIL Pussycat, sometimes life really sucks...and then sometimes you have magical moments like this. Much love to you and your family xxx
Jean - the nausea and soreness is promising, watching and hoping.
Ladies, thank you so much for your kind word with regards to my SIL, I wish I could have told her our good news. Also apologies if I've been a but 'gushy', I'm just a little shocked and overwhelmed! Another test this morning and most definitely positive! DH is delighted and as surprised as me.
Jean, all sounds like good signs, got everything crossed for you.
Terri, of course I'll still check in (if you'll still have me!), you've been such an amazing support for me and I'd like to he the same for you and see you get your BFP.
Pearl, welcome and thank you. Gosh that's a lot of IUI! What stage are you at and where are you being treated. Check out the thread 'inconceivable and beyond', we're all on donor eggs over there and so many positive stories!
You're emotional?? You're making me emotional. hee hee. Now I'm thinking I should try donor eggs! grrr..hee hee. I still don't believe (or don't want to believe) my eggs are the problem, but they probably are. I'm just in denial, so we'll just keep moving forward and see what happens. :growlmad:

Jean-Is your beta next week or that's when you're going to start testing at home? I haven't thrown up since March of last year, and that was food poisoning in the Bahamas (unfortunately), so hopefully your getting sick is a really good sign. Too bad you had to throw away the rest of your salad. fxfx.

Vonn-How are you doing, sunshine?
Hello everybody
Sorry I haven't logged in for so long, I hope you gals still remember me!
OMG pussycat!!! I haven't logged on for ages and when I did today I hear your news! It's amazing!! Woohoo many congratulations. I'm really about your SIL, life just sucks and it's all sh*t but then someone up there will give you the sweetest thing when you most need it. Keep us all updated how you got on...I'll try to sign on more often...wonder if you're going to have twins...did you put 2 embies back in??

Terri, vonn, Jean hope all is well
And everyone I've not spoken to yet welcome

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