My parents and my brother have just left this morning, going back to the UK.
We went bowling last night - they took us

And I had to run out in the rain to go get the car which was parked in a different garage, on the other side of the town centre!

My dad would've done it but he didn't know where the garage was, as it was his first time in that town and Jay isn't allowed to drive with the meds he's on and it was a Dutch car aswell (so the steeringwheel was on the wrong side for him)... Oh yeah, that was fun getting out the carpark on my own with the steeringwheel on the 'wrong' side, I had to try and lean out the other window to get the ticket in the machine

I had my mole appointment in the morning yesterday and they said it could be pregnancy related, at least they weren't worried about it.
Then Jay had an eye test done and discovered he needs glasses. He suffers with chronic headaches, so wearing glasses should hopefully help reduce them, even though his eyes aren't THAT bad. I think he had like +1 on one side and the other was only +0.75 so pretty good still. Anyway, we picked a pair of glasses for him which he can pick up next saturday!
Apparently we're supposed to be getting a hurricane down here tonight. It's pretty windy already, wonder what tonight is gonna bring!
How has your weekend been?? You all had fun?? I saw pictures of your new kitchen (in pieces) Talia! Good luck putting it all together!

Did you get any more donations Caitlyn???
I'll post some pics of the bowling on FB.