well, I have an evap for you after all... decided to POAS anyway (I'd waited long enough!) i dipped two ICs this morning in same wee. Couldn't wait ten mins to check them as DH leaving for work, and girls wanted breakfast....
naughty me - went back to the tests nearly two hours later,
This is what I found. One obvious evap, one blaring pink line! wtf?! I know it's still bfn as the evap is so obvious, and it was same wee, not to mention the heavy flow, not to mention that it was WAY out of the time frame, but still I feel this faint glimmer of hope ignited. Why do I do this to myself?! testing and getting bfn was supposed to do exactly the opposite of this and obsessing and deluding myself - argh!!!
So avanemo, now you can tell me to "wise the bap" (a Northern Irish expression to mean wise up and quit fooling myself), and never to look after 10 mins, and not every line is a bfp etc...