4dpo and cramping then a BFP?

*sigh* cd25 bfn with my last bfp's I got bfp - April cd25 sept cd27 an oct cd23 so I hope I'm still in the race x trying to listen to my own advice your not out till witch shows! Easier said than done! No sign of af cp med an white cm cycle usually 25-27 so not giving up till fri X fx'd for all of you x foquita great to see you here xxx
*sigh* cd25 bfn with my last bfp's I got bfp - April cd25 sept cd27 an oct cd23 so I hope I'm still in the race x trying to listen to my own advice your not out till witch shows! Easier said than done! No sign of af cp med an white cm cycle usually 25-27 so not giving up till fri X fx'd for all of you x foquita great to see you here xxx

you're 100% still in the game, don't you think it being different from the last cycles is a good sign? might signal a happier ending :hugs:

I'm so worrying about mesina and gail saying january conception for me, that makes me feel like I'm out already :( leopard said november 29th and ruby said august/september 2012 birth (my due date would be in aug) and panrosa and cheri22 said october (this cycle started Oct 1st so does that count?) ... I feel like I am clutching at straws here! I know you won't think I'm mad for believing so much xxxx
Def don't think you're mad you know I'm right there with you! Least you have different dates if I get to 1st of jan with no bfp I don't know what I'll do!
Mesina said 5 months from mc which in hindsight will be 21nov not 10th dec I found put on June 21st but didn't actually mc till 10th July an she saw the month dec
Cathy said before my daughters birthday in jan
Blackpool medium said I will be more content by dec
An most recent said if I'm not already I should be soon an should be before due date on new yrs eve

I would def say oct cycle counts xxx

I'm hoping it's a good sign x my leg numb again think it's slight sciatica I had it with both last bfp's so hoping that's a good sign too if I'm not pregnant my hubby wants me to go to doc about leg he seems quite concerned about it being something else MEN!!!

I do know what you mean about clutching at straws but I feel with my psychic insight they all can't be wrong x ESP last reading I've seen her for yrs and she's so good an most things she says normally happens x I sometimes think my spirits will get annoyed that I'm doubting them lol xxxx
I'm confident that you will get your BFP before christmas :hugs:

I was happy to wait until january but the 2WW monster has taken over my body now! I really need to chill out and just see what happens. I'm 5DPO and cramping and I have backache, trying not to read too much into it.

I think your legs is a good sign, they do say that leg cramps/pains are a symptom! I was getting shooting kinda pains in my thighs yesterday, hoping its not just my crazy mind playing tricks on me :haha:
Lol I don't know how we don't all end up in straight jackets with this tww nonsense!

Gonna go watch Jeremy Kyle watch people with real problems lol lol xxxx
Hello ladies mind if i join? well i haven't been regular but i started using o test again and it says i o 3 days ago. Well i'm starting to get cramps on my right side and my body is hot at night. I feel very wet down there sorry (TMI) . I feel like AF is going come even though i have 2 weeks to wait. in got prego back in june and i recorded the symptoms it's almost the same as right now. i had a m/c in july. Yesterday my nipples not breast started to hurt like a burning sensation i couldn't even put on a bra. i know it maybe to early for signs but there's always hope. good luck and baby dust :)
O and in June i got pregnant first try with opks. hopefully it works out this month .
in June it was kinda weird i got two surges and i really didn't know when i O, but i tested 2 days before AF should have came and i got a NEG. Tested 3 days after AF was suppose to be due and it was positive. praying this month is our lucky month.
in June it was kinda weird i got two surges and i really didn't know when i O, but i tested 2 days before AF should have came and i got a NEG. Tested 3 days after AF was suppose to be due and it was positive. praying this month is our lucky month.

Hi bubbles! Welcome! Hope you get your BFP!! Sounds like you have some great signs!!:happydance:
Well beautiful ladies, the witch got me today.:cry:
Oh well, another messed up cycle, only 22 days long. My OB thinks I didn't even ovulate, due to my progesterone levels. Poo poo. On to Clomid this cycle!!!
I am really hoping that works. The FertilAid for Him also came in today, and my husband started taking that. I am not giving up hope:)

How are things with everyone? Charlie and Taryn, are you still in? Jezzelin, how about you? Mrskg, for some reason I am not worried, I know you will be getting your BFP very soon-I just feel it!

I will be stalking the thread to see how everyone else does!
Well beautiful ladies, the witch got me today.:cry:
Oh well, another messed up cycle, only 22 days long. My OB thinks I didn't even ovulate, due to my progesterone levels. Poo poo. On to Clomid this cycle!!!
I am really hoping that works. The FertilAid for Him also came in today, and my husband started taking that. I am not giving up hope:)

How are things with everyone? Charlie and Taryn, are you still in? Jezzelin, how about you? Mrskg, for some reason I am not worried, I know you will be getting your BFP very soon-I just feel it!

I will be stalking the thread to see how everyone else does!

sorry the witch got you :hugs:

I'm 6DPO and just got backache, cramp and a cold, nothing out of the ordinary to be honest. I'm so emotional and depressed this week, it hasn't been very fun and I'm exhausted and sleeping all the time. writing them all down they sound like PG symptoms but I *know* I'm out, I'm just having a terrible week! roll on the weekend :)
Aw thank you so much Wendy I so hope you are right so sorry that bloody witch showed up gl with the clomid x

I had side/ovary pains last night hoping maybe wishing they were omplantion pains an that's why getting bfn I asked on here how long a test takes to work after implantation an been told fom 2days to A week!!! I will be in a straight jacket by then lol x hoping its 2 days fri sat doesn't seem to long too wait x bfn this morn took a funny turn earlier in my mums felt like I was swaying had to hold on to wall only lasted seconds but was very strange x ALL of the symptoms I have could be either af or bfp so that's not helping me much x my leg still funny though same as last 2months before bfp read somewhere it could be cause by uterus lying on sciatic nerve so if I do get my bfp I'm glad I have an explanation for that an if I dont think I'll need to take a trip to doc as something obviously causing it x oh an a wee while ago I felt like I had pins an needle sort of prickly feeling in pubic area again very strange def never felt that before aaaaaah please someone put me out this misery lol x I had stopped checking cervix but have checked last few days an no sign of af just nice creamy cm lol sorry tmi I'm 50/50 right now so if af does arrive hopefully I'll not be too surprised x don't even have the excitement of a bfp to look forward too after losses that just brings with it different worries blah sorry needed a vent xxx

Foquita I'm so sorry you're feeling down big hugs to you don't give up just yet you just never know I've read a few people on here say the month they thought they were daf out was the month they got their bfp so hoping that's the case for you xxx
Well beautiful ladies, the witch got me today.:cry:
Oh well, another messed up cycle, only 22 days long. My OB thinks I didn't even ovulate, due to my progesterone levels. Poo poo. On to Clomid this cycle!!!
I am really hoping that works. The FertilAid for Him also came in today, and my husband started taking that. I am not giving up hope:)

How are things with everyone? Charlie and Taryn, are you still in? Jezzelin, how about you? Mrskg, for some reason I am not worried, I know you will be getting your BFP very soon-I just feel it!

I will be stalking the thread to see how everyone else does!

Hi Wendy! Sorry your af got you, sending you LOTS of babydust for next month.

I ended up getting my bfp last night at 9dpo and very pink line on 10dpo fmu this morning! :happydance:
Well beautiful ladies, the witch got me today.:cry:
Oh well, another messed up cycle, only 22 days long. My OB thinks I didn't even ovulate, due to my progesterone levels. Poo poo. On to Clomid this cycle!!!
I am really hoping that works. The FertilAid for Him also came in today, and my husband started taking that. I am not giving up hope:)

How are things with everyone? Charlie and Taryn, are you still in? Jezzelin, how about you? Mrskg, for some reason I am not worried, I know you will be getting your BFP very soon-I just feel it!

I will be stalking the thread to see how everyone else does!

Hi Wendy! Sorry your af got you, sending you LOTS of babydust for next month.

I ended up getting my bfp last night at 9dpo and very pink line on 10dpo fmu this morning! :happydance:

Taryn..............OMG!! I am so happy for you girl!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Yay, have a healthy 9 months!! Thanks for the babydust, hoping some of yours rubs off on me:)
Well beautiful ladies, the witch got me today.:cry:
Oh well, another messed up cycle, only 22 days long. My OB thinks I didn't even ovulate, due to my progesterone levels. Poo poo. On to Clomid this cycle!!!
I am really hoping that works. The FertilAid for Him also came in today, and my husband started taking that. I am not giving up hope:)

Sorry the :witch: got you! If this isn't the cycle for us, I'm also starting Clomid next cycle, so I guess that's the silver lining. There is hope! I started spotting, AF is due to start on Sunday or Monday, so I maybe starting my first clomid cycle next week. GL to you!
Aw thank you so much Wendy I so hope you are right so sorry that bloody witch showed up gl with the clomid x

I had side/ovary pains last night hoping maybe wishing they were omplantion pains an that's why getting bfn I asked on here how long a test takes to work after implantation an been told fom 2days to A week!!! I will be in a straight jacket by then lol x hoping its 2 days fri sat doesn't seem to long too wait x bfn this morn took a funny turn earlier in my mums felt like I was swaying had to hold on to wall only lasted seconds but was very strange x ALL of the symptoms I have could be either af or bfp so that's not helping me much x my leg still funny though same as last 2months before bfp read somewhere it could be cause by uterus lying on sciatic nerve so if I do get my bfp I'm glad I have an explanation for that an if I dont think I'll need to take a trip to doc as something obviously causing it x oh an a wee while ago I felt like I had pins an needle sort of prickly feeling in pubic area again very strange def never felt that before aaaaaah please someone put me out this misery lol x I had stopped checking cervix but have checked last few days an no sign of af just nice creamy cm lol sorry tmi I'm 50/50 right now so if af does arrive hopefully I'll not be too surprised x don't even have the excitement of a bfp to look forward too after losses that just brings with it different worries blah sorry needed a vent xxx

Foquita I'm so sorry you're feeling down big hugs to you don't give up just yet you just never know I've read a few people on here say the month they thought they were daf out was the month they got their bfp so hoping that's the case for you xxx

i can't even imagine how much harder the 2WW and getting a BFP is after losses, and here's me moaning about my week - sorry :hugs: i can't wait for you to get your bfp, everyone on here will be just so happy for you when you share your news :)

i can't stop 'symptom' spotting, i'm getting shooting pains down there and during my nap earlier i dreamed that i was in labour, i woke up all sweaty. i'm having the worst mood swings ever, i was so horny earlier (quite unusual for me to want to do it THAT MUCH) and i managed to snare OH but then about 10 minutes after we finished i was shouting at him?!? i don't know what is going on with me :(

Well beautiful ladies, the witch got me today.:cry:
Oh well, another messed up cycle, only 22 days long. My OB thinks I didn't even ovulate, due to my progesterone levels. Poo poo. On to Clomid this cycle!!!
I am really hoping that works. The FertilAid for Him also came in today, and my husband started taking that. I am not giving up hope:)

How are things with everyone? Charlie and Taryn, are you still in? Jezzelin, how about you? Mrskg, for some reason I am not worried, I know you will be getting your BFP very soon-I just feel it!

I will be stalking the thread to see how everyone else does!

Hi Wendy! Sorry your af got you, sending you LOTS of babydust for next month.

I ended up getting my bfp last night at 9dpo and very pink line on 10dpo fmu this morning! :happydance:

congratulations love! :happydance: happy and healthy 9 months :)

can we get a definitive list of your symptoms day by day please for reference? :)
Don't be silly foquita we all have our off days whatever our situation in one way I can't wait to get my bfp but I now feel that excitement has been taken from me imthink the 2ww is a nightmare for everyone I actually feel sorry for you I already have 3 girls an I now know how hard that want for a baby is I can't imagine that want with no kids x I was 17 when I had my first 21 2nd an 30 3rd an I'm embarrassed to say I knew nothing conceiving it's only since my first mc in July I've now become an expert I didn't even know you only had a couple of days fertile! How easy did I have it back then!

Lol our poor men have it just as tough eh I cannot stop ss either even though I tried not to every twinge just jumps right out at me x I've just made myself feel better by reading a post about her not getting bfp till 4days late an even that was really faint shed also had 2 chemicals the previous 2 months x mesina said she could see 5 months after mmc I actually found out on the 21st of June (mmc happened 10th July) how weird would that be if I got my bfp on Monday! Hoping I don't have to wait that long though xx hope your symptoms lead to your bfp I'd love to be your bump buddy xxx
Don't be silly foquita we all have our off days whatever our situation in one way I can't wait to get my bfp but I now feel that excitement has been taken from me imthink the 2ww is a nightmare for everyone I actually feel sorry for you I already have 3 girls an I now know how hard that want for a baby is I can't imagine that want with no kids x I was 17 when I had my first 21 2nd an 30 3rd an I'm embarrassed to say I knew nothing conceiving it's only since my first mc in July I've now become an expert I didn't even know you only had a couple of days fertile! How easy did I have it back then!

Lol our poor men have it just as tough eh I cannot stop ss either even though I tried not to every twinge just jumps right out at me x I've just made myself feel better by reading a post about her not getting bfp till 4days late an even that was really faint shed also had 2 chemicals the previous 2 months x mesina said she could see 5 months after mmc I actually found out on the 21st of June (mmc happened 10th July) how weird would that be if I got my bfp on Monday! Hoping I don't have to wait that long though xx hope your symptoms lead to your bfp I'd love to be your bump buddy xxx

have you been testing every day? i am determined to wait until the 29th which is when leopard predicted for me, it's 12 days away but i'm only 6DPO today. i wish we could just snap our fingers and forget about the 2WW, or even better snap our fingers and be pregnant :haha: i am totally holding out hope for us being bump buddies! :hugs:
if we have conceived this cycle i will be 16 weeks on my birthday on february the 16th! i can't help looking at that being a sign :haha: :haha:
Thanks. :) I'm getting excited because my opks are getting dark again and I'm 7 dpo. A lot of ladies say this is a symptom. I'm trying not to get too excited though. When are you testing?

Wait - I'm confused! I've been reading recently that woman have been testing with OPK's and getting positives AFTER their Ovulation. I don't quite understand?! I'm curious :)

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