Oh my gosh you guys have really been going thru it! i really hope EVERYONE Is healthy at the same time very soon!!!
OMG you got pregnant breastfeeding, you should go to 3kiddos thread and help! I havent been sure she was ovulating because she hasnt had a period in at least 2 cycles but you can prob offer more information on that since you got pregnant breastfeeding!
oh man! you get some of the oddest evaps EVER! LOL
everyone here is doing better!! the 2 boys finished there antitiocis..but now my 12 yr old is all congested LOL hopping she goes the way I did and gets over it with out needing a trip to the docs. Me Im well...sick to stomach about 99% of the time. so long as Im not eating/drinking Im fine. but as soon as I try to eat, about 20 mins later Im dying LOL its quite interesting trying to nurse my 18 month old, with him all squiggly and what not and NOT get sick on him LOL
yea I got preggy BFing..this isnt my first time either. I got preggy with my 3rd, when my 2nd was 12 months and bfing. I got preggy with my 4th, while I was not only tandem nursing my 2nd and 3rd, but my 3rd was 18monts old. I got preaggy with my M/C when my 4th was 12 months and breastfeeding. and I got preggy with this one when my 4th was 16months and Bfing LOL
but I have no idea what is going on with 3 kiddos. I would think delayed O. Just cuz you menstrate once while BFing, doesnt mean itll happen again on regular intervals..or that you actually ovulated. its so hard to tell while Bfing, unless you are temping or know your body well enough to be able say with certiany if you Od or not, with temps.