42.3 and trying for #4

Thanks girls and feel better Fandaby!! I'll test again Monday i think....I am 13 days past ov. My cycles are spot on 25 days and i am day 26. Early days and I don't want to get hopes TOO high because i was a week late in the summer for some crazy reason( i think because i changed my supplement routine and stopped taking vitex) and I was SUPER disappointed when AF arrived. Still cautiously optimistic. That's the best I can be. I know it is going to happen soon. :) Keep in touch girls. I like this thread!! :hugs:
Hi everyone, hope you had a peaceful and festive day yesterday. We've had a great Christmas, all chilled and happy.

Today I'm 7dpo with not very much doing. Looking forward to testing some time next week.

So how are the rest of you doing? Any testing over the holidays? Fandabby, how's your nausea settling in?
I'm out girls. The :witch: got me on day 27. Blahhhhh. Oh well, onto the next cycle! We'll see what the doc has to say jan 7th. Hope you all had a very nice Christmas and hoping for some bfp's in the new Year!! :)
Awww ClaireCath, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Best of luck for that appointment January 7th. You're right, if not this cycle then soon!!!
I'm out girls. The :witch: got me on day 27. Blahhhhh. Oh well, onto the next cycle! We'll see what the doc has to say jan 7th. Hope you all had a very nice Christmas and hoping for some bfp's in the new Year!! :)

I'm sorry ClaireCath hope 2014 is your year!

AF also got me yesterday, but am happy with a longer LP, so feeling more positive about next cycle.

Fandabby, how are you doing ?
ClaireCath - sorry you are out this cycle. Good luck with your appointment of the 7th. Fingers crossed a New Year BFP will come your way.

InVivoVeritas - are you feeling anything.... When will you start testing? Good luck.

charlie15 - sorry too you never caught but great news your LP extended. Roll on January 2014 for everyone still trying for their dream.

AFM - not doing too bad. I haven't updated this thread so short version, I started light bleeding evening of 23rd and light cramping on and off. Actually the cramping the week before was much much deeper and sharper, not sure if that is linked in. I just sat tight really trying not to fuss. Wasn't heavy and no clots so convincing myself it wasn't and isn't a MC again. So anyways, attempted to contact MW from my surgery yesterday but she on holidays. Hopefully she will contact me next week and have me booked in for a scan.

Today is the first day I have not bled! So that's good and I did a pregnancy test again today and it's still positive but then it would be cause I know it takes time to go down following a MC - so we will see.

That's about it, going on autopilot until I can get a scan done.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.
Fandabby, I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through that worry.

I've had two pregnancies where I bled from early on and still brought home healthy babies. Make sure they check your progesterone levels -- mine were low and I had to take a supplement by pessary through to the second trimester.

Keep us posted and take it easy!!!
Fandabby, I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through that worry.

I've had two pregnancies where I bled from early on and still brought home healthy babies. Make sure they check your progesterone levels -- mine were low and I had to take a supplement by pessary through to the second trimester.

Keep us posted and take it easy!!!

Hi, I'm in the UK and that is one thing they do not check as I asked about progesterone when I had my miscarriage.

I am self medicating with a progesterone cream since I got my BFP for in case but I will not tell MW I am doing this as they will not like it and most likely tell me to stop.

We will see what happens this week but have had another day today blood free so hoping everything is fine and it was a one off.

How you doing ?
My first three kids were born in the UK too, and they will give you progesterone pessaries if you insist and bully them into it. :winkwink:

Sounds like you're well on top of things, though. Fingers crossed the bleeding stays away. A little at the start doesn't have to mean something terrible. I have a good feeling that you'll be okay this time.

Me, I'm 11dpo tomorrow and that's when I had my BFP with LittleMan. I'm contemplating testing in the morning, but I'm terrified of that stark white BFN.

I think I'll sleep on it and decide when I wake up. And we know what that means!
My first three kids were born in the UK too, and they will give you progesterone pessaries if you insist and bully them into it. :winkwink:

Sounds like you're well on top of things, though. Fingers crossed the bleeding stays away. A little at the start doesn't have to mean something terrible. I have a good feeling that you'll be okay this time.

Me, I'm 11dpo tomorrow and that's when I had my BFP with LittleMan. I'm contemplating testing in the morning, but I'm terrified of that stark white BFN.

I think I'll sleep on it and decide when I wake up. And we know what that means!

Good luck testing :thumbup: let us know when you have.... and the result of course...
How are you today Fandabby?

Any testing today InViviVeritas?

Not much here, CD5, but feeling more positive about this month :)
How are you today Fandabby?

Any testing today InViviVeritas?

Not much here, CD5, but feeling more positive about this month :)

Hi charlie, I started spotting light again today, I thought I was over it when it dried up on Sat but not so.

Spoke to MW and she can't refer me so I have to see GP tomorrow to be referred to EPU for a scan. She said if I am pregnant then to get back in touch and she will do the MW booking. NICE.

So we will see what takes place this week. Hoping to get a scan by week out.

Fingers crossed.

Good that you are feeling positive about this cycle, before you know if you'll be ovulating and in your 2ww.... Keep in touch.. and good luck this cycle :flower:
BFN for me, so I'm out for this month. Just waiting for AF to show up and draw a line under it.

What an insensitive midwife, Fandabby. Can you request a different one when you are released by the EPU? Hoping for an early appointment for you.
Hey Fandaby, sorry you are going through that hun. The waiting must be awful, and yes the MW's bedside manner doesn't sound too great. Vivo, sorry the witch got you! Onward and upward to us all!!
Here's my update and a photo of this weeks opk's to squint at if you have time....

Today is cd 13, the darkest line was yesterday a.m. Only bd this morning as he was still sick yesterday, and it was kind of forced. His drive is low right now for some reason. I think it may be the pressure of "having' to do it on certain days, or just the winter blues....either way, it's a bump in the road. He feels bad so took one for the team this a.m. ANYWAY Rambling, have a look at these for me pls and tell me what you think! We want a boy so maybe it's for the best that we waited til today. lol. JK, Boy or girl doesn't matter to me. Thanks in advance, Claire.
Hi ClaireCath, yes looks like you had a surge for ovulation and I have heard like you sex on ovulation high percent for boys! So did you only do baby deed once this cycle?

That's what we did, one time around 0 and caught boys!

Do you temp to check for a shift?

I used to but not this time around, I had lots of cramping so figured it was happening.

Keep us posted....

Charlie, how you doing, where are you now in your cycle?

InVivo, what are you upto? Will you be trying again this month?

Good luck ladies, BFP around the corner...
Hi Fandaby, we actually got two dances in. One Fri and one Sat in case I O'd late i thought it couldn't hurt. That IS the fun part after all.....Did you really only do it once and caught boys? Funny I keep reading about the shettlies method and that's his theory... I just ordered a basal thermometer online and i will start tracking temps next cycle....praying i won't have to. :) 2WW starts now. Appt with RE Tuesday to see how quantieful and motile his spermies are. How are you feeling these days? How are the rest of you ladies?
Hi Fandaby, we actually got two dances in. One Fri and one Sat in case I O'd late i thought it couldn't hurt. That IS the fun part after all.....Did you really only do it once and caught boys? Funny I keep reading about the shettlies method and that's his theory... I just ordered a basal thermometer online and i will start tracking temps next cycle....praying i won't have to. :) 2WW starts now. Appt with RE Tuesday to see how quantieful and motile his spermies are. How are you feeling these days? How are the rest of you ladies?

Hi, good luck with your 2ww, fingers crossed you won't need to temp next cycle...

Yes we only did the deed one time in a cycle and we caught and yes boys. One time on ovulation.

Then when we caught with lady, we did the every other day right after my period finished (I bleed for 7 days) and as soon as we got my first 0 on persona (you get two in a row to show ovulation in next 48-72 hours) we stopped, to see if we could catch a girl as you need to have sex at least 3 days before you ovulate for a girl. The closer you get to ovulation the odds change to a boy since boy sperms swim fast and get to egg quicker but die faster and the girls are bigger slower swimmers but survive the longest.

That's what my doctor told me and it worked for us.

Keep us posted..... :thumbup:
Hi Girls. How is everyone doing today? Quick update on me. Had appt with the RE yesterday, and apparently what we are suffering from is 'UNEXPLAINED INFERTILITY" Ughhhhhhh. That somehow seems worse to me that actually having a problem. There's no reason to explain why we are not getting knocked up. His swimmers :fish: are good (not great) 72 million per ml, 60% normal morphology, which the doc says 70% would be better. We believe because he smokes. He has cut down ALOT and is ready to quit again. All my stuff is great. I AM ovulating. I responded like a 32 year old to the clomid.:thumbup: Choices were....

A. to do nothing. keep trying on our own and come back in a few months time to start over.
B. Start preparing for insemination IE go on BC pill for one month to regulate cycle and time when I Ov.
C. Have laproscopic exploratory surgery to see if there's anything else going on in there that ultrasound did not detect. (eg endometriosis)

Since time is of the essence (i am 44 now) we are going to start plans for IUI. I wish we didn't have to do it :-( but looks like that is the best option for us to get things done more quickly.

So if the :witch: shows... I'll call the office day one to see where we go from here. What a journey this is turning into. I am praying right now(day17) to God that he caught me this month and we won't have to do any of it. I am going to test starting next Tues(my Mom's Bday) Hopefully she is up there in heaven pulling a few strings for me. lol I have heard of that happening. Need a wee miracle!!
:dust: to all!!!

Enough of my drama......how are you all feeling? Who's testing again soon?
Hi Girls. How is everyone doing today? Quick update on me. Had appt with the RE yesterday, and apparently what we are suffering from is 'UNEXPLAINED INFERTILITY" Ughhhhhhh. That somehow seems worse to me that actually having a problem. There's no reason to explain why we are not getting knocked up. His swimmers :fish: are good (not great) 72 million per ml, 60% normal morphology, which the doc says 70% would be better. We believe because he smokes. He has cut down ALOT and is ready to quit again. All my stuff is great. I AM ovulating. I responded like a 32 year old to the clomid.:thumbup: Choices were....

A. to do nothing. keep trying on our own and come back in a few months time to start over.
B. Start preparing for insemination IE go on BC pill for one month to regulate cycle and time when I Ov.
C. Have laproscopic exploratory surgery to see if there's anything else going on in there that ultrasound did not detect. (eg endometriosis)

Since time is of the essence (i am 44 now) we are going to start plans for IUI. I wish we didn't have to do it :-( but looks like that is the best option for us to get things done more quickly.

So if the :witch: shows... I'll call the office day one to see where we go from here. What a journey this is turning into. I am praying right now(day17) to God that he caught me this month and we won't have to do any of it. I am going to test starting next Tues(my Mom's Bday) Hopefully she is up there in heaven pulling a few strings for me. lol I have heard of that happening. Need a wee miracle!!
:dust: to all!!!

Enough of my drama......how are you all feeling? Who's testing again soon?

Hi ClaireCath, sorry to hear you have fallen victim of the unexplained infertility. You must feel so frustrated.

Wild shot, Google mia angel fertility spells. If you are open to it she does white witchcraft spells for fertility. Not sure what your religion is so I apologise if I have offended you.

She has great response for women being told medically they can't conceive for what ever reason and in months of her spellwork they get pregnant.

I personally bought a spell this time around because of my fears of my age and health blocking conception. Just a thought! She does spells for people worldwide, she based in uk. Give her your fertility history for both of you and she customises. All with guarantee so if you don't fall pregnant she gives refund.

Over to you.

AFM, had scan yesterday, baby beating measuring 7+3 today. I have two haemorrhage cysts in left ovary plus they spotted all my fibroids. I think these cysts caused my bleeding xmas week. They need to keep an eye on them but hopefully wont cause any further trouble. Relieved as thought the worst!

Anyway dear, good luck getting pregnant. Keep me posted with your progress.

Lets hope you have caught this cycle...


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